đź’‰ WEF DECODES đź’»
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Nothing in this clown world makes sense until you see the big picture. Lucky for us, the baddies (WEF) tell us their plans.
-Killshot “Vaccines”
-PsyOps culminate to ID2020/CardioID
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Pompeo Law Enforcement Appreciation Day DECODE

First Pompeo tweet on 1/9 thanked our service men and women.
Second Pompeo tweet on 1/9 provided the Q link.
Qdrop #1911, which, funnily enough, has 911 in it, thanked our service men and women.

Cute little tweets. Thanks Mr. Mike, we got you.

Independent confirmation of USA vax research.

The data will eventually match a previous VAERS-derived graph in regards to companies testing the vaccines.

Here’s the graph analyzed, aka the final result when this research finishes. It might seem new, but it’s confirmation research that Mod, Pfi, JnJ were conducting amount needed to kill research together. They’re not competitors. They never were.

Proof of previous collusion: https://t.me/FTFoYGL/417
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Mike Pompeo 1/10/2022 Tweets Decode

Mike, “a devout Christian”, says “shining light on a hill”.
Qdrop #4790 is a shining light on a mountain with the tagline “Biblical”.
The date delta between Pompeo’s tweet and #4790 is 66 weeks and 6 days, 666, super duper Biblical.
Qdrop #3624 says “it’s going to be BIBLICAL!” featuring a tweet, the tweet contains “pay-for-play scheme” and Democrat Party.
Pompeo then comes out with a second tweet at 8:16pm with the tagline “taxpayer-funded” and “Democrats’ larger plan”. It matches
Qdrop #816 which states “Federal Aid + Donations” and “$$$$$$$$$”.

Conclusion: Money. Follow the money. It’s always about the money.


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January 2022 BOOM WEEK

Scavino dogs tweet 1/2/22. Dogs are unleashed.

Qdrop #4485 dog unleashed correctly decoded

Qdrop #4230 hell being unleashed
Qdrop #3332: BOOM WEEK AHEAD
Date Delta between #3332 and Scavino dog comm is 600 days.

Dog Comm decoded: BOOM WEEK AHEAD! fits in with Ivanka decodes. January will be BOOMS! ... of information.

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Pompeo 6-Part Tweet Series DECODE
1/6/2022, 1/7/2022

Pompeo tweeted 6 times about “China Olympics” with a tweet about “SCOTUS vaccine mandate hearing” in the middle.

Pompeo, on the surface, is talking shit about China and Xi, but all of his “China Olympics” tweets in past few days point to him speaking of the authoritarianism in America. Plausible deniability at play, gentlemen.

The "Genocide"? That's the SCOTUS's misinformation, subsequent mandated vax, and the vax deaths. He's talking about the AMERICAN GENOCIDE.


First 5 parts of 6-part Pompeo tweet 1984 series: https://t.me/FTFoYGL/491

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Fun Little Death Decode

Owls are omens of death. The snowy owl over DC symbolizes what Biden had said: Winter of Severe Illness and Death.

This is bad guy comms that the baddie plan is about to start. Or is starting. Starve Winter of Illness and Death here we come!

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Beyonce’s album “4” and “4 The Remix” both start with “Run the World (Girls)” and end with “End of Time”.

In her Made in America tour, “Run the World, Girls” was followed directly by “End of Time”. The wardrobe theme was terribly complex queens: Marie Antoinette, Cleopatra, and Elizabeth I.

Qdrop #570 says it was planned Hillary had 8 years of presidency to complete the destruction of America.
Beyonce’s album “4” and “4 The Remix” can be defined as 4+4=8, Hillary’s original planned presidential date.

This is the deepstate showing us in plain sight that HRC was supposed to win (Run the World Girls) followed America’s destruction (End of Time)(tour name Made in America). We know this is politically inclined because the theme for wardrobe for the tour are queens with terrible reputations. In America? This was supposed to be Hillary.

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Prince Andrew SWEAT DECODE

Prince Andrew is planning on not getting murdered. The baddie plan is that the domino effect STOPS with him.
"Don't sweat it."

