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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Wednesday to Thursday 2021-10-14

#Official_Elecions :
Dan Larimer initiated a rich discussion regarding language proficiency among candidates in the Eden Elections. The first EdenOnEOS is as all know an English language community and here some of Dan's words initiating these discussions.
"Eden members, just a heads up, as we incorporate the lessons from this first election I want to call out that being a fluent english speaker is key in order to communicate your ideas to your representative and for your representative to be able to understand and represent you."

Comments followed from many members and in many facets. Here below just a few samples. Future will tell how this will be dealt with.
- "To me one of the primary goals of what we're doing here is building a community of communities all aligned around the EOS blockchain. If you agree with this then we as the inaugural, English only version of an Eden should be as open and welcoming as possible to the entire EOS community, regardless of their absolute fluency in English. What if they have a strong accent, or speech impediment, or are a little slower in English, especially when nervous? Where do we draw the line?"
- "Considering that fluency most matters in the election where it is reasonable to suggest a minimum level of English is required, why don't we try to create an opportunity between now and the next election for the majority of these other language community members to have their own version of Eden to transfer to?"
- "Sounds like we may have multiple "Edens" on EOS very soon."
- "Another option might be something like an "observer" status that allows the community to get to know each other, and learn about how to implement this process elsewhere, but that doesn't allow for participation in the english speaking elections?"
- DAN LARIMER: ""I suppose I am ok with non English members so long as they don’t register for the election until they speak community language well enough to pass approval of a random selection of members""
- "Just a suggestion. Wouldn't it simplify matters if the registration process included 'first language' and 'secondary languages' so that we can track how many members there are with the same first language? The secondary language field can be used to include people whose first language is not English, but the first language field would indicate when it might be time to start holding elections specifically for those language speakers."
- "Healthy questions and debate are important to refine the ideas and process itself, which includes socially accepted best practices in elections."

#Official_Elections_RSVP :
The level of "no shows" at the elections, despite registration and many words on the RSVP system, also commented on by Dan Larimer. His words copied here below and initiated a discussion on how move forward to improve this part of elections.
"" We had an RSVP system for the election for a reason, so that members who cannot participate can opt-out without risking their standing in the community. A number of groups were below capacity as a result of a 30+ people not showing up despite registering. Going forward I am proposing a bylaw that will charge anyone who registers but fails to show up a fine of 10 EOS. Failure to pay the fine for failure to show after registering will be grounds to have membership status revoked. Our individual actions impact the entire group and we must be accountable to our word. Very few people should have last minute emergencies that prevent them from updating their registration in the last 24 hours. I will investigate reducing that time to 12 hours so that we have sufficient randomness to secure the election but give members maximum opportunity to update their word on whether they can and will attend. We will work on tools to notify and remind people. ""
#Eden_Candidates :
Here from a post with a prediction "I think eventually we'll see Eden candidates running on a collection of Pomelo projects that they support as their platform. The Pomelo projects themselves will have the really in-depth details like you're describing here. The candidate will vet those projects in advance, create a portfolio of projects they support, and with a summary that leads into the deep dive. The limited time windows in the election process are really the hurdle that prevent you from getting too deep into things."

#Onboarding :
Words copied here to give just another example of the many ideas and thoughts raised and discussed in Eden member group:
QUESTION: "Could you set up a way for Eden delegates to batch create and send those accounts and then settle with Greymass in $EOS from our budgets? I think every Eden member should be able to give someone a network account easily."
Greymass ANSWER: "While we don't have automated systems in place for bulk purchasing - anyone can reach out to us and we can coordinate to make it happen. Eventually it'll all be automated but for now it's something we manually have to do."

= END =
Friday to Sunday 2021-10-17

#Miscellaneous :
Past bundle of days with more than usual technical and code discussion between few members. It included smart contract work, floating point determinism, WASM, bug searching, security vulnerability and more. This mainly from a preventative angle,

#Transparency :
Suggestion and query posted:
" Idea came up in the Eden Delegates Channel which I would like us to Explore. Providing Clarity and Transparency for the Elected Delegates is proving to be a complex mission and a very important one. I Think a small tweak / Feature we could add to Eden is a TEXT FIELD that could work as a MEMO for Withdrawing the funds, like "I'm planning to use these funds for"... and add it to the Memo of the Withdraw transactions so it's officially On-Chain. What do you think?"

