🇮🇹🔥 Le 2 octobre 1935, Mussolini adresse un discours aux Italiens et leur annonce sa décision d'envahir l'Éthiopie. Il veut offrir à son pays un empire colonial digne de son rang et n'a pas d'autre solution pour cela que d'attaquer le seul État africain qui ait échappé à la colonisation européenne.
Aussi appelée Abyssinie, l'Éthiopie est gouvernée par un empereur ou négus du nom de Haïlé Sélassié Ier et fait partie depuis 1923 de la Société des Nations. L'organisation supranationale, en condamnant l'agression, va pousser le Chef d'État italien à se rapprocher de Hitler.
L'oeuvre italienne sera considérable : plusieurs grands travaux sont lancés, dotant l'Abyssinie d'un réseau routier plus performant. 3 200 km de routes sont construits ainsi que vingt-cinq hôpitaux, 14 hôtels, une douzaine d'office de poste, des écoles et d'autres infrastructures. Les Italiens tentent également d'éradiquer définitivement l'esclavage et abroger les lois féodales.
👉 https://youtu.be/NmcJD6_DwFE
🇮🇹🔥 Il 2 ottobre 1935 Mussolini rivolse un discorso agli italiani e annunciò loro la sua decisione di invadere l'Etiopia. Vuole offrire al suo paese un impero coloniale degno del suo rango e non ha altra soluzione che attaccare l'unico stato africano sfuggito alla colonizzazione europea.
Chiamata anche Abissinia, l'Etiopia è governata da un imperatore o negus di nome Haile Selassie I e fa parte della Società delle Nazioni dal 1923. L'organizzazione sovranazionale, condannando l'aggressione, spingerà il Capo dello Stato italiano ad avvicinarsi a Hitler.
L'opera italiana sarà notevole: sono state avviate diverse grandi opere che dotano l'Abissinia di una rete viaria più efficiente. Sono in costruzione 3.200 km di strade, venticinque ospedali, 14 alberghi, una dozzina di uffici postali, scuole e altre infrastrutture. Gli italiani stanno anche cercando di sradicare definitivamente la schiavitù e di abrogare le leggi feudali.
👉 https://youtu.be/RFDnCNxcsaY
🇮🇹🔥 October 2, 1935, Mussolini addresses the Italians and announces his decision to invade Ethiopia. He wants to offer his country a colonial empire worthy of its rank and has no other solution for that than to attack the only African state that has escaped European colonization.
Also called Abyssinia, Ethiopia is ruled by an emperor or negus named Haile Selassie I and has been part of the League of Nations since 1923. The supranational organization, by condemning the aggression, will push the Italian Head of State to approach Hitler.
The Italian work will be considerable: several major works have been launched, providing Abyssinia with a more efficient road network. 3,200 km of roads are being built as well as twenty-five hospitals, 14 hotels, a dozen post offices, schools and other infrastructure. The Italians are also trying to permanently eradicate slavery and repeal feudal laws.
👉 https://youtu.be/y7e7ONkrZ_U
🇮🇹🔥 Le 2 octobre 1935, Mussolini adresse un discours aux Italiens et leur annonce sa décision d'envahir l'Éthiopie. Il veut offrir à son pays un empire colonial digne de son rang et n'a pas d'autre solution pour cela que d'attaquer le seul État africain qui ait échappé à la colonisation européenne.
Aussi appelée Abyssinie, l'Éthiopie est gouvernée par un empereur ou négus du nom de Haïlé Sélassié Ier et fait partie depuis 1923 de la Société des Nations. L'organisation supranationale, en condamnant l'agression, va pousser le Chef d'État italien à se rapprocher de Hitler.
L'oeuvre italienne sera considérable : plusieurs grands travaux sont lancés, dotant l'Abyssinie d'un réseau routier plus performant. 3 200 km de routes sont construits ainsi que vingt-cinq hôpitaux, 14 hôtels, une douzaine d'office de poste, des écoles et d'autres infrastructures. Les Italiens tentent également d'éradiquer définitivement l'esclavage et abroger les lois féodales.
👉 https://youtu.be/NmcJD6_DwFE
🇮🇹🔥 Il 2 ottobre 1935 Mussolini rivolse un discorso agli italiani e annunciò loro la sua decisione di invadere l'Etiopia. Vuole offrire al suo paese un impero coloniale degno del suo rango e non ha altra soluzione che attaccare l'unico stato africano sfuggito alla colonizzazione europea.
Chiamata anche Abissinia, l'Etiopia è governata da un imperatore o negus di nome Haile Selassie I e fa parte della Società delle Nazioni dal 1923. L'organizzazione sovranazionale, condannando l'aggressione, spingerà il Capo dello Stato italiano ad avvicinarsi a Hitler.
L'opera italiana sarà notevole: sono state avviate diverse grandi opere che dotano l'Abissinia di una rete viaria più efficiente. Sono in costruzione 3.200 km di strade, venticinque ospedali, 14 alberghi, una dozzina di uffici postali, scuole e altre infrastrutture. Gli italiani stanno anche cercando di sradicare definitivamente la schiavitù e di abrogare le leggi feudali.
👉 https://youtu.be/RFDnCNxcsaY
🇮🇹🔥 October 2, 1935, Mussolini addresses the Italians and announces his decision to invade Ethiopia. He wants to offer his country a colonial empire worthy of its rank and has no other solution for that than to attack the only African state that has escaped European colonization.
Also called Abyssinia, Ethiopia is ruled by an emperor or negus named Haile Selassie I and has been part of the League of Nations since 1923. The supranational organization, by condemning the aggression, will push the Italian Head of State to approach Hitler.
The Italian work will be considerable: several major works have been launched, providing Abyssinia with a more efficient road network. 3,200 km of roads are being built as well as twenty-five hospitals, 14 hotels, a dozen post offices, schools and other infrastructure. The Italians are also trying to permanently eradicate slavery and repeal feudal laws.
👉 https://youtu.be/y7e7ONkrZ_U
Forwarded from Nosotros En Marcha
Funeral por nuestro camarada ALBERTO TORRESANO
Jueves 5 de Octubre
Iglesia de Santiago (Madrid)
Jueves 5 de Octubre
Iglesia de Santiago (Madrid)
Forwarded from БНС
Пламен Димитров от БНС бе гост в предаването на телевизия СКАТ "Политиката под прицел". Той коментира скандалното решение на Национален фонд култура да финансира с десетки хиляди поредно шоу с травестити, докато в същото време Министерство на културата не намира пари за рушащата се къща на Димитър Талев.
Поредно травеститско шоу получи държавни пари
Травеститско шоу с привкус на наркотици е поредното получило щедро държавно финансиране. Докога парите ни за култура ще отиват за подобни абсурди?
#травестити #пари #култура
#травестити #пари #култура
🇧🇬 Plamen Dimitrov, de l'UNB, était l'invité de l'émission "la politique en ligne de mire" de SKAT TV. Il a commenté la décision scandaleuse du Fonds national de la culture de financer avec des dizaines de milliers d'euros un autre spectacle de travestis, alors que dans le même temps le ministère de la culture n'a pas pu trouver d'argent pour restaurer et entretenir la maison en ruine de Dimitar Talev.
