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Sample essay:

The issue of teenagers using mobile phones in school has become a big problem. They use their phones not just for studying but also to chat and have fun. I agree that banning phones from school would help students perform better academically and socialize more.

Using phones during class distracts students from learning. If they do not use their phones, they can pay more attention and do better in their classes. Messages and notifications keep them from focusing on subjects like math and English, which makes them do poorly on tests and assignments. Without phones, students can concentrate better without bothering others. My nephew's grades are low because he is always on his phone during class. But my niece, who does not bring her phone to school, gets excellent grades. This shows why phones should not be allowed in schools.

Without phones, students can spend more time talking face-to-face and improve their social skills. This helps them feel more confident and communicate better with others in the future. Instead of using phones, teens can make friends and avoid cyberbullying. This helps them learn how to express themselves and understand emotions, which are important for their future relationships. My nephew is shy because he spends so much time on his phone, but my niece has lots of friends and is outgoing.

In conclusion, having rules against using phones at school helps with learning and socializing. Therefore, I agree that teenagers should not be allowed to use phones at school. Schools are meant to help students become happy and successful, and we need to make sure the learning process is not disrupted.

Level: B2+
Writing TASK 2
. Afternoon slot

Some people believe that public transportation should be free
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Sample essay:

Many people think public transportation should be free for everyone. While I agree with some parts of this idea, I also have a different view that I will explain below.

On one hand, I agree that making public transportation free could have good benefits for society. Free public transport would make it easier for all people to use it, no matter their income level. This could lead to less traffic and less pollution since more people would take public transit instead of driving. It could also make transportation more fair by giving everyone the same opportunity to travel, regardless of if they can afford to pay. For example, cities like Tallinn, Estonia that have made public transit free have seen more people using it and better impacts on the environment.

On the other hand, there are parts of this idea I partially disagree with. One concern is thinking that making public transportation free is a solution that works everywhere. My reservation is that it may not be realistic or sustainable. While offering free public transit may get more riders at first, it could also overload existing systems and cost a lot of money to keep up. Additionally, the cost of making transit free could mean less money for other important public services. For instance, cities that have tried free public transit have faced issues with lack of funding and overcrowding, showing the challenges of switching to a free model.

In conclusion, while I support increasing access to public transportation and see potential benefits to making it free, I also think it's important to carefully consider if it is practical and weigh the trade-offs involved. Implementing free public transit requires careful planning, enough funding and considering the broader economic effects.
Morning slot

✔️ Writing Task 2:

Some people believe that children should be taught to be competitive in school. Others believe that cooperation and teamwork are more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Sample essay:

Some people argue that schools should teach students to compete with each other. Others think the focus should be on building a cooperative attitude among students. In my opinion, competition helps children learn important skills for their future, but cooperation is also essential.

On one hand, there is a widely held perception that students who compete with their classmates often do better in school. In other words, the competition between students motivates them to work harder and do their best in their studies or tasks. This leads to better academic performance and results. For example, students generally try harder and work more when they are directly competing with their classmates. Additionally, being driven to achieve the best prepares them for success later in life when they must compete with others in the job market as adults.

On the other hand, many believe it is better if the school emphasizes mutual support among students. As humans, we do not live and work alone, and without the ability to cooperate, we will struggle to communicate properly with others, resulting in poor conflict resolution. Developing teamwork skills from a young age can foster a cooperative mindset that serves children well throughout their lives. Another reason teamwork skills are essential for children is that they can learn how to negotiate to complete tasks together. Hence, this is obviously an important skill for the future.

In conclusion, while competition can motivate children to perform better academically and prepare them for the competitive job market, cooperation is also crucial as it teaches them how to work effectively with others, communicate and resolve conflicts. Both competitive and cooperative skills are valuable for children's overall growth and future success.
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