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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2021-12-24

#Author_Comments : With the amount of posts and discussion growing in the Eden Members group these recaps will from now on mainly serve as pointers. Pointing to posts and issues which in turn lead to comments/discussion Eden members should read if missed them.

#EOSIO_EOS_Future :
During the past week these ByWire interviews gave further insights into events leading up to where things are today in relation to "B1 vested tokens":
https://youtu.be/DPdy0sNOFHw - Brock Pierce - 18 Dec 2021
https://youtu.be/43sccQzYBcc - Yves La Rose - 20 Dec 2021

Dan Larimer interviews published this past week on above topic and more:
https://youtu.be/0LDKprDdz5M - EOS, Brock Pierce, B1, ENF - 21st.
https://youtu.be/iF2moFE97tk - EOS Future, Eden & Governance - 23rd.

#Incubator? :
A post which led to some discussion:
"" I’d like to start by offering to form our own internal incubator/consulting/mentorship program which can be made available to any Eden members who need support for the business elements of their projects. If we can start working together and generate a pipeline of products and services, we’ll be laughing at our current situation a year from now. ""

#Global_Forum? :
Another interesting thought was presented:
"" Regardless of anyone's feelings on the merits of the mandatory global gene therapy experiment, talk of making EOS a home for communities really gets me thinking: Why can't we use the Eden process to invite a thousand doctors to form a public community and run an Eden Event? That would make for an amazing result. And most importantly, ALL EYES WOULD BE ON THIS NETWORK.""
"" How much would it take to create a new community for doctors around the world to join? The software is already built, is scalable, the network is ready, and the EOS community is here to help make it happen. Create a Global Forum on the Covid-19 Catastrophe.
What would it take?? ""

#Eden_alternatives :
Daniel Larimer put forward these words in the group which led to interesting comments and more: "" Who would you consider to be the three main competitors to Eden? The Eden process. If we didn't have Eden, what alternatives are in the market? ""

#EOS_BPs :
Snippets from a post related to the "B1 vested tokens" and the impact on voting for BPs. It led to a rich discussion from a range of varied viewpoints.
"" It would seem one of the other big changes from the ENF/BP actions against B1 was to remove their voting ability. So to clarify 2 msigs were signed by the BPs, one to freeze the vesting schedule, and one to remove the voting power of those tokens.
I'd like to suggest that Eden steps up and makes a proposal to the ENF/BPs to allow B1's frozen tokens to still vote for BPs...and specifically have them vote for the 30 BPs listed by our proxy. What do you all think about this? ""

#Governance :
A view expressed
""Those who control the blockchain should have ZERO role in governance as it's not a proper check and balance to power. Community votes for BPs and it should be based solely on technical prowess, reliability, uptime, running APIs, history nodes, anything that makes the network better, faster, more accessible. Then we need something like Eden to vote on governance issues like token supply or use of tokens or reversing transactions, etc.
The BPs should basically not be able to have any impact on the EOS Token, period.""
#Recap Eden Members telegram group -
7 days Saturday to Friday 2021-12-31

#EOS_Community :
Good turnout also of Eden members at the "EOS 2021 Year In Review - Fireside Chat". Some suggestions to make this a 6 monthly event/review. If so it would complement well with the bi-weekly Eden Level 1 delegate meetings as well as the regular Chief Delegate meetings. Unfortunately this "Year in Review" had technical issues recording the event with only initial one hour or so recorded and available in the EOS Community Discord.

#EdenOnEOS_Benefits :
Chief Delegates have discussed creation of NFTs to Eden members participating in elections. One member posted his proposal for making these and included also illustrations of the proposed design. Few short snippets from proposer posts here below and the ideas met with enthusiasm.
"" For anyone who has been watching the CD meetings, there was talk of a need to build NFTs to show appreciation for Eden members' participation in elections. There's no formal request for proposals, but here is my proposal for member NFTs. ""
"" I will build custom ones for the CDs, and then move on to the delegates. Then, all election participants if the community thinks it is a good idea. ""

#EOSSupport : Two (2) of their posts this week:
1. Listing of EOS-based applications, #Dapps + 2. New Scam!

1 - "" Are you aware of the #EOS-based applications in the cryptocurrency space? If not, then click here:
If your EOS-based application is not listed, please write to us at Contact@eossupport.io.
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1476254754762338310 ""

2 - #EOS_scam Warning! :
"" New scam about Voice token airdrop and NFT's in your transaction history.
* Do NOT click on the link to claim! - This will switch your PRIVATE key(s)! *
Read more here: https://help.eossupport.io/en/articles/5715346-known-scam-receiving-a-transaction-with-a-comment-about-something-to-claim
Not sure who you can trust? Ask http://EOSsupport.io
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1476574561630097417 ""

#EOSIO_EOS_Future : Continuation of recent Bywire News interviews, relevant earlier parts in the previous recap and on their YouTube site.