➡️ https://youtu.be/D5gbcUTHEW4?si=nv4WZWN00IZPF4ca
🇧🇬 Plamen Dimitrov, of BNU was a guest on SKAT TV's "Politics in Focus" programme. He commented on the scandalous decision by the National Culture Fund to use tens of thousands of euros to finance another transvestite show, while at the same time the Ministry of Culture has been unable to find any money to restore and maintain Dimitar Talev's ruined house.
➡️ https://t.me/BNSIYI
➡️ https://youtu.be/D5gbcUTHEW4?si=nv4WZWN00IZPF4ca
🇧🇬 Plamen Dimitrov, of BNU was a guest on SKAT TV's "Politics in Focus" programme. He commented on the scandalous decision by the National Culture Fund to use tens of thousands of euros to finance another transvestite show, while at the same time the Ministry of Culture has been unable to find any money to restore and maintain Dimitar Talev's ruined house.
➡️ https://t.me/BNSIYI
Поредно травеститско шоу получи държавни пари
Травеститско шоу с привкус на наркотици е поредното получило щедро държавно финансиране. Докога парите ни за култура ще отиват за подобни абсурди?
#травестити #пари #култура
#травестити #пари #култура
Forwarded from ☠️☦️Нашъ Путь☦️☠️
Октябрь 93.
3-4 октября 1993 года. Народное восстание в Москве против проамериканского режима Ельцина. Тогда люди восстали в том числе ради того, чтобы у них была Конституция и права. Восстание было жестоко подавлено. В итоге сегодня народ до сих пор не имеет Конституции и прав, и всё продолжает управляться “указами”.
«...» К середине 1993 года Русское Национальное Единство фактически становится Всероссийской организацией, имеющей обширную сеть региональных отделений, связанных с центром жесткой дисциплиной, добившихся высокого качественного уровня теоретической и боевой подготовки членов Движения. Мы не рвались на экраны телевидения и газетные страницы, не кричали на митингах патриотической оппозиции, но, занимаясь каждодневной кропотливой и порой однообразной работой, выковывали шеренги железных бойцов по всей России.
Подлинным испытанием прочности для РНЕ стали события сентября-октября 93-го года в г. Москве, которые быстро определили значимость каждого из представителей так называемой, оппозиции. Участники событий до сих пор с хохотом вспоминают о всех тех бумажных «фронтах» и «соборах», партиях и партийках, устремившихся с пышными лозунгами к Белому дому. Зюгановско-анпиловские старушки, держащие по три красных флага в руках, грустный Стерлигов, в одиночестве представлявший весь Русский Собор, целый корпус из шести добровольцев от Русского легиона, климактерические дамы «с Лениным в башке», каждая из которых являла собой райком КПСС, сотня казаков от всех казачьих войск...
Центральный Совет РНЕ принял решение об отправке в Белый Дом небольшой группы из 300 москвичей. Но уже через два дня ряды защитников парламента пополнилась нашими добровольцами из Нижнего Новгорода, Красноярска, Белгорода, Орла, Краснодара и Ставрополя. Выехали в г. Москву, но не смогли пробиться через милицейские кордоны группы из Владимира, Новосибирска, Санкт-Петербурга. Отряд РНЕ охранял подземные коммуникации Белого Дома, этаж, на котором располагался Штаб обороны Верховного Совета, поддерживал порядок на оцепленной милицией и затянутой «спиралью Бруно» площади вокруг здания, выявляя провокаторов и задерживая нарушителей порядка. Бойцы РНЕ быстро стали образцом порядка и дисциплины среди разномастных защитников парламента, особенно в последний день обороны, когда внутри содрогавшегося от разрывов, насквозь простреливаемого здания, перекрыв темные коридоры баррикадами из сейфов и столов, наши парни сохраняли мужество и спокойствие, готовые умереть, но не отступить. Все мы прекрасно осознавали в эти часы, что ждет нас в случае захвата Белого Дома штурмующими войсками. Приказы, отдаваемые по милицейским и армейским радиостанциям, не оставляли иллюзий относительно планов противника. Мы были готовы стоять до конца и умереть в этих темных коридорах, оставшись верными своему Долгу перед Русской Нацией на Поле Чести, выполняя приказ, полученный от Русского Национального Единства. Именно в эти часы бойцам РНЕ пригодились навыки постоянных занятий, дисциплинирующих человека, тренирующих его тело и волю, вырабатывающих способность мгновенно реагировать на команды и возникающую опасность, что порой спасало людям жизнь. Благодаря этим навыкам, даже под шквальным огнем на наиболее опасных участках обороны потери были минимальными, а наши Воля и Единство, Достоинство и Честь Русского Человека одержали моральную победу в неравном бою, позволили членам Движения вынести зверские издевательства и избиения, которым подверглись арестованные, но не сломленные бойцы.
#история #РНЕ #россия #национализм
☠☦Наш Путь☦☠
3-4 октября 1993 года. Народное восстание в Москве против проамериканского режима Ельцина. Тогда люди восстали в том числе ради того, чтобы у них была Конституция и права. Восстание было жестоко подавлено. В итоге сегодня народ до сих пор не имеет Конституции и прав, и всё продолжает управляться “указами”.
«...» К середине 1993 года Русское Национальное Единство фактически становится Всероссийской организацией, имеющей обширную сеть региональных отделений, связанных с центром жесткой дисциплиной, добившихся высокого качественного уровня теоретической и боевой подготовки членов Движения. Мы не рвались на экраны телевидения и газетные страницы, не кричали на митингах патриотической оппозиции, но, занимаясь каждодневной кропотливой и порой однообразной работой, выковывали шеренги железных бойцов по всей России.
Подлинным испытанием прочности для РНЕ стали события сентября-октября 93-го года в г. Москве, которые быстро определили значимость каждого из представителей так называемой, оппозиции. Участники событий до сих пор с хохотом вспоминают о всех тех бумажных «фронтах» и «соборах», партиях и партийках, устремившихся с пышными лозунгами к Белому дому. Зюгановско-анпиловские старушки, держащие по три красных флага в руках, грустный Стерлигов, в одиночестве представлявший весь Русский Собор, целый корпус из шести добровольцев от Русского легиона, климактерические дамы «с Лениным в башке», каждая из которых являла собой райком КПСС, сотня казаков от всех казачьих войск...
