Eva Vlaardingerbroek
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Commentator | As seen on i.a. The Mark Steyn Show, Tucker Carlson Tonight and Achtung Reichelt | Legal Philosopher (LL.M) | Does not comply | Dutch 🇳🇱

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About to board a flight to Berlin to cover the German farmers’ protest for NIUS and support the farmers in their fight against the German government.

Just like I stood with the Dutch farmers, I now stand with the German farmers!


#nofarmersnofood #Bauernprotest

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Dutch political commentator, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, on the WEF's plan to impose a personal carbon allowance, connected to digital ID, under the guise of tackling the imaginary "climate crisis":

"The CEO of one of the largest Dutch banks said, if everyone gets individual personal carbon credits, why don't we make it so that rich people, who for example want to go on holiday a little too often, can buy personal carbon credits from people who can't afford buying plane tickets or eating meat too often?"

"So what will happen is the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, and they're saying it openly as if it's not a controversial thing at all. It's neo-feudalism. That's what it is."

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Just witness countless German farmers on their tractors make their way onto the highway backed up by a HUGE convoy of German truckers.

This is the most amazing thing I have seen in a while.

This is how you show your government who’s boss. #Bauernproteste

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🇩🇪 The German farmers have successfully blocked dozens of highways with the help of the German truckers.

This is my view up on a tractor on the A2 - Europe’s busiest highway.

I’m blown away. History in the making.

“My dream job - farming - is currently more of a nightmare”.💔

Shame on the German government and shame on the global elites who are waging a war against the hardworking people who put food on our tables.

We stand with the farmers.

Here to support the German farmers.

We’re witnessing nothing short of an uprising here of normal, hard working German people who’ve had enough and are demanding change - rightfully so.

Media is too big
🇩🇪 German farmer Anthony Lee LsvD tells me about the farmers’ uprising:

“We’re sick of the lies. We’ve been here for generations, we work 24/7, we’re the people who put food on your plates!

We are all united in getting rid of the politicians who are trying to get rid of us!” 🔥

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So denken Autofahrer, die wegen der #Bauernproteste im Stau stehen: Sie haben volles Verständnis. "Seit die Ampel da ist, geht Deutschland den Bach hinunter. Bei so 'ner Inkompetenz an Politikern fasst man sich an den Kopf." Einer von Millionen, die so denken! #NIUS

Eva Vlaardingerbroek
So denken Autofahrer, die wegen der #Bauernproteste im Stau stehen: Sie haben volles Verständnis. "Seit die Ampel da ist, geht Deutschland den Bach hinunter. Bei so 'ner Inkompetenz an Politikern fasst man sich an den Kopf." Einer von Millionen, die so denken!…
🇩🇪 We asked citizens who got stuck in traffic due to the German farmers’ protests what they thought about it.

They fully supported the farmers:

"With the current government, Germany has been going down the drain… The incompetence of these politicians just drives you nuts."

Why you should care about the fate of farmers:

1. No farmers = no food.

2. They are one of the few groups in society with enough manpower to put up a real fight against the globalists who wants to radically change our way of life.

If they fall, you’re next. Support them.

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🇩🇪 BREAKING | We’re live in Erlenbach where Cem Özdemir, the German Minister of Food and Agriculture just got greeted by a fed up crowd of farmers and citizens telling him to "piss off!".

A dozen children on plastic tractors were shouting: “For the farmers!’’


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🇩🇪 A massive crowd of farmers and citizens have gathered around the town hall in Ellwangen where the German Minister of Food and Agriculture will soon make an appearance. #Bauernaufstand #NIUS

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🇩🇪 A choir of female farmers just sang a popular protest song about political repression & censorship to the German Minister of Agriculture. 🔥

The song, “Die Gedanken sind frei", was banned after the 1848 Revolution and was popular with the resistance movement in Nazi Germany.

🇩🇪 “This is about my future too.” - farmer’s daughter Alisa, 10 years old. #Bauernaufstand #GermanFarmers #NIUS

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🇩🇪 The German farmers and citizens in Ellwangen had a crystal clear message for the German Minister of Food and Agriculture:


#Bauernaufstand #NIUS

Forwarded from Tucker Carlson
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The biggest protests in modern German history. What’s happening? Eva Vlaardingerbroek is there.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek
The biggest protests in modern German history. What’s happening? Eva Vlaardingerbroek is there. @TuckerCarlson
I spoke to @TuckerCarlson about the German Farmers’ protests. 🇩🇪🚜

My take on this is: The farmers, blue collar workers and ordinary hardworking citizens feel like they’re being ruled by elites who hate them and everything they stand for. And they’re right.

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🇩🇪 On top of the farmers’ protests, the train drivers have now gone on strike for the next three days paralyzing almost all rail traffic in Germany.

The people are rising up against the globalists and their destructive policies. 🔥

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🇩🇪 German farmers from “LSV Bayern” have just lifted up a tractor with a huge crane next to the A7/A3 highway crossing to symbolize that the agricultural sector is hanging by a thread.

Powerful symbolism.

