Flower Power = Teka Silang kata (Teka Teki) Kelopak
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Petal Puzzles = Language-Teaching Crosswords = Teka Silang kata (Teka Teki) Kelopak
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Dear Malay-Speaking Friends, Pleased to launch contest 18/9/2021
Make Malaysian/Indonesian Riddle* @ Win 2 Flowers & Jawiware
Do you know that this Quranic verse T.me/FonJawi/174 contains all the 28 Arabic letters, from Alif-to-Ya, and this well-known wording "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" contains all the 26 English letters. So, why not try making one meaningful Malay / Indonesian riddle that contains all Latin letters & covering all the Malay (Jawi/Pegon) sounds. T.me/FonJawi/529
* A riddle: like this"A dead snake smoking a cigarette, What is it? > "Mosquito Repelling Coil" that translates into Malay Teka teki teka tekuk: "Ular mati hisap rokok, apa dia?" > Ubat Nyamuk"
Winner is the first to Telegram me the Meaningful Riddle.
His/Her name will be published here and at T.me/FonJawi/693
Happy Phrasing & Translating with Flowers.
Happy Prophet Muhammad's Birthday 12-17th Rabiul Awal 1443H
@FlowerCrosswords & @FonJawi wish all Muslims blessings by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be on him & his household) with love, peace and prosperity. ————————————————————
Love Prophet Muhammad @ his tongue? Stay safe and healthy!
🌺 اللهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلىٰ سَيِّدِنٰا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلىٰٓ آلِ سَيِّدِنٰا مُحَمَّدٍ 🌺 T.me/FonJawi/172
🌺 اللهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلىٰ سَيِّدِنٰا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلىٰٓ آلِ سَيِّدِنٰا مُحَمَّدٍ 🌺 T.me/FonJawi/556
🌺 اللهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلىٰ سَيِّدِنٰا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلىٰٓ آلِ سَيِّدِنٰا مُحَمَّدٍ 🌺 T.me/FonJawi/648
Happy celebrating 19-24 October 2021M & All the best with Flowers
Hi Dear Friends, السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Pleased to translate this image into English:

Some say: Pity who does not know English because it is difficult for him/her to understand human speech.

Say: More pity who does not know Arabic, because it is difficult for him/her to understand the words of The Lord of humans Who says: T.me/FonJawi/696
"Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. There are indeed signs in that for those who know." [The Glorious Quran 30:22 ]
T.me/FlowerCrosswords/65 = T.me/FonJawi/556
🌺 All the Best with 🌺 T.me/FlowerCrosswords/49
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh
Pleased to launch contest 15 Jamadil Awal 1443H = 20 Dec 2021M
---—-------- Rearrange Numbers @ Win Flowers & Jawiware ---—--------
[4][5][6] Rearrange these 1-9 numbers in such
[1][2][3] away that the following sums are done:

1. Middle-Left @ Top-Middle @ Middle-Right @ Bottom-Middle = 20
2. Top-Left @ Top-Middle @ Center @ Middle-Left = 20
3. Top-Middle @ Top-Right @ Middle-Right @ Center = 20
4. Middle-Left @ Center @ Bottom-Middle @ Bottom-Left = 20
5. Center @ Middle-Right @ Bottom-Right @ Bottom-Middle = 20
Winner is the first to Telegram me the Rearranged numbers.
His/Her name will be published here and at @FonJawi
Happy Rearranging @ Wishing All Happy New Year with Flowers!
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh
Pleased to launch contest 20 Jamadil Akhir 1443 = 24 Januari 2022M
Answer the above question & Win Twin 12,14, or 16-petal Flowers
T.me/FlowerCrosswords/57 @ T.me/FlowerCrosswords/113
The winner is the first to Telegram me the most correct answer.
His/Her name will be published here. T.me/FlowerCrosswords/4
All the Best for All with Flowers @KamusAlFaedahBot
Indeed ease accompanies hardship. [The Glorious Quran 94:5&6]
http://Maryamsoft.com/Hoda/ & @AlquranDanTerjemahanMelayu
Forwarded from yusuf aqil
Nak tanya Al Quran tu kena yang Rasm Othmani ka?
Yang lain boleh tak?
Wa Alaikum Assalamu Wr.Wb, Yusuf Aqil @Ucop03 with Flowers

Thank you for asking! Translating your question into English:
> Should Al-Quran be written in Othmani script?
> Possible to do IT in another script and/or typography?

Say: The Glorious Quran is the message of the Lord of all the worlds, why not possible to have it written in another way or typography?!