Центральный Совет РНЕ принял решение об отправке в Белый Дом небольшой группы из 300 москвичей. Но уже через два дня ряды защитников парламента пополнилась нашими добровольцами из Нижнего Новгорода, Красноярска, Белгорода, Орла, Краснодара и Ставрополя. Выехали в г. Москву, но не смогли пробиться через милицейские кордоны группы из Владимира, Новосибирска, Санкт-Петербурга. Отряд РНЕ охранял подземные коммуникации Белого Дома, этаж, на котором располагался Штаб обороны Верховного Совета, поддерживал порядок на оцепленной милицией и затянутой «спиралью Бруно» площади вокруг здания, выявляя провокаторов и задерживая нарушителей порядка. Бойцы РНЕ быстро стали образцом порядка и дисциплины среди разномастных защитников парламента, особенно в последний день обороны, когда внутри содрогавшегося от разрывов, насквозь простреливаемого здания, перекрыв темные коридоры баррикадами из сейфов и столов, наши парни сохраняли мужество и спокойствие, готовые умереть, но не отступить. Все мы прекрасно осознавали в эти часы, что ждет нас в случае захвата Белого Дома штурмующими войсками. Приказы, отдаваемые по милицейским и армейским радиостанциям, не оставляли иллюзий относительно планов противника. Мы были готовы стоять до конца и умереть в этих темных коридорах, оставшись верными своему Долгу перед Русской Нацией на Поле Чести, выполняя приказ, полученный от Русского Национального Единства. Именно в эти часы бойцам РНЕ пригодились навыки постоянных занятий, дисциплинирующих человека, тренирующих его тело и волю, вырабатывающих способность мгновенно реагировать на команды и возникающую опасность, что порой спасало людям жизнь. Благодаря этим навыкам, даже под шквальным огнем на наиболее опасных участках обороны потери были минимальными, а наши Воля и Единство, Достоинство и Честь Русского Человека одержали моральную победу в неравном бою, позволили членам Движения вынести зверские издевательства и избиения, которым подверглись арестованные, но не сломленные бойцы.
#история #РНЕ #россия #национализм
☠☦Наш Путь☦☠
3-4 octobre 1993. Un soulèvement populaire à Moscou contre le régime pro-américain de Eltsine. Le peuple s'est alors révolté en partie pour pouvoir disposer d'une Constitution et de droits. Le soulèvement a été brutalement écrasé. En conséquence, aujourd'hui, le peuple n'a toujours pas de Constitution ni de droits, et tout continue d'être régi par des "décrets".
Au milieu de l'année 1993, l'Unité nationale russe était en fait devenue une organisation panrusse dotée d'un vaste réseau de branches régionales reliées au centre par une discipline stricte, permettant d'atteindre un haut niveau de formation théorique et de combat des membres du mouvement. Nous n'avons pas fait irruption sur les écrans de télévision ou dans les pages des journaux, nous n'avons pas crié lors des rassemblements patriotiques de l'opposition, mais en accomplissant chaque jour un travail laborieux et parfois monotone, nous avons forgé des rangs de combattants de fer dans toute la Russie.
Le véritable test de force pour le RNE a été les événements de septembre et octobre 1993 à Moscou, qui ont rapidement déterminé l'importance de chacun des représentants de la soi-disant opposition. Les participants aux événements se souviennent encore en riant de tous ces "fronts" et "assemblées" de papier, de partis et de fêtes, se précipitant vers la Maison Blanche avec des slogans somptueux. Les vieilles dames de Ziouganov et d'Anpilov tenant trois drapeaux rouges à la main, un Sterligov triste, représentant à lui seul tout le Sobor russe, un corps de six volontaires de la Légion russe, des dames ménopausées "avec Lénine dans la tête", chacune d'elles représentant un comité de district du PCUS, une centaine de cosaques de toutes les armées cosaques...
Le Conseil central du RNE a décidé d'envoyer un petit groupe de 300 moscovites à la Maison Blanche. Mais en deux jours, les rangs des défenseurs du parlement ont été gonflés par nos volontaires de Nijni Novgorod, Krasnoïarsk, Belgorod, Orel, Krasnodar et Stavropol. Un groupe venu de Vladimir, Novossibirsk et Saint-Pétersbourg s'est rendu à Moscou, mais n'a pas pu franchir les cordons de police. Le détachement du RNE gardait les communications souterraines de la Maison Blanche, l'étage où se trouvait le quartier général de la défense du Soviet suprême, maintenait l'ordre dans la zone entourant le bâtiment bouclé par la police et drapé d'une "spirale Bruno", identifiait les provocateurs et arrêtait les fauteurs de troubles. Les combattants du RNE sont rapidement devenus un modèle d'ordre et de discipline parmi les différents défenseurs du Parlement, en particulier le dernier jour de la défense, lorsque, à l'intérieur du bâtiment qui tremblait sous les coups de feu, bloquant les couloirs sombres avec des barricades de coffres-forts et de bureaux, nos gars ont gardé leur courage et leur calme, prêts à mourir, mais pas à battre en retraite. Nous étions tous conscients, à cette époque, de ce qui nous attendait si la Maison-Blanche était envahie par les troupes d'assaut. Les ordres donnés sur les radios de la milice et de l'armée ne laissent pas d'illusions sur les plans de l'ennemi. Nous étions prêts à tenir jusqu'au bout et à mourir dans ces couloirs sombres, en restant fidèles à notre devoir envers la nation russe sur le champ d'honneur, en exécutant les ordres reçus de l'Unité nationale russe. C'est au cours de ces heures que les combattants du RNE ont mis en pratique les compétences d'un entraînement constant, disciplinant une personne, entraînant son corps et sa volonté, développant la capacité à réagir instantanément aux ordres et au danger émergent, ce qui a parfois sauvé des vies. Grâce à ces compétences, même sous un feu nourri dans les sections les plus dangereuses de la défense, les pertes ont été minimes, et avec notre Volonté, Unité, Dignité et Honneur de l'Homme Russe ont remporté une victoire morale dans une bataille inégale, permettant aux membres du Mouvement de supporter les brimades et les coups brutaux auxquels étaient soumis les combattants arrêtés, mais non brisés.
➡️ https://t.me/NashPut83
Au milieu de l'année 1993, l'Unité nationale russe était en fait devenue une organisation panrusse dotée d'un vaste réseau de branches régionales reliées au centre par une discipline stricte, permettant d'atteindre un haut niveau de formation théorique et de combat des membres du mouvement. Nous n'avons pas fait irruption sur les écrans de télévision ou dans les pages des journaux, nous n'avons pas crié lors des rassemblements patriotiques de l'opposition, mais en accomplissant chaque jour un travail laborieux et parfois monotone, nous avons forgé des rangs de combattants de fer dans toute la Russie.
Le véritable test de force pour le RNE a été les événements de septembre et octobre 1993 à Moscou, qui ont rapidement déterminé l'importance de chacun des représentants de la soi-disant opposition. Les participants aux événements se souviennent encore en riant de tous ces "fronts" et "assemblées" de papier, de partis et de fêtes, se précipitant vers la Maison Blanche avec des slogans somptueux. Les vieilles dames de Ziouganov et d'Anpilov tenant trois drapeaux rouges à la main, un Sterligov triste, représentant à lui seul tout le Sobor russe, un corps de six volontaires de la Légion russe, des dames ménopausées "avec Lénine dans la tête", chacune d'elles représentant un comité de district du PCUS, une centaine de cosaques de toutes les armées cosaques...
