Dr Tess Lawrie
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Why are they so desperate to keep little old ivermectin from you?

Useful in an ever-growing list of conditions, it’s the biggest threat to the Big Pharma behemoth...


Two years ago, I emailed Dr Maria van Kerkhove and the entire Covid team at the WHO, with BiRD’s recommendation on ivermectin for prevention and treatment of Covid-19. Click here to read it.

That same week, we sent similar emails to Dr Clifford Lane at the NIH and Dr Peter Stein at the FDA, all with the same urgency. Our systematic review had made it clear that ivermectin could save lives – and thus the longer this information was withheld, the more people would die.

I think you already know the response we received. Three weeks after sending the email above, I followed up with another one, again stressing the urgency. Click here to see what I sent.

Two weeks after that, WHO gave its recommendation... that ivermectin should only be used to treat Covid-19 in clinical trials. On 8th March, a week before, the FDA had issued a public warning that ivermectin was a dangerous drug.

This, as you know, is a barefaced lie.

Ivermectin is safe, much safer than paracetamol, a drug available at your local supermarket.

Ivermectin is derived from nature. It has been around for four decades, administered to billions of people since the 1980’s, and is so safe that in all its decades of use, only around 5,000 reports of adverse events have been reported to the WHO’s Vigiaccess database; compare this with the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ for which their adverse drug reports number almost 5 million.

Even if our review had found no clear benefit, there would have been no harm in giving ivermectin a go based on the experiences of doctors who did and found that it helped their patients. The call for further randomised trials of a widely used generic medicine was wholly inappropriate when the decision to use established medicines for new conditions for which they are not licensed is usually done at the physician’s discretion. Did they do a trial of paracetamol for Covid-19?

People need to make up their own minds. Would you rather take an experimental brand new ‘vaccine’ (or five) that has not been shown to prevent disease in animals let alone humans, or would you rather take a cheap old medicine that’s been used for decades in humans and animals and doctors swear by it? Not to mention that ivermectin works for prevention and treatment, the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ work for neither. I know what I’d choose.

Please do read my full post:

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There’s a reason why the Queen had a homeopath

On the pernicious rewriting of homeopathy’s history, and how well-crafted research is revealing what many have known all along: homeopathy works...


It continues to amaze me how successfully nefarious influences can redefine how we see the world. We have seen this in technicolour over the past three years, with respected dictionaries redefining words such as ‘vaccine’ to comply with a Big Pharma narrative, and people described as ‘variant factories’ in a clear attempt to demonise a specific group.

I was reminded of this recently, when I spoke to Philippa Fibert, my next Tess Talks guest. Philippa is a practising homeopath, and also Research Fellow at St Mary's University, Roehampton here in the UK.

She pointed out to me that the intense scepticism about homeopathy is actually a recent phenomenon. It wasn’t that long ago that homeopathy was fairly mainstream, and is still available on the UK’s National Health Service, albeit in only two locations: the NHS Centre for Integrated Care in Glasgow, and the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.

I share this, not because the queen is someone we should all look to as an authority on health – we are each our own sovereign when it comes to our health and our lives – but isn’t it interesting that homeopathy was considered conventional enough for the Monarch to be a patron and be so openly supportive? Until recently in France, homeopathic remedies were fully funded by the State, with 38 million of its people using homeopathy to treat their ailments.

In India, homeopathy is a well-established medicine used by over 8 million people. The Wikipedia editors may dismiss its popularity as nothing more than the placebo effect, but that would be to dismiss the significant body of evidence proving otherwise.

Like many safe, natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals, homeopathy has been under a sustained and calculated attack for some time. But I do believe that is about to change – and Philippa is playing a key role in its rehabilitation as an accepted and respected form of medicine.

There is a Better Way – and homeopathy is 100% part of it.

Please do read my full post:

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WCH Decentralisation Plan Launches with New Philippine Council for Health

Full press release:

The Philippines has become the first nation to set up its own Country Council for Health, as part of a strategic move toward the decentralisation of World Council for Health to countries, communities and individuals.

