Flower Power = Teka Silang kata (Teka Teki) Kelopak
778 subscribers
23 photos
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Petal Puzzles = Language-Teaching Crosswords = Teka Silang kata (Teka Teki) Kelopak
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Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household

Having Five (5) to save from the overwhelming fire of Hell
Al-Mustafa, Al-Murtada, their two sons @ Fatimah
See the Glorious Quran, verses 3:61, 14:24-26, 17:60 @ 61:8
T.me/FonJawi/740 @ T.me/FonJawi/334 @ T.me/FonJawi/176
Am at peace for those who are at peace with them, and at war for those who fight them, and the guardian of those who follow them, and the enemy of those who oppose them. T.me/FonJawi/633

2. Answer the following question @ Win Twin Flowers & Software.
What happened on 10 Muharram 61H (680 AD) in Karbala/Iraq?!
... The winner is the first to send his/her correct answer.
... His/Her name will be published here and at @FonJawi

May Allah accept from us @ U = Taqabbalallahu minna wa Minkum
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

Pleased to launch Contest Rabi'ul Akhir 1444H = 28 October 2022M

Spot Drawbacks of 2 Fonts @ Win Twin Flowers & Dynamic Fonts.
For the two (2) fonts used by @kaylisy👇🏿 @ @bbmnafsiah👇🏿,
just circle their drawbacks
Winner is the first to send his/her answer here
His/her name will be published here

Happy Circling with Flowers
Forwarded from Aim Indra
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

Pleased to launch Contest 7.12.2022 = 13 Jamadil Awal 1444H

Design One Font & Win Flowers & Dynamic Fonts T.me/FonJawi/693
With help of the free software http://designwithfontforge.com, you are cordially invited to design one Latin font avoiding the Cross shape of letters "f" & "t" and the dot of letters "i" & "j" replacing them with the flower-like asterisk (*)

1st Prize: Seven (7) Flowers plus Seven (7) dynamic Fonts
2st Prize: Five (5) Flowers plus Five (5) dynamic Fonts
3rd Prize: Three (3) Flowers plus Three (3) dynamic Fonts
Happy Experimenting And Designing With Flowers
Flower Power = Teka Silang kata (Teka Teki) Kelopak
Welcome @Letterhythm with Flowers,

Thanks for trying and sharing your experiment. Though there are various types of starfish, I do recommend the 5-arm one to make it easy on the eye & hand. T.me/FonJawi/778?comment=449

Thanking you once again and wishing you All the best.
T.me/FlowerCrosswords/140 @ T.me/FlowerCrosswords/68
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Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

Keen to teach children writing Arabic-based scripts with ease?!
Here is a self-explanatory video on how to make use of the circle.

2. Pleased to launch this competition on 18 January 2023M

Answer two (2) questions & Win Twin Flowers & Software

2.1. Ignoring dots, what letters are overlooked in this video?

2.2. Without repeating letters, make a useful sentence from all the mysterious words that start some Quranic surahs.

Happy Watching @ Trying With Flowers T.me/FlowerCrosswords/49
OCR Contest - SYAIR NABI AYUB (Alaihi as-Salam).pdf
2.9 MB
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

Pleased to launch Contest Rejab 1444H / Februari 2023M
Convert this file to Text and Win Twin Flowers & T.me/FonJawi/332
Winner is the first to send his/her answer
His/her name will be published here

Happy OCRing with Flowers
12.3 MB
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

In the hope of helping South East Asian Right-to-Left TypeDrawers,
I am pleased to launch this Translation Contest.

Translate into Melayu & Win Twin Flowers & Dynamic R2L Fonts
With the help of Linguist.exe and Pdf files included in this zipped file, open Melayu.ts and go translating the English menus into Melayu, line-by-line, clicking buttons 1 and 2 shown by How.jpg , jumping between lines, typing and editing till you finish.
Winner is the first to send his/her Melayu Translation,
His/her name will be published here

Happy Translating & Editing with Flowers
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

Pleased to launch Contest Ramadan 1444H = April 2023M

Translate T.me/FonJawi/801 into Malay @ Win Twin Flowers & Fonts
—————— I have won, By the Lord of Kaaba! ————————
—————— By: Abbas Mahmoud Al-Akkad - Cairo ——————

With this great announcement, Ali (AS) concluded his life, which began in the House of Allah and ended in the House of Allah!! And between the beginning and the end there was a long prostration to Allah... announcing victory at a great time... a greater place... and a way that continued to shake the pillars of history.. I did not know or hear of a ruler being assassinated in his capital and swearing by the Lord of Kaaba and saying: (I won)! ! Any win Ali bin Abi Talib (AS) talking about?

I swear by the Lord of Kaaba, if all the dictionaries of politics and governance in the world met, they would not be able to comprehend the meaning of this victory!

He participated in 80 battles, and killed the Arab heroes and their leaders, but he did not say, “I won.” The people pledged allegiance to him over the caliphate in a scene that no caliph had ever passed before..and he did not say I won!! Rather, he said: Take me as a minister, not a prince!

For years, whenever I pass by his words "I have won, Lord of Kaaba", I feel that my entire intellectual system is shaking!! If Ali (AS) is the winner.. then who is the loser?!!

Winning and losing in Ali's dictionary paint the picture of humanity that Allah wanted to use in the world of existence. Let each of us review (his victory) and (his loss) and present them to Ali's dictionary...