Clarion response: "This is something we’re definitely studying. And we appreciate the feedback. Future milestones will include a much finer-grained control over the visibility into / movement of funds. And we want to make sure that these subjective aspects of transparency fit into that model nicely."

#EOS_Foundation :
Most would be aware of this 2nd wave of grants from ENF but worth repeating: "Decentralized ecosystems require many entrepreneurs building independent businesses to make them more robust and antifragile. #EOS empowers devs to build #DeFi that isn't possible on other platforms. These projects will serve as the foundations for a new era of $EOS DeFi.

#EOSFoundation is proud to announce the 2nd wave of recognition grants totaling $1.1m in support of the #EOS DeFi ecosystem! 🚀
@DefiboxOfficial @EOSDT @sovdex @vigorprotocol @DFSnetworks @NewdexOfficial @OrganixProtocol @PizzaProFi @DAPP_Network_ @pNetworkDeFi @DAPPAccountDAO

#Chief_Delegates_meet :
"The first official set of Eden Chief delegates had our first board meeting earlier this week. The meeting notes can be found in this 👇🏼 post on Violet Garden (what Voice was supposed to be, now being built by Eden Chief Delegate @velua).
The full unedited board meeting can be watched 🤓 here 👇🏻

#BP_Proxy :
Questions raised:
"-Have any of the distributed funds been staked to Eden proxi?
-will you please share proxi stake data vs time? Is the staked amount increasing?"
"I've not noticed any jump in staking, no. The question was raised that perhaps we can use the Eden treasury to vote for the Eden Member's Proxy."

Dan Larimer weighed in: ""I think this is a good idea 👍. I also think it is a good idea for all Eden members to point their own stake to Eden proxy and Eden proxy should cast votes based on consensus of delegates.
The whole point of Eden is to move to a better governance process than dpos and I think it is reasonable for everyone to back the proxy.""

Discussion followed and here just one sample: "If only Eden could somehow manifest enough incentive to draw token holders from the exchanges to the mainnet so they not only open an EOS account, but become Eden members, and then pull their tokens off of the exchanges to align their token-weighted voices with ours.
Aligned communities are where the power resides."

= END =
Monday to Tuesday 2021-10-19

#Miscellaneous :
Past few days much of discussion among Eden members related to grants from EOS Network Foundation (#ENF) to DeFi on the EOS platform as well as EOS DeFi/finance options generally.

#Official_Elections :
During a discussion on #Funding_Proposals Dan Larimer posted: ""Eden isn’t a worker proposal system. You shouldn’t be pitching projects in groups, you should be selecting representatives for your values and needs. Not any single potential solution.""

#FUD :
How to moderate EOS related telegram groups was raised. Here below copy of initial words in the post starting off a wide range of views and suggestions.
"Telegram Admins have the ability to restrict users from interacting. I propose that we encourage the Admins of all EOS-related Public Telegram Groups to restrict the capabilities of FUDsters. The current moderation policy on most Telegram Groups does not seem to help our cause. Just because someone is privileged to be in a group that does not mean there are no rules and they can behave inappropriately."

= END =
Next #recap will be posted coming Monday 2021-09-25 and cover Wednesday 2021-10-20 to Sunday 2021-10-24.
Wednesday to Sunday 2021-10-24

#EdenOnEOS :
Rules (Peace Treaty & Bylaws) for new Edens, already forming or on planning stage, was a discussion point. Some of the initial words copied below:

- "In my opinion -- without bylaws written in code, any community that forks the edenOS would not have bylaws to build on. Ideally each community that is created should have its own domain, server and developers. But the new community should have the same coded bylaws that the genesis community agrees with initially. What do you think?"
- "I think each Eden has to start with its own peace treaty. It might be different from group to group, or it might be the exact same."
- "I think the Peace treaty is what is necessary to start an Eden community, where bylaws come later and will likely be somewhat unique to each respective group since they will absorb unique cultural influences."
- "A peace treaty has to be the same (it is what allows for consensus building). There have to be fundamental bylaws that govern all Eden communities across the globe. Each Eden community could enact some bylaws and build on the fundamental ones. The genesis Eden community cannot acknowledge an Eden community that doesn't have a peace treaty to empower its members or create a society that does not believe in consensus building and individual freedoms."

