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I am still thinking why people are lefting as they are online also? 🤔🧐
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Khardung La is a mountain pass in Ladakh, India, it is used to carry supplies to the Siachen Glacier. The road is one of the world's highest motorable roads.

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This is what a firework display looks like during the day.

Being in love makes food and drink taste sweeter.
The best⁉️
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Kendrick Lamar
68% of the people suffer from Phantom Vibration Syndrome, the feeling that one's phone is vibrating when it's not.

Social media is psychologically designed to be addictive and part of that has to do with infinite scroll.

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The downwards pull of gravity is balanced by the upwards pull of the tension in the coils. When the slinky is released, the coils collapse downwards from the top in a compression wave. The bottom of the slinky remains motionless until the coils have fully collapsed.

Oxygen is the cause of aging

In fact, oxygen is necessary for us to live, but at the same time, it oxidizes our cells, which ultimately leads to cell aging.

The two most effective treatments for battling depression are exercise and spending time with pets.

Instead of going to dinner and movie, go to the movie first and then dinner. This way at dinner you have something to talk about.

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Nice video showing why blackhead pore strips can actually be bad for you! 👃

In 2009, a 92 year old Chinese woman named Huang Yijun delivered a child that she had been carrying for more than 60 years. The baby wasn't alive. She was carrying a stoned baby for 2 more than half a century

The first stock exchange was established in 1602 in Amsterdam. It was set up to trade shares of the Dutch East India Company.

When young people are affected by grief, their immune system

becomes stronger. However, when older people experience grief, their immune system weakens. This may explain why many elderly couples pass away only a short time apart.

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Bonobos have sexual intercourse as a major form of social communication.

Sloths can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes - nearly twice as long as dolphins can.

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This how to tell if a diamond is fake using the Dot test💎

People tend to fall in love with the person who is more like their parents.

Some researchs found that men often favor women who resemble their mother when choosing mates. Similarly, the study showed that women prefer male faces that resemble their fathers. These findings were later reported in a 2002 New Scientist magazine article titled “Like Father Like Husband."