EMR Australia
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phone tower EHT

US real estate agents say mobile phone towers can drop property values 15 to 30%

"In my opinion, from extensive experience, I will tell you the cell tower will negatively affect the price of the property by 15% to 30%. Not only that, but close to 90% of my clients will refuse to consider looking at or buying the property.”

You can see what the Environmental Health Trust has to say about this here.


Australians, you can find out what to do when a mobile phone tower is proposed for near your home here:

https://emraustralia.com.au/pages/mobile-phone-towers scroll down to receive our free Telecommunications Kit.
Biggest global health risk

What do you think is the leading risk factor for disease and death across the globe?

Is it electromagnetic pollution?

Is it chemicals?

Is it fossil fuels?

No, says Dr Nicholas Chartres, a researcher from The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and The University of Sydney. He says: the leading risk factor for disease and death globally is … big business!

In an interview with Lyn McLean, Dr Chartres explains how corporations are systematically applying strategies that enhance their shareholder’s profits, but at the expense of public health.

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Forever chemicals found in Sydney’s tap water

Yesterday we reported that deliberate actions by some of the world’s biggest corporations are contributing to death and disease globally, in an interview with Dr Nicholas Chartres from Sydney University.

Dr Chartres gave the example of the chemical PFAS which is a potential cause of cancer.


PFAS has recently been revealed as a contaminant in Australians' drinking water.

Recently, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that:

Tap water across parts of Sydney, Newcastle, Canberra, Victoria, Queensland and the tourist havens of Rottnest and Norfolk islands has been found to contain contaminants that US authorities now warn are likely to be carcinogenic, with “no safe level of exposure”.


ABC News reported:

There is a push for further testing of Australia's drinking water, after reports of chemicals known as PFAS in water samples across the country. Choose... | By ABC NewsFacebook | Facebook

If you haven’t already seen this video, you might like to take a look now. Hear the world’s experts talk about the risks of mobile phone radiation, including the effects on children.

universe mag fields

New clues on the source of the universe's magnetic fields

The source of magnetic fields has long been debated: New research offers clues on their origins

July 31, 2023


Columbia University


Researchers offer insight into the source of cosmic magnetic fields. The research team used models to show that magnetic fields may spontaneously arise in turbulent plasma. Their simulations showed that, in addition to generating new magnetic fields, the turbulence of those plasmas can also amplify magnetic fields once they've been generated, which helps explain how magnetic fields that originate on small scales can sometimes eventually reach to stretch across vast distances.

You can see the full story here: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/07/230731122305.htm
Middle Nowhere

The Way we Were

Looking for a good book for your kids?

I’ve just read ‘The Middle of Nowhere’ by Geraldine McCaughrean and loved it.

Eleven-year-old Comity Pinny lives in the Australian outback - at Kinkindele Telegraph Repeater Station Number Four. Her father’s job is to retransmit Morse code messages along the Overland Telegraph Line, which is two thousand miles long - too far for messages to travel in one burst. (No satellite phones in this story!)

That’s the background for Comity’s adventures and travails, involving the seriously threatening Quartz Hogg (man, not beast), Comity’s aboriginal friend Fred and an Indian camel driver called Moosa.

It’s a poignant, beautifully written story illustrating the need for harmony and understanding (“comity”) between cultures.
Paper is NOT dead.

Take a look at chuckle - and maybe appreciate the deeper message!

Biggest global health risk – Part 2

Last week I invited you to consider: what is the leading risk factor for disease and death across the globe?

Like me, you might have been amazed to learn that it’s not electromagnetic pollution, not chemicals, not fossil fuels. It’s big business!

And Dr Nicholas Chartres, from The University of Sydney, shared with us critical information about how big business influences science, influences regulators and influences public opinion so that its products are sold and used widely. Even though they’re harming our health.

Nick says, ‘There’s a handful of products out there essentially killing 50- 60% of the world.’

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phone towers linked to genetic changes

Microwave News reports:

Cell Tower Radiation Linked to Genetic Changes in Nearby Residents

More Chromosomal Aberrations

A Finding Too Hot To Handle

enior European scientists are reporting that people living near cell phone towers show significant changes in their genetic makeup. This is the first time that chronic exposure to cell tower radiation has been linked to unrepairable genetic damage.

A team led by Wilhelm Mosgöller of the Medical University of Vienna and Igor Belyaev of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava contend that years of low-dose RF exposure can increase the incidence of a number of different types of chromosomal aberrations. Such changes could lead to serious, though uncertain, health consequences, including cancer and neurological disease. (Chromosomes are strands of DNA coiled around proteins.)