#Fractal_Democracy :
The article "Fractal Democracy: A Primer" by an Eden member was shared and received praise by many. Here just one example: "Summaries like yours makes it much easier to propagate key concepts like Fractal democracy in other languages and we thank you for taking the time to do it."

Author added "I tried to distill FD down into the key concepts. Hopefully this can make it easier to share with your friends and family what you're up to."

#Discord_EOS :
You might have noticed words about #EOS Community Discord Server, a new home for everyone interested in all things $EOS.

#Block_One :
There was a rich discussion over the weekend regarding current status and future path of B1 and also B1 plans in relation to EOSIO. In short discussion mirrored much of what been seen other places. One view expressed it might be time for another party such as #ENF to consider take over care of future EOSIO maintenance and code work.

= END =
Monday to Thursday 2021-10-28

#EdenOnEOS :
A Dan Larimer Interview of the Head Chief of Eden on EOS Aaron Cox was posted 25 Oct 2021. Mix of insights and new ideas being discussed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQAhEB_rQ5g

#EOS_beginner_guide :
The work on a beginner's guide to EOS was announced and a draft of the article "A Beginner's Guide to EOS" was posted. Comments and discussion followed on what topics/resources to be included in the guide as well as a review by many of the article and feedback given.

#Onboarding :
The need to push updated EOS related information to number of sites, internal and external, was raised. The discussion mainly on various ways to achieve this and how sync the effort. As was expressed in one post ""How does someone who's never used EOS enter the community from the sea of crypto? There are certainly many more people trading "EOS" on Binance/Coinbase than who have an Anchor or Token pocket wallet.""

#Block_One :
There was a continuation in discussions how best move forward in relation to B1. Various ideas on how try discern B1's intended path ahead so that the EOS community may plan and adapt accordingly in our own aims and path ahead.

= END =
Friday to Sunday 2021-10-31

#ENF :
These words from EOS Network Foundation (ENF): ""EOS is about to demonstrate its truly sustainable and decentralized model for building public goods for the open web.

Through direct investments, sponsored working groups, Eden(s), and Pomelo, the ENF is strategically taking a multi-pronged approach to allow us to all work together as a unified EOS community to create positive sum games that will lead to EOS maturing into the best-in-class blockchain ecosystem that we’ve always expected it to become.""

""EOS is rapidly becoming an ecosystem full of limitless opportunities and this comeback story is building up to become one for the ages!""

(Korean and Chinese text is available following the English Version.)

A comprehensive DAO option #Hypha was introduced with following words: "Sharing an unlisted copy of this first here. Want to propose some DAO tools we've been building for 3 years for Eden to start Organising more effectively ASAP! Wanted to get feedback on what we've built so far so we can continue to built it to be effective to help us coordinate.

Here few member comments on the above:
- ""Wow this looks amazing and a great Pomelo pitch to support with Eden delegate funding. Bringing this over to EOS would serve many communities with the suite of features you've included!""
- ""This is excellent stuff! So glad to see this and much to contemplate with respect to how this dovetails with EdenOnEOS.""

#ENF :
Question to EdenOnEOS from Yves La Rose of EOS Network Foundation:
""How much does Eden need for the next round if funding of optimal sustainable growth is the target?
You split, I choose.""

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
""The first official set of Eden Chief delegates had our 3rd board meeting. The meeting notes can be found in this post on Violet Garden: https://violet.garden/post/Eden-1-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-3-2021-10-28-1400
The full unedited board meeting can be watched here 👇🏻
https://youtu.be/BNUbhT8-mKc ""

A member pushed for increased focus on NFTs within EOS eco-system:
""If you want EOS to grow in price, give people a reason to buy eos - bring in the NFTs, bring in the artists, we'll bring in the people.""

