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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Due to unforeseen event this end today's #recap with few hours delay. Posted late afternoon around UTC16:00.
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-06

#Author_Comments : Week started with a discussion on Eden treasury status and funding plans ahead. Various other topics as always with also an extensive discussion initiated by idea brought forth by a member. A proposal to aim for and work on a near future "CONFERENCE (Party)?!!" during or soon after June 2022. As member expressed it "EOS and June go together!". The discussion continue, potentially with an event formulated in near future.

#Funding :
--M1-- : "I think you should strongly consider pulling more funding from the treasury. If by doing this Eden as an org can grow and expand faster, then I think this would be a reasonably prudent early use of funds that the BPs and ENF would be ok with."
--CD1-- : "It makes a lot of sense to have the organization itself pursuing more significant goals, rather than just funding a Pareto population of election winners... And then the unelected constantly petitioning them for funding, AND . . . . "
--M2-- : " Why not invite economists to help redesign the economic model? Everyone is in a prisoner's dilemma. Maybe you can hire someone who is proficient in game theory."

#Polls :
--M1-- : "I love idea mentioned in the last delegate meeting to hold symbolic votes about all things related to EOS. It doesn't need to be binding to be valuable."
--M2-- : "That’s what Consortium is for."

#Eden_Contributors :
" We're meeting again today, if you'd like to join.
Focus is on presenting your next steps for Eden.
All delegates and members are welcome to join.
https://gofractally.com/events/empowering-eden-contributors "

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #4 - Thursday, May 5, 2022 - Posted May 6th, 2022

-- "The Eden CD's 4th meeting notes can be found below 👇🏼
Key Highlights:
▶️ Bylaws have been ratified and are now in effect.
▶️ Introducing KPI to measure the success of Eden.
▶️ What services can Eden provide to the broader community?

-- "The Meeting minutes of Eden Chief Delegates are mapped out into the MindWeb Eden Dashboard MindMap."

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-13

#Author_Comments : Plenty discussion on and around ownership of Eden social media accounts and assets. Even more on Eden as an organization, the Eden processes, funding, future and much more. Discussion on and from a number of angles and been kind of a week of EdenOnEOS soul-searching.

#Assets :
--M1-- : "Eden is not an official organization. Any organization can be an eden. If they use the process then they are technically an eden. Any individual or organization can use an eden logo, or create an account call eden and do what they like."
--M2-- : "maybe those who are holding the Eden assets associated with this organization hand them to those running the organization, which are the current CDs."
--M3-- : "Bylaws need to clarify how these kinds of assets are handled/managed. The specific ones we are talking about (specific YouTube, Twitter, etc). This is why organizations require proper planning in the early stages.
--M4-- : "We have elected the CD by trust. They could/should control all assets via privatkeys and msig."
--M5-- : "Off-chain assets are not forkable, and therefore the community should consider limiting its "official ownership" of assets to the extent it values the autonomy of the members."
--M6-- : "Dan has previously given advice to the CDs about this topic. He suggested using a legal "trust" to hold off-chain assets."

#KPIs :
"Glad to finally see some focus on KPIs. I’ve been advocating for this since Eden started. There needs to be a way to measure at least some aspects of Eden’s performance or how do we know if our efforts are adding value and making a real difference? Sure there’s intangibles like goodwill, but you can’t buy something to eat with goodwill…"

