Forteresse Europe - canal d'actualité nationaliste européenne
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🇫🇷 Canal d'information sur l'actualité nationaliste en Europe.

🇬🇧 Information channel about nationalist news in Europe.
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🟦🟥 28 June 1873: birth of Alexis Carrel, French surgeon and biologist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Dr Alexis Carrel was a French surgeon, biologist and neurophysiologist born in Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon on 28 June 1873 and died in Paris on 5 November 1944. An agnostic, he was converted during a visit to Lourdes in 1903, where he witnessed a miracle. Dr Carrel was interested in Marie Bailly, to whom he gave the pseudonym "Marie Ferrand" in his writings, published posthumously under the title Un voyage à Lourdes. She was in the terminal stage of tubercular peritonitis, an incurable and fatal disease at the time. Carrel wrote of her:

"There is a patient there who is at present closer to death than all the others. Many times I have been called to her bedside. This unfortunate woman has reached the last stage of tubercular peritonitis. I know her story. Her whole family died of TB. She has had tubercular ulcers, pulmonary lesions, and now, in the last few months, peritonitis, diagnosed both by a general practitioner and by Bromilloux, a renowned surgeon in Bordeaux. Her condition is very serious, I had to give morphine during the trip. She could die at any moment, right before my eyes. If a case like hers could be cured, it would really be a miracle. I would never doubt again... Her condition is getting worse and worse. If she was still alive when she returned home, it would be a miracle... She is doomed. Death is very close. Her pulse is very fast, one hundred and fifty beats per minute and irregular. The heart is weakening...".

He published his observations honestly and in the midst of religious persecution, two years before the law on the separation of Church and State, he was barred from holding a university chair; he then chose to go abroad. In 1908, he carried out the first renal auto-transplantation on a dog, then reproduced the feat with most organs. In 1910, he performed the first experimental heart bypass; in 1912, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his experiments on the transplantation of tissues and organs and their survival outside the body. He became known worldwide with the publication of Man, the Unknown in 1935, in which he advocated a natalist, but also a eugenicist policy. He promoted the reproduction of human beings in large numbers on condition that the weakest, the physically and mentally deficient, were eliminated. He was also a supporter of racial hygiene.

Forwarded from Post Soviet Kids
28 iunie 1940
Ca urmare a Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov – tratatul de neagresiune semnat la 23 august 1939 intre Germania si URSS – și a Protocolului secret, ce împarțea sferele de influență între cele două puteri imperialiste, la 26 iunie 1940 URSS adresa României un ultimatum prin care cerea „înapoierea cu orice preț” a Basarabiei și cedarea parții de nord a Bucovinei.

Imediat dupa ocupație a început exterminarea românilor: arestați, împușcați, torturați, deportați în Siberia, supuși foametei provocata de regimul bolșevic. Între 1940 si 1950, conform recensămintelor oficiale efectuate de autoritățile rusești, o treime din populația românească a dispărut; de la 3.200.000 în 1940, au mai rămas doar 2.229.000 în 1950.
🇷🇴 28 juin 1940
Suite au pacte Ribbentrop-Molotov - le traité de non-agression signé le 23 août 1939 entre l'Allemagne et l'URSS - et au protocole secret, qui partageait les sphères d'influence entre les deux puissances impérialistes, le 26 juin 1940, l'URSS envoya la Roumanie un ultimatum demandant « le retour à tout prix » de la Bessarabie et la reddition de la partie nord de la Bucovine.

Immédiatement après l'occupation, l'extermination des Roumains a commencé : arrêtés, fusillés, torturés, déportés en Sibérie, soumis à la famine provoquée par le régime bolchevique. Entre 1940 et 1950, selon les recensements officiels menés par les autorités russes, un tiers de la population roumaine a disparu ; sur les 3 200 000 en 1940, il n'en restait que 2 229 000 en 1950.


🇷🇴 June 28, 1940
Following the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact - the non-aggression treaty signed on August 23, 1939 between Germany and the USSR - and the secret protocol, which shared spheres of influence between the two imperialist powers, on June 26, 1940, the USSR sent Romania an ultimatum demanding "the return at all costs" of Bessarabia and the surrender of the northern part of Bukovina.

