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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Member group, up to & including Sunday 2022-07-24

#Author_Comments : A number of topics extensively discussed these past weeks and has been in area of fundamentals from a wide range of viewpoints. Among these #MyvoteEOS, #Inductions, #Eden_elections, #Infrastructure, #EDAO, #Funding, #Treasury, #Governance, #Bylaws and more. #Recaps do not reflect much, if any at all, of these intense discussions. This because it is quite impossible to give a fair balanced view of these discussions in the short #recap format.

#EOS_distribution? : 2022-07-10 :
--M1-- : "Is there anywhere one can go to see EOS distribution worldwide?"
--M2-- : "You can see geo distribution of inflation to BPs here - https://mainnet.eosio.online/rewards-distribution"
--M1-- : "Thanks, I'll check it out. Still having to make a series of assumptions here such as: . . "

#Eden_Delegates : 2022-07-10 : "Eden Season 3 Delegates channel has been set up, for current delegates to coordinate and stay in contact with other delegates of this seasons election."

#Eden_elections / #Accountability :
--M1-- : "Does anyone have an expense list for Eden elections? I'm curious where most of the costs come from. From first contact interview with Yves it sounds that it's really expensive."
--CD-- : "Here is a summary of the bids, . . "
--M2-- : "There was shockingly low participation from Eden members on that Vote.Eden Lead RFP."

#Dispute_Resolution / #Induction : 2022-07-12 : "I'd argue we need the dispute resolution before the removal/reduction of entry friction, depending on how much friction we're removing. We may also need a way to report people mid election if they won't/can't turn their camera on."

#FIO_Crypto_Handles : 2022-07-12 : "Wanted to let everyone know I added 123 more FIO Crypto Handles for Eden members: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/all-edenos-members-now-have-eden-fio-addresses/3462/29?u=lukestokes - They used to be called FIO Addresses). If everyone mapped addresses to various blockchains, we might be able to engage those chains to do Eden specific airdrops, knowing Sybil attack is impossible as it’s one handle per person."

#Eden_future : 2022-07-13 :
--M1-- : "Eden offers a process to distribute funds in a beautiful democratic way. This part is awesome. But I think the main problem with Eden is that it doesn't promote leadership for the community. During the election, many . . . "
--CD1-- : "Leadership over what tho. Over its own treasury? Sure, that much is obvious but when we try to govern other bigger system, while not proving we can even properly run eden, then... it looks like a naive proposition"
--CD2-- : ""Leadership" doesn't need to be interpreted as governing EOS, although that can certainly be a lofty goal that we can shoot for, and even there 'governing' EOS is full of nuance, and not binary."
--M2-- : "I would start by saying that there were a lot of concepts circulated in the community initially as to the vision for Eden. Then there wasn’t much follow up on some of those things and it all sort of took a life of its own. The biggest . . "

#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-13 : " What is Eden to Ourselves & to the World" :
--CD-- : "Join us for a manual Eden-style event on digging into why we're here. 🤔 We're looking to have the first of what will likely be a couple group calls on brainstorming what Eden is, and more importantly what can it become. 🚀"
--M1-- : "I expanded some ideas in the current election and will continue to advocate for a product management approach to Eden’s evolution. This morning I published an article on governance largely in reflection of the recent Eden election, available at linkedin or medium:
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-govern-your-self-others-world-web3-gavriel-shaw or
https://medium.com/@gavriel/how-to-govern-your-self-others-and-the-world-in-web3-a3bb82a07ea2 Very much looking forward to facilitating these workshops."
#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-19 : "Want to see the output of last week's session, please check out the doc. If you want to add to it, or have your voice heard, we'll be doing the second session this week at the same time."

#Mission_Vision? : 2022-07-19 : "I believe the disagreement here is actually indicative of a much more fundamental difference in what people's view of Eden is, or what they think it should be. Some think it *should* simply be an actual organization, with shared property, not incompatible with corporate personhood or limited liability. Others think it should simply be a process to identify and fund leaders by their alignment with a shared vision/mission."

#Eden_Infrastructure : 2022-07-15 : "Eden Hand Off and Software Support - A quick background, update and details from Fractally (formerly Clarion) aimed at ensuring everyone knows what’s happening with respect to Eden infrastructure being handed off to Eden members."

#Funding : 2022-07-19 : ENF's Yves La Rose :
"Re: Pomelo funding Eden. CDs should go back to Eden CDs season 1 and the hours spent talking about it. . . "
""Re: costs for code changes / running the election. For reference; There was a bid . . ""

#Eden_Chief_Delegates : @Eden_EOS_Chiefs : 2022-07-15 : "The newly elected #EOS Chief Delegates had a handover discussion with the previous term CDs" - https://bit.ly/3Prr4W0

#Cheif_Delegates-meet 1 : 2022-07-12 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #1 - Monday, July 12, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-CD-Meeting-1---Odysee:4

#Cheif_Delegates-meet 2 : 2022-07-18 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #2 - Monday, July 18, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-CD-Meeting-2:5

- END -
#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-29 :
"What is Eden to Ourselves & to the World" : "Our 3rd session of the brainstorming series next week, it will just be 1hr later than before, following the Hypha call on Tuesday." -
Tuesday @ 15:00 UTC.