The above the start of extensive NFT discussion between members and here few snippets:
- ""+1 but I would add that we need to also be thinking ahead, create the new trend or bring it over to develop with us.""
- ""i would say there is to much thinking and thenover thinking
you cant create a trend, you can only start doing stuff and hope it catches on. you want something different and unique? give the crazy weird and unique aftists the keys to the kingdom and let us tell you what we need to make our visions come true""
- ""EOS has the opportunity, imo, to jump ahead of wax because it is already accepted as legal tender in some countries.""
- ""anyways - that's me - pushing for the artists. If any devs and programmers in here have ideas and need an artist, hmu im all in""

= END =
Monday to Tuesday 2021-11-02

#ENF :
Word from EOS Network Foundation ""ENF just switched our Telegram group to read-only as we migrate our community engagement exclusively to the EOS Discord. We will use the existing Telegram channel exclusively for sharing news and announcements. Public engagement will be in Discord moving forward.

#EOS_Bees :
""With help from the #EOS community, we published "A Beginner's Guide to EOS". Active hives will translate this important article for new EOS community members in their language. https://twitter.com/EOS_Bees/status/1455244833367465993?s=20 ""

#Miscellaneous :
- ""Has anyone asked themselves why EdenOS should be more than a funding mechanism?""
- ""I think its important to note that Eden can only govern ppl who are participating in the process. In this case using their prestige earned and the funds given to them. Still interesting discussion.""

- ""Is this issue adressed in MEA?"" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_powers - Division of legislative, executive and judicial functions exercised by different political bodies with a separate origin""
-- Daniel Larimer - [In reply]
- ""Separation of powers depends upon structurally eliminating political parties. I am working on a theory of judicial system""

= END =
No recap posted today Friday. Next #recap Monday 2021-11-08 and will cover Wednesday 2021-11-03 to Sunday 2021-11-07.
Wednesday to Sunday 2021-11-07

#Violet_Garden :
The reward structure in Violet Garden and VIO token utilities were discussed and clarified.

#Block_One :
Discussions around Block One continue along similar lines as earlier, now an added reflection also on potential impact the launch of Bullish might have on things.

#EOSIO_future :
Snippets from discussion starting with Eden member expressing his concern. In end technical back and forth aiming to alleviate and resolve current issues experienced.
- ""I've invested countless of hours building my company around eosio and now updates are a joke and we clearly see block one moving away from it and being an holding company. We are now a startup of 5m + in revenues and 25 people in the team. Our products has been built on eosio since 2018. But I don't think its gonna work moving forward with eosio if core maintainers of the software don't care and we just see more and more people and talent getting away from it.""
- - ""what would you like to see done ?""
- ""Improvement regarding scalability, current history tools are unstable, history nodes keep getting corrupted in the latest version, multi-chain capabilities that were promised etc.""
- - ""I can't speak towards all scalability and multi-chain capabilities, but not all history nodes are unscalable and often corrupted. The solution we've been building out for the past few years has proven very scalable and the next generation of it we're working on now has been making significant progress. There's hope at least on that front - just not from B1.""
- - ""Can I add you to a list of EOSIO developers to interview in the not too distant futures about the struggles you have faced? At this point I'm compiling a list - your name isn't on that list yet, so I figured I'd ask (same goes to anyone here if you want to contribute).
- ""Yes, that would be really appreciated. I have 3 years of experience with it and a running company on it.""
- - ""Don't walk away from all of your work with EOSIO yet. There are teams working on this now with support from the ENF.""
- ""I want my business to be part of a bigger EOSIO ecosystem, I need my own chain for cost and I'm looking forward to this day.""

#Pomelo :
Word from Pomelo ""Pomelo hasn't officially launched yet, but we already have our first 3 submissions.""

#ENF :
EOS Network Foundation - ""The recording from the invite only virtual EOS event for press outlets and key opinion leaders within the Chinese community has been published 👇
Full Speech
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01Xx5jfTEOM ""

#Fractal_Democracy :
Suggestion build/prepare for future - ""Hi everyone, just throwing this out there so others can start thinking about it besides myself.
A fractal democracy has soft guarantees of uniqueness and proof of humanity baked into the onboarding process. But if we want to leverage this onboarding process as a mechanism to achieve Sybil resistance for dapps, then we will need a strategy to deal with many different fractal democracies.
For example, Violet Garden can rely on Eden membership as a way to ensure only one account per person can claim the daily reward, but in a future with tens or hundreds of exclusive or partially overlapping fractal democracy communities, how would it work?
There may be some design decisions we could make now to impact how new fractal democracies are spun up, which would help us solve this problem from the start.""

