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Dialogue-Daily Life - I Can See Clearly Now-EnglishPod
💢 Podcast
⭕️ Daily Life - I Can See Clearly Now

🔸Hello, Arthur. What seems to be the problem?
🔹Hey doc. Well, I think I might need glasses. I’m getting headaches, and I really struggle to see things that are far away. But I have always had 20/20 vision.

🔸Sounds like you may be far-sighted. OK, then, cover your left eye and read the chart in front of you.
🔹Mmm… X, E, R, 3, a question mark, and I can’t quite make out the other symbol but I think it’s the peace sign.

🔸Wow, Arthur! You’re as blind as a bat!
🔹Yeah, I know, my vision is really blurry at times.

🔸Ok, then, head on over to the other room and pick out some frames while I fill out your prescription.
🔹Thanks, doc!

🔸Arthur, that’s the bathroom.

Vocabulary Explanation-Daily Life - I Can See Clearly Now-EnglishPod
⭕️Daily Life _ I can see clearly now

👉 Key Vocabulary

🔸seem to be: appears or is

🔸struggle: try very hard

🔸20/20 vision: perfect eyesight

🔸make out: see

🔸far sighted: see far-away things more clearly than things nearby

🔸as blind as a bat: have really poor vision

🔸vision: ability to see things

🔸blurry: not clear

🔸pick out: choose

🔸prescription: a message written by a doctor that tells people what medicine to take

🔸check-up: regular examination by a doctor to make sure a person is healthy

🔸short sighted: unable to see things far
away (AmE)

🔸nearsighted: unable to see things far away (BrE)

🔸contacts: lenses you wear directly on your eyes to help you see

🔸optometrist: eye doctor

🔸prescribe: officially tell someone to use a medicine or treatment

🔸lenses: clear, curved piece of glass that helps people see better



👈کلمه ی "اونقدرها" توی فارسی خیلی کاربرد داره. حالا چطور توی انگلیسی بگیم تو انقدرها هم که فکرمیکنی....... نیستی؟

‼️میتونید خیلی ساده از "that" استفاده کنید

🔸you are not that clever
🔸you are not that important
🔸she is not that beautiful
🔸this question isn't that difficult
🔸you can beat him, he isn't that strong!

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💢English Grammar TEST - Fix these common mistakes


💢Slang of the day
👉Meaning: clothes

✴️For example:👇👇

🧑‍🦰Check out Terry's new threads. He looks really sharp in that outfit.

🧑‍🦳Those threads Jack's wearing look pretty expensive.

‼️Note: usually refers to men's clothes

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🔸در رو بزار باز بمونه.
🔸Leave the door open.


💢Nice Story
✴️The flower & the butterfly

👉There was a man who asked God for a flower and a butterfly. But instead God gave him a cactus and a caterpillar.
The man was sad. he didn`t understand why his request was mistaken. then he thought : oh well , God has too many people to care for. and decided not to question.
After sometime , man went to check up on his request that had left forgotten. to his surprise , from the thorny and ugly cactus a beautiful flower had grown and the unsightly caterpillar had been transformed into the most beautiful butterfly.
God always does things right. His way is ALWAYS the best way , even if to us it seem all wrong. If you asked God for one thing and receive another , TRUST. you can be sure that he will always give you what you need at the appropriate time.
What you want , is not always what you need! God never fails to grant our petitions , so keep on going for Him without doubting or murmuring
God gives the very best to those who leave the choices up to him.

✴️گل و پروانه

👈روزی مردی از خدا دو چیز درخواست نمود : یک گل و یک پروانه.امّا چیزی که خدا در عوض به او بخشید ، یک کاکتوس بود و یک کرم .
مرد غمگین شد. او نمی توانست درک کند که چرا درخواستش به درستی اجابت نشده. با خود اندیشید : خب ، خدا بندگان زیادی دارد که باید به همه ی آنها توجّه کند و مراقب شان باشد. و تصمیم گرفت که دیگر در این باره سوالی نپرسد
بعد از مدتی مرد تصمیم گرفت به سراغ همان چیز هایی برود که از خدا خواسته بود و حالا به کلی فراموش شان کرده بود. در کمال ناباوری مشاهده کرد که از آن کاکتوس زشت و پر از خار ، گلی بسیار زیبا روئیده است و آن کرم زشت به پروانه ای زیبا تبدیل شده است
خدا همیشه کارها را به بهترین نحو انجام می دهد. راه خدا همواره بهترین راه است ، اگر چه به نظر ما غلط بیاید. اگر از خدا چیزی خواستید و چیز دیگری دریافت کردید ، به او اعتماد کنید. مطمئن باشید آنچه را که نیاز دارید ، همواره در مناسب ترین زمان به شما می بخشد
آنچه می خواهید ، همیشه آن چیزی نیست که نیاز دارید ! خدا هیچگاه به درخواست های ما بی توجّهی نمی کند ، پس بدون هیچ شک و تردید یا گله و شکایتی به او روی آورید
خداوند بهترین چیز ها را به کسانی می بخشد که انتخاب ها را به او واگذار می کنند

💢Short Story
✴️ The flower & The butterfly



👉 Meaning : a policeman.

