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Forwarded from PaulMuaddib61 (paulmuaddib61)
#VitaminDLie #paulmuaddib61

The lie of Vitamin D toxicity is base on a few cases decades ago where massive doses of 200,000 to 300,000 IU/d were given.

Vitamin D Is Not as Toxic as Was Once Thought: A Historical and an Up-to-Date Perspective

"We found that even in those with high levels of vitamin D over 50 ng/mL, there was not an increased risk of hypercalcemia, or elevated serum calcium, with increasing levels of vitamin D"


Find me on Truth Social 👉👉 @paulmuaddib61
Just found on a private chat.
Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)
National Test Scores Show Sharp Drop In Reading, Math Scores Among Students After COVID Lockdowns…

Testing scores for young students around the country have plummeted sharply following the drawn-out disruptions caused by COVID-19 mitigation policies, with school shutdowns, "remote" learning and in-person viral abatement policies being cited for the drop. 

The National Center for Education Statistics this week released the results of its 2022 "special administration" of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, what is popularly known as "the Nation's Report Card." The congressionally mandated assessment test has been conducted roughly every two years since 1969.

The NCES said in a press release this week that this year's test showed "average scores for age 9 students in 2022 declined 5 points in reading and 7 points in mathematics compared to 2020."...

Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)
Wind turbines emit powerful greenhouse gas sulfur hexafluoride; Germany has highest levels in Europe

While Germany races to build wind farms, there is cause for concern, with a chemical identified as the strongest greenhouse gas in the world being emitted from wind turbines.

In fact, measurements of the air over Germany have already identified the country as the worst offender in Europe when it comes to the highly dangerous substance sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). The chemical is used in the manufacturing of wind turbines and escapes into the environment. With Germany the leader in wind turbine use in Europe, scientists say this is the major factor behind the exceptionally high levels of SF6 readings in Germany.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, SF6 is a climate killer. In fact, it is 26,087 times more harmful to the climate than carbon dioxide.

Sulfur hexafluoride is a gas that industrial companies consider to be the perfect insulator, and while banned by many other manufacturing sectors, it is still widely used in wind turbines, mainly in electronic switchgears, i.e., the “nodes” in which the electrical energy is distributed. When there is little space to work with, such inside wind turbines, the gas provides excellent insulation while allowing extra space for vital machinery and parts...

And she still believes in vaccines “for the greater good”. Their brainwashing is complete…
Forwarded from No More Silence
Katie Barton
Pfizer: Guillain-Barré

Katie recorded her VIDEO on 8th December 2021

I was forced to get vaccinated or lose my job, now my job is lost as i cannot work and they offer zero compensation. I would have got better pay from the government had I contracted covid.

My case of GBS has been directly linked to my second dose due to the timeline of the flare up.

I certainly wish ethical standards were different and as patients we were provided the benefits and risks associated with being trial rats and the right to autonomy still existed, I chose to be vaccinated because I believe in vaccines I believe they help for the greater good however this is been a terrifying experience for myself and all my loved ones I’m sure.
I don’t know what my recovery looks like in terms of time but I’m told I’m looking at a minimum of two months and then we will go from there at the best-case scenario. I will have a new baseline or I may have a full recovery that’s this weird part for me.

British Columbia, CANADA

A domestic terrorist by FBI DEFINITION: Does something that results in death, breaks state or federal law, while coercing a segment of the population or government, for a political purpose. Sounds like Walensky to me…
Forwarded from Tammy Cuthbert Garcia
Here it is. I knew we would find someone else saying cancer = parasites. 1889.
Forwarded from Grace
Do you think that “vaccines” are the ONLY WAY TO KILL US?? We are going to be starved, frozen, and attacked by roving gangs of desperate people. And you’re all bent out of shape if a guy can’t play tennis!! 🤣🤣🤣
Forwarded from Azazel News (Remi)
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Supermarkets in Rome forced to turn off the lights due to the 500% increase in the cost of the energy bill.

Many have also turned off food refrigerators and are firing staff.

This is only the beginning.
Forwarded from Azazel News (Remi)
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The German UN delegation sniggering at Donald Trump as he was warning them that their country was becoming too reliant on Russia for their energy needs...
Forwarded from Azazel News (Remi)
Here we have the new British Prime Minister's closest friend, Therese Coffey, who is due to be made Deputy Prime Minister and Health Secretary.

A clear picture of health.
Forwarded from Azazel News (Aries)
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🇨🇦 Trudeau is threatening the Canadian population, that severe restrictions are coming back, if not at least 80-90% Canadians get the updated jabs!
Forwarded from Azazel News (Remi)
Forwarded from Fireworks Daily Team (Tee)
Udderly ridiculous
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⚠️High School Athlete Has Six Feet of Blood Clots Removed From Legs Abruptly Ending Football Career

"Doctors are still trying to figure out exactly what happened to Kaden"
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