You can see more here: Microwave News | Cell Tower Radiation Linked to Genetic Changes in Nearby Residents
‘Arrogant’ tech companies must ‘fess up’ to harm done to children by social media, Albanese says

Meta’s claims that social media doesn’t harm children ‘can’t be taken seriously’, inquiry told

Tech executives need to “fess up” to the damage their platforms have caused, the prime minister says, while taking aim at the “arrogant” and “out of touch” social media companies.

Anthony Albanese’s comments come after Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, told a parliamentary inquiry in Canberra it didn’t think social media had harmed children.

You can read the full article here: ‘Arrogant’ tech companies must ‘fess up’ to harm done to children by social media, Albanese says | Social media | The Guardian
Family of 5 sick near 5G tower

A Swedish couple with three young children rented a holiday cottage for three summers in a row. It was located 125 metres from a mobile phone base station.

The family’s first two holidays passed without any health problems. However, on their third visit to the cottage in 2023, all five family members developed health problems soon after they arrived.

What had changed since their last visit?

In the intervening year, three telecommunications companies had installed 5G antennas on the base station, exposing the cottage to levels of up to 43,400 µW/m2.

According to Professor Lennart Hardell and Mona Nilsson who documented the case, the parents, both aged 39, experienced severe sleeping problem, headaches, fatigue and irregular heartbeat. The woman also experienced serious, but less severe dysethesia (abnormal sense of touch) and numbness and the man experienced breathlessness.

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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDG9HoEtREsDz3v0cfB00g
AEMC extends smart meter rollout decision to consult further on consumer safeguards

04 July 2024

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) today announced an extension to the final determination date for the Accelerating smart meter deployment rule change.

The new date is set for 28 November 2024, allowing for further consultation on enhancing consumer protections. The decision follows stakeholder feedback on the draft determination published on 4 April 2024.

AEMC extends smart meter rollout decision to consult further on consumer safeguards | AEMC
Mobile phone radiation not as safe as we were told

In March this year, a study was published claiming to show that mobile phone use did not increase the risk of brain tumours.1

In it, Professor Maria Feychting and her team reported what they found when they followed-up a group of people who’d taken part in an early study, known as COSMOS, to see if there was a link between their mobile phone use and increased rates of various brain tumours.

They claimed there wasn’t.

The authors wrote, ‘…[I]n, in the first follow-up of COSMOS, the world’s largest multinational prospective cohort study specifically designed to investigate potential health risks of mobile phone use, we found no evidence that long-term or heavy mobile phone use is associated with the risk of glioma, meningioma, or acoustic neuroma,

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Profits over public health — the story of forever chemicals

History is filled with examples of industries minimising or ignoring the risks associated with their products.

We examine the story of forever chemicals and compare it to what happened with lead petrol.

Profits over public health — the story of forever chemicals - ABC listen

See our interview with Dr Nicholas Chartres about how big business is damaging our health: https://emraustralia.com.au/blogs/news-1/biggest-global-health-risk
soc med misogynistic

Teenage boys are being 'bombarded' with misogynist content online. It's making its way into the classroom

News stories about the rise of misogynistic behaviour in schools are inescapable at the moment. Female teachers and students are facing harassment and sexual abuse in classrooms across the country.

It's a trend that has risen in the dark shadow of social media personality Andrew Tate and other anti-feminist or anti-women content influencers in the so-called 'manosphere', and it's pushing some female teachers to breaking point.

Alex, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, is a high school teacher who has experienced abuse in the classroom in Australia.

See more here: Teenage boys are being 'bombarded' with misogynist content online. It's making its way into the classroom - ABC News
phone towers linked to genetic changes

Microwave News reports:

Cell Tower Radiation Linked to Genetic Changes in Nearby Residents

More Chromosomal Aberrations

A Finding Too Hot To Handle

enior European scientists are reporting that people living near cell phone towers show significant changes in their genetic makeup. This is the first time that chronic exposure to cell tower radiation has been linked to unrepairable genetic damage.

A team led by Wilhelm Mosgöller of the Medical University of Vienna and Igor Belyaev of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava contend that years of low-dose RF exposure can increase the incidence of a number of different types of chromosomal aberrations. Such changes could lead to serious, though uncertain, health consequences, including cancer and neurological disease. (Chromosomes are strands of DNA coiled around proteins.)

You can see more here: Microwave News | Cell Tower Radiation Linked to Genetic Changes in Nearby Residents