This exciting development is the first step in a decentralisation strategy that will see councils for health set up in every nation over the next three years. Central to their role will be to carry out the WCH mission of empowering health, freedom and sovereignty, in line with the 7 Principles of the Better Way Charter—a value framework that honours the sanctity of life, celebrates difference and upholds individual freedoms.

Together, each Council for Health will empower everyone in co-creating a Better Way for the entire world. 🙂

“We don’t have to submit to the whims of a corporate cabal—we can just say ‘No’. There is a better way. The Better Way Charter puts individual responsibility, sovereignty and people’s inalienable rights at the heart of the social contract, where they belong. We want to see every country empowered by its own council for health, serving the needs of its people in harmony with its unique context, wisdom and traditions. This is about all of us awakening to our own power, taking responsibility and becoming guardians of our own health and that of our beautiful planet.” — Dr Tess Lawrie, Steering Committee member of World Council for Health.

For more information about the WCH Decentralisation Strategy, please watch this presentation by Dr Tess Lawrie.

Learn more:


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🗓 Save the Date: World Premiere of Better Way Conference Aftermovie on March 7

We are pleased to invite you to the world premiere of an exclusive behind-the-scenes documentary about the Better Way Conference on Tuesday, March 7 at 7pm UTC (2pm EST) presented by the World Council for Health in association with Oracle Films.

Re-live the historic Better Way Conference 2022 and join the WCH Steering Committee for a special announcement! 🥳

Watch the film and join the live chat:

We'll also be live on Facebook, Rumble, & Gettr. Tell a friend!


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🔴 LIVE: Immunological Balance, Natural Healing, & ZeroSpike Project w/ Sayer Ji, Dr Eashwarran Kohilathas, & Fabio Zoffi


We are now LIVE in the WCH Newsroom to hear from our guests at General Assembly Meeting #79.

🇺🇸 Sayer Ji | The Science of Natural Healing
As a natural health rights advocate, Sayer co-founded Stand For Health Freedom, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting basic human, constitutional, & parental rights. He recently launched Unite.live, a worldwide platform for conscious content creators.

Sayer is the author of the best-selling book Regenerate & founder of GreenMedInfo, the world’s largest open-access natural health database.

🇬🇧 Dr Eashwarran Kohilathas | Seeking Immunological Balance
Why do some people suffer from C19 while others do not? Eashwarran is a medical doctor, qualified personal trainer, & professional author with the sole purpose of helping mankind reach physiological, psychological, & spiritual freedom through total biopsychosocial alignment, fear-extinction, & the loss of “self.”

Dr Kohilathas has a deep and growing understanding of neurophysiology & mood-related disorders; immunology; exercise and nutrition; both herbal & non-herbal supplementation; myco-medicine; ecological toxicology; metabolic health; lipidology; meditation; & steps required to stumble upon spiritual "awakening."

🇮🇹 Fabio Zoffi | The ZeroSpike Project
ZeroSpike is an Italian Renaissance Federation (FRI) project born out of a desire to cleanse the body of the spike protein toxin used both by SARS-CoV-2 and induced by C19 vaccination.

FRI has set itself the goal of helping people—vaccinated & unvaccinated—to significantly reduce the risk of spike poisoning and subsequent multi-organ damage through science & the intelligent use of technology.

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TODAY: A Better Way for A Better World | WCH Film Screening

We hope you're ready to join us at 7pm UTC (2pm EST) for the world premiere of an exclusive behind-the-scenes documentary about the Better Way Conference presented by WCH in association with Oracle Films.

Re-live the historic Better Way Conference 2022 with special guest Neil Oliver and join the WCH Steering Committee for a special announcement! 🥳 We will also be joined by the film's director, Mark Lawrie, and editor Phil Wiseman of Oracle Films.

Watch the film and join the live chat:

We'll also be live on Facebook, Rumble, & Gettr. Tell a friend!


