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Forwarded from Dr. Simon
Why supposedly intelligent people are falling for the narrative.

The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use a large part of their thinking power to find their way in their complicated social world. "Why is my boss looking so weird today? What does my neighbour's reference to my new car mean? Is the waitress flirting with me or just being friendly?"

Our "social" brain indeed checks facts from time to time. But much more relevant to it is the question: what are the social consequences if I do or say this or that? So we have a mechanism in our mind that, in case of doubt, even prevents us from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers our social status.

This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person's social and economic status. Educated or wealthy people are more concerned about what others might think of their views. This is because they have an academic reputation or a good professional position to lose.

Another factor is that the more educated and more intelligent a person is, the more adept their brain is at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. As a result, the upper educated middle class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase after some intellectual boondoggle.

The American data analyst David Shor observed in comprehensive studies that educated people to have more ideologically coherent and extreme views than working-class people. Cab drivers, cleaning ladies, tradesmen or warehouse workers often have much more grip on reality and common sense than professors, teachers and senior civil servants. The ideological fellow traveller, therefore, sits less at the regulars' table and more in the lecture hall.

Follow me: @Goddek
Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
Glazyev hits the heart of the matter:

"Zelensky, at the direction of Washington, is blackmailing the Russian leadership by shelling Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. The essence of blackmail was expressed by the G7 foreign ministers, who demanded that Russia return this nuclear power plant to Nazi control.”

“In fact, this is nuclear terrorism on the part of US & satellites. The essence of this blackmail is: either you hand over Energodar to the puppet regime, or it blows up a nuclear power plant with catastrophic environmental consequences for SE Europe including Ukraine.”

“What is this if not nuclear terrorism? And, judging by the real shelling of the Zaporozhye NPP from American guns controlled by the Pentagon, this terrorism is moving into the category of crimes against humanity. This is how it should be said at UN Security Council.”
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Media is too big
'Welcome to the Rise of the Fourth Reich,' Where They Can Allege Anything They Want and Criminalize Dissent

Daniel Horowitz: "We've had raids being done on so many patriots that often couldn't afford lawyers, and now, it's finally, President of the United States himself.

I think it has woken up a lot of our people that, hey, this is not just 'The economy sucks.' Inflation. Taxes! No. This is the Fourth Reich. This is about they can criminalize your humanity, your medical status; they could criminalize your political views."

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Media is too big
"There's a STORM Coming, and It's Coming from Mar-a-Lago to Washington, D.C." - Jack Posobiec

"They're gonna go and talk about the rhetoric of the War Room. They're going to talk about the rhetoric of Human Events Daily, the rhetoric of Posobiec, Drew Hernandez, Charlie Kirk — meanwhile — they're out there saying they want 100,000 new IRS agents with shoot-to-kill authority.

You got General Hayden, the former head of the CIA, calling for President Trump to be executed like the Rosenbergs out there on Twitter. The problem is we mean tweets. No, I don't think so. We're not playing it anymore."

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Steve Kirsch Puts the CDC on Notice: "That Can't Happen With a Safe Vaccine"

From Steve's Substack: "They'll ignore me of course, but it's important to put all these people on record as having been notified that they are responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans."

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The vaccine agenda was designed to bring down the economy

"How does all of this play into crashing the economy? Simple. As the workforce dies off or is too sick to be employed, they collect disability and “stay-at-home-for-free” checks from the O’Biden Administration.

That keeps them all voting for more free money while decimating all of their liberties, including medical choice and gun ownership. Meanwhile, the clot shots go to work on everyone, sending them to doctors, hospitals and graveyards by the millions.

In order to fully crash the economy, it is very important for the Democrats in Washington DC, working side-by-side with Big Pharma, to incapacitate as much of the work force as possible. Got pericarditis or myocarditis? Off to the hospital you go for the most expensive diagnostic tests you’ve ever seen. You might even need a pacemaker."