🧑‍🦳Uncle nab is coming. Look sharp!
🧑‍🦳پلیس داره میاد..حواستون باشه.

🧑‍🦰Watch out for Uncle nab. He’s been asking about you.
🧑‍🦰مراقب افسر پلیس باشید. داشته درباره شما سوال می کرده.

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💢Do you know the difference between 'prevent' and 'avoid'?


💢Slang of the Day

👉 Meaning: television, TV

✴️For example :👇👇

🧑‍🦰Hey, you kids! Turn off the idiot-box and go do your homework.

🧑‍🦳After workin' hard all day, all I wanna do is chill out in front of the idiot-box.

👉 Variety: This slang term is typically used in American and Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

Dialogue-Elementary – Calling in Sick-EnglishPod
💢 Podcast: Elementary
⭕️ Calling in Sick

🔷 Hello, Daniel speaking, how may I help you?

🔶 Hi, Daniel, Julie here.

🔷 Hi, Julie, how are you?

🔶 Actually, I'm feeling quite ill today.

🔷I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong?

🔶 I think I'm coming down with the flu. I have a headache, a sore throat a runny nose and I'm feeling slightly feverish.

🔷 I see... so you're calling in sick?

🔶 Yes, I was hoping to take the day off to recover.

🔷 OK, then. Try and get some rest.

Vocabulary Explanation-Elementary – Calling in Sick-EnglishPod
💢Podcast _Elementary
⭕️Calling in sick

👉Key Vocabulary

🔸was hoping: to kindly expect

🔸calling in sick: report that you will not go to work because you are sick

🔸coming down: getting, acquiring

🔸quite ill: very sick

🔸how may I help you?: polite offer to help

🔸impolite: rude

🔸permission: allow

🔸symptom: a sign, indication

🔸sick day: day off because you're sick

🔸make it into work: go to work

💢practical expressions

👉Meaning : a meal prepared in a café/restaurant and eaten at home.
غذای بیرون بر

🧑‍🦰I'm going to ring the Japanese restaurant and order a takeaway.

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💢5 Ways to Improve Your Academic Writing


💢Slang of the Day
⭕️veggy | veggie (1)

👉Meaning : a vegetable

✴️For example :👇👇

🔸The meal was OK but we would've liked more veggies with the meat.

🔸It's really important to eat lots of fruit and veggies.

👉Note: This word is almost always used in the plural form of "veggies".

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💢English idiom
⭕️“with flying colours”

👉This idiom means to pass an exam or test very successfully.


🧑‍🦰A: What do you feel like eating this morning?
👨‍🦰B: I usually just have a bowl of cereal.
🧑‍🦰A: The most important meal of the day is breakfast.
👨‍🦰B: Yeah, but I don't usually have time to eat a big breakfast.
🧑‍🦰A: You can always make an easy breakfast.
👨‍🦰B: What do you make?
🧑‍🦰 A: All I make is oatmeal, toast, and some orange juice.
👨‍🦰B: That sounds pretty good.
🧑‍🦰A: I like it, and it's a fast meal.
👨‍🦰B: That is a very quick meal to make.
🧑‍🦰A: I can make it for you if you like.
👨‍🦰B: Oatmeal and toast sounds good to me.

🧑‍🦰امروز صبح چی دوست داری بخوریم؟
👨‍🦰من معمولاً فقط یه کاسه غلات می خورم.
🧑‍🦰مهم ترین وعده غذایی روز، صبحونه است.
👨‍🦰آره، ولی من معمولاً وقتی برای خوردن یه صبحانه مفصل ندارم.
🧑‍🦰می تونی همیشه یه صبحونه ساده درست کنی.
👨‍🦰 تو چی درست می کنی؟
🧑‍🦰همه چیزی که درست می کنم بلغور، نون برشته، و مقداری آب میوه است.
👨‍🦰به نظر که خیلی خوب میاد.
🧑‍🦰من که دوسش دارم، و یه وعده غذایی هست که سریع آماده میشه.
👨‍🦰یه وعده غذایی خیلی فوتی فوری برای درست کردن هست.
🧑‍🦰 اگه خوشت میاد می تونم برات درستش کنم.
👨‍🦰بلغور و نون برشته به نظر که خوب میاد برام.

💢Conversation 🧑‍🦰👨‍🦰

💢 Expressions

👉 These expressions used for telling someone that they can do or have whatever they want.

🔸As you think fit
🔸As you like
🔸As you wish
🔸Suit yourself
🔸It's your call.
🔸The choice is yours
🔸as your please

🔸هر جور راحتی