💡Every Monday at 7pm UTC we host live General Assembly meetings on our website featuring expert speakers from around the world.

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Join me at our movie premiere tonight! 🎉

We're ready to show our Better Way Conference 2022 aftermovie... and have a very special announcement to make!


Previously postponed due to technical issues, I am delighted to share that this exciting event is now going ahead and will begin in less than an hour from now at 7pm UTC/GMT (2pm EST)!

If you were at the conference, you will remember what a buzz it was to be there, and how uplifting, empowering and exciting it was to be with each other for those few days. This documentary of the event really does capture the atmosphere: so if you’re needing a boost, this will really lift the spirits.

After the screening, we’ll be joined by the film’s creator Mark Lawrie and editor Phil Wiseman from Oracle Films, and then… well, I and my fellow World Council for Health Steering Committee members have a very special announcement. And in fact, we’ll also be joined by the wonderful Neil Oliver: a man who has brought sanity and comfort to the airwaves as a GB News presenter and who also lit up the conference as a warm and incisive panel host last year.

It promises to be quite an event. If you can’t make it live, it will be available to watch later at worldcouncilforhealth.org/newsroom.

I look forward to joining this event with you tonight! 🥰
Thank you.

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🆕 A Better Way for A Better World | Film Screening & 2023 Announcement

Full movie:

On Tuesday, March 7 the WCH Steering Committee hosted the world premiere of a new behind-the-scenes documentary about the historic Better Way Conference. After the screening of the movie, they were joined by the film’s director, Mark Lawrie, and editor, Phil Wiseman of Oracle Films.

Re-live the life-changing Better Way Conference 2022 and don’t miss the exciting announcement about Better Way Conference 2023!


Every Monday at 7pm UTC we host live General Assembly meetings on our website featuring expert speakers from around the world.

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📣 BIG NEWS! Better Way Conference 2023 is Coming — Unveiling a Better Way for Health Freedom and Sovereignty

A year later, all that's been hidden will be revealed...

Learn more:

The World Council for Health is excited to announce that the second Better Way Conference—Unveiling a Better Way for Health Freedom and Sovereignty—will officially be held in Bath, UK from the 2nd to the 4th of June. 🥳

Join the pilgrimage to Bath for a 3-day conference with expert speakers and live panel conversations! Network, collaborate, and grow together as we continue to co-create a Better Way.

🗝 Save the Date: June 2-4, 2023 in Bath, UK.

🎟 Get your tickets today:

Find this video on Rumble and Bitchute.


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📍Politics Over Science: Lockdown Files Reinforce Urgent Need to #StopTheWHO Power Grab

Full statement:

The world is currently going through a period of disclosure over what really happened before and during the Covid crisis.

In the UK, over 100,000 WhatsApp messages have been leaked by former Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s ghostwriter and are being published piecemeal by The Daily Telegraph.

So far, the Lockdown Files reveal what World Council for Health and many other groups and individuals have always maintained: that public health policies such as lockdowns, social distancing, mask mandates, and even the notion that there even was a global pandemic, are not grounded in science and never have been.

World Council for Health urges everyone to take heed and alert their representatives to the WHO’s attempted power grab. The answer to the systemic failures in public health is not to do more of the same.

There is a better way: one that puts health before profits, where scientific consensus is reached by debate and not coercion or censorship, and where the inalienable rights of the individual are always fully respected.

Please read & share our full statement:


Every Monday at 7pm UTC we host live General Assembly meetings on our website featuring expert speakers from around the world.

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Homeopathy for Long Covid

New Tess Talks with homeopath and researcher Dr Philippa Fibert...


Homeopathy is all too often dismissed as having nothing more than a placebo effect for people, with critics citing a lack of evidence that homeopathy actually works. Often, the evidence in homeopathy’s favour is merely anecdotal, but Dr Philippa Fibert is changing that.

