Follow the Data with Dr Frank
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“Running for Office?”

I’ve been asked several times recently if I am running for a political office.

No. Certainly not.

I am far too busy fighting for my state and my country, exposing the massive corruption in our governments and in our elections. We must first undo the November debacle, and then reform our elections nationally so that honest people who are running for office might have a prayer of actually being elected, and then actually serving the *people* rather than the political establishment.

Every election matters. Every school board, every trustee and commissioner, every mayor and sheriff, every policy and levy. The steady erosion of these down-ballot votes is how we are incrementally losing our country.

Once we have taken our country back I would be honored to continue to serve my country, probably in some appointed capacity.

Wherever God leads, I am determined to go. We are playing for keeps.
“The News”

When I was a boy, there were essentially three networks, plus PBS.

Responsible citizens would read the local paper and watch the news they trusted the most. Outlets competed based upon credibility, and consumers wanted the facts.

Over the past couple decades, these outlets have steadily morphed into something else.

Now, there is an agenda... and the truth has little to do with it.

Now, consumers tune in to hear what they want to hear, and in the process they are conditioned into compliance and group-think. Critical thinking is marginalized as racist and conspiratorial.

In an open market this will eventually fix itself because the truth matters, and those that know the truth will make choices based upon reality and so are therefore more likely to flourish.

It will take time, but the market is steadily offering new alternatives despite the onslaught from an oppressive Left.

During this time, therefore, choose your information sources carefully. Don’t reward click-bait, and spend your eye capital on wholesome and truthful images and information.

The marketplace is one of the strongest forces in the world. Vote with your dollars. Vote with your eyes. Vote with your time. Reward sources that endeavor to be truthful, and deliberately avoid the rest.
Ya think?

(Please note the date of the article.)
It's official! I'm speaking at President Trump's rally on Saturday, 6/26 in Wellington, Ohio. I am so excited and honored to serve my president!
Super important. Please share.
Ohio has one of the worst human trafficking records in the country. Finally, a public figure is addressing this difficult topic. That is called *leadership.*
A year ago, a dear friend, Becky Crosson Ziegenfuss, saw the hand of God working in my life and interviewed me for her podcast, "Let it Be."

Little did I know what God had in store for me. She released the first interview in two episodes:

Then, she had me back for another episode with Nellie:

It is comforting to know that others see the hand of God at work in my life.
If you are not headed to North Ohio on Saturday, here is another event to consider.
At the Jayhawk booth today at Bowl Expo in Louisville!
As expected, I've been de-platformed on YouTube.

No worries! The battle goes on...
It is no accident that I am being de-platformed the day before I am speaking at the President's rally.

My work combined with Lindell's data (and others), provide irrefutable evidence of widespread election fraud.

The evidence is obvious and compelling, and now more people are gonna know. The national bonfire is growing fast, and the truth is resonating across the country.

When I was modeling Covid, I was reaching about 150,000 people.

Once Lindell picked me up and made "Scientific Proof," I'm reaching over ten million. That's a jump of two orders of magnitude.

And now that the President is promoting my work, it should reach *another* order of magnitude.

I am delighted and honored to be fighting for our country and serving our president.

Please pray for me.

For energy and health, focus and intellect, wisdom and integrity.

I am doing my best to be standing ready, working hard, and letting God steer this journey.

All of this is in God's timing.