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Official information channel of Fall Cabal / Cyntha Koeter & Janet Ossebaard

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Forwarded from Bataafse Nieuws (TrollenJager)
Mini colomn: TrollenJager

We lezen het in verschillende kranten: het vaccin van Astra Zeneca en Johnson & Johnson zou slecht zijn en zou bloedpropjes veroorzaken. De kans is erg klein zeggen wetenschappers, maar ze willen het zekere voor het onzekere nemen.
Maar waarom zou de deep-state kranten negatief over die vaccins schrijven?
Uiteraard zit daar een agenda achter vermoed ik.
Het is bekend dat AZ- en J&J-vaccins niet mRNA bevat. Het oogte dat men keuze had tussen verschillende 'soorten'.
Nu wordt het duidelijk: binnenkort alleen mRNA vaccinaties van o.a. pfeizer en moderna. Hierdoor is er minder te 'kiezen' en als je de prik neemt wordt het direct de prik die de deep state wilt dat je neemt.

De gerapporteerde risico's van bloedpropjes zijn verwaarloosbaar, maar toch schrappen ze de niet-mRNA vaccins. Dit geeft de mens het gevoel dat de toezichthoudende commissie erg kritisch is naar de vaccinaties. Maar uiteindelijk is er geen keuze meer. Ofja, een keuze:

mRNA vaccin, of eeuwig testen, of buitengesloten worden.

Tenzij we zeggen: genoeg is genoeg.
Forwarded from Bataafse Nieuws (Oz Sujoko πŸ€)
Media is too big

Locatie Vlaszak in Breda. Parkeren kan bij Beyerd-Vlaszak.

Graag zien we je daar, met bloemen uiteraard!

Volg @BataafseFlowers
Geniaal weer van onze Frank Stadermann. Je kunt gewoon weer naar een feestje..... Maar wel met de auto naar huis (met de ramen dicht!!) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Wake up WORLD! Drop the muzzle!

Forwarded from Jan Rijkeboer
Forwarded from Denco
Red Pill Journal πŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Vrijwel dagelijks wordt op dit kanaal de 'Red Pill Journal' gedeeld van Wouter, Micha en Joost!
Forwarded from Patrick
Media is too big
Fakkeltocht lichtenvoorde 14-04-2021
Forwarded from We The Media (IET)
Media is too big
Are there any pilots in this group who can make sence of these flight movements? PM me on @cynthakoeter
Forwarded from Expanding Reality1
WOW!!! ❀️ Y'ALL.... how amazing!! See what I just got on the flight tracker I check sometimes to get an idea of the operations that may be going on.... look at how they portrayed the Austrian plane!!! A PEPE plane!! Just for a second ... could be a sign, right.... that things are moving in the VERY RIGHT direction!! ❀️ LOVE to Y'ALL ... Thanking the Military, The Earth Alliance, and The Space Force and the Galactic Federation! ❀️ Atlantic Wall in the picture - Waddeneilanden... Zoetermeer, Rotterdam en onder Groningen!! En dat om 10 uur 's avonds! ❀️
For those who still believe in Corrona, or those who just want to kill a fluvirus:
Forwarded from AndrΓ© Ijsendoorn
(by auto mode sent this sms)



The hot water you
drink is good for your throat.

But this Corona
virus is hidden behind the
Paranasal sinus of your nose for 3 to 4 days.

The hot water we
drink does not reach there.

After 4 to 5 days
this virus that
was hidden behind the
paranasal sinus reaches your lungs.

Then you have trouble breathing.

That's why it is very important to take steam,

which reaches the
back of your Paranasal sinus.

You have to kill this
virus in the nose with steam.

At 50Β°C, this virus becomes disabled i.e. paralyzed.

At 60Β°C this virus
becomes so weak that any
human immunity
system can fight against it.

At 70Β°C this virus dies completely.

This is what steam does.

The entire Public
Health Department knows this.

But everyone wants to take
advantage of this Pandemic.

So they don't share this information openly.

One who stays at home should take steam once a day.

If you go to the market to buy Groceries
vegetables etc.
take it twice a day.

Anyone who meets
some people or goes to office
should take steam 3 times a day.

*Steam week*

According to doctors,
Covid -19 can be killed by
inhaling steam from the nose and mouth,
eliminating the Coronavirus.

If all the people
started a steam drive campaign for a week,

the pandemic will soon end.

So here is a suggestion:

* Start the process for a week from
morning and evening, for
just 5 minutes
each time,
to inhale steam.

If we all adopt this practice for a week the deadly

Covid-19 will be erased.

This practice has no side effects & doesn't cost anything either.

*So Steam inhalation is the best remedy for Covid to destroy it completely*

*So please send this message to all your Loved Ones, relatives,*
*friends and neighbours,*
*so that we all can kill this*
*Corona virus together and live and walk freely*
*in this beautiful world.*

(I pray to Lord for all of you to be safe and Happy)

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