Forteresse Europe - canal d'actualité nationaliste européenne
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🇫🇷Canal d'information sur l'actualité nationaliste en Europe. Concernant la liste nationaliste pour les élections européennes 2024 voir

🇬🇧Information channel on nationalist news in Europe
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30/06/2023 - 04/07/2023 Defend Angers 🇫🇷

5 days and 5 nights of clashes in Angers. 1 against 10, nationalist activists from RED Angers defend their premises against relentless attacks from riffraff and antifas armed with projectiles, mortars, knives, cleavers, etc.
The police have allowed this to happen, preferring to search and question the nationalists.
The day before yesterday, two nationalists were injured with knives. Again last night, the premises were targeted, but the activists are standing firm!

Support them and make a donation to help them restore their premises and pay their legal costs.

All the way to victory!

➡️ @ouestcasual3e
🔴 Back-up:
🇨🇵⚜️ 5 juillet 1830 : prise d'Alger par l'armée française, début de la colonisation en Algérie.
Alger capitule trois semaines après l'invasion française. Le Dey Hussein abdique sachant qu'il garde sa liberté et ses richesses personnelles. Le général Bourmont, à la tête des l37 000 soldats français, entre dans la ville. La Méditerranée est enfin sécurisée car cette conquête permet de mettre fin à la piraterie des barbaresques, grands pourvoyeurs d'esclaves, qui sévit depuis le XVIe siècle.

🇨🇵⚜️ July 5, 1830: capture of Algiers by the French army, beginning of colonization in Algeria.
Algiers capitulates three weeks after the French invasion. The Dey Hussein abdicates knowing that he keeps his freedom and his personal wealth. General Bourmont, leading 137,000 French soldiers, enters the city. The Mediterranean is finally secure because that puts an end to the Barbary slavery piracy, which has been raging since the 16th century.

🇲🇫 5 juillet 1958 : 1er numéro de Jeune Nation


🇲🇫 July 5, 1958: 1st issue of Jeune Nation newspaper

On July 5, 1958, anniversary of the capture of Algiers by a French military expedition in 1830, the Jeune Nation newspaper published its first number.

It succeeded the "Courrier d'Informations", an internal bulletin of the "Jeune Nation" Movement, published between 1955 and 1958.

Its director was Pierre Sidos, Chief of the Jeune Nation movement (just dissolved and forbidden for its activism by the governement in may 1958) assisted by Dominique Venner, who came late to the movement, but who was quickly noticed by his ardor and determination, Luis Daney, a lawyer who was an officer in Algeria, Jean Malardier, already seasoned activist, Jacques Meyniel, advertising agent and former Indochina and Algerian, F. Ferrand, a Parisian merchant, Albert Malbrun, and many others ...

After the dissolution of the "Parti Nationaliste" (Nationalist Party) and despite the numerous seizures that hit it with almost every issue, the Jeune Nation newspaper continued its publication until 1961, when Pierre Sidos went into clandestinity to avoid his arrestation...

The attraction exerted by Jeune Nation on French youth was so great that several formations or periodicals, without being organically outside the movement or the newspaper, are in a way its direct heirs.

It concerns "Le Soleil" of Pierre Sidos, the review "Europe-Action", and the "Nationalist Movement", Dominique Venner, the "Federation of Nationalist Students", the movement "Occident" and a multitude of local groups and papers, that existed during the 1960s and 1970s.

The Jeune Nation newspaper reappeared in the 1990s and 2000s, edited by Yvan Benedetti.

Jeune Nation still exists and is, every day, published on Internet.


😡 Le 5 juillet 1962, l'Algérie proclamait son indépendance. Ce jour fut aussi celui du massacre de 700 civils européens à Oran, précédé de milliers d'enlèvements depuis le 19 mars.


😡 On July 5, 1962, Algeria proclaimed its independence. This day was also that of the massacre of 700 European civilians in Oran, preceded by thousands of kidnappings since March 19.

Forwarded from Zentropa
5 juillet 1979 : Mort, à l’âge de 87 ans, de l’ingénieur aéronautique français Emile Dewoitine. Au cours de sa longue carrière, il avait construit des appareils aux performances particulièrement brillantes, notamment le chasseur Dewoitine 520 qui, en 1940, devait s’opposer avantageusement à ses adversaires italiens et allemands. En novembre 1942, sous les couleurs de Vichy, le Dewoitine 520 mettra en déroute les chasseurs américains et anglais venus appuyer le débarquement allié en Algérie. Après la guerre, Emile Dewoitine construira en Argentine l’un des tout premiers chasseurs à réaction du monde, le Pulqui 1.
🏴🇲🇫 July 5, 1979: Death, at the age of 87, of the French aeronautical engineer Emile Dewoitine.

During his long career, he had built aircrafts with particularly brilliant performance, notably the Dewoitine 520 fighter which, in 1940, was to oppose advantageously his Italian and German adversaries.

In November 1942, under the colors of #Vichy, the Dewoitine 520 routed the American and English fighters who had come to support the Allied landing in Algeria.

After the war, Emile Dewoitine, who had chosen to support Marshal Pétain's governement, built in Argentina one of the very first jet fighters in the world, the Pulqui 1.
🇷🇺 5 juillet 1988 : décès d’Arthur Holmston-Smyslovsky, premier russe à commander une unité anti-bolchevique allemande

🇷🇺 July 5, 1988: Death of Arthur Holmston-Smyslovsky, first Russian to command a German anti-Bolshevik unit

🇷🇺 5. Juli 1988: Tod von Arthur Holmston-Smyslovsky, dem ersten Russen, der eine deutsche antibolschewistische Armee befehligte

🇷🇺 5 июля 1988 г .: смерть Бориса Алексеевич Смысловского, первого россиянина, командующего немецким антибольшевистским отрядом.