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group (week #31) incl. Saturday 2022-08-06

#Chief_Delegates-meet 3 : 2022-07-25 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #3 - Monday, July 25, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meetings-Week-3-Odysee:4

#Chief_Delegates-meet 4 : 2022-08-01 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #4 - Monday, August 01, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-4-Odysee:3

#EOS_Accounts : 2022-07-28 : How export EOS account history. :
--M1-- : ""Is there a way to export the entire history of an EOS account in CVS instead of page by page via bloks.io?
--M2-- : "Use the RPC API and traverse history until you reach the end and then parse the JSON to human readable format. Some examples: https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/1459/how-to-get-all-the-actions-of-one-account - You will need to learn some basic, but its worth it :)"

#Fractal_Fiction : 2022-07-31 : "The first ever Fractal Fiction creative writing event. https://t.me/EOSproject/1932678
2022-08-06 https://t.me/c/1791074150/124 -
Sophia K. wrote "Little update for everyone: the story is coming together! I’ve been having so much fun writing it and Farah and Oscar have been awesome supporters. Lars, I’ll send you a copy at some point tomorrow. 😊🐲🔮🌊🤘🏼

#Eden_Discord : 2022-08-01 :
Question : "Is the Eden Discord server reserved for Eden members only or open to all?"
Answer : "Open to all - https://discord.gg/PSE4TuCW"

#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-08-02 : "The 3rd session for the Eden Brainstorming activity was moved to coming week. Gavriel is working on a summary in advance of the next step on this mission so a short pause between calls. Next session announced after summary is shared."

#Eden_future : "For Edens sake, Eden Needs To Value EOS Focussed Contributions" : "I’d like to think of Eden as the governance layer for the EOS blockchain, based on the principles from the book More Equal Animals. The further specifics of what “governance layer for the EOS blockchain” exactly means, need to be defined further. But I think for Eden to be recognized" - https://hive.blog/eos/@maximcincinnatis/for-edens-sake-eden-needs-to-value-eos-focussed-contributions

#Hypha : 2022-08-04 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34139 : "We had the meeting with the Hypha DAO team to work towards Eden taking advantage of their platform as a potential tool to help us better organize ourselves. This spreadsheet is essentially a duplication of a questionnaire that was requested for us to attempt to fill out. In addition if you'd like to watch the meeting the recording can be found here . . . "

#Fractally_Eden : 2022-08-04 : "Just a quick update, Eden: As you’ve known, we’ve been working to hand off Genesis Eden so it’s in the community’s hands. That work has just completed. We’ve been working with the Edenia team, who has spun up servers, taken over accounts, and replaced the frontend. So you are now running on your own hardware."

#Eden_future : 2022-08-05 : "I agree with sentiment that Eden needs to earn its governance power in the EOS ecosystem. That's why I propose a path in which Eden could leverage economic power it creates to influence EOS governance, in a way that does not require asking the current governance system to yield its power: https://peakd.com/blockchain/@sim31/albedo-whitepaper ."

#Eden_elections : 2022-08-06 : "Eden Election (7.9.2022) Post Mortem Analysis - "Eden is an EOS Community organization that uses a new way to elect representatives known as “political playoffs”. The community completed its 3rd election on July 9th, 2022. This analysis is part of the Vote.Eden.Lead RFP set of deliverables." - https://medium.com/@domenicthomas/eden-election-7-9-2022-post-mortem-analysis-8d2292949483
""Here is the published version of the final analysis of the Vote.Eden.Lead RFP with a link to the final version of the eden election documentation: https://medium.com/@domenicthomas/vote-eden-lead-rfp-final-analysis-1ff292501d6c""

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group (WK#33) incl. Saturday 2022-08-20

#-#-# Author_Comments
: Level of friction upped a bit discussing treasury distribution to the delegates and the payment process related to work done for Eden. This and related topics dominated the week. "What ends well is all well" is a saying I value (at times) and is how I judge the conclusion of discussions held during this week. #-#-#

#Eden_elections / #Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34748 :
--CD1-- : "Friendly reminder to current Eden Delegates. 👋🏼 Considering your received funding went up substantially for this Aug Distribution
▶️ 683 EOS for Aug vs the 159 EOS received for July
It would be very much appreciated if you would be willing to donate half of your recent distribution amount (341 EOS) to the bucket (https://www.bloks.io/account/edenia4edens) for team Edenia that have successfully transferred Eden infrastructure over to Tech.Eden Circle."
--M1-- : "Happy to support Eden independence with the delegate funds."
--CD2-- : " . . to me only legit reason not to pay is not agreeing with the cost accrued . . "
--M2-- : "Can someone provide the invoice with cost breakdown. Would like to review first."
--Edenia-- " : We view Eden as a client and we pride ourselves in providing any supporting information to the work we do for our clients. You are in every right to ask for more information and I’m happy to do so. We . . " https://t.me/c/1186628781/34903
--M3-- : "Thank you for the explanation and itemizing the work that was done in a clear manner that I hope most of us can better understand."
--M4-- : "We talked about the need for a procurement circle, and then about the need for the same procurement process across all circles, which calls for a standard procurement system to be decided on and built. But in order to have fair, public . . "
--M5-- : "Given that we have a functioning smart contract and regular elections, we could pretty easily do everything else we want with a spreadsheet and public agreements. There will never be a perfect tool. It's just a matter of political will. There's really nothing standing in the way. I've been watching this discussion . . " https://t.me/c/1186628781/34979

#Eden_future / #Workshop : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34987 :
"Everyone is invited to carefully review the draft Eden position paper that is being community sourced out of branding workshops we have recently held. Once locked in . . "

= END =