Sweat comms were sent ~10 days ago.
Sweat comms video sent ~4 hours ago.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOzuk6qWb6o

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Pompeo Tweet Nuclear Comms
"a nuclear weapon, an entire program of nuclear weapons, difficult decision, capitulate, to sign a deal with the Trump administration, enriching uranium."

World-changing information coming out that drags down an entire group of people. Blackmail is afoot and Trump team is willing to work out a deal. In light of today's news, it can be interpreted that Prince Andrew says he's not going to name names, but Trump team is working (or had worked) on him.

EDIT: The chessboard chair in screenshots was noticed after post. To quote General Ackbar: "IT'S A TRAP". He's going to topple the next domino, no matter what the baddies do. They can cut his strings all they like!

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Greta Thunberg Flipped Sides to a Pepe Decode

The globalists like to reuse themes and tactics. What worked once will work again, right?
27 years before Greta Thunberg made her speech about the environment, there was another little girl who “silenced the world” with a speech about the environment - Severn Suzuki. Severn spoke at the Earth Summit in Rio, Brazil in 1992.
In Greta’s conference? Zero Carbon Buildings for All was brought up.
In Severn’s conference? Agenda 21 was brought up.
Different millennium, same manipulation.

On a different note, decoding news reveals that Greta Thunberg flipped to a pepe (whitehat).

đź’‰ WEF DECODES đź’»
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We have maintained that the killer virus was most likely ebola. We have predicted ebola based on logical observations WEEKS ago. Now Dr. Malone, a real medical doctor, confirms. Predictions on this channel are slowly coming true.

Vaccination plan failed for globalists. 2nd step, should people keep on not complying, is to unleash the real hardkills. If they’re desperate, ebola. If they’re not desperate, then the adjunct tested by mod/pfi/jj last year. Check out our previous posts on those.

Treatments for ebola were figured out during the last 2 ebola trial experiments in Africa years ago: monoclonal antibodies. “Lucky” for us, FDA approved them recently. Coincidentally, there is a monoclonal shortage due to covid. Not sure if they’re the same monoclonals, but the narrative is that it’s rare to get hold of as a treatment. FEAR NOT, the elite will definitely have access to the cure.

Pompeo tweet timestamped Qdrop #1440 nicely in line with Trump 1/15/2022 rally tomorrow!

"We left our phones at home" aka NO COMMUNICATION aka BLACKOUT.

đź’‰ WEF DECODES đź’»
The "science" sector of globalist plans: Covid (the trigger) (completed) -> Vaccine (the killshot AND EXPERIMENT)(completed) -> Vaccine Passport (completed) -> ID2020/Cardio ID (blockchained electronic records) (electronic part done, blockchain is planned…
Just hurdling towards the next step ...

This article about USC students is terrible.
Coming up unless Q starts a hardcore uprising soon:
ID2020/Cardio ID (blockchained electronic records) (electronic part done, blockchain is planned 2022) ->
Transhumanism/hand chip (initiated) ->
Zero Carbon Initiative (restrict buying capacity and more control)

Globalists have been expecting to lose control of America. They have been since Trump won. This political cartoon is one of many from global MSM, all denigrating America to try and drive a wedge between America and the rest of the world. They're focused on us because Trump/Q/awakened are the last frontier and have the highest chance of winning. They expect other countries to fold. Globalists are manipulating media to turn the literal rest of the world against us.

But we will win. And when we do, we will be the first domino.
Ghislaine was convicted for 5/6 charges and people thought she was going to be suicided.

Interestingly, Jack Ruby (JFK murder) was injected with a flu vaccine that he said contained cancer. He died due to cancer before trial ended.

Going back to Ghislaine, shortly after she was convicted, she requested a booster shot and the judge approved it.

Because she got caught, there was one choice for her: die. She gets to choose how. But because of her, the next domino is already toppling: Prince Andrew. Yesterday his titles got stripped to prevent the next domino after him.