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Forwarded from Jim Watkins
8kun-Jan-6-Committee Response.pdf
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The response to the January 6 committee Please share this: No confidentiality designations were attached to the congressional request and we are free to share what we'd like with the public (who should know what's going on in their government)
8kun-Jan-6-Committee Response.pdf
8kun-Jan-6-Committee Response.pdf
b. Constitutional Limits at Hand: Watkins II13
Forcing raucous businessmen of the 1930s or unorthodox platforms of the 2020s to answer questions about the most nebulous of topics—the underlying causes of political violence—is an unworkable congressional command.
Worse yet, prying into intimate ideologies and thoughts is a serious censorial chokehold. As courts have realized, the requirement that one reveal purchasers of books, pamphlets, or papers marks the start of a surveillance state. And just as courts would not embrace a surveillance state arising out of congressional investigations in the past, so too is this approach inappropriate today.

Compelling online platforms to share information about users who posted about efforts to “overturn, challenge, or otherwise interfere with the 2020 election or certification of electoral college results” chills the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans who were concerned about electoral integrity during the 2020 election.
Demanding that platforms produce mal-, mis-, or disinformation—terms that are undefined but that are usually euphemisms for speech the powers that be disagree with—works an equally pernicious chill against political speech in America. Once government is free to demand the names of users espousing unpopular, unorthodox ideas, free speech and free press rights on the internet disappear.
b. Constitutional Limits at Hand: Watkins II13 Forcing raucous businessmen of the 1930s or unorthodox platforms of the 2020s to answer questions about the most nebulous of topics—the underlying causes of political violence—is an unworkable congressional command.…
b. 目前にある憲法上の制限: ワトキンスII13

オンラインプラットフォームに、”2020年の選挙や選挙人団の結果の認証を覆す/異議を唱える/その他の方法で妨害する取り組み” について投稿したユーザーの情報の開示を強制することは、2020年の選挙中に選挙の完全性を懸念していた何百万人ものアメリカ人の “修正第一条の権利”を脅かすことになります。政府が “異端な少数意見を支持するユーザーの名前”を自由に要求できるようになれば、インターネット上の言論と報道の自由は消滅します。
8kun-Jan-6-Committee Response.pdf
3. ClarificationofExistingRequests
It is Mr. Watkins’s desire that we continue 8kun’s practice of responding to lawfully issued requests and to provide as much respectful cooperation with your committee’s investigation as the First Amendment allows.
However, the requests contained in your form letter dated August 26, 2021 are an unworkable starting point for cooperation.
For example, item 1 requests production of “All . . . data . . . regarding your platform . . . .this request is so broad as to render compliance impossible.
Other form requests, such as requests for “internal or external reviews and reports” regarding 8kun’s “algorithms” seem misdirected.
8kun is a small organization and a relatively simple website. There are no “internal or external reviews” nor are there website “algorithms.” This is but an entrée of errors.
3. ClarificationofExistingRequests It is Mr. Watkins’s desire that we continue 8kun’s practice of responding to lawfully issued requests and to provide as much respectful cooperation with your committee’s investigation as the First Amendment allows. However…
Forwarded from Jim Watkins
Pi Anon is in serious trouble. This one is real. Please help him with legal fees so that the Deep State does not overcome his meager resources!
Share share share.
Pi Anon is in serious trouble. This one is real. Please help him with legal fees so that the Deep State does not overcome his meager resources! Share share share. #SaveAmerica

PiAnonさんは現在保釈中で、毎晩9時に🇺🇸国歌を歌う動画をyoutubeに投稿しています。#戦争はリアル です。
Forwarded from Chudl83
Why does the entire country have consequences for something only these thieves did? Isn't that like me having to go to jail because Bob next door robbed a liquor store?
Why does the entire country have consequences for something only these thieves did? Isn't that like me having to go to jail because Bob next door robbed a liquor store?
一部の泥棒がやったことなのに、どうして国民全体が尻拭いしなきゃいけないんだ? 言ってみれば、近所のボブが酒屋に強盗に入ったのに、わたしが刑務所に入らなければならないようなものだよね?