May Allah increase your rewards... Ali (AS) won... and humanity lost his loss, O Lord of Kaaba.
———— Late Arab Thinker and Writer : Abbas Mahmoud Al-Akkad
Winner is the first to send me his/her translation.
His/her name will be published here and there.
Happy Fasting @ Breakfasting with Flowers of Friendship
Forwarded from A Alsalem
الاسم عملته في منصة كليم
Flower Power = Teka Silang kata (Teka Teki) Kelopak
الاسم عملته في منصة كليم https://www.kaleam.com/
Hi Friend = Wa Alaikum Assalamu waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

Thanks for sharing with Flowers Kaleam.com/#pricing
But, have you not regarded how expensive Kaleam is?
Too expensive that Professionals have to pay 379.99 U$/year .
2. Kaleam is a standalone application that is useless elsewhere.
3. Kaleam fonts are inaccessible as they work Online only.

So, why not try QB unique & dynamic Online and Offline fonts?
Ya. QB with One Free Font for life time as a gift = Only 20U$
And for each additional Font for life time = Only 20U$
QB Fonts can be explored by clicking their images here Maryamsoft.com/FontShop/
After choosing your favorite font, and paying 20U$, a serial number will be sent to you to take advantage of QB and the chosen font whenever you want. Moreover, you will get free additional fonts Online via Maryamsoft.com/QalamOnline
And of course, you do have the right to choose either Software: Kaleam Online or QalamBartar Online and Offline dynamic fonts.

All the Best with Flowers T.me/FonJawi/805
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

Translating this Quranic text T.me/FonJawi/806 into English:
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful
3:103 : Hold fast, all together, to Allah's cord, and do not be divided [into sects]. T.me/FlowerCrosswords/65

2. Pleased to launch Contest Syawal 1444H / Mei 2023M 🌷🌷🌷
With the help of this tool Kaleam.com/, do this verse Or these two (2) phrases T.me/FonJawi/807 @ T.me/FonJawi/808 @ Win Twin Flowers plus our tool T.me/FonJawi/5 with this unique @ dynamic font Maryamsoft.com/product/fontshop/main/wm_Sols-htm/
Winner is the first to send his/her artwork in PDF @ SVG format.
His/her name will be published here

Happy Contesting @ All the Best for All with Flowers
Go ligating "ضح" , widening "ى" and overlapping "مبا" across it
T.me/FonJawi/810 @ T.me/FlowerCrosswords/73
Wishing all Muslim Friends a joyous and blessed Eid Mobarak!
May this special occasion bring you and your loved ones abundant happiness, prosperity, and peace.
Hi Dear Friends = Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuh

Translating Indonesian T.me/FonJawi/812 into English @ Arabic :
لقد اختبرت كل مرارة الحياة I have experienced all the bitterness of life
الأمر الأكثر مرارة هو وضع الأمل في إخوتنا البشر
The most bitter is to place hope in fellow humans
سيدنا علي بن ابي طالب(*) قال : ——- : Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib(*) said
الأمل في البشر سراب Hoping in humans is mirage
الأمل في الثروة عابر Hoping in material possessions is fleeting
الأمل في السلطة لا بد أن يزول Hoping in power is bound to perish
اِجعَلُوا كُلَّ رجاءكُم للّه‏ِ سبحانَهُ Place your hope in Allah, Glory be to Him
فلا يخيب أبدا رجاء من رجاه Who never disappoints who hopes in Him
(*) تحياتنا وتعازينا له ولأقاربه ولأتباعه T.me/FonJawi/334
(*) Greetings @ condolences to him, his close relatives @ followers
بالتوفيق للجميع All the Best for All T.me/FlowerCrosswords/136
Peace be upon Gaza
O Allah, we entrust you with Gaza and its people, its streets, its land and its sky.
O Allah, make its day and night cool and peaceful.
O Allah, support them with victory, help them with patience
O Allah, subjugate to them the angels of heaven and the soldiers of the earth and those on it. T.me/FonJawi/660 @ T.me/FonJawi/726
O Allah, make their feet steady, O Most Merciful of the Merciful
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Assalamu Alaikum wR. wB

مسابقه ملايو @ جاوي @ إنجليزي ربيع الآخر 1445هـ/نوفمبر 2023مسيحي
T.me/FonJawi/827 @ T.me/FlowerCrosswords/157
Malay @ English Contest —- Rabi'ul Akhir 1445H / November 2023M
للملايو أو الإنجليزي، ترجموا هذين التسجيلين (2) واربحوا وردتين وخطين متحرکة
Into Malay Jawi or English, translate these two (2) recordings and Win Twin Flowers and Twin dynamic Jawi/Arabic Fonts T.me/FonJawi/791
Winner is the 1st to send the translation الفائز أول من يرسل ترجمته/ها
His/her name will be published here@ there وسيتم نشر اسمه هنا وهناك
بالتوفيق مع باقة من الورد المحمدي (ورد الجوري) All the Best with Flowers
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Assalamu Alaikum wR. wB

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Assalamu Alaikum wR. wB

مسابقة ملايو جاوي دان عرب / جمادي الآخرة 1445هـ/ يناير 2024 مسيحي
Arabic @ Malay Contest —- Jamadil Akhir 1445H / January 2024M
—————-——- T.me/FonJawi/827?comment=928 ———-————
مختلطوا الدم عرب وملايو و/أو تجيدون كتابة العربية وجاوي؟!
Blood-mixed Arab-Melayu and/or good at Arabic and Jawi  ?!
—————————— T.me/Contests4QB/11  ——————————
الفائز/(ة) بقلم برتر أول من يثبتون ذلك QB winner is the 1st to prove that
His/her name willbe published here@there وسيتم‌نشراسمه/ها هناوهناك
بالتوفيق مع باقة من الورد المحمدي (ورد الجوري) All the Best with Flowers