2. Don't be ashamed if we are not good at English. We should be ashamed if we are not good at reading the Noble Quran because we are Muslims = T.me/PandaiJawi/54 @ T.me/FlowerCrosswords/65

All the Best for All with Flowers T.me/FlowerCrosswords/110
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh
Pleased to launch contest 8 Sya'ban 1443H / 12 Mac 2022M
Make One Meaningful Sentence @ Win Twin 16-petal Flowers.
That's right: A sentence in which five (5) consecutive words share the same letter as (M) in this Arabic Quranic verse that says:
It was said, O Noah! Disembark in peace from Us and with [Our] blessings upon you and upon nations [to descend] from those who are with you, and nations whom We shall provide for, then a painful punishment from Us shall befall them. [The Glorious Quran 11:48]
The winner is the first to Telegram me his/her sentence.
His/Her name will be published here, T.me/FonJawi/713 , and Typedrawers.com/discussion/4374/make-one-meaningful-sentence-in-your-language-win-two-dynamic-arabic-fonts
All the Best for All with Flowers T.me/FlowerCrosswords/65
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

With the blessings of Ramadan, I hope effective measures would be taken to forge unity and integrity among Muslim nations.
2. Just sharing👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿 with Flowers:
Malaysian Classical Malay Manuscript Reading Competition
1-17 Apri 2022 = 28 Sha'ban - 15 Ramadhan 1443H
In conjunction with World Book and Copyright Day
Dewan Languages and Libraries - Malaysia
T.me/PandaiJawi/184 = T.me/FonJawi/724 @ T.me/FonJawi/424
All the Best for All with Flowers T.me/FlowerCrosswords/94
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh
وأشرقت شمس العيد And the sun of Eid has risen
اللّٰهُمَّ اجعل صباح أول أيام العيد فاتحة خير
وفرج وسعادة علينا وعليكم وعلى الأمة الإسلامية
O Allah, make morning of the 1st day of Eid a good light
Relief @ happiness for us. you @ the Islamic nation
T.me/FlowerCrosswords/69 @ T.me/FonJawi/273
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

Pleased to launch Quiz 24 Syawal 1443H = 26 May 2022M

Move Dots @ Win 16-petal Flowers @ Unique @ Dynamic R2L Fonts
———————————— jiSò Sij q = ? ————————————
What will be read if the dot of "j" is removed and the dot of "i" is moved underneath, and the letters are connected Arabicwise?
The winner is the first to send the corrrect answer.
His/Her name will be published here with Flowers Typedrawers.com/discussion/4447/font-pairing-across-writing-systems
Hi Dear Friends, = Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb,
Pleased to launch Contest 29.06.2022 = 29 Zulqe'dah 1443H
——— Post @ Win Twin Flowers @ Software for Arabic Fonts ———
Ya. Just post the following message with three (3) attachments at Typedrawers.com/discussion/4479/problem-with-arabic-ligatures-in-ms-word-2019
——————————— The Message ———————————
By the way, the aforementioned word (circled red) is used only once in the Glorious Quran; exactly at verse 15:2 that translates to:
"Much will the faithless wish that they had been Muslims."

Due to bad ligatures @ bad kernings of most Arabic fonts, I do recommend using Maryamsoft tool (QB-English.pdf) for unique @ dynamic Fonts to get the most attractive typeset shown here @ http://Maryamsoft.com/Hoda/

Arranging attachments below message, as follows:
1st : Jpg 👆🏿 2nd: This Pdf 3rd: Pdf T.me/FonJawi/5
Winner the first to join @ post message there
His/Her name will be published here
All the Best for All with Flowers T.me/PandaiJawi/207
👆🏿 Agree or not?
Anonymous Poll
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household

Having Five (5) to save from the overwhelming fire of Hell
Al-Mustafa, Al-Murtada, their two sons @ Fatimah
See the Glorious Quran, verses 3:61, 14:24-26, 17:60 @ 61:8
T.me/FonJawi/740 @ T.me/FonJawi/334 @ T.me/FonJawi/176
Am at peace for those who are at peace with them, and at war for those who fight them, and the guardian of those who follow them, and the enemy of those who oppose them. T.me/FonJawi/633

2. Answer the following question @ Win Twin Flowers & Software.
What happened on 10 Muharram 61H (680 AD) in Karbala/Iraq?!
... The winner is the first to send his/her correct answer.
... His/Her name will be published here and at @FonJawi

May Allah accept from us @ U = Taqabbalallahu minna wa Minkum
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

Pleased to launch Contest Rabi'ul Akhir 1444H = 28 October 2022M

Spot Drawbacks of 2 Fonts @ Win Twin Flowers & Dynamic Fonts.
For the two (2) fonts used by @kaylisy👇🏿 @ @bbmnafsiah👇🏿,
just circle their drawbacks
Winner is the first to send his/her answer here
His/her name will be published here

Happy Circling with Flowers
Forwarded from Aim Indra