No doubt we will see more words on the above from Clarion team and others.
#Miscellaneous :
Eden member shared following words and link, gauging of EOS ecosystem status and the current moves - ""ENF founders look for their shadows (in China). Less than 24 hours before Pomelo accepts its first grant proposal. Hypha and dfuse making waves again; this time looks like a big one on the horizon. Upland valued at a few hundred million. Voice and Bullish had something to say. Violet Garden is making its presence felt. Finney has a new artist friend. https://crypto.writer.io/p/eosweekly-enf-pomelo-dfuse-hypha

= END =
No recap posted Wednesday 10th.

Next #recap on Friday 2021-11-12, will cover Monday 2021-11-08 to Thursday 2021-11-11.
The schedule of Eden Member group #recaps now changed to be on a weekly basis, posted Saturdays.

Coming Saturday 13th the recap will cover Monday 2021-11-08 to Friday 2021-11-12.
Public channel sharing short recaps of main posts and discussion in Eden Members group, most of these because not seen elsewhere.

The schedule of recaps changed this 2nd week of November 2021. Now weekly on Saturdays around 16:00 UTC and cover preceeding 7 days (Saturday to Friday).

Dates used here are in international ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DD and times are expressed in UTC (=GMT) time zone.
#Recaps_UpScale pinned «Public channel sharing short recaps of main posts and discussion in Eden Members group, most of these because not seen elsewhere. The schedule of recaps changed this 2nd week of November 2021. Now weekly on Saturdays around 16:00 UTC and cover preceeding…»
Monday to Friday 2021-11-12

#Fractal_Democracy :
Discussion continued on future fractal democracies. Here part of two of this week's comments, first from Clarion team then member comment:
CLARION - ""The short of it is that 1) we are planning for a supra-communities structure and 2) the identity mechanisms we've built / are building rely on simultaneous video for uniqueness, *and* there isn't any other form of uniqueness that can be reliably established (always open to suggestions, but I don't see how iti would work).
KYC "works" because those processes verify you against (shared) 3rd party verifiers. But even Proof of Life mechanisms out there, while they can establish the real-worldness of a digital identity, they do nothing to prove that that same real person isn't establishing themselves as a real live person on some other platform (identified by a different digital ID). In other words, proving uniqueness globally isn't what we're proving; we're proving uniqueness only within a community.""

Member - ""Social verification is my favored option. There needs to be trust values baked into the system that verify the verifiers. It's easy to have collusion of verifiers when you have a limited set, so having one highly trusted rep in there is key for each group.
You can also map out a network of who verified who into the system for a visual representation. This would make it easier to check for collusion.
I think Eden is doing a pretty good job, and I am considering Eden members to use as our first members of the Web 4 global collaboration system I'll be unveiling in the near future.""

#Pomelo :
Much of posts this week were about Pomelo and the great number of Eden members actively supporting the same and listed projects. Here just few of these words indicating the wide range of views and suggestions.
- ""Sharing because I think objective feedback is critical to eden/EOS success moving forward. IMO pomelo, ENF, helio are the right solution. Instead of trying to pump price we are pumping use-cases into the network.""
- ""Let's please consider supporting our Chief Delegates as well as other Eden Delegates and fellow Eden Members with Projects on Pomelo!""
- ""Is there any consensus on a process on using Eden delegate funds in pomelo to maximize the funds?""
- ""a few ideas have been floated around, but no consensus per se.""

One member shared a twitter post - https://twitter.com/eos_marketing/status/1458792540291932164?s=20

Another member asked @daniel_keyes to kindly remind the value of an Eden Member using their account on Pomelo?
""He said:
For this season the value is purely cosmetic. You get a profile picture.
Pomelo is planning to give Eden Members a 'trust bonus' next season.
Or at least once we have more Edens.
The trust bonus would be a bonus added on top of your donation before the quadratic formula is applied.
Say for example you donate 1 EOS and have a 200% trust bonus, as far as the matching formula is concerned, you donated 2 EOS.
So your donation has a bigger impact on the matching distribution than it would otherwise have.
Pomelo is planning to have a trust bonus for this too: https://pomelo.io/grants/ygc2lp2oe
#ENF_Eden :
A member shared posts of Yves La Rose (EOS Network Foundation) referring to a met up with Brendan Blumer and Brock Pierce. It led to a discussion on the current and future relationship ENF and Eden. Some snippets:
- ""How were our views made known or represented at this meeting?""
- ""Give them a chance to strike a deal. Yves doesn’t want to show his hand.""
- ""I applaud and support everything he's gotten done. We've been stifled which is different.""
- ""I wouldn’t worry about that , EOS and the community will benefit""
- ""If your goal in this is to convince me the ends justify the means, then so be it.""
- ""As a Decentralised community we welcome action as long as it’s in-line with the general feeling approval of the community""
- ""in a dpos network why does "Eden" deserve a seat in that discussion? We have to be realistic about the power we have.""
- ""Eden doesn't manage the EOS network, we are just a small contributor at this point. We are still in our infancy stage and only now undertaking the first iteration of this experiment that could *potentially* some day be used to run EOS or a network like it. ""