Le Conseil central du RNE a décidé d'envoyer un petit groupe de 300 moscovites à la Maison Blanche. Mais en deux jours, les rangs des défenseurs du parlement ont été gonflés par nos volontaires de Nijni Novgorod, Krasnoïarsk, Belgorod, Orel, Krasnodar et Stavropol. Un groupe venu de Vladimir, Novossibirsk et Saint-Pétersbourg s'est rendu à Moscou, mais n'a pas pu franchir les cordons de police. Le détachement du RNE gardait les communications souterraines de la Maison Blanche, l'étage où se trouvait le quartier général de la défense du Soviet suprême, maintenait l'ordre dans la zone entourant le bâtiment bouclé par la police et drapé d'une "spirale Bruno", identifiait les provocateurs et arrêtait les fauteurs de troubles. Les combattants du RNE sont rapidement devenus un modèle d'ordre et de discipline parmi les différents défenseurs du Parlement, en particulier le dernier jour de la défense, lorsque, à l'intérieur du bâtiment qui tremblait sous les coups de feu, bloquant les couloirs sombres avec des barricades de coffres-forts et de bureaux, nos gars ont gardé leur courage et leur calme, prêts à mourir, mais pas à battre en retraite. Nous étions tous conscients, à cette époque, de ce qui nous attendait si la Maison-Blanche était envahie par les troupes d'assaut. Les ordres donnés sur les radios de la milice et de l'armée ne laissent pas d'illusions sur les plans de l'ennemi. Nous étions prêts à tenir jusqu'au bout et à mourir dans ces couloirs sombres, en restant fidèles à notre devoir envers la nation russe sur le champ d'honneur, en exécutant les ordres reçus de l'Unité nationale russe. C'est au cours de ces heures que les combattants du RNE ont mis en pratique les compétences d'un entraînement constant, disciplinant une personne, entraînant son corps et sa volonté, développant la capacité à réagir instantanément aux ordres et au danger émergent, ce qui a parfois sauvé des vies. Grâce à ces compétences, même sous un feu nourri dans les sections les plus dangereuses de la défense, les pertes ont été minimes, et avec notre Volonté, Unité, Dignité et Honneur de l'Homme Russe ont remporté une victoire morale dans une bataille inégale, permettant aux membres du Mouvement de supporter les brimades et les coups brutaux auxquels étaient soumis les combattants arrêtés, mais non brisés.
➡️ https://t.me/NashPut83
☠️☦️Нашъ Путь☦️☠️
Русскій Націоналъ-Революціонный Вѣстникъ. Богъ, Нація, Трудъ.
Для связи - @Orthodox_nationalist
Библіотека: https://t.me/+SRyPPS36xYo5YzM8
Чат в Element: https://app.element.io/#/room/#rusclub:matrix.org
Резерв: @NashPut83Reserve
Для связи - @Orthodox_nationalist
Библіотека: https://t.me/+SRyPPS36xYo5YzM8
Чат в Element: https://app.element.io/#/room/#rusclub:matrix.org
Резерв: @NashPut83Reserve
3-4 October 1993. A popular uprising in Moscow against the pro-American Yeltsin regime. The people revolted in part to gain access to a constitution and rights. The uprising was brutally crushed. As a result, today the people still have no constitution and no rights, and everything continues to be governed by "decrees".
By mid-1993, Russian National Unity had in fact become a pan-Russian organisation with a vast network of regional branches linked to the centre by a strict discipline, allowing for a high level of theoretical and combat training of the movement's members. We did not burst onto television screens or the pages of newspapers, we did not shout at patriotic opposition rallies, but by doing painstaking and sometimes monotonous work every day, we forged ranks of iron fighters throughout Russia.
The real test of strength for the RNE was the events of September and October 1993 in Moscow, which quickly determined the importance of each of the representatives of the so-called opposition. Participants in the events still laughingly remember all those paper "fronts" and "assemblies", parties and parties, rushing to the White House with lavish slogans. Zyuganov's and Anpilov's old ladies holding three red flags in their hands, a sad Sterligov, representing the whole of Russian Sobor, a corps of six volunteers from the Russian Legion, menopausal ladies "with Lenin in their heads", each of them representing a district committee of the CPSU, a hundred Cossacks from all the Cossack armies...
The Central Council of the RNE decided to send a small group of 300 Muscovites to the White House. But within two days, the ranks of the defenders of the parliament were swollen by our volunteers from Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Belgorod, Orel, Krasnodar and Stavropol. A group from Vladimir, Novosibirsk and St Petersburg went to Moscow, but could not get through the police cordons. The RNE detachment guarded the underground communications of the White House, the floor where the Supreme Soviet's defence headquarters was located, maintained order in the area surrounding the building cordoned off by the police and draped in a "Bruno spiral", identified provocateurs and arrested troublemakers. The RNE fighters quickly became a model of order and discipline among the various defenders of the Parliament, especially on the last day of the defence, when, inside the building that was shaking with gunfire, blocking the dark corridors with barricades of safes and desks, our guys kept their courage and calm, ready to die, but not to retreat. We were all aware, at that time, of what awaited us if the White House was overrun by storm troopers. The orders given over the militia and army radios left no illusions about the enemy's plans. We were ready to hold out to the end and die in those dark corridors, remaining faithful to our duty to the Russian nation on the field of honour, carrying out the orders received from the Russian National Unity. It was during these hours that the RNE fighters practised the skills of constant training, disciplining a person, training their body and will, developing the ability to react instantly to orders and emerging danger, which sometimes saved lives. As a result of these skills, even under heavy fire in the most dangerous sections of the defence, casualties were minimal, and our Will and Unity, Dignity and Honour of the Russian Man won a moral victory in an unequal battle, allowing members of the Movement to endure the bullying and brutal beatings to which the arrested, but not broken, fighters were subjected.
➡️ https://youtu.be/j2qVFGdeFzI?si=cUYeUbjRnUg2ZXrX
By mid-1993, Russian National Unity had in fact become a pan-Russian organisation with a vast network of regional branches linked to the centre by a strict discipline, allowing for a high level of theoretical and combat training of the movement's members. We did not burst onto television screens or the pages of newspapers, we did not shout at patriotic opposition rallies, but by doing painstaking and sometimes monotonous work every day, we forged ranks of iron fighters throughout Russia.
The real test of strength for the RNE was the events of September and October 1993 in Moscow, which quickly determined the importance of each of the representatives of the so-called opposition. Participants in the events still laughingly remember all those paper "fronts" and "assemblies", parties and parties, rushing to the White House with lavish slogans. Zyuganov's and Anpilov's old ladies holding three red flags in their hands, a sad Sterligov, representing the whole of Russian Sobor, a corps of six volunteers from the Russian Legion, menopausal ladies "with Lenin in their heads", each of them representing a district committee of the CPSU, a hundred Cossacks from all the Cossack armies...
The Central Council of the RNE decided to send a small group of 300 Muscovites to the White House. But within two days, the ranks of the defenders of the parliament were swollen by our volunteers from Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Belgorod, Orel, Krasnodar and Stavropol. A group from Vladimir, Novosibirsk and St Petersburg went to Moscow, but could not get through the police cordons. The RNE detachment guarded the underground communications of the White House, the floor where the Supreme Soviet's defence headquarters was located, maintained order in the area surrounding the building cordoned off by the police and draped in a "Bruno spiral", identified provocateurs and arrested troublemakers. The RNE fighters quickly became a model of order and discipline among the various defenders of the Parliament, especially on the last day of the defence, when, inside the building that was shaking with gunfire, blocking the dark corridors with barricades of safes and desks, our guys kept their courage and calm, ready to die, but not to retreat. We were all aware, at that time, of what awaited us if the White House was overrun by storm troopers. The orders given over the militia and army radios left no illusions about the enemy's plans. We were ready to hold out to the end and die in those dark corridors, remaining faithful to our duty to the Russian nation on the field of honour, carrying out the orders received from the Russian National Unity. It was during these hours that the RNE fighters practised the skills of constant training, disciplining a person, training their body and will, developing the ability to react instantly to orders and emerging danger, which sometimes saved lives. As a result of these skills, even under heavy fire in the most dangerous sections of the defence, casualties were minimal, and our Will and Unity, Dignity and Honour of the Russian Man won a moral victory in an unequal battle, allowing members of the Movement to endure the bullying and brutal beatings to which the arrested, but not broken, fighters were subjected.
