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- Bachelor of Islamic Studies ( 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 )

- IELTS instructor with 8.0 (Speaking 7.5)

- 2 years of experience
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Here are the words along with their definitions that I took from an academic context. I hope they will be useful to you.

🚨 Urgent - refers to something that requires immediate attention, action, or importance due to its time-sensitive or critical nature.

🌱 Conducive - describes something that tends to contribute to or create favorable conditions for a particular result or outcome.

🔗 Consolidate - to combine or merge multiple things into a single, unified whole, to strengthen or bring together.

🔒 Retain - the act of keeping, maintaining, or preserving something.

📅 Contemporary - refers to something that belongs to the current or present time, implying relevance to the modern period.

🔍 Denote - to indicate, signify, or represent something.

🖼️ Depict - represent or portray something.

🔗 Intricate - describes something that is complex, detailed, or has many interconnected parts.

👥 Resemble - to have a similar appearance, likeness to something or someone else.

🌐 Disperse - act of spreading, scattering, or distributing something over a wide area or in various directions.

Endure - to persist, withstand, or tolerate adverse or challenging circumstances.

🌟 Emerge - to come forth, appear, or become visible after being concealed or hidden.

🌿 Unspoilt - something that remains in its original, natural state without being damaged.

🌊 Drift - refers to the gradual movement or shifting of something from its original position.

Eradicate - to completely destroy, eliminate, or get rid of unwanted.
How To Build Unbreakable Habits 💫💪.pdf
104.5 KB
How To Build Unbreakable Habits 💫💪

Building unbreakable habits is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency. Instead of trying to adopt multiple habits at once, start with one or two small changes that are manageable and sustainable. For example, if your goal is to read more books, start by reading for just 10 minutes each day. Once you've established a solid foundation, you can gradually add more habits to your routine.

Over morphological lesions are relatively late manifestations of nutritional disorder and may be preceded --------- long periods of time --------- functional deficits.
Anonymous Quiz
through / to
in / from
for / by
over / for
at / through
Health Watch, which, initially at least, --------- by pharmaceutical companies, --------- an aggressive campaign against natural medicines.
Anonymous Quiz
was financed / is waging
had financed / was waging
has been financed / had waged
was being financed / had been waging
will be financed / would wage
1. Stripe - 🟥
Definition: A long narrow band or line, typically of a different color or texture from its surroundings.

2. Terrain - 🏞️
Definition: Physical features or characteristics of a piece of land or area, including its surface and natural attributes.

3. Dense - 🌲
Definition: Describes something that has a high concentration, a closely compacted structure, or a lack of empty space.

4. Carnivorous - 🦁
Definition: An animal that primarily feeds on meat or the flesh of other animals as its main nutrition.

5. Compensate - ⚖️
Definition: To offset or make up for something, typically to counterbalance a loss, deficiency, or disadvantage.

6. Scent - 🌸
Definition: Refers to a particular smell or odor, often pleasant or distinctive.

7. Shelter - 🏠
Definition: A structure or place that provides protection, refuge, or cover from weather conditions, danger, or harm.

8. Pouch - 👝
Definition: Small flexible bag-like structure or pocket. In animals, a pouch refers to a structure, often a natural fold of skin.

9. Fragment - 🧩
Definition: A small, incomplete, or disconnected piece of something larger. It refers to a portion or part that has broken off or separated.

10. Fossil - 🦕
Definition: An ancient organism, such as plants, animals, or other once-living organisms, that has been naturally embedded and mineralized in rocks, sediments, or other substances over a long period.

11. Relentless Effort - 🏋️‍♂️
Definition: Refers to continuous, persistent, and determined exertion of energy towards a goal, without yielding or giving up despite difficulties.

12. Bounty - 💰
Definition: Refers to a generous amount or a plentiful supply of something valuable, often in abundance or excess.

13. Demise - ⚰️
Definition: Refers to death or the end of something, especially in the context of termination.

14. Captured - 🚔
Definition: Refers to being caught, taken, or seized by someone or something, usually against one's will or in a situation.

15. Toss - 🤾‍♀️
Definition: Refers to throwing something lightly or casually, often with a quick, abrupt motion.
5 ways to build an Alzheimer’s-resistant brain | Lisa Genova
Big Think
#podcast #health

5 ways to build an Alzheimer’s-resistant brain 🧠

Our brains are not designed to remember people's names


The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The bar chart shows the percentage of people in England and Wales who owned or rented their property over a period of nearly one hundred years, beginning in 1918 and ending in 2011. The data is inversely correlated, meaning that as the number owners increased, the number of renters decreased.

In 1918, accommodations were overwhelmingly rented, with nearly 80% of people renting their homes rather than owning them. Twenty years later, this figure had dropped to less than 70% of people, and there was no change over the next decade and a half.

From 1961 onwards, the percentage of people owning a home exploded, while the number of renters went into free fall. For thirty years this trend continued, until around the millennium it slowed down, and finally began to reverse in 2011. Between 2001 and 2011, the percentage of homeowners decreased for the first time in more than a half century.

(152 words, by David Wills)

📒 People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

This saying warns us against hypocrisy. We should not criticize other people for things we do ourselves.


If I were to ask you to name everything you love in this world, how long would it take for you to name yourself?🧐
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Your perfect movie.

Artificial intelligences that turn text into video are making rapid progress, but are we ready for what comes next, asks Al ex Wilkins.

Javokhir's IELTS | 8.0
#podcast Joe Rogan Experience #1159 - Neil deGrasse Tyson @ELTS8BANDSUCCESS
Yeah, I know it's a long podcast, but I can assure you it's worth your time.

P.S.: It's one of the most useful and interesting podcasts I've ever come across in my life.