#EdenOnEos :
--CD1-- : "The Eden Process, if that is what we are reducing Eden's essence to, is an election tool that allows a group of like-minded people to come together and create hierarchical representation for themselves - it creates a tree of members - literally an organization. The credibility of the process relies on the elected members actually coming together to form a cohesive whole, and that means creating an official 'persona'. It doesn't need to be a Legal Person, as an LLC would be."
--M1-- : "You can be an eden member but not belong to a company or an organization that is was created by other eden members. The tool is to empower individuals and organizations to operate independently and build. Then collaborate when necessary for the ultimate good of EOS. If ppl want to create an organization for leadership that use eden process then that should be started properly. With proper name. Etc."
--CD2-- : "This is clearly an Eden of EOS debate for Eden members. Eden itself [whatever version] is just the sum of the parts of its members as represented by its democratically chosen delegates."
--M1-- : "We are all eden. there is no head. We multiply, we iterate. a hydra. it becomes more centralized when only few people are doing more and more and more and carrying everyone else"
#Eden_future :
--M1-- : "I don't believe Eden or EdenOnEOS needs a name change. The following are my opinions and understanding:
- Eden is the head organization.
- There is also the Eden Process utilized to reach consensus.
- EdenOnEOS was/is to be a Fractal of the above, as were/are other EdenOnEOS language groups.
- Other Eden Fractals may develop for whatever other businesses, non profits, sports organizations, schools, or whatever else. These would derive funding from other than the ENF.
- Developing and facilitating the use of the Eden Process software can increase adoption and membership."
--M2-- : "Eden Treasury currently allocates small amounts of funds to Delegates.
What are the Delegates expected to do?
What are unelected Members expected to do?
What are the definitions and expectation of these various roles?
What if the Chief Delegates decided to reform the entire organization?
There seems to be an opportunity to do so given the current situation."
--M1-- : "I believe Eden is in need of reconfiguring it's fund allocation strategy. This would really help in allowing for Eden to be effective in bigger ways."
--CD1-- : "Eden has been trying to articulate the various ways in which it can positively impact the EOS Network. We have a pretty good idea of some starting points. It's time to set up the organizational structures for these efforts to take shape. The first official 'sphere' is Technical... What's the next one?"
--CD2-- : "This is interesting posts. I may address some of these issues during my chairing of the CD meeting next week."
--M1-- : "I need to watch some of the CD meetings before I can reply, I've been out of the loop for a while and feel like the discussion has advanced, and even now feel like I'm half speaking out of turn honestly."
--M3-- : " I prefer following the split consensus and use eden to fill the quick gaps and votes on pomelo, than trying it to centralise for bigger Jobs"
--M2-- : "I think Dan’s original intent and hope was to select leaders via elections and for Eden to function like the ENF. Eden Members have strayed away from that intent since the first trial election due to lack of funding options and also lack of adhering to the original intent. The EOS landscape has changed and that’s why Eden’s role is up for debate."
--M4-- : "This instantiation isn't chiseled in stone. It's maliable and as I understand we are still trying to find out where we fit in between Helios' and the ENF's roles. I am going to keep asking the question in reference to available funding, the current CD's are the ones to make this call., and according to one CD in this last CD meeting feels we should be unlocking more funding. There are also many others who are in favor of modifying the allocations or funding abilities of the Eden/the CD's."
--CD2-- : "But in reality (pragmatically), it should oversee the ENF, providing the EOS DAO with democratic oversight on how the network is funded, grown, and run, with a fair and transparent, and crucially, renewable electoral process. Free from incumbent advantage. Proving this model, creates demand for Eden as a service, and off we go. Add in Respect tokens etc, Defi, innovative marketing campaigns based upon data driven experiments, and then we have a powerful formula for exceptional growth across all major KPIs."
#Fractally :
--M1-- : "I think Fractally is cool, and represents an exciting new experiment in fractal democracy, I'm just not surprised that when a group moves very far, very fast, with little emphasis on communications, that they would lose some attention of the group they were with previously.
Attention is in scarce supply, the EOS community is on the ropes, Eden was only just in a nascent form when Fractally emerged as an idea. It takes a lot to move the herd, and when you divide the herd, you create confusion, and slow coordination."
--M2-- : "Really good points and perspective. Shoutout to the Eden Members who are too busy building and contributing to be involved in other things. And shoutout to others who are figuring out how to make time to help breath more life into Eden and Fractally in any big or small ways that they can."

#Eden_Town_Hall : 8 maj · Bywire News · 1:17:18
"What is Eden On EOS, and how can it shape democracy and governance?
https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1dRKZlgLZNXJB "
--M1-- : "I just listened and I think that we should not touch the treasury to fund roles. Roles are fine if the people who are elected want to run for them and fund the roles to delegate work they don't want to do. In my opinion, the treasury was set up to run elections and for delegates to get money."
--M2-- : "I personally agree with maintaining the runaway to incentivize delegates to participate in the elections and stewarding the governance of Eden, which is why I've advocated for Eden Members to work together to submit a grant application to the ENF for a new budget with specific objectives. Others seem to think that using the current treasury to boostrap Eden right now as quickly as possible increases the likelyhood that ENF will grant more funds to Eden (based on wise use of funds) and since they are available now, then there is no delay in waiting for a grant to be approved."

#Bylaws :
"Anyone have link to the new bylaws please?
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fqADSeVTv17Go4Jw8TxO6gA8wBAy-UQK1_LJwn3xE6Y/edit "

#Eden_election_dapp? :
"Either Eden decides to take this process and build it into an app that Eden can shape, or we will sit and wait for someone else to do it. If we don't package the technology up and promote it as Eden's core feature - its Kernel - somebody else will do it and name it something else. People are hunting for Eden's methodology, if we're going to start from the mission statement that we are here 'To Create Value for the EOS Ecosystem'... I contend that our methodology is our Election process, pure and simple. We have to find a way to protect its integrity, and this will only come thru a strong organization that we can all agree to get behind, because it should be helping to empower us as individuals to make a difference."