Dr Fibert is a practising homeopath and academic researcher at St Mary’s University in London. Her skillset makes her eminently equipped to design and run a study that accommodates the way homeopathy works, while also meeting a high standard of evidence-based research. And that is precisely what she is doing.

Having already conducted a service evaluation that has shown homeopathy helps people with long Covid, she’s now leading a randomised controlled trial with Homeopathy International (HINT) to evidence the outcome of the homeopathic treatment of the symptoms associated with long Covid.

Perhaps one of the main reasons for lack of evidence to support homeopathy’s effectiveness, is lack of funding. There isn’t much appetite to fund such research - perhaps because homeopathy is seen as such an outlier, or perhaps because it is such a safe and inexpensive therapy that brings zero benefit to Big Pharma’s bottom line.

If you would like to join the long Covid cohort taking part in this trial, you can email Dr Fibert directly at philippa.fibert@stmarys.ac.uk

Watch the interview here:

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MONDAY: The Future of Agriculture, Holistic Health, & Tech | General Assembly Meeting #80

We hope you'll join us live in the WCH Newsroom on Monday, March 13 at 7pm UTC to hear from our guest speakers.

🇦🇺 Dr André Leu: Regenerative Organic Agriculture Nourishes the World
— Dr Leu is the International Director of Regeneration International, an organization that promotes food, farming, and land-use systems that regenerate and stabilize climate systems, and the health of the planet and people.

He spent over 50 years as an organic farmer specializing in tropical fruits and lectures and teaches at universities, institutions, and workshops worldwide.

🇮🇳 Siddharth Singh: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | A Philosophy for the Future of Holistic Health
— Siddharth is the first Brown Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in India and a 14 Khan Grading, Silver Mongkol ‘Master’ in Muay Thai. He also has a very decorated track record as a professional fighter.

He is India’s Highest Ranked Competitive Grappler, India’s only ADCC Taiwan and British BJ Champion, Rank 4 in ACBIJ World Rankings and lastly 9 times Indian BJ and Submission Grappling Champion.

🇺🇸 Ramiro Romani: Introducing Take Back Our Tech
— Ramiro is a technologist, activist, educator, and entrepreneur who dropped his corporate career to work on meaningful social movements. He is a member of the Freedom Cell Network and co-producer of The Greater Reset.

Take Back Our Tech is an educational initiative that reports on important news and releases free content on how we can increase their privacy and security by using friendly technologies.

Watch the meeting & join the live chat:

We'll also be live on Rumble, Facebook, & Gettr. Tell a friend!


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Why We Must #ExitTheWHO

The WHO is aggressively pushing to seize unprecedented powers.

If passed in May 2023, the amendments to the International Health Regulations give the WHO legally-binding powers to call potential or actual international health emergencies, mandate experimental vaccinations for the world’s people, and enforce these mandates, even if countries or their people do not agree.

This is the same WHO that is funded by private interests and has refused to investigate the almost 5 million reports of adverse side effects from the Covid injections registered on its own VigiAccess database.

Having failed to base its own policy recommendations on the evidence over this last so-called pandemic, the WHO has revealed itself to be incapable of putting the health and well-being of the people before the interests of its private funders.

WCH urges everyone to take heed and alert their representatives to the WHO’s attempted power grab. The answer to the systemic failures in public health is not to do more of the same. There is a better way: one that puts health before profits, where scientific consensus is reached by debate and not coercion or censorship, and where the inalienable rights of the individual are always fully respected.

Please save and share the image in this post, both online and in person. When sharing information on social media, use the hashtags #StopTheWHO, #ExitTheWHO, #WHEXIT, and #StopTheAmendments.

The WCH Law and Activism Committee is currently taking video submissions in response to the prompt: Tell us in a short video the number one reason why your country should exit the WHO.

Submit your video here:

Want to learn more? Check out James Roguski’s list of 100 reasons to stop the WHO’s power grab.


💡Every Monday at 7pm UTC we host live General Assembly meetings on our website featuring expert speakers from around the world.

