⚜️🇨🇵🇧🇬 Message de nos camarades Bulgares de l'#UnionNationaleBulgare
⚜️🇨🇵🇧🇬 Message from pour comrades of #BulgarianNationalUnion
⚜️🇨🇵🇧🇬 Съобщение от наши приятели от #БългарскиНационаленСъюз
⚜️🇨🇵🇧🇬 Message from pour comrades of #BulgarianNationalUnion
⚜️🇨🇵🇧🇬 Съобщение от наши приятели от #БългарскиНационаленСъюз
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#BPtv #VorOrt: In #Paris findet an diesem Wochenende ein Kongress der europäischen Nationalistenorganisationen #APF und #FortressEurope, sowie die traditionelle Kundgebung zum Jeanne-D‘arc-Gedenken statt.
Das Motto des Kongresses lautet: „NATO raus aus Europa!“
Als Gäste aus #Deutschland sind Claus Cremer (#NPD) und Matthias Deyda (#DieRechte) vor Ort.
#Europa #Europe #Freiheit #Freedom
Das Motto des Kongresses lautet: „NATO raus aus Europa!“
Als Gäste aus #Deutschland sind Claus Cremer (#NPD) und Matthias Deyda (#DieRechte) vor Ort.
#Europa #Europe #Freiheit #Freedom
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#BPtv #VorOrt: Teilnehmer, die nicht persönlich vor Ort sein können, werden per Videobotschaft zugeschaltet. Hier ein Vertreter #Portugals. 🇵🇹
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Nach einer Pause geht es weiter mit den nächsten Redebeiträgen. Derzeit spricht ein Vertreter der nationalen Opposition in Rumänien. 🇷🇴
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Als erster deutscher Redner spricht nun Claus Cremer (#NPD) zu den Anwesenden. 🇩🇪 🏴
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Als zweiter deutscher Redner spricht nun Matthias Deyda (#DieRechte). 🇩🇪🏴
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Nach einer weiteren Pause spricht nun ein franz. Autor über die Gefahr des Verlustes der eigenen Identität. 🇫🇷
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Das Wort hat Alexandre Brunet. Ein örtlicher Politiker der Partei „Für das Volk - Für Frankreich“. 🇫🇷
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Per Videobotschaft meldet sich nun der Vorsitzende der wallonischen „Nation“, Hervé van Laethem zu Wort. 🇧🇪
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Als letzter Redner der heutigen Veranstaltung spricht der französische Nationalist, Präsidentschaftskandidat und Parteivorsitzende von „Les Nationalistes“, Yvan Benedetti. 🇫🇷
8 May 1988: Attack by a Zionist militia on the traditional parade in honour of Joan of Arc.
On the Place Saint-Augustin in Paris, commandos of the "Organisation Juive de Combat" (Jewish Combat Organization - OJC) attacked with iron bars militants of the "Oeuvre Française", one of the oldest French nationalist movements, who were participating in the traditional parade in honour of Joan of Arc.
The Jewish commando, acting treacherously with cowardice, had approached by brandishing French flags adorned with Celtic crosses, to avoid any action of the protection services of the demonstration, while the procession had not yet set up.
About fifteen people were injured, two of them very seriously. Four of those attacked were hospitalised.
A man in his seventies remained in a coma for several weeks.
Ten members of the OJC were arrested by the police.
That evening, Jean-Pierre Pierre-Bloch (president of the "LICRA", a french organisation fighting against "racism and antisemitism") intervened on their behalf with the judicial police.
In spite of everything, proceedings were initiated against some of the aggressors.
Some of them were dropped with the following statement by the examining magistrate: "Inopportune investigation".
Other aggressors were judged, but not without pressure from the highest political level on the public prosecutor.
They all fled in Israël to avoid the judicial sentences, and were never jailed...
In total, only three of the fifty or so members of the commando were sentenced to two years imprisonment, including Meyer Habib (the future MP...) who never reimbursed the Guarantee Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Acts of Terrorism for the sums paid to the victims of the ambush...
8 May 1988: Attack by a Zionist militia on the traditional parade in honour of Joan of Arc.
On the Place Saint-Augustin in Paris, commandos of the "Organisation Juive de Combat" (Jewish Combat Organization - OJC) attacked with iron bars militants of the "Oeuvre Française", one of the oldest French nationalist movements, who were participating in the traditional parade in honour of Joan of Arc.
The Jewish commando, acting treacherously with cowardice, had approached by brandishing French flags adorned with Celtic crosses, to avoid any action of the protection services of the demonstration, while the procession had not yet set up.
About fifteen people were injured, two of them very seriously. Four of those attacked were hospitalised.
A man in his seventies remained in a coma for several weeks.
Ten members of the OJC were arrested by the police.
That evening, Jean-Pierre Pierre-Bloch (president of the "LICRA", a french organisation fighting against "racism and antisemitism") intervened on their behalf with the judicial police.
In spite of everything, proceedings were initiated against some of the aggressors.
Some of them were dropped with the following statement by the examining magistrate: "Inopportune investigation".
Other aggressors were judged, but not without pressure from the highest political level on the public prosecutor.
They all fled in Israël to avoid the judicial sentences, and were never jailed...
In total, only three of the fifty or so members of the commando were sentenced to two years imprisonment, including Meyer Habib (the future MP...) who never reimbursed the Guarantee Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Acts of Terrorism for the sums paid to the victims of the ambush...
Le 8 mai, les Français fêtent la délivrance d'Orléans par Jeanne d'Arc et pleurent la mort de la dernière grande aventure européenne, ensevelie sous les bombes alliées et la barbarie soviétique.
On 8 May, the French celebrate the liberation of Orleans by Joan of Arc and mourn the death of the last great European adventure, buried under Allied bombs and Soviet barbarism.
Am 8. Mai feiern die Franzosen die Befreiung von Orleans durch Jeanne d'Arc und trauern um den Tod des letzten großen europäischen Abenteurers, begraben unter alliierten Bomben und sowjetischer Barbarei.
On 8 May, the French celebrate the liberation of Orleans by Joan of Arc and mourn the death of the last great European adventure, buried under Allied bombs and Soviet barbarism.
Am 8. Mai feiern die Franzosen die Befreiung von Orleans durch Jeanne d'Arc und trauern um den Tod des letzten großen europäischen Abenteurers, begraben unter alliierten Bomben und sowjetischer Barbarei.