#Eden_NFT_engine :
"It makes sense that Eden could have an NFT engine so that members can produce NFTs for purposes like these. How about for rewarding participation in every Eden Election? Eden could mint EOS-backed NFTs as rewards for just showing up. These NFTs could be staked to add a multiplier to an elected delegate's budget (just a quick example). "
#Pomelo :
--M1-- : "You want to build an application that tracks the reputation of pomelo projects? that can be something some active nodes of eden can work on. Will help EOS and also bring awareness that eden members can be of a value to the community."
--M2-- : "Would be interesting if Eden itself was able to use the Pomelo platform in some way, so that only Eden Members can make a proposal for a project and then only Eden Delegates can vote on it from their Eden accounts. And the matching pool is the Eden Treasury or a separate account for this purpose."
--M1-- : "The goal is to really help the community find the best projects and fund them. Technically, if we the people are doing a great job. we should be picking maybe 5 top notch projects that we love and voting for them."
--CD1-- : "So Eden should make donations directly to worthwhile Pomelo grants then. Since it's all just Eden's money anyhow. The entire Organization should vote on it, and make one donation to each grant. On the last day, so that donation numbers don't get inflated to drive mimesis."

#Miscellaneous :
--CD1-- : "The people who run for election on the promise to be good leaders, get elected, and perform the function of good leaders... Is this function as valuable as 'building things'?"
--M1-- : "the question becomes who are you leading? if you are going to be a good leader for yourself and make sure that you deliver on your promise and intent then that is nice. But when you say you are running to be a good leader to provide value for EOS, what is it that you are leading becomes the question."
--M2-- : "I'm participating in the Eden Town Hall Twitter Space right now, and I'm realizing that most of us Eden Members need A LOT more practice in learning how to talk about Eden and EOS to people or to an audience who knows very little or nothing about our stuff. The EOS community has been predominantly stuck in its own bubble and echo chamber. If we want this ecosystem to grow, we must make our ideas, apps, etc. super attractive and welcoming to various audiences who are unaware of Eden or EOS and the value it offers them. I encourage everyone creating media to consider this."
--M3-- : "If eden process would be used by the world then it will be hard to track people and organizations who have legit twitter accounts no? I mean if it would be used by only this genesis group then I understand. We should find a way.
--M4-- : "Well, for Eden, if we could add a field to member profiles / potentially add a special field for CD controlled msig accounts, then it’s all able to be checked against the smart contract. But i’m not a dev, so someone check me here. Similar to adding a pgp key, no? Simple like “@E02=EdenOfficial” or some such thing, in bios. Attest “officialness” and revoke as need be."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Saturday, May 14, 2022

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-20

#Author_Comments : The latest CD meetings been setting the tone for much of discussions in the Eden Member group. The quality, or rather lack thereof, in some EOSIO BPs and the voting for BPs became main topics through this week. This recap just a very tiny fraction of the rich and "deep" discussions.

#EOSIO_EOS_future :
--M1--: "I think it would be awesome for either Eden or the ENF to establish a fund for attracting projects from other chains and facilitate porting over, or them being multichain, especially once the EVM is up and running. A Committee could be created by interested Eden Members and work with Eden Funding or apply to the ENF for funding from them."
--M2--: "To attract other chain Dapp developers we need to have a large user base, to get that we need just 1 killer Dapp, who’s building it? Easy onboarding free to use."
--M1-- : "I take your point though, that some Dapp Developers depending on what they're building will be looking to come on board an ecosystem with users. If that's the case, this is where we need to sweeten the pot/temporarily subsidize them to use the EVM and discover the benefits of utilizing EOS first. This can grow our users/onchain transactions and can save them some cash at first, and jumpstart the network effect."

