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Geopolitical Analysis of Pedophilia Blackmail Bribery System - Q Digital Soldier Decoding Military Stringers- (11:11 Light-Worker)

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THIS LAST 10 days before and after the Election have been gripping as Many Frens & Patriots pontificate what is coming next in the 3D movie. A few pics from the Trump/ Rubio Rally in Miami - I have networked my way into close contacts to see events up close.

Please continue to support my Mission for the Children as My Voice is Ever More Important as this Humanitarian crime Against Children Still persists!

I love this photo of Don Jr. and his son off to my left, and Mike Lindell to my right. kEEP THE FAITH PATRIOTS- Rest but Don’t Retreat!

Blog on Military Operation to Liberate Humanity:

Forwarded from Election Wizard
Ivanka Trump confirms via Instagram that she does "not plan to be involved in politics" following President Trump's announcement he will seek another term
Forwarded from Kari Foulk
God is brilliant. His plan is 100% brilliant. The plan has more to do with separating the wheat from the chaff. In each wave of the plan we get more people who have “little faith” and jump ship on God’s plan. He says, “Will I find faith in the land when I return?” People were jumping right off the ship last night, just like when Trump left office and Biden set in the White House. I remember all the apologies that came out. I believe God is seeking a true bride, one who undoubtedly knows who she is and doesn’t waiver. One who knows exactly what God said and stands firm on that. One who’s eyes are fixed on Jesus during the storm. Trump obviously is not our savior. Jesus is our only savior. This is about—I know what God said, and no matter what, I believe God, I hear His voice and I am unmoved by anything else. All the chaff will blow away until only the wheat remain.
Forwarded from The Patriot Voice (TPV John 🇺🇸)
I wanted to reiterate again, for some in the back of the room…

Q did NOT EVER ONCE STATE that Trump was going to possibly come back before 2024. TRUE Anons are well aware of this.


Who DID say this was GOING to happen is a plethora of “influencers” who sold you a line of HOT BS, some made a TON of money from you doing it too...

So PLEASE stop shitting on Trump/Q for this, there is absolutely ZERO relation. It shows absolute IGNORANCE.
Forwarded from David Clements
Many people that placed their faith in a certain 17th letter, the military, or Trump, are undoubtedly underwhelmed by tonight, even though the magnitude of 45’s announcement has already set into motion a 1000 plans from his enemies.

Trump spoke about the pain coming our way the next two years. This is especially hard news for those that have sacrificed so much for honest elections.

Let me leave you with a message I sent a friend earlier tonight on what to make of it all.

“It’s not about 45’s base, or him losing his base. And it’s never been about 45. There is nothing that will subvert God’s ultimate plan. Or His anointing on 45.

Saul had an “anointing.” And when he didn’t submit to it, David was raised up. But David never raised a hand to Saul and never wavered in honoring the anointing Saul had been given.

What’s happening now has everything to do with us turning our backs on God, and despite it all, he’s providing a hard path along with tremendous mercy.

We deserve to be wiped from the face of the earth. This is all about revealing the frauds that have betrayed us, the destroying of idols, and God bringing this nation to its knees.

And I don’t doubt unspeakable pain is on the way. But it’s necessary. People are still too fat, comfortable, and addicted to pleasure to deserve any other prescription than pain.

You have always wanted an Acts like-church, well, we just got an Acts-like Rome, rife with immorality to share the gospel.”

Everyone has to make peace with whom they serve.

God is going to have His way with His people.

The war is just getting started.
Forwarded from The Patriot Voice (TPV John 🇺🇸)
Laughably…People ARE mad at Trump.

They are mad because they have a serious LACK of understanding about Q, and they haven’t been there since the beginning.

There is no TRUE loyalty. Truthfully, they wouldn’t know the meaning if it punched em straight in the jaw.

Very sad.
Forwarded from The Patriot Voice (TPV John 🇺🇸)
“Human trafficking is an ancient thing, if you think about it, it’s not anymore because of the internet.” - POTUS TRUMP 👀👀👀
Don’t Give Up! The Plan is Real as I have Recorded and It is Covert Spiritual Warfare. I have had a horrible life as a Witness Surviving and Experiencing This PedoGate Blackmail Bribery System. I Know this Operation is Spiritual. I think a New Bible Chapter is Being Written. The Book of Q!

I detail in my Blog the Organic Experiences that show in Gods Language What is True. God Speaks In Coincidences, Symbolism and Synchronicities. Keep the Faith yet be practical and Put The Oxygen Mask over YourSelf First Patriots so you can Hold The Line. Breath -


Todays Podcast With Nicholas Touches on Many Current Topics to Hopefully Inspire Public to Stay The Course! I was sabotaged with 2 photos with 17 Flags. I got played on an edited flag photo. These Trolls. 😇😀 THE END GAME IS SAME NO MATTER THE NUMBER OF FLAGS! Go Trump!

Blog on Special Operations Campaign:

Road Side Rally Mar-A-Lago. We joined the independent media brigade and supported from the South Gate on the Canal Exit Gate.

I took the opportunity to network with many Media Outlets to share the Childrens Narratives and also weigh in on my perspective of the nights reveal.

BloG on the Geopolitics of PedoGate:

Photos of 3 Events while supporting Republicans on my short Trip to Florida.

Photo #1. Ron Desantis Rally at the MMA arena Friday Night prior to the Re-election as Florida Governor.

2.Sunday Arriving to the Miami Trump/ Rubio rally at Miami Fairgrounds.

3. Mar-a-lago Support Rally for “Trump Announcement “ 11/15/2022

Geopolitical Blog as Digital Soldier Q Decoder & PedoGate Whistleblower:

Forwarded from Nicholas Veniamin
Dinner with Michelle Fielding in Covent Garden, London.
Media is too big
Drive Into Palm Beach nearing Mar-a -lago. There is ongoing construction which deflects from the usual beautiful aesthetics.

11/16/2022 Night of the Cryptic Trump Announcement that concealed elements of comms and decodes indicating events taking place behind the scenes. This is Sun Tzu Warfare - Look Weak When Strong & Strong when weak- The Art of War!

Blog & Podcasts: 1.5 Million Views of Q Articles covering 5 year operation-