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TODAY: The Future of Agriculture, Holistic Health, & Friendly Tech | General Assembly Meeting #80


We hope you'll join us TODAY at 7pm UTC (3pm EDT) live in the WCH Newsroom to hear from our guest speakers.

🇦🇺 Dr André Leu: Regenerative Organic Agriculture Nourishes the World
— Dr Leu is the International Director of Regeneration International, an organization that promotes food, farming, and land-use systems that regenerate and stabilize climate systems, and the health of the planet and people.

He spent over 50 years as an organic farmer specializing in tropical fruits and lectures and teaches at universities, institutions, and workshops worldwide.

🇮🇳 Siddharth Singh: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | A Philosophy for the Future of Holistic Health
— Siddharth is the first Brown Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in India and a 14 Khan Grading, Silver Mongkol ‘Master’ in Muay Thai. He also has a very decorated track record as a professional fighter.

He is India’s Highest Ranked Competitive Grappler, India’s only ADCC Taiwan and British BJ Champion, Rank 4 in ACBIJ World Rankings and lastly 9 times Indian BJ and Submission Grappling Champion.

🇺🇸 Ramiro Romani: Introducing Take Back Our Tech
— Ramiro is a technologist, activist, educator, and entrepreneur who dropped his corporate career to work on meaningful social movements. He is a member of the Freedom Cell Network and co-producer of The Greater Reset.

Take Back Our Tech is an educational initiative that reports on important news and releases free content on how we can increase their privacy and security by using friendly technologies.

Watch the meeting & join the live chat:

We'll also be live on Rumble, Facebook, & Gettr. Tell a friend!


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🔴 LIVE: Regenerative Organic Agriculture Nourishes the World | Dr André Leu at GA #80


Joining us now in the WCH Newsroom for General Assembly Meeting #80 is Dr André Leu (🇦🇺). He is presenting on Regenerative Organic Agriculture and answering questions from our live audience.

Dr Leu is the International Director of Regeneration International, an organization that promotes food, farming, and land-use systems that regenerate and stabilize climate systems, and the health of the planet and people.

He spent over 50 years as an organic farmer specializing in tropical fruits and lectures and teaches at universities, institutions, and workshops worldwide.

Watch the meeting & join the live chat:

We're also live on Rumble, Facebook, & Gettr!


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Ivermectin and Cancer: Reserved for Horses?

Vets are several steps ahead when it comes to ivermectin’s cancer-beating properties...


Recently, we have been touching on this theme of ivermectin as a treatment for cancer. So I was delighted to receive an excellent, well-researched piece on precisely this topic from an esteemed colleague.

Dr Gérard Maudrux is a urology surgeon based in France and a strident champion for ivermectin. His article gives good insight into ivermectin’s mechanisms of action, while also acknowledging we have yet to discover them all.

I asked if I could share his article with you, and he graciously agreed. If you would like to read the original – in French – you can do so on Dr Maudrux’s blog.

Please do read my full post:

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Film Screening: A Better Way for A Better World

Watch full movie:

On Tuesday, March 7, the World Council for Health hosted the world premiere of a new behind-the-scenes documentary about the historic Better Way Conference. After the screening of the movie, they were joined by the film’s director, Mark Lawrie, and editor, Phil Wiseman of Oracle Films.

Re-live the wonders of a life-changing event in Bath and don’t miss the exciting announcement from the WCH Steering Committee about Better Way Conference 2023!


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When I first read Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice by Margaret Anna Alice, it was painful and I had no intention of reading it twice. In envisioning a Better Way for humanity, I prefer not to remember the horrors of the past—the events and actions that demonstrate human beings are capable of such terrible, anti-human things, and that evil exists.

Margaret's poem is extremely uncomfortable to say the least. With the world on a fast track to digital identification, quarantine camps, and WHO-mandated experimental vaccines, it contains a stark warning for humanity: What happened before can happen again.

