Captain Keshel's 2024 Election HQ
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One-Stop Shop for Patriot Engagement, News, and Updates for the 2024 Election Cycle

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Forwarded from Pablo Escobar
I worked for Ducey for a few years and I was fired from my position as Operations Chief for emergency management after I was tasked with completing an equipment audit of the division of emergency management. The reason I was terminated, by non other than Michael MGuire (Ducey's Stooge), was because I found that DEMA (Div of Emergency Management and Military Affairs) was missing over 1 million dollars in equipment to include, laptops, encrypted handheld radios, server systems, and entire sharepoint software setup, cell phones, satellite phones and many many other items that were purchased by us but nowhere to be found. After my termination, I filed letter after letter with the AG Office, the Governors Office and State HR and never heard a peep from them. They got rid of me in 2017 after 11.5 years of hard and honorable service to my fellow Arizonians because I found out over a million dollars in sensitive electronics were missing and I reported it. If you think for one second that Doug Ducey (a coward from Ohio) is a good American you are highly mistaken. Doug Ducey is a fraud. He is a male version of Napalitano and everyone wondered how this unknown low life Ice Cream salesman managed to get into the governors office when most of us knew he was a paid puppet of the DC swamp! Oh, and to add insult to injury, they terminated me for "Misconduct"!
But God.

He is bigger than any of these roadblocks we face. We fight on.
How some people can abide in such negativity is beyond me.

“If this audit doesn’t lead to decertification it was a waste of time and money.”

Wrong. Your job is to work to expose the truth of 11/3. None of us is God. God orchestrates the events of man for his purposes.

Negativity does nothing but sap the strength of those who wish to fight another day. It contributes nothing.
Tim Geitner and I invested a portion of our careers at Fort Huachuca, where we crossed paths for some schooling.

Now he is a state rep in Colorado, one of few Patriots on the job. Great to run into him for the first time in a couple years.

Would be a good governor someday.
You know you’re raising your kids with a sense of national awareness when you tell your 9 year old you’re going to Colorado, and she says, “are you going to Dem-ver?”
There are so many new people in this channel, that I need you to read about why I drive on. Why I tell you to stay positive.

This was written to me 11 years ago when I was a lieutenant in Afghanistan, and my dad was dying of cancer. He did three tours in Vietnam as an infantry officer and knew why it was so critical to remain optimistic at all costs.
I met Doug Ducey once when I was stationed in Arizona, down in Cochise County.

He let me take this photo of him.

Arizona must decertify.
Back when I was Captain K, with an old, since departed buddy of mine in Tombstone, AZ, sniffing around for mail in ballots.


Arizona must decertify.
2nd Lt days. 2008.

Fort Huachuca.

Arizona must decertify.
The Red Sea moment is coming.

There is no way to win, no way over our obstacles, until there is.

It is supposed to be this way if you believe everything is about God. If all that there is is under his purview, his authority.

Because if we were the ones that could make the way, we would not need God. He uses our action steps and our faith and then acts. It may not be today, tomorrow, or in ten years. But God.

FROG = Full Reliance On God
I’m not worried at all.

I wish everyone felt that way. I’m not naive to the evil all around us, and the tightening vice of tyranny. I remember feeling sick to my stomach last summer when I began to ponder a future with Trump not re-elected.

Then when all of this went down, and I took action, the fear went away.

Republics come and go. Nation states realign and dissolve. History marches on. There are now 47 European nations. Just before WW1, there were 14.

So if your view of a resolution to our current crisis is Union at all costs, and Trump gets 3 more years in office, then it is a short sighted one. If we are free people only when a certain man is president, are we truly free?

Our liberties do not hinge on Republicans in a corrupt state voting to decertify an election, or neglecting to do so. They owe it to America, both parties, to decertify. You know one side won’t, not a single member, and you also know that barring an extreme surprise, RINOs will refuse to touch it. This doesn’t mean we don’t use all resources to force it to a vote and retire every member who refuses to do what is right.

But you’re free even if your government doesn’t honor that. The man in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square was a free man because he chose to be one.

People behaving as free people inspire others to take up a lifestyle of freedom. Remember when 95% of the grocery store was masked? Only when enough people would go out in public without them, did you see them gradually disappear. 90% of people are just along for the ride. 10% lead the way.

This loss of freedom has been in the works for over a century. You are reaping the Stage 4 cancer side of this decline. The symptoms are more obvious than before. But you are the change. Your appetite for resolution of the 2020 election should not lapse based on the predictable actions of corrupt, human scum like Doug Ducey, or gutless Republican politicians. It should not only have drive behind it if Trump becomes president again. The books written for posterity will record the truth of November 2020, come hell or high water. We can leave results up to God. Read the book - story after story of God’s people up against a wall, or a sea, with no way to win. Even in modern history, look at Dunkirk. We will fail if we think it all comes down to us. God will bring about righteousness for his honor if we act in courage.

Be done with fear today.
Media is too big
A message of faith and encouragement. Pastor Sherman with me from Trinity Bible Church in Willow Park, TX
I want you all to know - everyone fighting the good fight - that I value every one of you. I regret when there are fights and even worse, splits. It can be hard to tell friend from foe.

But the rodeo gate swings open in less than 12 hours. Maricopa will be back in the chute. And all of our other states.

These are some of the people who think all of us are beneath them, and who think we are dirt to be shook off.

Remember where to direct your anger. They win when we split.

This is not a passive jab at any one group. I just want to remind everyone that we navigate life with the hand we are dealt. Let’s try and preserve as much of that as possible.
Seems like the easiest way to dispel a belief in election fraud is to allow audits to show... uh... no fraud... I mean tens of thousands of ballots of fraud with five months to fix the results, without a physical canvass.

You can see here in this article, local propagandist Bud Kennedy hates on yours truly, Christians, and conservatives, while expressing trouble understanding that venues don’t provide free service and space.

I’d write him at his email address, , but I’m busy working out.
Really funny that the RINO weaklings in the Arizona legislature didn’t think the people would find out they tried to soften the audit report.