Immediately after the occupation, the extermination of Romanians began: arrested, shot, tortured, deported to Siberia, subjected to starvation caused by the Bolshevik regime. Between 1940 and 1950, according to official censuses conducted by the Russian authorities, a third of the Romanian population disappeared; of the 3,200,000 in 1940, only 2,229,000 remained in 1950.
🔴 28 juin 1944 : assassinat de Philippe Henriot par un commando de la « résistance »
Son discours pour Pâques 1944 est remarquable en tous points et son influence étant d’une redoutable efficacité, les autorités gaullistes décident, depuis Londres et Alger, de le faire assassiner.

🔴 June 28, 1944: assassination of Philippe Henriot by a "resistance" commando
His speech for Easter 1944 is remarkable in all respects and his influence being of a formidable efficiency, the Gaullist authorities decide, from London and Algiers, to have him assassinated.

Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.
Is this the future you want? 💀 ☢️
🇪🇸🇲🇫 Les 29 et 30 juin 1962, l’Espagne du général Franco vint au secours des Oranais malmenés par les sbires du général gaulliste Katz, suite à l'indépendance de l'Algérie, en affrétant 2 ferrys, le « Victoria »  et le « Virgen de Africa ».

🇪🇸🇲🇫 On June 29 and 30, 1962, the Spain of General Franco came to the aid of the Oran people mistreated by the henchmen of Gaullist General Katz, following the independance of Algeria, by chartering 2 ferries, the "Victoria" and the "Virgen de Africa".

🇪🇸🇲🇫 Los días 29 y 30 de junio de 1962, la España del general Franco acudió en ayuda de los oraneses, maltratados por los esbirros del general gaullista Katz, tras la independencia de Argelia, fletando dos transbordadores, el "Victoria" y el "Virgen de África".

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🇫🇷🔫👮‍♂️ Vous savez ce qu'il y a de magique dans un tir de la police ? Ça vous transforme illico une racaille arrivée trop vite en un "petit ange parti trop tôt"

🇫🇷🔫👮‍♂️ You know what's magic about a police shot? It instantly turns a young scum that arrived too fast into a "little angel who left too soon".


🟢🇷🇴☦️⚔️ Cea de-a 13-a ediție a Zilelor Rezistenței, suită de manifestări culturale dedicate memoriei luptei anticomuniste, se va ține și anul acesta în intervalul 21-23 iulie 2023, la Mănăstirea Sâmbăta de Sus (Făgăraș, jud. Brașov).Tema centrală a acestei ediții va fi Centenarul Ion Gavrilă Ogoranu, iar programul manifestărilor este prezentat mai jos.

Programul manifestărilor:

Vineri 21 iulie
- 9,00: Drumeție motană pe Valea Sâmbetei, la chilia Părintelui Arsenie Boca
- 16,00-19,00: Proiecții de film

Sâmbătă 22 iulie
- 9,30-10,00: Verrnisarea expoziției în holul Academiei Ortodoxe.
- 10,00-13,00 : Simpozionul Centenar Ion Gavrilă Ogoranu. Partea I (Comunicări șltiințifice. Prezentări de carte. Momente artistice)
- 13-14,30: Pauză de masă
- 14,30-16,30: Simpozionul Centenar Ion Gavrilă Ogoranu. Partea II (Comunicări șltiințifice. Prezentări de carte. Momente artistice)
- 17,00-17,30: Pauză
- 18,00-19,00: Conferință-omagiu: Dan Puric“Rezistența lor, dăinuirea noastră”
- 21,00: Reuniune; socializare; cântece.

Duminică 23 iulie
- 9,00-11,00: Participare la Sf. Liturgie (Paraclisul Mănăstirii Brâncoveanu)
- 11,30-13,30: Comemorarea luptătorilor în Rezistența anticomunistă din Țara Făgărașului (Crucea partizanilor). Slujba parastasului. Luări de cuvânt. Apelul celor căzuți. Imnul luptătorilor.

Organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a aduce modificări programului, în funcție de situații neprevăzute.
Detalii organizatorice, participare, presă și protocol: Tel.WhatsApp +40722749249

🟢🇷🇴☦️⚔️ La 13e édition des Journées de la Résistance, une série d'événements culturels dédiés à la mémoire de la lutte anticommuniste, se tiendra cette année du 21 au 23 juillet 2023, au monastère Sâmbăta de Sus (Făgăraș, département de Brașov).
Le thème central de cette édition sera le Centenaire de Ion Gavrilă Ogoranu, et le programme des événements est présenté ci-dessous.

Programme des événements :

Vendredi 21 juillet
- 9H00 : Randonnée en moto dans la vallée de Sâmbetei, jusqu'à la chapelle du père Arsenie Boca.
- 16H00-19H00 : Projections de films

Samedi 22 juillet
- 9H30-10H00 : Ouverture de l'exposition dans le hall de l'Académie orthodoxe.
- 10H00-13H00 : Symposium du centenaire de Ion Gavrilă Ogoranu. Partie I (Communications scientifiques. Présentations de livres. Moments artistiques)
- 13-14H30 : Pause déjeuner
- 14H30-16H30 : Symposium du centenaire Ion Gavrilă Ogoranu. Partie II (Communications scientifiques. Présentations de livres. Moments artistiques)
- 17H00-17H30 : Pause
- 18H00-19H00 : Conférence-hommage : Dan Puric - "Leur résistance, notre persistance".
- 21H00 : Rassemblement ; socialisation ; chant.

Dimanche 23 juillet
- 9H00-11H00 : Participation à la Sainte Liturgie (Chapelle du Monastère de Brâncoveanu)
- 11H30-13H30 : Commémoration des combattants de la résistance anticommuniste à Țara Făgărașului (Croix des partisans). Service des funérailles. Discours. Appel aux morts. Hymne des combattants.

L'organisateur se réserve le droit de modifier le programme en fonction de circonstances imprévues.
Informations sur l'organisation, la participation, la presse et le protocole : Tel.WhatsApp +40722749249


🟢🇷🇴☦️⚔️ The 13th edition of the Days of Resistance, a series of cultural events dedicated to the memory of the anti-communist struggle, will be held this year from 21 to 23 July 2023, at the Sâmbăta de Sus' monastery (Făgăraș, Brașov county).
The central theme of this edition will be the Centenary of Ion Gavrilă Ogoranu, and the programme of events is presented below.

Programme of events:

Friday 21st July
- 9H00: Motorbike ride through the Sâmbetei valley to the chapel of Father Arsenie Boca.
- 16H00-19H00: Film screenings

Saturday 22nd July
- 9:30-10:00: Opening of the exhibition in the hall of the Orthodox Academy.
- 10H00-13H00: Ion Gavrilă Ogoranu centenary symposium. Part I (Scientific papers. Book presentations. Artistic moments)
- 13-14H30: Lunch break
- 14H30-16H30: Ion Gavrilă Ogoranu Centenary Symposium. Part II (Scientific papers. Book presentations. Artistic moments)
- 17H00-17H30: Break
- 18H00-19H00: Tribute lecture: Dan Puric - "Their resistance, our persistence".
- 21H00: Gathering; socialising; singing.

Sunday 23rd July
- 9.00am-11.00am: Participation in the Holy Liturgy (Brâncoveanu Monastery Chapel)
- 11.30-13.30: Commemoration of the fighters of the anti-communist resistance at Țara Făgărașului (Partisan Cross). Funeral service. Speeches. Call to the dead. Fighters' anthem.

The organiser reserves the right to modify the programme due to unforeseen circumstances.
Information on organisation, participation, press and protocol: Tel.WhatsApp +40722749249
Vers l'avenir, fidèles au passé !