➡️ https://youtu.be/j2qVFGdeFzI?si=cUYeUbjRnUg2ZXrX
Anthem of the Russian National Unity “Мы верим в то что скоро день наступит”
Мы верим в то, что скоро день наступит,
Когда сожмется яростный кулак,
И черный мрак перед Зарей отступит
И разовьется гордо Русский стяг.
Все четче шаг, все тверже дух бойцовский,
Все громче голос нашего Вождя.
Не посрамим традиции отцовской,
Мы верим в то, что скоро день наступит,
Когда сожмется яростный кулак,
И черный мрак перед Зарей отступит
И разовьется гордо Русский стяг.
Все четче шаг, все тверже дух бойцовский,
Все громче голос нашего Вождя.
Не посрамим традиции отцовской,
Forwarded from Die Heimat
Nicht der 3. Oktober sollte ein Feiertag sein, sondern der 9. November, denn an diesem Tag hat das Volk entschieden was es will, nämlich ein gemeinsames Land der Deutschen. Auch jetzt muß das Volk wieder handeln, denn diese BRD ist nicht unser Deutschland.
👉Zum Heimat Material👈
Folgt der Heimat 🇩🇪
Kommt in den Diskurs 💬
👉Zum Heimat Material👈
Folgt der Heimat 🇩🇪
Kommt in den Diskurs 💬
❗Le 3 octobre ne devrait pas être un jour férié, mais le 9 novembre, car ce jour-là, le peuple a décidé ce qu'il voulait, à savoir un pays allemand commun. Maintenant, le peuple doit agir à nouveau, car cette République fédérale d’Allemagne n’est pas notre Allemagne.
❗3 October should not be a public holiday, but 9 November, because on that day the people decided what they wanted, a common German country. Now the people must act again, because this Federal Republic of Germany is not our Germany.
➡️ https://t.me/heimat2023
❗3 October should not be a public holiday, but 9 November, because on that day the people decided what they wanted, a common German country. Now the people must act again, because this Federal Republic of Germany is not our Germany.
➡️ https://t.me/heimat2023
Die Heimat
Der offizielle Heimat Kanal.
Mehr Informationen auf:
YouTube Kanal:
Mehr Informationen auf:
YouTube Kanal:
🇨🇵 4 octobre 1941 : Promulgation de la Charte du Travail par le Maréchal Pétain
🇨🇵 October 4, 1941: Promulgation of the Labor Charter by Marshal Pétain
👉 https://jeune-nation.com/kultur/histoire/la-charte-du-travail
🇨🇵 October 4, 1941: Promulgation of the Labor Charter by Marshal Pétain
👉 https://jeune-nation.com/kultur/histoire/la-charte-du-travail
Forwarded from Nosotros En Marcha
➡️ Vuelven los "Viernes Culturales"
👉🏻 Presentación del libro: "Cruzado contra el N.O.M." a cargo de su autor, Simón de Monfort, y Manuel Andrino.
🗓️ Viernes #6Octubre
🕖 20:00 h.
🏢 Sede de la Vieja Guardia
📍 Cuesta de Santo Domingo, 3 1º Esc. Izq. (Madrid)
¡Síguenos #EnDirecto!
👉 Para seguir la conferencia entrar en el Facebook de La Falange: facebook.com/lafalange, a través del #Periscope del Twitter de Vieja Guardia o por el Canal de Youtube de La Falange youtube.com/user/falangees…
Se podrá ver la grabación tanto en nuestra página web: lafalange.org como en nuestro canal de YouTube 🎥
¡Formación y revolución!
➡️ Vuelven los "Viernes Culturales"
👉🏻 Presentación del libro: "Cruzado contra el N.O.M." a cargo de su autor, Simón de Monfort, y Manuel Andrino.
🗓️ Viernes #6Octubre
🕖 20:00 h.
🏢 Sede de la Vieja Guardia
📍 Cuesta de Santo Domingo, 3 1º Esc. Izq. (Madrid)
¡Síguenos #EnDirecto!
👉 Para seguir la conferencia entrar en el Facebook de La Falange: facebook.com/lafalange, a través del #Periscope del Twitter de Vieja Guardia o por el Canal de Youtube de La Falange youtube.com/user/falangees…
Se podrá ver la grabación tanto en nuestra página web: lafalange.org como en nuestro canal de YouTube 🎥
¡Formación y revolución!
➡️ Les « Vendredis culturels » sont de retour
👉🏻 Présentation du livre : « Croisé contre le nouvel ordre mondial » de son auteur, Simón de Monfort, et Manuel Andrino.
🗓️ Vendredi #6Octobre
🕖 20h00
🏢 Quartier général de la Vieille Garde
📍 Cuesta de Santo Domingo, 3 1ère Esc. Gauche (Madrid)
Suivez-nous #EnDirect !
👉 Pour suivre la conférence, rendez-vous sur le Facebook de La Falange : facebook.com/lafalange, via le #Periscope de la Vieille Garde, sur Twitter ou via la chaîne YouTube de La Falange youtube.com/user/falangees…
L'enregistrement est visible à la fois sur notre site internet : lafalange.org et sur notre chaîne YouTube 🎥
Formation et révolution !
➡️ https://t.me/LaFalangeOficial
➡️ Cultural Fridays are back!
👉🏻 Presentation of the book: "Crusader against the New World Order" by its author, Simón de Monfort, and Manuel Andrino.
🗓️ Friday #6October
🕖 20h00
🏢 Headquarters of the Old Guard
📍 Cuesta de Santo Domingo, 3 1ère Esc. Left (Madrid)
Follow us #live!
👉 To follow the conference, visit La Falange's Facebook: facebook.com/lafalange, via La Vieille Garde's #Periscope, on Twitter or via La Falange's YouTube channel youtube.com/user/falangees...
The recording can be seen on both our website: lafalange.org and our YouTube channel 🎥
Training and revolution!
➡️ Les « Vendredis culturels » sont de retour
👉🏻 Présentation du livre : « Croisé contre le nouvel ordre mondial » de son auteur, Simón de Monfort, et Manuel Andrino.
🗓️ Vendredi #6Octobre
🕖 20h00
🏢 Quartier général de la Vieille Garde
📍 Cuesta de Santo Domingo, 3 1ère Esc. Gauche (Madrid)
Suivez-nous #EnDirect !
👉 Pour suivre la conférence, rendez-vous sur le Facebook de La Falange : facebook.com/lafalange, via le #Periscope de la Vieille Garde, sur Twitter ou via la chaîne YouTube de La Falange youtube.com/user/falangees…
L'enregistrement est visible à la fois sur notre site internet : lafalange.org et sur notre chaîne YouTube 🎥
Formation et révolution !
➡️ https://t.me/LaFalangeOficial
➡️ Cultural Fridays are back!
👉🏻 Presentation of the book: "Crusader against the New World Order" by its author, Simón de Monfort, and Manuel Andrino.