🔥 In memoriam Pierre Dortiguier (24 May 1941 / 5 July 2022)

One year ago exactly, we learned of the death of Pierre Dortiguier, in Albi, on the morning of 5 July 2022, at the age of 81.

We will never forget the scholar, a former philosophy professor who was also a Germanist and an Orientalist, passionate about history, with a recognisable digressive style, testifying to his great culture and personal anecdotes from his many meetings with personalities such as François Duprat, Léon Degrelle, Robert Faurisson and Pedro Varela.

He was a friend of Jeune Nation, having entrusted us with numerous contributions on themes as diverse as the destiny and upheavals of France and Europe, Soviet crimes or Anglo-Saxon barbarism, the hope of Arab nationalism, Iran resisting American imperialism, the rape of Palestine...

He was also a faithful member of our Languedoc nationalist group, to which he had agreed on several occasions to give lectures, regularly attending our nationalist cassoulet or our tribute to the memory of Pierre Lespinasse and always assuring us of his friendship and encouragement.

We thank him here.
Eternal memory!

Pierre Dortiguier?

🛑 Alors que la police persécute déjà les militants angevins, qui défendent leur local face aux antifas et à la racaille depuis 5 jours, la mairie enfonce le clou avec un arrêté de fermeture visant le local rue Cornet.

➡️ Soutenez les camarades angevins qui doivent faire face à d'importants frais de justice et de réparation.

👉 Faire un don
🛑 At a time when the police are already persecuting activists in Anjou, who have been defending their premises against antifascists and riffraff for the past 5 days, the town hall is adding insult to injury with a closure order targeting the rue Cornet premises.

➡️ Support our comrades in Anjou who are facing significant legal and repair costs.

👉 Make a donation :
🇲🇫🔥 July 6, 1941: creation of the Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism

🇲🇫🔥 6 juillet 1941 : création de la Légion des Volontaires Français contre le bolchévisme


Honor victis, gloria mortis

🏴🇲🇫 Roger Degueldre, né le 19 mai 1925 à Louvroil (Nord) à quelques kilomètres de la frontière belge et fusillé au fort d'Ivry (région parisienne), le 6 juillet 1962, est un lieutenant du 1er régiment étranger de parachutistes, déserteur contre la trahison gaulliste à la suite du putsch des généraux en 1961 pour rejoindre l'Organisation Armée Secrète (OAS), et créateur des commandos Delta de cette organisation. Il est condamné à mort le 28 juin 1962 par la Cour militaire de justice.


Honor victis, gloria mortis!

🏴🇲🇫 Roger Degueldre, born May 19, 1925 in Louvroil (North) a few kilometers from the Belgian border and executed by firing squad at Fort d'Ivry (Paris region), July 6, 1962, is a lieutenant of the 1st foreign parachute regiment, deserter against the Gaullist bettayal, following the putsch of the generals in 1961, to join the Secret Army Organization (OAS), and creator of the Delta commandos of this organization. He was sentenced to death on June 28, 1962 by the Military Court of Justice.

☠️ 128 г. от смъртта на Стефан Стамболов. Революционерът, общественикът, държавникът и същински основоположник на българския национализъм в политиката.

⚔️ Чрез своето дело, на което е посветил целия си живот, Стефан Стамболов успява да създаде една нова България, свободна от задръжките на доосвобожденските нрави и условия на живот. Със своето крайно убеждение в жизнеспособността на България той насърчава успешното развитие на българското производство и промишленост, изисквайки всеки възможен продукт в България да бъде изготвен от български ръце.

🪦 На 06.07 се чества годишнина от жестокото посичане на Стефан Стамболов в София. Отправяме общ призив към всички родолюбци да почетат неговата памет в 18:00 на Централни софийски гробища.

🇧🇬 Да живее майка България!
☠️ 128e anniversaire de la mort de Stefan Stambolov. Le révolutionnaire, l'homme public, l'homme d'État et le fondateur du nationalisme bulgare en politique.

⚔️ Par son travail, auquel il a consacré toute sa vie, Stefan Stambolov a réussi à créer une nouvelle Bulgarie, libérée des contraintes des mœurs et des conditions de vie d'avant la libération. Extrêmement convaincu de la viabilité de la Bulgarie, il a encouragé le développement réussi de la production et de l'industrie bulgares, exigeant que tous les produits possibles en Bulgarie soient fabriqués par des mains bulgares.

🪦 Le 06.07 est l'anniversaire du cruel passage à tabac de Stefan Stambolov à Sofia. Nous lançons un appel général à tous les patriotes pour qu'ils honorent sa mémoire à 18 heures au cimetière central de Sofia.

🇧🇬 Vive la mère patrie bulgare !

☠️ 128th anniversary of the death of Stefan Stambolov. The revolutionary, the public man, the statesman and the founder of Bulgarian nationalism in politics.

⚔️ Through his life's work, Stefan Stambolov succeeded in creating a new Bulgaria, free from the constraints of pre-liberation customs and living conditions. Extremely convinced of Bulgaria's viability, he encouraged the successful development of Bulgarian production and industry, demanding that all possible products in Bulgaria be made by Bulgarian hands.

🪦 06.07 is the anniversary of the cruel beating of Stefan Stambolov in Sofia. We make a general appeal to all patriots to honour his memory at 6pm at Sofia's central cemetery.