#Chief_Delegates_meet :
The first official set of Eden Chief delegates had our 4th board meeting last week. The meeting notes can be found in this post on Violet Garden: https://violet.garden/post/Eden-1-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-4-2021-11-04-9002
The full unedited board meeting can be watched here 👇🏻

= END =
Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-11-19

#Pomelo :
Much discussion continues on how best encourage Eden members and in particular delegates to support Pomelo listed projects and more. One idea which gained traction was for Eden to award NFTs for every task members complete/impact including Pomelo and other donations.

Another member expressed these words ""I think we need to lead by example and it would be a strong message to say 98% (or whatever) of Eden members participated in Pomelo's first season."". However the initial post by same member, on how achieve this goal, developed into very long discussion on pros and cons with use of the proposed method to achieve such high participation.

#ENF_Eden :
New views were expressed plus some suggestions how to react and/or act to meeting referred to with same # also in previous recap. Nothing conclusive as of yet from these Eden member discussions due to very differing views and discussion continues. Among all posts seen just three snippets.

The discussions led to one member posting where these words were included:
"" Dan warned us when he wrote "ensuing debates and conflict can tear a community apart". Let's heed this warning and not fall into a trap of polarization, but instead strive to "combine the best aspects of crypto-contracts, human contracts and human dispute resolution," so that this experiment actually results in EOS becoming the first smart Ricardian contract block chain. ""

Another member objected and here part of the words:
""I appreciate the point, but if Eden expects to play a role in EOS governance it should choose its policy. To do this we need to rely on our consensus mechanisms, and/or our leaders.
The policy can be to not have one on this issue, but this should be stated here so that we know where our organization stands if we have any aspirations as an organization with a say on this blockchain. And to do this, we need to use our consensus mechanisms or our leaders.""

One Chief Delegate weighed in, here the beginning part of post:
""An official "Eden Stance" is basically impossible to achieve unless it is so generic it will be essentially meaningless. Eden is a group of people that come to consensus and select people to receive community funding. Nothing about that leads me to the conclusion that we'll all agree on anything never mind a subject with as much nuance, uncertainty, and rational ignorance as this one. ""
If we want to trust the Eden election process to manifest in a unified voice then we'd need to simply let @jestagram speak for all of us since he is the Head Chief Delegate. Even the 6 Chief Delegates all don't agree on this situation.""

#Eden_Landbuy? :
One post including words "Eden should try buying an actual land" led to much discussion, few snippets.
- ""This is a fantastic idea. More immediately, we can purchase/develop land in the various virtual worlds (especially EOS ones)""
- ""It could just be a vision for now, and as a long term goal for Eden members to strive for. ""
- ""There is already precedent for Wyoming DAO LLCs buying land.""

The last snippet with more facts added and in very short words from these a new DAO LLC was created recently and purchased 35 acres in Wyoming. The statute grants "personhood" to a smart contract which means it can own property. The DAO LLC which owns the land has tokenized itself and are fully legit "final settlement" legal ownership of shares in the LLC. These can be sold peer-to-peer and/or internationally.

Ending snippets which in part related to the above:
- ""Eden is all about the individual members, companies, joint ventures, and organizations working independently to provide value for the whole of Eden. I await a future when Eden members use funds to build businesses and projects and donate % back to Eden treasury. Eden is the country, and EOS is our Currency. Ideally, all EOS members should one day become Eden members.""
- ""Yes 100%! I would love to see EOS and Eden buy land and build great cities!""