🗓️ Friday #6October
🕖 20h00
🏢 Headquarters of the Old Guard
📍 Cuesta de Santo Domingo, 3 1ère Esc. Left (Madrid)
Follow us #live!
👉 To follow the conference, visit La Falange's Facebook: facebook.com/lafalange, via La Vieille Garde's #Periscope, on Twitter or via La Falange's YouTube channel youtube.com/user/falangees...
The recording can be seen on both our website: lafalange.org and our YouTube channel 🎥
Training and revolution!
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🇵🇹 Le 5 octobre 1143 est une date incontournable pour l'identité nationale du Portugal. Le 5 octobre 1143, le traité de Zamora est signé, une étape extrêmement importante vers l'émancipation de la Castille et l'instauration de l'indépendance du pays. Un chemin qui culminera en 1179 à travers la bulle papale.
Ce sera le 5 octobre qui, de par son importance, mérite une plus grande célébration, contrairement à celui qui marque l'instauration de la république jacobine.
🇵🇹 5 de Outubro de 1143 é uma data incontornável quando se trata da identidade nacional de Portugal. A 5 de Outubro de 1143 é assinado o tratado de Zamora, um importantíssimo passo na emancipação perante Castela e no estabelecimento da independência do país. Um caminho que culminará em 1179 através da bula papal.
Este será o 5 de Outubro que pela importância de que se reveste nos merece maior celebração, contrariamente, àquele que marca a instauração da républica jacobina.
🇵🇹 October 5, 1143 is an essential date for the national identity of Portugal. On October 5, 1143, the Treaty of Zamora was signed, an extremely important step towards the emancipation of Castile and the establishment of the country's independence. A path that will culminate in 1179 through the papal bull. It will be October 5 which, because of its importance, deserves a greater celebration, unlike that which marks the establishment of the Jacobin republic.
👉 https://t.me/NativosPT
Ce sera le 5 octobre qui, de par son importance, mérite une plus grande célébration, contrairement à celui qui marque l'instauration de la république jacobine.
🇵🇹 5 de Outubro de 1143 é uma data incontornável quando se trata da identidade nacional de Portugal. A 5 de Outubro de 1143 é assinado o tratado de Zamora, um importantíssimo passo na emancipação perante Castela e no estabelecimento da independência do país. Um caminho que culminará em 1179 através da bula papal.
Este será o 5 de Outubro que pela importância de que se reveste nos merece maior celebração, contrariamente, àquele que marca a instauração da républica jacobina.
🇵🇹 October 5, 1143 is an essential date for the national identity of Portugal. On October 5, 1143, the Treaty of Zamora was signed, an extremely important step towards the emancipation of Castile and the establishment of the country's independence. A path that will culminate in 1179 through the papal bull. It will be October 5 which, because of its importance, deserves a greater celebration, unlike that which marks the establishment of the Jacobin republic.
👉 https://t.me/NativosPT
Movimento Nacionalista
Forwarded from БНС
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🇧🇬 "Помни войната, значи бъди силенъ, много силенъ, по-силенъ отколкото трябва. Прави са силните. Живеятъ достойнитъ. Господствуватъ победителите."
полк. Борис Дрангов
👉🏻Очакваме Ви в събота, 7 октомври, заедно с автора Мария Цветкова, която ни е подготвила интересни факти, около създаването на поредицата и периода, за който се отнася!
Към събитието 🔴
полк. Борис Дрангов
👉🏻Очакваме Ви в събота, 7 октомври, заедно с автора Мария Цветкова, която ни е подготвила интересни факти, около създаването на поредицата и периода, за който се отнася!
Към събитието 🔴
🇧🇬 "Souvenez-vous de la guerre, puis soyez forts, très forts, plus forts que vous ne devriez l'être. Les forts ont raison. Vivez dignement. Les vainqueurs l'emportent."
Col. Boris Drangov
👉🏻 Nous vous attendons le samedi 7 octobre, en compagnie de l'auteur Maria Tsvetkova, qui a préparé pour nous une conférence intéressante sur la création de la série et la période à laquelle elle se réfère !
🇧🇬 "Remember the war, then be strong, very strong, stronger than you should be. The strong are right. Live with dignity. The victors prevail."
Col. Boris Drangov
👉🏻 We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 7 October, in the company of author Maria Tsvetkova, who has prepared an interesting talk for us on the creation of the series and the period to which it refers!
➡️ Vers l'événement / To the event: https://facebook.com/events/s/%D1%81%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%89%D0%B0-%D1%81-%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0-%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%BF/301455032634893/
Col. Boris Drangov
👉🏻 Nous vous attendons le samedi 7 octobre, en compagnie de l'auteur Maria Tsvetkova, qui a préparé pour nous une conférence intéressante sur la création de la série et la période à laquelle elle se réfère !
🇧🇬 "Remember the war, then be strong, very strong, stronger than you should be. The strong are right. Live with dignity. The victors prevail."
Col. Boris Drangov
👉🏻 We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 7 October, in the company of author Maria Tsvetkova, who has prepared an interesting talk for us on the creation of the series and the period to which it refers!
➡️ Vers l'événement / To the event: https://facebook.com/events/s/%D1%81%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%89%D0%B0-%D1%81-%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0-%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%BF/301455032634893/
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Forwarded from Nativos.PT
5 de Outubro de 1143 é uma data incontornável quando se trata da identidade nacional de Portugal. A 5 de Outubro de 1143 é assinado o tratado de Zamora, um importantíssimo passo na emancipação perante Castela e no estabelecimento da independência do país. Um caminho que culminará em 1179 através da bula papal.
Este será o 5 de Outubro que pela importância de que se reveste nos merece maior celebração, contrariamente, àquele que marca a instauração da républica jacobina.
Portugal faz hoje 880 anos. ⚔️🇵🇹
October 5, 1143 is an unavoidable date when it comes to Portugal's national identity. On October 5, 1143, the Treaty of Zamora was signed, a very important step in emancipation from Castile and the establishment of the country's independence. A path that will culminate in 1179 through the papal bull.
This will be the 5th of October, which, due to its importance, deserves greater celebration, unlike the one that marks the establishment of the Jacobin republic.
Portugal turns 880 today. ⚔️🇵🇹
Este será o 5 de Outubro que pela importância de que se reveste nos merece maior celebração, contrariamente, àquele que marca a instauração da républica jacobina.
Portugal faz hoje 880 anos. ⚔️🇵🇹
October 5, 1143 is an unavoidable date when it comes to Portugal's national identity. On October 5, 1143, the Treaty of Zamora was signed, a very important step in emancipation from Castile and the establishment of the country's independence. A path that will culminate in 1179 through the papal bull.
This will be the 5th of October, which, due to its importance, deserves greater celebration, unlike the one that marks the establishment of the Jacobin republic.