#Eden_future : (referencing EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Sat. May 14, 2022):
"This weeks @EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate meeting is not one to miss! There is a bold vision being formed, and the #EOS community is likely to have an opinion! Let's see what the @EosNFoundation makes of the CD's latest democratic overtures! 😉 $eos"

#ENF_Eden :
--M1--: "ENF serves the network and the network needs to be optimized"
--M2--: "if members who want to run organizations and initiatives want to do so to better the network then they should go for it."
--M1--: "ENF can also delegate voting to Eden and/or to a proxy".
--M2--: "👎we are about to destroy EOS"
--M3--: "ENF may of course vote with their own tokens... nothing wrong there.
If BPs want money to run infra, they could pitch to ENF to get some funding, but I don't see why ENF would proactively go looking for BP candidates to fund.".
--M1--: "ENF is currently our best bet for cutting the deadweight BPs".
--M2--: "they are. they are really doing a great job".
--M3--: "It's a difficult question as these are tokens being allocated to the ENF by the network. Conflicts of interest arise. What if the current BPs asked that IF the ENF votes it's only allowed to vote for the current top 21? giving way to further centralization."
--M1--: "If EOS doesn't prioritize having amazing (above and beyond) BPs, then it will likely be outcompeted by networks who do prioritize it. And rightfully so. I'd like to see where seriously addressing this BP thing is on the collective roadmap for the EOS network."
Lennie, [21/05/2022 17:13]
#Eden_Proxy :
--M1--: "Quick question: if we have 181,815 EOS in the Eden Treasury, why is it the Eden Proxies only have 66,000 votes? Before discussing the ENF voting with their tokens, shouldn't this be taken care of first?"
--M2-- "Eden Treasury doesn’t vote for Eden Proxy"
--M1--: "Shouldn't it?"
--M2--: "It was suggested in the CD meeting. To send a signal"
--M1--: "Hard to discuss whether the ENF should or could do anything in regards to voting if we haven't done it ourselves".
--CD1--: "Eden's elected leadership don't have the active keys for the genesis.eden account yet."
--M1--: "I'm for making bold moves in both the governance and finances of the network. We all know what needs to be done, the question is whether or not we have the power and will to do it. I applaud Yves for having taken the initiative in both and working within the confines of the system as is, and blazing a trail forward where no one new how."
--CD1--: "Maybe many of the paid BPs look around and see the ones doing nothing and want to change things, but they can't. They would be waiting for an organization like EDEN to come along, demonstrate that it understands what is happening, and maybe those BPs would be amenable to giving this organization some voting weight to attempt to address the problem."

#EdenOnEOS :
--CD1--: "The transparency projects that many have been speaking of and hoping for, and building piecemeal - those projects can become a core mission of Eden. Chain Transparency. If Eden wanted to, it could replicate our process, and any other cool apps that we're going to be creating and bundle them into a dapp that others can use. At the moment though, others can't just use Eden without a great deal of wasted energy."
--M1--: "So genesis eden might have to polish edenOS for the best of what genesis eden wants to do."
--CD1--: "Sure, get the contracts and interfaces built so that others can use them."
--M1--: "this brings up the point that the most important thing is "the eden process." The edenOS code can be rewritten but the concept of electing people to distribute funds, or build a community throught consensus is the "gem" perhaps??"
--CD1--: "Yeah, finding that 'gem' has been difficult. I think it's the political playoffs process itself. It seems to work, but only when there is a sufficiently large/diverse group of people playing the game."

#Sybil :
--M1--: "Annual dues and intro meetings are both imperfect sybil resistance, not sybil proof. The election is theoretically sybil proof, although I look forward to analyzing an attempted attack at some point. But it's also not a big deal to allow sybil attacks if there are no positive rights given to the community at large, and all benefits are a function of one's participation in elections."
--M2--: "Maybe at some point Eden should run a test election where it provides a bounty for white-hat sybil attackers who reveal shortcomings and suggest solutions. We are in the era of deep fakes now."
--M3--: "the bounties often stimulate putting fakes in (they again incentivise attackers to collect them, because price of putting them there and pointing to them is far smaller than researching where the real attackers at."
--M4--: "Then we may just need some sort of system that rewards or tracks reputation. Where when someone is caught doing something shady, they have something to lose."

#Chief_Delegates-meet : 1
"Apologies for the delay, Here's the meeting notes from the most recent CD meeting: https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-5"

#Chief_Delegates-meet : 2
"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #6 - Thursday, May 20, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-6:4 "

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-27

#Author_Comments :
Eden member group in a bit of a lull this week, short work on #recaps this week.