= END =
Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-11-26

The news of a B1/Brocks/Helios deal discussed also among the Eden members, whether EdenOnEOS should make an official statement in these matters. In short for now no firm stance as membership is divided on how to handle these siutations. Here few snippets:
- ""I think we should have people presenting their governance directions when we voted for them, right now representatives were based on what they said they will use money for.""
- ""I was only choosing based on projects, because there was strong emphasis on needing to deliver something to show eden deserves the funding.""
- ""If eden want's to push and be governance layer, we can do that in the next round, emphasise that this time we are also choosing governance decisions commentary.""
- ""I feel as if the election results would have been much different if it was a policy-based election rather than a project-based election.""
* DAN LARIMER : "It was always a policy based election in my mind"
- ""I think if we look at Dan's statements, then he has been clear that the intention is electing representives skilled at building consesus. Just because many members didn't do that does not negate the intent from the mastermind of Eden On EOS.""

#Freelance_Eden :
Words from a Chief Delegate post "Open call for Eden members who would like to do some paid video editing for the Chief Delegates. Should we use the forums to start a kind of jobs board?". This was further discussed in all delegates Zoom meeting Saturday 20th November from a wider perspective including also other tasks and jobs which need be done and could be funded.

#TranslateMe :
Invitation made to Eden members interested to join the work for "TranslateMe on EOS" and here few snippets explaining the aim.
- "We are currently standing up group we’re calling ‘TranslateMe on EOS’ in an effort to build paths toward integrating translation solutions into EOS platform workflows."
- "Please, if interested, reach out to me and i’ll send u an invite to the discussion of how to begin increasing the bandwidth between our different language speaking communities by installing these translation APIs."
- "We’re trying to increase the bandwidth between EOS language groups, in our dialogs. So basically, how would we do that? Well, we have a group that has developed translation algorithms using machine learning. And they tokenized the training process. So folks can get paid for training the algorithms that do the translating."
- "Keep your ears out if there’s a project that may have a use for a translator API. It’s ready for plugging in."
- "there’s an estimated 10 to 20 X cost savings over using centralized platforms like Google, Microsoft etc."

#EOSsupport : One post copied below!
"" Need help on how to donate to #pomelo? Follow step by step tutorial here:
If you encounter any problems, you can click the blue chat icon in the right bottom of our website at any time to open a direct chat and get connected with our support agents.
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1462793676275466244 ""
Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-12-03

#Poll :
Shortly after this recap there will be a poll to try assess whether these short recaps are of value and whether you wish them to continue or not. Your opinion would be most welcome.

#Mission_Vision :
Two snipped comments, a Chief Delegate words and related comment, to indicate one of the discussions held:
- "" This is one of the leading mission statements from the CD discussions "To utilize the fractal democratic process from More Equal Animals to select representatives that will allocate EOS community funding for the betterment of Eden and the EOS ecosystem as a whole." ""
- "" Totally agree...this possibility exists, but its premature to focus on this particular goal right now IMO ""

#Eden_Facebook :
"" If anyone is brave enough to wade into the waters on Facebook... just a reminder that this is here, so that as we grow, it may be relevant for onboarding to the liferafts before everyone is trapped inside a soma saturated Meta-versal reality.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1169698943493837 ""
A comment made on above words - ""if ur not sure what he said... no worries, u'll get it later... I can say this because ur already here 👽 and will avoid much of the nightmares... - primarily for those newer to crypto . . ""

#EOS_Scam_ Warning from EOSsupport.io :
The Telegram group "eosofficialcommunity" is not an official group of the EOS Community. Please everyone report the group as a scam.
Read more here: "help.eossupport.io/en/articles/5770388-new-scam-a-new-official-eos-telegram-group-please-report-them".
Not sure who you can trust? Ask http://EOSsupport.io

Add a snippet relating to the above: - ""The level of detail and numbers are crazy. They are mimicking prominent people in the community, using the same callouts and information from other things going on in the ecosystem currently, etc…""

#Eden_Delegates_Meeting :
A query was made and link here below in the recaps channel lead to the requested recording (unedited).
""Thank you. I’m not in the Eden Delegates group so I don’t think I have access to this. Can you please share the audio recording in this group?
I would like to hear it and it could be very helpful for many non-delegate Eden members to be able to listen.""

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