Forwarded from Dr. Simon
"Because they're bloody cancel-culture morons..."

You're welcome.

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"Break That Up Right Now!" - There's Nothing Scarier to the Establishment Than Unified Americans

Jack Posobiec: "You'll have these moments where people start kind of flirting with each other in sort of the two populist camps. And then along will come somebody from the establishment or doing the work of the establishment and say, 'Hey. You guys need to break that up right now!'"


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'This Fight Is for All the Marbles': They Don't Want Your Money; They Want Your Kids

Catherine Austin Fitts: "I assure you, these guys can print money. They don't need your money. They they want your land, they want your gold and they want your kids. Those are the real assets they're after."


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Media is too big
Disturbing Proof They're Quietly Deleting the Internet...

It's too 'dangerous' for you to see anything other than mainstream sources...

From Bright Insight
Forwarded from People Say
Media is too big
'In case of nuclear catastrophe, Western sponsors of Kiev will have to take full responsibility' - said Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzya in an address to the UN Security Council in New York City on Thursday.

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If I imagine that the major part of the mortality had been caused by a variety of policy decisions I had made. The number one thing I'd want is for people to occupy themselves obsessing over the origin of the virus rather than the cause of the deaths.

Same goes for arguing on whether the virus is real or not. It is a planted debate to distract us all from policy decisions. That is why it's a trap not a solution. Regardless of whether the virus is real or not, the deaths were from policy decisions not from the virus. That is what we need to focus on: policy, not virology.

Forwarded from Dr. Simon
The twin plagues: Covid and wokeism.

Human rights apply to all humans. It doesn't matter whether one is an immigrant, homosexual, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, or a midget. Everybody who's an upright and kind-hearted person should be treated with respect and dignity.

However, within the context of the current cancel culture movement that covers gender identities, the use of pronouns, redefining homeland, and abolishing unbiased science, the rainbow that stood once for peace became a symbol of wokeism.

Since some woke people call me "transphobic" let me get one thing right:

▪️ There are only two genders
▪️ I solely use the pronouns that are attributed to the respective biological gender
▪️ I oppose that trans people compete in the opposite gender's competitions or use their locker rooms, bathrooms, saunas etc.
▪️ I don't care if someone gets offended unintendedly. It's their choice to be offended, not mine.
▪️ I oppose the fact that children are taught that there are trillions of genders and sexual orientations at school and that it's normal not to be "normal."
▪️ I don't talk to people with pronouns, rainbows, Ukraine flags, syringes, or vaccine manufacturers in their profiles.

Btw. the "my body, my choice" movement was based on the premise of bodily autonomy. The same woke political group that advocated for this issue demanded that compulsory vaccination against Covid gets enforced by law and claims that their view is backed by science.

One can't make that up!

Simon @Goddek
This is how we win.
We double down.
No more vaccines of any kind.
The entire narrative was bogus from the start.
Our immune system protects us, not toxins delivered through syringes into our muscles.


A COVID Silver Lining? More Parents Than Ever Questioning ‘Routine’ Childhood Vaccines

"Children and teen vaccination rates began plummeting with the onset of the pandemic, and as concerns surfaced around the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, some parents also began questioning the need for the long list of other vaccines recommended by public health officials."

Must read book on the true history of vaccines.
Forwarded from Disclose.tv
JUST IN - Ukraine will target Russian forces at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, which is Europe's largest, says Zelenskiy.


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Media is too big
Time to Clean House: The FBI Is "Irredeemably Corrupt at This Point"

Dan Bongino:
"What the FBI did to Trump. That wasn't law enforcement; that was tyranny."


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Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Steve Kirsch: "Wayne Root. He had a wedding eight months ago ... And he found that of the 100 people that were vaccinated, he had 26 people who were seriously injured, and he had 7 people who died. And in the unvaccinated group, he had 0 and 0. That it's statistically impossible if the vaccines are safe."
