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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-12-03

#Poll :
Shortly after this recap there will be a poll to try assess whether these short recaps are of value and whether you wish them to continue or not. Your opinion would be most welcome.

#Mission_Vision :
Two snipped comments, a Chief Delegate words and related comment, to indicate one of the discussions held:
- "" This is one of the leading mission statements from the CD discussions "To utilize the fractal democratic process from More Equal Animals to select representatives that will allocate EOS community funding for the betterment of Eden and the EOS ecosystem as a whole." ""
- "" Totally agree...this possibility exists, but its premature to focus on this particular goal right now IMO ""

#Eden_Facebook :
"" If anyone is brave enough to wade into the waters on Facebook... just a reminder that this is here, so that as we grow, it may be relevant for onboarding to the liferafts before everyone is trapped inside a soma saturated Meta-versal reality.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1169698943493837 ""
A comment made on above words - ""if ur not sure what he said... no worries, u'll get it later... I can say this because ur already here 👽 and will avoid much of the nightmares... - primarily for those newer to crypto . . ""

#EOS_Scam_ Warning from EOSsupport.io :
The Telegram group "eosofficialcommunity" is not an official group of the EOS Community. Please everyone report the group as a scam.
Read more here: "help.eossupport.io/en/articles/5770388-new-scam-a-new-official-eos-telegram-group-please-report-them".
Not sure who you can trust? Ask http://EOSsupport.io

Add a snippet relating to the above: - ""The level of detail and numbers are crazy. They are mimicking prominent people in the community, using the same callouts and information from other things going on in the ecosystem currently, etc…""

#Eden_Delegates_Meeting :
A query was made and link here below in the recaps channel lead to the requested recording (unedited).
""Thank you. I’m not in the Eden Delegates group so I don’t think I have access to this. Can you please share the audio recording in this group?
I would like to hear it and it could be very helpful for many non-delegate Eden members to be able to listen.""

= END =
#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-19 : "Want to see the output of last week's session, please check out the doc. If you want to add to it, or have your voice heard, we'll be doing the second session this week at the same time."

#Mission_Vision? : 2022-07-19 : "I believe the disagreement here is actually indicative of a much more fundamental difference in what people's view of Eden is, or what they think it should be. Some think it *should* simply be an actual organization, with shared property, not incompatible with corporate personhood or limited liability. Others think it should simply be a process to identify and fund leaders by their alignment with a shared vision/mission."

#Eden_Infrastructure : 2022-07-15 : "Eden Hand Off and Software Support - A quick background, update and details from Fractally (formerly Clarion) aimed at ensuring everyone knows what’s happening with respect to Eden infrastructure being handed off to Eden members."

#Funding : 2022-07-19 : ENF's Yves La Rose :
"Re: Pomelo funding Eden. CDs should go back to Eden CDs season 1 and the hours spent talking about it. . . "
""Re: costs for code changes / running the election. For reference; There was a bid . . ""

#Eden_Chief_Delegates : @Eden_EOS_Chiefs : 2022-07-15 : "The newly elected #EOS Chief Delegates had a handover discussion with the previous term CDs" - https://bit.ly/3Prr4W0

#Cheif_Delegates-meet 1 : 2022-07-12 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #1 - Monday, July 12, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-CD-Meeting-1---Odysee:4

#Cheif_Delegates-meet 2 : 2022-07-18 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #2 - Monday, July 18, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-CD-Meeting-2:5

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