Portugal turns 880 today. ⚔️🇵🇹
🔥🟢 6 octobre 1931 : fondation du #Verdinaso
🔥🟢 6 oktober 1931: oprichting van #Verdinaso
🔥🟢 October 6, 1931: foundation of #Verdinaso
👉 https://jeune-nation.com/kultur/histoire/6-octobre-1931-fondation-du-verdinaso
🔥🟢 6 oktober 1931: oprichting van #Verdinaso
🔥🟢 October 6, 1931: foundation of #Verdinaso
👉 https://jeune-nation.com/kultur/histoire/6-octobre-1931-fondation-du-verdinaso
Antonescu devient le « chef d'honneur » de la légion, tandis que Sima devient vice-Premier ministre. Cinq autres « gardes » sont nommés ministres, parmi lesquels le prince Mihai Sturza (ministre des Affaires étrangères) et le général Constantin Petrovicescu (ministre de l’Intérieur). Des préfets légionnaires sont nommés dans chacun des 45 județe. La Garde de Fer reçoit quatre portefeuilles : Intérieur, Éducation, Affaires étrangères et Cultes. En outre, la plupart des secrétaires permanents et des directeurs des ministères sont également des « gardes ». En tant que parti unique, la Garde de fer contrôle également la presse et les services de propagande.
➡️ https://youtu.be/PQKIHFzTXSg
Antonescu becomes the “honorary chief” of the legion, while Sima becomes deputy prime minister. Five other "guards" are appointed ministers, including Prince Mihai Sturza (Minister of Foreign Affairs) and General Constantin Petrovicescu (Minister of the Interior). Legionary prefects are appointed in each of the 45 județe. The Iron Guard receives four portfolios: Interior, Education, Foreign Affairs and Cults. In addition, most permanent secretaries and heads of ministries are also “guards”. As a single party, the Iron Guard also controls the press and propaganda services.
➡️ https://t.me/FundatiaOgoranu
Antonescu devient le « chef d'honneur » de la légion, tandis que Sima devient vice-Premier ministre. Cinq autres « gardes » sont nommés ministres, parmi lesquels le prince Mihai Sturza (ministre des Affaires étrangères) et le général Constantin Petrovicescu (ministre de l’Intérieur). Des préfets légionnaires sont nommés dans chacun des 45 județe. La Garde de Fer reçoit quatre portefeuilles : Intérieur, Éducation, Affaires étrangères et Cultes. En outre, la plupart des secrétaires permanents et des directeurs des ministères sont également des « gardes ». En tant que parti unique, la Garde de fer contrôle également la presse et les services de propagande.
➡️ https://youtu.be/PQKIHFzTXSg
Antonescu becomes the “honorary chief” of the legion, while Sima becomes deputy prime minister. Five other "guards" are appointed ministers, including Prince Mihai Sturza (Minister of Foreign Affairs) and General Constantin Petrovicescu (Minister of the Interior). Legionary prefects are appointed in each of the 45 județe. The Iron Guard receives four portfolios: Interior, Education, Foreign Affairs and Cults. In addition, most permanent secretaries and heads of ministries are also “guards”. As a single party, the Iron Guard also controls the press and propaganda services.
➡️ https://t.me/FundatiaOgoranu
Parada a legionarilor in Bucuresti 6 octombrie 1940
Peste 100 000 de cămăşi verzi defilează în faţa generalului Ion Antonescu, Horia Sima şi a reprezentanţilor diplomatici ai Axei, Spaniei şi Japoniei. Radu Mironovici, comandant al Bunei Vestiri, este organizatorul demonstraţiei. (6 Octombrie 1940, București…
🟢🔥 Video from Nordic Days 2023.
🟢🔥 Vidéo des Journées nordiques 2023.
➡️ https://odysee.com/@NordicResistanceMovement:2/nordic-days-2023:e
🟢🔥 Vidéo des Journées nordiques 2023.
➡️ https://odysee.com/@NordicResistanceMovement:2/nordic-days-2023:e
Nordic Days 2023
Better late than never – we present a video from this year's Nordic Days event.
Forwarded from Nativos.PT
Ontem, dia 5 de Outubro, várias dezenas de cidadãos, na sua maioria jovens, juntaram-se em Lisboa para tomar de assalto o castelo de São Jorge numa destemida acção de cariz patriota .
Esta acção cumpriu com vários propósitos, sendo um o de firmar presença - num feito sem paralelo para este local e por entre milhares de turistas e nacionais que neste feriado se deslocaram a este espaço - trazendo às ruas e para o meio da população a devida visibilidade à glorificação pátria.
Assim, depois de uma ronda de colagem de materiais, que foi seguida por uma troca de impressões sobre temas da actualidade com os comerciantes e a população Lisboeta (que a custo vai resistindo à pressão imobiliária e da imigração), cumpriu-se com o ponto principal da ordem do dia, o de assinalar simbolicamente o relançamento da Associação P1 (Portugueses Primeiro).
Nas muralhas e portões, deste que é o símbolo capital da nacionalidade, foram erguidas diversas faixas e bandeiras em consagração aos 880 anos do tratado de Zamora - tratado no qual se dá o derradeiro firmamento pela soberania e independência de Portugal.
Para finalizar, e já na presença da estátua de D. Afonso Henriques, foi proferido o seguinte discurso por parte do presidente da P1:
"Existem em teoria três tipos de homens. Os intelectuais, os guerreiros e os trabalhadores.
Em relacção a nós aqui presentes, diria que fazemos parte de uma quarta casta, aquela que por via do tempo em que vivemos fez de nós um pouco de cada uma das outras três.
Somos os nossos próprios doutrinadores numa sociedade despolitizada e que virou as costas aos seu valores.
Somos entre nós professores, amigos e camaradas, somos trabalhadores e somos também homens de acção. O que nos une é um forte sentimento de pertença à nossa terra e à nossa etnia. O sentido do dever, do agir pelo bem comum, do bom combate.
Por isso estamos aqui hoje, no dia em que se celebram os 880 anos de história de Portugal como nação independente!
Falar no 5 de Outubro como uma data da República seria aceitar a reposição histórica feita pelos jacobinos, pelos clubes secretos e por uma esquerda que vive da divisão, que assenta a sua acção em micro causas fracturantes e que usa a suposta coincidência destas datas para omitir o real significado deste dia.
Porque hoje é o dia do Portugal guerreiro!
É o dia do Portugal dos Portugueses!
Daqueles que herdaram a sua nacionalidade através do sangue dos seus antepassados, é o dia do cidadão soldado!
É o dia dos homens de pensamento e acção!
Dos soldados políticos que o são na imagem do nosso primeiro rei!
É o nosso dia!
O dia de quem não tem receio de dizer que honrar a memória dos nossos mortos é repudiar da nossa terra o invasor estrangeiro!
Porque não existe paz se não existir força e não existe independência se não lutarmos por ela!
Este castelo, foi em tempos uma fortaleza moura no coração da nossa terra!
Mas enquanto existirem portugueses como nós, Jamais o voltará a ser!
Hoje é o dia de reconhecer as nossas raízes mais profundas e não há outra forma de o viver!
É o dia dos Portugueses Primeiro!
Lisboa 5 de Outubro de 2023"
#PortuguesesPrimeiro #P1
Esta acção cumpriu com vários propósitos, sendo um o de firmar presença - num feito sem paralelo para este local e por entre milhares de turistas e nacionais que neste feriado se deslocaram a este espaço - trazendo às ruas e para o meio da população a devida visibilidade à glorificação pátria.