#Eden_debating? :
--M1-- : "I see increasing negativity in the https://t.me/EdenOSinfo public channel. Constructive criticism should be encouraged and supported. Constant repetition of the same negative topic without offering a solution should not be."
--M2-- : "Is the purpose of the public group open debate? Or is it to help onboard people into Eden & EOS? There are plenty other places for public debate. Perhaps a privilege of Eden Membership can be the ability to participate in well structured and moderated, open public debates? No point in joining if you can get that privilege without joining."
--M3-- : "ya maybe it is (the open debate part). Maybe part of what Eden needs to do is define itself and its intentions in a public forum. Our public Eden channel seems to have the eye of many in the EOS community who actually care about EOS' success, so of all the places to debate the negative viewpoints, why not there, and if not there where else?"
--M4-- : "My personal view of the EdenOnEOS Channel is that it's also a place for the EOS Community to engage with Eden. I'd encourage delegates to be present and engage there with the public, especially on governance topics. By the way, toxicity is the real problem, not negativity as long as it's expressed in a civil and rational manner to be debated."

#Eden_Hispanic :
"Happy day EDEN Members! Weekly call in "Eden - Spark", any member of the hispanic community (or not) is welcome. The link to the meeting found in the TG group. Thanks!

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"Meeting Minutes 19 May 2022 - notes from CD meeting #6 last week.
Main items covered:
▶️ Individual updates
▶️ Vote for Yves as ENF President discussed
▶️ What areas should CDs vote on?
▶️ Why Eden & what is Eden's future?


- END -
Eden Members #recap for this past week will be postponed a day or two. Entering my last week of a 7 month contract and simply flat out! 🥴😁🐬
#Recap Eden Member group, past week up to and including Saturday 2022-06-04

#Author_Comments : I wish to again emphasize that #recaps only point to some of all posts/discussions. They are in no way a complete reference to the same. The #recaps are only meant to serve as a guide to some of the interesting topics.

#EOS_Yield+ : https://t.me/c/1186628781/28471
"“... a liquidity rewards program designed to incentivize TVL in DeFi applications on EOS would be one of the most impactful drivers of network growth.”" - https://www.eosgo.io/news/yield-blue-paper-liqudity-rewards-on-eos

#EOS_support : (some words related to "ram cleaning") :
- Question - "Is there any information on how to do ram cleaning?"
- Answered - "One case to free up RAM is: If you sell a token you hold in your EOS Account and the token balance is zero, if it doesn't automatically, you can recover RAM through the "close" action with Token's Contract.
For EOS click here: https://bloks.io/account/eosio.token?loadContract=true&tab=Actions&account=eosio.token&scope=eosio.token&limit=100&action=close enter your eos account and symbol "4,EOS"
or another example for EOSDT here: https://bloks.io/account/eosdtsttoken?loadContract=true&tab=Actions&account=eosdtsttoken&scope=eosdtsttoken&limit=100&action=close
We don't have an article yet, but it's planned to write one for that topic."

#Moving_Eden_Forward : (discussion mainly among Eden members whom are also members of ƒractally)
"Focusing on the next logical actions steps for moving Eden forward. Wednesdays 1300 UTC - https://gofractally.com/events/moving-eden-forward"

#EOS_Community :
- Question - "Do we have any new announcements?"
- Answered - "The EOS community is rebranding the main net. There is a cooperative between EOS chains, there is good governance happening at EDEN, and the fractally white paper is being coded into a very exciting Blockchain application. EOS is evolving into a federation of DOAs, Smart Companies, and DACs, which separately and together are coding Open Source software solutions that are a strong foundation for public goods. In addition, for profit businesses are attracting VC funding to build on top of these blockchain and open source solutions."

#Fractally_related : (& Eden connected)
"Proposal for Eden Fractal - https://edencreators.com/edenfractal
I'm proposing the name "Empowering Eden Contributors" for this event.
We are also looking to schedule another weekly meeting on another day of the week: Proposal for Fractal Forums - https://edencreators.com/fractalforums
I'm proposing the name "Moving Eden Forward" for this event.
If the group is open to it, we may join on StreamYard to have the meeting there as part of the live stream event rather than on Zoom as we normally do. Not sure the level of interest yet. I'm just a facilitator. My suggestion for the Live Stream event is to theme it around these questions or something similar to spark convo and valuable content:
What has been your greatest recent contribution to the EOS network?
What's something valuable that you'd like to see happen next on EOS?"
#DAOs_Legal_Wrapper :
"New paper on legal wrapping for DAOs. Read and discuss!
From https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4123737
"'Finally, it is helpful to keep in mind that legal and operational timelines can vary considerably. In many instances, DAOs develop organically before their legal wrappers. DAOs can begin with a catalyst organizing a small community with a particular mission or goal. At the beginning stages, members coalesce around communication platforms like Discord and Telegram. As the DAO grows, members may, but certainly not always, choose to launch a token and potentially raise capital for the DAO’s treasury by having members contribute assets. DAOs commonly also leverage blockchain technology to implement governance over the DAO, a process that can involve using any number of open-source tools and dapps that have preset and customizable organizational structures or protocols. DAOs operating in this model tend to start small, and legal wrappers are often only considered as DAOs scale—or after they run into trouble due to a hack or operational problems that create liability.'"

