Forteresse Europe - canal d'actualité nationaliste européenne
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🇫🇷 Canal d'information sur l'actualité nationaliste en Europe.

🇬🇧 Information channel about nationalist news in Europe.
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🇮🇹 En Italie, l'immigration tue aussi !
🏴‍☠️ Le mythe de l'assimilation et du creuset dans lequel se fondent les races ne résiste pas à la réalité.
💥 Communiqué de nos camarades de #ForzaNuova.

🇮🇹 Also in Italy, immigration kills!
🏴‍☠️ The myth of assimilation and of the melting pot in which human races should peacefully be mixed does not resist to reality.
💥 Press release from our #ForzaNuova comrades.

Canale ufficiale di #ForzaNuova

Chaîne officielle de #ForzaNuova

Official channel of #ForzaNuova

🇮🇹 A seguito di una monumentale manifestazione a Roma contro il Buono Sanitario, che dal 15 ottobre diventerà obbligatorio per tutti i lavoratori italiani, Roberto Fiore e Giuliano Castellino di #ForzaNuova sono stati arrestati insieme a una decina di attivisti.
Sostegno incondizionato ai nostri camerati.

🇮🇹 À la suite d'une monumentale manifestation à Rome contre le Pass Sanitaire qui deviendra obligatoire pour tous les travailleurs italiens dès le 15 octobre, Roberto Fiore et Giuliano Castellino de #ForzaNuova ont été arrêtés avec une dizaine de militants.
Soutien inconditionnel à nos camarades.

🇮🇹 Following a monumental demonstration in Rome against the Sanitary Pass which will become compulsory for all Italian workers from October 15, Roberto Fiore and Giuliano Castellino from #ForzaNuova were arrested along with a dozen activists.
Unconditional support for our comrades.

🇮🇹 Covidist tyranny, arrest of ten #ForzaNuova activists.

Thousands of Italians took to the streets this weekend to denounce the implementation of the so-called health pass in all workplaces from October 15.

In Rome, thousands of people responded to the call of the nationalists of #ForzaNuova.

Following the violence that broke out by the repressive forces of the New Covidist Order, a dozen activists were arrested including Roberto Fiore, national secretary of Forza, and Giuliano Castellino the Roman leader.

The Italian comrades will be presented to the judges tomorrow.

The bogus revolutionaries of the Italian far left, the armed arms of the Covidian tyranny, did not fail to welcome this arrest and called for an anti-fascist demonstration on October 16 as well as for the dissolution of the nationalist movement.

Freedom for Roberto, freedom for Giuliano, freedom for the comrades in the chain!


🇮🇹 Tirannia covidista, arresto di dieci attivisti di #ForzaNuova.

Migliaia di italiani sono scesi in piazza questo fine settimana per denunciare l'attuazione della cosiddetta tessera sanitaria in tutti i luoghi di lavoro dal 15 ottobre.

A Roma migliaia di persone hanno risposto all'appello dei nazionalisti di #ForzaNuova.

A seguito delle violenze scoppiate dalle forze repressive del Nuovo Ordine Covidist, sono stati arrestati una decina di attivisti tra cui Roberto Fiore, segretario nazionale di Forza, e Giuliano Castellino, leader romano.

I camerati italiani saranno presentati domani ai giudici.

I fasulli rivoluzionari dell'estrema sinistra italiana, armata della tirannia covidiana, non hanno mancato di accogliere questo arresto e hanno chiesto una manifestazione antifascista il 16 ottobre nonché lo scioglimento del movimento nazionalista.

Libertà per Roberto, libertà per Giuliano, libertà per i camerati della catena!
🇨🇵🏴🇮🇹 My thoughts for the day are for my Comrades Fiore and Castellino in the grim Poggioreale prison in Naples. The oligarchic government led by Mario Draghi, faced with a very hard and very strong revolt against the generalization of the Health Pass to everyone in the workplace, is trying to ignite a counter-fire by playing on the fears of the fascist coup d'état. As with us where the system manipulates public opinion with an alleged threat of anti-Semitism as soon as it is confronted with popular resistance as at the time of the Yellow Vests or now against the health tyranny. The string - a bit thick - is used by all governments in Europe. In Italy, after the imprisonment of our friends, the decommissioning of the website, the issue of banning their #ForzaNuova movement will be examined on October 20 in the italian parliament. We will see how the League positions itself. The worst is to be expected given that Salvini gave his support to Landini, the leftist president of the CGIL trade-union whose premises were ransacked this Saturday of demonstrations which triggered the wave of arrests and repression.

🇮🇹🔥 Communiqué du Mouvement #ForzaNuova suite à l'annonce du maintient en détention de ses deux dirigeants :

"La validation de l'incarcération décidée ce soir par le juge d'instruction confirme ce que beaucoup d'Italiens avaient déjà compris : les arrestations à Rome n'ont rien à voir avec des décisions judiciaires mais relèvent de l'arbitraire politique (...)

🇮🇹🔥 Press release from the #ForzaNuova Movement following the announcement of the continued detention of its two leaders:

"The validation of the imprisonment decided this evening by the examining magistrate confirms what many Italians had already understood: the arrests in Rome have nothing to do with judicial decisions but rather to political arbitrariness (. ..)

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