Yves La Rose, EOS Network Foundation (#ENF). Talks about future of EOS, future of EOS Network Foundation, new branding and more! https://youtu.be/ddgMoMgGVfY
TEASER: Yves La Rose on building the future of EOS for everyone. Premiers 1 Jan 2022 at 17:00 UTC - https://youtu.be/fZ_bZpHyOTg

Dan Larimer, co-founder of Block.one (B1) and now ClarionOS and EdenOnEOS, talks in-depth on future of EOS, Eden & Governance. Premiered on 29 Dec 2021 - https://youtu.be/Igf2oPLP7pI

#Chief_Delegates-meet : Now on Discord, the first 15 minutes mainly "setting up". Posted by EOSSupport.io with following words:
"It only takes small drops of water coming off the rocks to form the ocean we see, and that ocean becomes so powerful."
"If we all come together and bring in the mind we have, we can accomplish anything."
Share: https://twitter.com/eosmainnetnews/status/1476956344989143044

= END =

EOS-Based Applications | EOS User Support Center
Featured EOS-based applications
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-01-21

#Eden_Landbuy :
This post lead to very active wide-ranging discussion, in part fuelled by post copied below the link.
"" This is a pretty cool DAO concept:
https://twitter.com/alliancedao/status/1481633395834712065 ""
"" Well they have one very important thing right and that is that the end of nation states is already in motion. People are going to begin forming their own transnational communities and ultimately claim sovereignty. There’s no longer the same need for violence to protect your assets or procure access to natural resources for manufacturing. Virtual states are the next evolutionary step. ""

#Consortium :
A member pushed for blockchain polling app to be used and suggested this product, already earlier set up for Eden.
"" Updated list the free tokens received when sign up and vote on poll in Consortium! https://app.consortium.vote/claim ""

Eden Members poll - % from Saturday 2022-01-22.
""Do you think we need a way for the Eden / EOS community to vote and come to consensus on important topics?
- Yes of course - 79%
- No not bothered - 21% ""

Good discussion ensued, input also from Dan Larimer.

#GDPR-Europe :
A rich and lengthy discussion was held about EU’s data protection laws and how it might impact on Eden output/uploads in public domain.

#Eden_Facebook :
"" Hey everyone, we've recently gained control of the EOS Facebook Group! https://twitter.com/EOS_Bees/status/1483069200381972480?s=20 ""

#EdenOS_Updates :
"" EdenOS Roadmap & Progress Report - With Brandon Fancher and Mike Manfredi - Streamed live on 14 Dec 2021: https://youtu.be/TvJtVDh4Zd8 ""

#EOSIO_EOS_future :
""Collaborative Vision Forward for EOS with Dan Larimer and Yves La Rose (Part 1 of 3) - Premiered 19 Jan 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpIp_EOtcyE ""

#Eden_Delegates_Meeting :
"" Chief Delegate Meeting #13 - 20 Jan 2022:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN6Yw-QqvuA ""

#EOS_Community :
Just in case you missed it - live only EOS Community Fireside chats on Discord. Every Wednesday 20:00 UTC. ""Weekly EOS Community "open Mic" Session. All topics welcome! (no recording, no streaming).

#EdenOnEOS : This topic below was kind of ending the 7 days of discussion in Eden Members group, I deemed a good way also end this recap. Just few snippets on the "Why joined?".
"" Why did you, I and everyone else generally become members? We need to make it clear ….. The Fractal governance is key in changing and improving our world step by step in business, education , politics , authority’s, governments everywhere. ""

- "" I joined to observe the experiment first hand, so i won't have to trust anyone opinion if it works or not""
- "" +1 ""
- "" Its about EOS..., Dans Book is not. ""
- "" In one sentence I would say its about establishing trust and connections - including the election process. ""
- "" I will add the opportunity to participate in fractal governance and have a voice in the EOS community. ""

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-20

#Author_Comments : The latest CD meetings been setting the tone for much of discussions in the Eden Member group. The quality, or rather lack thereof, in some EOSIO BPs and the voting for BPs became main topics through this week. This recap just a very tiny fraction of the rich and "deep" discussions.

#EOSIO_EOS_future :
--M1--: "I think it would be awesome for either Eden or the ENF to establish a fund for attracting projects from other chains and facilitate porting over, or them being multichain, especially once the EVM is up and running. A Committee could be created by interested Eden Members and work with Eden Funding or apply to the ENF for funding from them."
--M2--: "To attract other chain Dapp developers we need to have a large user base, to get that we need just 1 killer Dapp, who’s building it? Easy onboarding free to use."
--M1-- : "I take your point though, that some Dapp Developers depending on what they're building will be looking to come on board an ecosystem with users. If that's the case, this is where we need to sweeten the pot/temporarily subsidize them to use the EVM and discover the benefits of utilizing EOS first. This can grow our users/onchain transactions and can save them some cash at first, and jumpstart the network effect."

#Eden_future : (referencing EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Sat. May 14, 2022):
"This weeks @EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate meeting is not one to miss! There is a bold vision being formed, and the #EOS community is likely to have an opinion! Let's see what the @EosNFoundation makes of the CD's latest democratic overtures! 😉 $eos"

#ENF_Eden :
--M1--: "ENF serves the network and the network needs to be optimized"
--M2--: "if members who want to run organizations and initiatives want to do so to better the network then they should go for it."
--M1--: "ENF can also delegate voting to Eden and/or to a proxy".
--M2--: "👎we are about to destroy EOS"
--M3--: "ENF may of course vote with their own tokens... nothing wrong there.
If BPs want money to run infra, they could pitch to ENF to get some funding, but I don't see why ENF would proactively go looking for BP candidates to fund.".
--M1--: "ENF is currently our best bet for cutting the deadweight BPs".
--M2--: "they are. they are really doing a great job".
--M3--: "It's a difficult question as these are tokens being allocated to the ENF by the network. Conflicts of interest arise. What if the current BPs asked that IF the ENF votes it's only allowed to vote for the current top 21? giving way to further centralization."
--M1--: "If EOS doesn't prioritize having amazing (above and beyond) BPs, then it will likely be outcompeted by networks who do prioritize it. And rightfully so. I'd like to see where seriously addressing this BP thing is on the collective roadmap for the EOS network."