#ENF_Eden : (related to #DAOs_Legal_Wrapper, words from Yves La Rose) "Please don't make Eden a formal legal entity. Please keep that out of bylaws. Please keep Eden as a smart contract operated DAO."
"CDs can form an entity to interact with the "real world" if they wish (that's not Eden). I will not support, and would campaign against, getting Eden to be a formal entity. Please don't transform Eden itself into a formal legal entity."
"I am not neutral on Eden's future. I wish to see it succeed and fill a key role. Grow your membership. Become a non-arguable weight within the ecosystem."

#DAOs_Legal_Wrapper :
--M1-- : "Uniqueness is attractive. We don't all have to agree on the definition of DAO... It's a logical process set in motion by people. And we have to tend to it carefully, like one does any garden. Gardens are themselves like systems of smart contracts, with various yields from unique processes.
Eden's main strength is that it is a collection of real people from around the world who are not worried about fitting into a single set of regional laws. We're trying to build something that is supra-national. If individuals wish to create a 'legal wrapper' for a specific purpose, it's something that they can do. But they can't speak for the whole organization, without basically inviting an enemy to come and set up in our garden permanently."
--M2-- : "The amount of time and energy on the idea of Eden on EOS being turned into or using a company..."
--M3-- : "From my perspective on what a DAO is, which is the only direction in which I personally support Eden progressing, "Eden's next step..." doesn't even make grammatical sense. Eden doesn't take steps. Members take steps. I member wants to form a legal entity, he should do so. Members can do things, and we are all using the fractal governance process to organize our efforts toward a common goal. I'm starting to prefer thinking that what we are *doing* is DAO. We are exhibiting decentralized & autonomous organization, rather than being "a" decentralized autonomous organization, which apparently implies to most people a form of top-down organization that I think isn't super compatible with fractal gov."
--M1-- : "We have to think about what Eden can be in 3,5,7,10 years. When you really step back and consider the potential, we are on the bleeding edge of DAO technology and techniques. This is much more than just a process."
#EdenOnEOS :
--M1-- : "Establish a purpose and have people vote in line with what the objective is. I agree if someone feels that a Delegates project is in-line with the over-all objective, and values that in his group more than the consensus builder who can't get the guy with the project to back down, I don't see how you can control for this. Other than stating somewhere that elections are "to select for consensus builders able to establish consensus amongst their peers and provide the most value to their organization (in our case EOS).""
--M2-- : "I'm fully in agreement that this Eden org needs more direction and clarity as to our purpose through clear objectives and measurable KPI."
--M3-- : "I think the objective that we should aim to achieve is simply to help Eden. It doesn’t really matter if someone is building a project or just aiming to lead Eden. The only voting criteria should be how much each person helps Eden. The Eden process takes care of the rest by enabling each community member to express their opinions about who or what is most helpful for Eden."
--M4-- : "I wholeheartedly disagree with the faith in actors I generally feel here. We're not building Eden for Us(EOS). We're building it for everyone. If we can't reach consensus on what is True North, all other consensus is worthless."
--M3-- : "Why would it matter whether someone is building a project or just leading? I don’t see any reason to make a distinction about leaders or projects in the bylaws. People can help however they want and voters decide what’s most helpful."
--M5-- : "This group was founded by a bunch of key people in the EOS community, and then it was funded by the Block Producers, many of which are counted among Eden's members. They did this with the knowledge that Eden members had already spoken about working towards improving Delegated Proof of Stake - of working to build a human element that could help enhance the cold logic of DPoS consensus. This network is on the cusp of spectacular success, and I am confident that it will handle it well, because it has already proven how well it can handle failure and disappointment. If there is a crisis that Eden can address though, it is getting this decentralized organization ready to actually matter to people when EOS starts to really take off."

#EdenOnEOS : (https://t.me/EdenOSinfo offered to Eden CDs)
"Yo I’m not paying attention much, so any of the CDs who want total ownership control of the EdenOnEOS channel just give me a shout and I’ll change the ownership to whomever you want it changed to."

##Chief_Delegates-meet :
In lieu of recording (yet) from CD meeting #7 (planned for end last week) I here link to where previous meetings are found. Well worth another look at to remind where we are and aim toward, when and if time allow - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Sunday-Saturday 2022-06-11

#Author_Comments : The recap this time with two Chief Delegate meetings - #8 on June 2 and #9 on June 9.