🇷🇴 Le 30 juin marque les 501 ans de la rédaction de la Lettre de Neacșu, le plus ancien texte daté en roumain encore conservé aujourd'hui. La lettre fut envoyée de Câmpulung Muscel par le marchand Neacșu à Johannes Benkner, juge de Brasov, et faisait référence aux mouvements militaires ottomans sur le Danube et au passage de Mohammed-Beg en Valachie.

Le document a été découvert en 1894 par l'archiviste Friedrich Wilhelm Stenner dans les archives nationales du département de Brasov, où il est toujours conservé aujourd'hui.
Spre viitor, credincios trecutului!

🇷🇴 Pe 30 iunie, se împlinesc 501 de ani de la redactarea Scrisorii lui Neacşu, cel mai vechi text datat, în limba română, care se păstrează până astăzi. Scrisoarea a fost trimisă din Câmpulung Muscel, de către negustorul Neacşu lui Johannes Benkner, judele Braşovului, şi se referea la mișcările militare ale Otomanilor la Dunăre și trecerea lui Mohammed-Beg prin Țara Românească.

Documentul a fost descoperit în anul 1894, de arhivarul Friedrich Wilhelm Stenner în Arhivele Naționale ale județului Brașov, unde se păstrează și astăzi.

Forwards to future, faithful to the past!

🇷🇴 June 30 marks the 501st anniversary of the writing of the Neacșu Letter, the oldest dated text in Romanian still preserved today. The letter is sent from Câmpulung Muscel by the merchant Neacșu to Johannes Benkner, judge of Brasov, and refers to the Ottoman military movements on the Danube and the passage of Mohammed-Beg in Wallachia.

The document was discovered in 1894 by archivist Friedrich Wilhelm Stenner in the National Archives of the Department of Brasov, where it is still kept today.

🔴 Hashim Thaçi, le Kosovo et les trafics d’organes.
L’ouverture du procès à La Haye de l’ancien président du Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, est l’occasion de rappeler comment s’est déroulée une des plus belles manipulations de l’Amérique et de ses vassaux européens : « le plus gros bobard de la fin du XXe siècle », comme l’avait hardiment titré "Le Monde Diplomatique" d’avril 2019.

🔴 Hashim Thaçi, Kosovo and organ trafficking.
The opening of the trial in The Hague of the former president of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, is an opportunity to recall how one of the finest manipulations of America and its European vassals took place: "the biggest fib of the late 20th century", as "Le Monde Diplomatique" boldly titled it in April 2019

🇨🇵 30 juin 1986 : mort de Pierre Costantini.
Le 8 juillet 1941, il cofonde avec Jean Boissel, Marcel Déat, Pierre Clementi et Eugène Deloncle la Légion des volontaires français contre le bolchevisme (LVF) qui fut reconnue d’utilité publique et ldont le Maréchal Pétain déclara que ses soldats détiennent « une part de notre honneur militaire »…

🇨🇵 30 June 1986: Death of Pierre Costantini.
On 8 July 1941, together with Jean Boissel, Marcel Déat, Pierre Clementi and Eugène Deloncle, he co-founded the French Volunteers Against Bolshevism Legion (LVF), which was recognised as a public service organisation and whose soldiers, Marshal Pétain declared, held "a part of our military honour"...

Forwarded from Nacionalisté
Hořící auta, rabování obchodů, útoky na policejní stanice, radnice a lůza v ulicích.
Již třetí noc nepokojů ve Francii, které odstartovala střelba na 17 letého teenagera, který odmítl zastavit policejní kontrole. V ulicích je na 40 tisíc policistů.
Je jasné, že demonstranti nejsou z zpravidla z řad etnických Francouzů...
Za připomenutí stojí, že před necelým rokem, byla ve Francii sexuálně napadena, zabita, nacpána do kufru a vyhozena za městem 12 letá Lola Davien. Útok spáchal alžírský přistěhovalec.
Nekonaly se žádné nepokoje, ani masové protesty za velkého pobouření politiků, protože pokud by měla majorita pokaždé vyjít do ulic, když imigrant někoho zabije, tak by na světě nebyl nikdy klid.