Assim, depois de uma ronda de colagem de materiais, que foi seguida por uma troca de impressões sobre temas da actualidade com os comerciantes e a população Lisboeta (que a custo vai resistindo à pressão imobiliária e da imigração), cumpriu-se com o ponto principal da ordem do dia, o de assinalar simbolicamente o relançamento da Associação P1 (Portugueses Primeiro).
Nas muralhas e portões, deste que é o símbolo capital da nacionalidade, foram erguidas diversas faixas e bandeiras em consagração aos 880 anos do tratado de Zamora - tratado no qual se dá o derradeiro firmamento pela soberania e independência de Portugal.
Para finalizar, e já na presença da estátua de D. Afonso Henriques, foi proferido o seguinte discurso por parte do presidente da P1:
"Existem em teoria três tipos de homens. Os intelectuais, os guerreiros e os trabalhadores.
Em relacção a nós aqui presentes, diria que fazemos parte de uma quarta casta, aquela que por via do tempo em que vivemos fez de nós um pouco de cada uma das outras três.
Somos os nossos próprios doutrinadores numa sociedade despolitizada e que virou as costas aos seu valores.
Somos entre nós professores, amigos e camaradas, somos trabalhadores e somos também homens de acção. O que nos une é um forte sentimento de pertença à nossa terra e à nossa etnia. O sentido do dever, do agir pelo bem comum, do bom combate.
Por isso estamos aqui hoje, no dia em que se celebram os 880 anos de história de Portugal como nação independente!
Falar no 5 de Outubro como uma data da República seria aceitar a reposição histórica feita pelos jacobinos, pelos clubes secretos e por uma esquerda que vive da divisão, que assenta a sua acção em micro causas fracturantes e que usa a suposta coincidência destas datas para omitir o real significado deste dia.
Porque hoje é o dia do Portugal guerreiro!
É o dia do Portugal dos Portugueses!
Daqueles que herdaram a sua nacionalidade através do sangue dos seus antepassados, é o dia do cidadão soldado!
É o dia dos homens de pensamento e acção!
Dos soldados políticos que o são na imagem do nosso primeiro rei!
É o nosso dia!
O dia de quem não tem receio de dizer que honrar a memória dos nossos mortos é repudiar da nossa terra o invasor estrangeiro!
Porque não existe paz se não existir força e não existe independência se não lutarmos por ela!
Este castelo, foi em tempos uma fortaleza moura no coração da nossa terra!
Mas enquanto existirem portugueses como nós, Jamais o voltará a ser!
Hoje é o dia de reconhecer as nossas raízes mais profundas e não há outra forma de o viver!
É o dia dos Portugueses Primeiro!
Lisboa 5 de Outubro de 2023"
#PortuguesesPrimeiro #P1
Yesterday, October 5th, several dozen citizens, mostly young people, gathered in Lisbon to storm the São Jorge castle in a fearless patriotic action.
This action fulfilled several purposes, one being to establish a presence - an unparalleled feat for this place and among thousands of tourists and nationals who visited this space on this holiday - bringing due visibility to the streets and among the population. to the glorification of the country.
Thus, after a round of collaging materials, which was followed by an exchange of views on current topics with traders and the population of Lisbon (who are struggling to resist real estate and immigration pressure), the point was fulfilled main agenda, to symbolically mark the relaunch of the P1 Association (Portugueses Primeiro).
On the walls and gates, which is the capital symbol of nationality, several banners and flags were erected in consecration to the 880th anniversary of the Treaty of Zamora - a treaty in which Portugal's sovereignty and independence were finally established.
To conclude, and in the presence of the statue of D. Afonso Henriques, the following speech was given by the president of P1:
"There are in theory three types of men: intellectuals, warriors and workers.
In relation to us present here, I would say that we are part of a fourth caste, one that, due to the time in which we live, has made us a little of each of the other three.
We are our own indoctrinators in a depoliticized society that has turned its back on its values.
Among us, we are teachers, friends and comrades, we are workers and we are also men of action. What unites us is a strong feeling of belonging to our land and our ethnicity. The sense of duty, of acting for the common good, of the good fight.
That's why we're here today, on the day we celebrate Portugal's 880 years of history as an independent nation!
To speak of the 5th of October as a date of the Republic would be to accept the historical restoration made by the Jacobins, the secret clubs and a left that lives off division, that bases its action on micro fracturing causes and that uses the supposed coincidence of these dates to omit the real meaning of this day.
Because today is warrior Portugal's day!
It's Portuguese Portugal Day!
From those who inherited their nationality through the blood of their ancestors, it is Citizen Soldier Day!
It's the day for men of thought and action!
Of the political soldiers who are in the image of our first king!
It's our day!
The day of those who are not afraid to say that honoring the memory of our dead means repudiating the foreign invader from our land!
Because there is no peace if there is no strength and there is no independence if we don't fight for it!
This castle was once a Moorish fortress in the heart of our land!
But as long as there are Portuguese people like us, it will never be the same again!
Today is the day to recognize our deepest roots and there is no other way to live it!
It's Portuguese First Day!
Lisbon October 5, 2023"
➡️ https://t.me/NativosPT
This action fulfilled several purposes, one being to establish a presence - an unparalleled feat for this place and among thousands of tourists and nationals who visited this space on this holiday - bringing due visibility to the streets and among the population. to the glorification of the country.
Thus, after a round of collaging materials, which was followed by an exchange of views on current topics with traders and the population of Lisbon (who are struggling to resist real estate and immigration pressure), the point was fulfilled main agenda, to symbolically mark the relaunch of the P1 Association (Portugueses Primeiro).
On the walls and gates, which is the capital symbol of nationality, several banners and flags were erected in consecration to the 880th anniversary of the Treaty of Zamora - a treaty in which Portugal's sovereignty and independence were finally established.
To conclude, and in the presence of the statue of D. Afonso Henriques, the following speech was given by the president of P1:
"There are in theory three types of men: intellectuals, warriors and workers.
In relation to us present here, I would say that we are part of a fourth caste, one that, due to the time in which we live, has made us a little of each of the other three.
We are our own indoctrinators in a depoliticized society that has turned its back on its values.
Among us, we are teachers, friends and comrades, we are workers and we are also men of action. What unites us is a strong feeling of belonging to our land and our ethnicity. The sense of duty, of acting for the common good, of the good fight.
That's why we're here today, on the day we celebrate Portugal's 880 years of history as an independent nation!
To speak of the 5th of October as a date of the Republic would be to accept the historical restoration made by the Jacobins, the secret clubs and a left that lives off division, that bases its action on micro fracturing causes and that uses the supposed coincidence of these dates to omit the real meaning of this day.
Because today is warrior Portugal's day!
It's Portuguese Portugal Day!
From those who inherited their nationality through the blood of their ancestors, it is Citizen Soldier Day!
It's the day for men of thought and action!
Of the political soldiers who are in the image of our first king!
It's our day!
The day of those who are not afraid to say that honoring the memory of our dead means repudiating the foreign invader from our land!
Because there is no peace if there is no strength and there is no independence if we don't fight for it!
This castle was once a Moorish fortress in the heart of our land!
But as long as there are Portuguese people like us, it will never be the same again!
Today is the day to recognize our deepest roots and there is no other way to live it!
It's Portuguese First Day!
Lisbon October 5, 2023"
➡️ https://t.me/NativosPT
Movimento Nacionalista