Famous Places in India
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#LikirMonastery or #LikirGompa (Klud-kyil) is a #BuddhistMonastery in #Ladakh, #NorthernIndia. It is located at 3700m elevation, approximately 52 kilometres in the west of #Leh. It is picturesquely situated on a little hill in the valley, in #LikirVillage near the #IndusRiver about 9.5 kilometres north of the Srinigar to Leh highway. It belongs to the Gelugpa sect of #TibetanBuddhism and was established in 1065 by Lama Duwang Chosje, under the command of the fifth king of Ladakh, Lhachen Gyalpo (Lha-chen-rgyal-po).
Amazing click by @apratim_gt
This utterly beautiful place is #ThiksayMonastery which is located to the North of the #IndusRiver on a hilltop, 19 kilometres from #Leh town in Ladakh, India. It is a #gompa (Tibetan-style #monastery) affiliated with the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism.

There is a lot to be experienced yet, so keep adding such mystical places to your bucket list. For now, just stay home and be safe folks!
Built entirely by the #Ladakhi craftsmen in 1820, the #StokPalace still continues to be a snug abode for the Namgyal dynasty. The Namgyal dynasty traces its origin to its founder –Lhachen Palgygon as early as 10th century. You are entering a historical property and the Palace stands almost 200 years old. The Stok Palace was opened to public in 1980 with blessings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It encapsulates and reflects the lifestyle and history of royalty set in the midst of the valley of #SingeySangpo which is popularly known as the #IndusRiver.