#Chinese_Eden :
--M1-- : "Welcome to follow Chinese Eden, we have a separate Discord and Medium, and all proposals and election process will be posted in the EOS Community Forum. Due to limited manpower at this time, it is difficult for us to keep the English version up to date, so if anyone in the community would like to help us with translation, we would appreciate it!
Discord: https://discord.gg/fy2JYdpR
Medium: https://medium.com/@edencn
Information on past first test election and on upcoming second test election: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/c/eos/eoscn/35
Notion: https://edencn.notion.site/edencn/EDEN-827f60bd124b4d2ead39619444edf07d"
--M2-- : "Sure thing...
I'd love to invite you or any representative of it to the EOS Translation Foundation Telegram group.We want to address all this language barriers and solve them for easier interaction."
--M1-- : "We also have a DAO called EDAO, which we improved Daniel's fractally and used it to provide more support services for elected projects. Everyone in the community can get involved, do the work needed for the project, and report back at the weekly meetings for rewards."
--M2-- : "Come around. We'll be happy to help. https://t.me/EOSTranslationFoundation"

#EdenOnEOS_Benefits :
"Welcome to Eden members private group 🎉 https://help.eossupport.io/en/articles/5889843-what-are-the-benefits-of-becoming-an-eden-member"

#Fractally_related : (& Eden connected) :
"" "Don't Give Fractally the Time of Day"
This is an extreme and antagonistic statement of how we should proceed.
But I do think, we should focus on building Eden. If we want to adopt aspects of Fractally, why not. But not Fractally. In general, at the current date and time, with the information at hand, my perspective has not changed. I would not vote to "become a Fractal" of Fractally. I encourage greater focus and development of Eden, and EdenOnEOS. I don't want to draw this conversation out more than it needs to given this is Eden, and Fractally is nowhere near a state where we could evaluate its adoption.""

#Accountability :
--M1-- : "Eden members who wish to be vocal and report their CDs on not fulfilling promises should feel encouraged to do so, and ofc address the matter politely and with the respect any person deserves, as well presenting the proof of the claims."
--M2-- : "It is my understanding, that the people who elected the delegates are responsible for holding them accountable. In an ideal system, voters could have the opportunity to rate their delegates or at least make a statement as to whether they have kept their word on what they promised."
--M3-- : "Ideally what would be of use is a place where public comments/questions/concerns can be posted about each Eden Delegate. There the Delegate could publicly respond to defend themselves, or even just to explain their thinking for deviating from a promise or something."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #8 - Thursday, June 1, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-8:8
"Notes from the CD meeting #8: https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-8"

"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #9 - Thursday, June 9, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-CD-Meeting-Week-9:5
"Notes from CD meeting #9: https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-9

- END -
Eden Members #recap for past week posted tomorrow Monday 20th of June around 12:00 UTC.
Eden Members #recap for past week posted tomorrow Monday 20th of June around 12:00 UTC.
Apologies, #recap further postponed. Up by or before 18:00 UTC today Monday.
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Sunday-Saturday 2022-06-18

#Author_Comments : Most discussions over past week centered around CD's "Declaration of the Transfer of Control and Assets to the Members of ‘Eden on EOS’" - https://bywire.news/articles/declaration-of-the-transfer-of-control-and-assets-to-the-members-of-eden-on-eos and Dan Larimer follow up post "Implications of Eden’s Declaration of Independence" https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/38054 with much discussion also in the EdenOnEOS group.

#Eden_Assets? :
--M1-- : [2022-06-12 20:35 UTC] - "Below is a link to an official communication from the Eden Chief Delegates. It would be great if we can come together and make something happen regarding this Declaration and the Independence of Eden on EOS this Wednesday, June 15, at 13:00 UTC!"
--M2-- : "The "big ask" is not just for the keys, but also, there is a second big ask... "All IP rights, too" Aren't those two separate issues of the contributions of community members?"
--M1-- : "The IP is not required to progress, although it would be nice to collect it within the control of the CDs. Once the CDs have this, I'm of the opinion that they appoint leaders to the respective Eden Member Services circles and within there custody of the respective bits of IP lie."
--CD1-- : "The CDs are putting the pieces in place to establish Eden Member Services, on top of (obviously) changing the smart contract and website and other stuff."
--M3-- : [In reply to Daniel Larimer post on "Implications . . "] "Thank you for voicing your position on the matter. Highly agree on your points regarding what needs to be done in reference to taking over the socials, domains, etc. and the parties wanting to do so putting up collateral. I also agree that we should be careful with legal ramifications ... appreciate you shining a light on the possible pitfalls."
--M1-- : "There is no intention, from what I've seen, by the CDs to have Eden own property. They are just trying to consolidate it under the stewardship of its elected leaders. From there I expect they'll hand it out to willing Eden Member's to control and accept temporary ownership. And hopefully use Dan's collateral suggestion by those who assume control."

#Eden_elections : [13/06/2022 22:51 UTC]
--M1-- : "The chief delegates have permission that can do everything they need to do. The transfer of board.major keys happens right after elections."
--M2-- : "Can they update the contract to fix the election date with those permissions?"
--M1-- : "Yes. But the bylaws is locked. Right now. Was supposed to be 30 days before next elections."
--M2-- : "The bylaw says there is an election every 3 months. I understand you think the code is also bylaws. I don't think that makes sense."
--M1-- : "It will when other bad actors take over as CDs."
--M3-- : "The bylaws do not "absorb" a Peace Treaty. The 30 days is a By-Law guideline. The Code contract can be revised. The Peace Treaty governs the By-laws. Does EDEN want a July 9, 2022 Election?"
--M2-- : "This doesn't make sense. The bylaw changes require code changes, the bylaws that have explicit rules are what we should be following."
--M3-- : "EdenOS only understands code. And the code is still running with the old peace treaty. So either we update the code or the next election can not happen on 9th of July"
--M4-- : "Are we saying there is no way to carry out the next elections on July 9th?"
--M3-- : "No. We need to update the code. Then the election will happen."
--CD1-- : "Eden cannot update its own contract at the moment. The Eden members who currently possess the active permissions need to read the new bylaws and change the active permissions."
--M5-- : "The first problem here is that no one updated the election date before the arbitrary 30-day window was defined in the code. It was an oversight."
#MSIG - [14/06/2022 03:48 UTC]
--Dan Larimer-- : ""According to the bylaws, the active keys should be set to the chiefs. I am A-OK with that."
--CD1-- "Do you want the CDs to write the Msig?"
--Yves La Rose-- : "I suggest CDs create an MSIG for the BPs"
--M1-- : "We've already received their (BPs) support. this makes no sense. Uppdating these permissions isn't the bp support we really need. Let this community keep building Eden and get it to the point where its deserving of the support we do need, via funding."
--Dan Larimer-- : "It would be a symbolic gesture for both ENF and Fractally to sign off on it."
--Yves La Rose-- : "Are Eden CDs making the MSIG so it's a three-party action?"
--Daniel Larimer-- : "Yep"
--Yves La Rose-- : "That works for the ENF"
--Daniel Larimer-- : "Then going forward eden active can act unilaterally"
--Yves La Rose-- : "Does it work for Eden?"
--CD1-- : [In reply to Yves La Rose] "It would appear that I am the only one up atm, so I can't speak on behalf of the CDs."
--CD1-- : "We are learning as we go, but going forward all communications like this will have to appear onchain. The CDs have been fully transparent about our concerns about the bylaws, and we went to great lengths to act responsibly in their ratification. We should have presented the active keyholders immediately with the msig for that transfer. The request was restated many times, and it escalated in its earnestness."
--Daniel Larimer-- : "I’m only asking for the steps I feel are necessary to minimize Fractally liability by recognizing our commitment to only use the keys for code maintenance and reinforce our legal stance that this is not our account"
--M2-- : "I think communication is incredibly important and helping others understand the factors motivating our chosen paths in a reputation based system. It will be up to everyone in the community to decide who acted how, and value those actions accordingly.
If at the very least, I'd like to thank Dan for the thought exercise and lessons in what some may view as not the best-case scenario in the transfer of property in a DAO. We should work on means to make this cleaner, as Yves said it should be automated."
--M3-- : " . as someone who has spent most of the last 5 years working with compliance issues surrounding blockchains, DAOs and DeFi, there was never any risk of this organization being considered a general partnership based on transferring keys or because a document was drawn up. If we're really concerned about this issue at all, we simply form one of the Wyoming DAOs and call it a day. wouldn't cost more than a couple thousand dollars to have attorneys ensure everything is in order for us. I spoke with the state of Wyoming several times around the time that eden was forming. So long as we're using the eden consensus protocol to assign funds and elect leaders for temporary assignment periods, there's no partnership here."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #10 - Thursday, 16 June 2022 : https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-10:5

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