Many people who are aware that history has a habit of repeating itself may be worried to speak about the well-trodden route to fascism in the context of our current predicament—where a global cabal are seeking to control public health measures, our private health data, our movements, what we put into our bodies, access to information, and compliance with their directives. Art is such an effective way to break that barrier and start these important conversations.

I trust my reading of An Anthem for Justice does justice to the poet’s intention. At first glance, it may seem the emotions evoked by Margaret Anna Alice’s words are counter to the ethos of a Better Way that I propose. However, her perspective is one of many that needs to be considered in refining our learning and wisdom so we can navigate the way forward. Her right to express her views in this creative piece is enshrined in the Better Way Charter and provides an important point of discussion for these times.

Thank you, Margaret Anna Alice, for this reminder of how wrong the way can get.

I look forward to reading your Better Way poem.

Please do read and share Margaret's words:

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📣 Announcing Better Way Conference 2023: Unveiling a Better Way for Health, Freedom & Sovereignty

This June, join the annual pilgrimage to the healing city of Bath in South West England to hear the pioneers and innovators of our time reveal how excellent health has been hidden from us and explore what the reveal means for the Better World we are co-creating.

In 2022, more than 1,200 people came together in Bath over a 3-day period to explore solutions to problems impacting global health and wellbeing in science, the media, Covid-19 strategies, the environment, law, and more.

This year, we will further our creative collaboration and explore how we can optimize our health and well-being, build conscious communities, use technology with discernment, restore our sovereignty, and connect and collaborate with others.

This year's program includes eight conversations, a special gala dinner, and multiple workshops all across four days.

Full conference passes, single day, and virtual passes as well as gala dinner tickets are on sale now at betterwayconference.org!

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World Council for Health to Host Second Better Way Conference in Bath, UK

Full press release:

Join inspiring and knowledgeable speakers for solutions-based conversations about health, freedom, and sovereignty.

The World Council for Health is delighted to announce that it will be hosting the groundbreaking Better Way Conference for a second time this summer in the historic city of Bath 2-4 June, 2023.

Attendees will hear from over 50 speakers from around the world including Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Paul Marik, Dr Tina Peers, Mattias Desmet, Vandana Shiva, James Corbett (The Corbett Report), Dan Astin-Gregory (Pandemic Podcast), Richard Vobes (The Bald Explorer), Veronika Kyrylenko (The New American), the WCH Steering Committee, & many more to be announced.

Panel discussions:

● From Big Pharma to Real Health
● From Fake Food to Food as Medicine
● From Climate Change to Nature Nurture
● From Electrosmog to Nature’s Frequencies
● From Transhumanism to Being Human
● From Thought Control to Free Thought
● From One Health to Our Health
● From Scarcity to Abundance

Neil Oliver said he was delighted to be this year's host. “The war for our collective future and freedom is still on. We’re still fighting. We have a long way to go, but to paraphrase the old Churchill quote: all we’ve seen so far is the end of the beginning. I am confident that we will together get to where we need to be and I’m full of hope that we can indeed find a better way. I’ll see you soon.”

Dr Tess Lawrie, Convenor of the Better Way Conference & WCH Committee Member, said: “Last year’s conference gave birth to the Better Way Charter. This year we apply the principles of the Better Way Charter to signpost the way to the Better World we are co-creating for our children. I look forward to seeing you there!”

In-person & virtual passes available:

Watch BWC 2022:

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🔴 LIVE: Manifestation, Transformation, & Reversing Cancer | General Assembly Meeting #81


Please do join us in the WCH Newsroom to hear from our guest speakers live at General Assembly #81. 😊

🇬🇧 Shomit Mitter | Manifestation and Past Lives

Shomit is one of London’s leading therapists. In his one-to-one work, he seeks to uncover the deep-seated causes of a client’s ailment rather than simply to paper over the cracks with suggestions and affirmations. His work is distinguished by the manner in which it combines the profundity of ancient Indian modalities with the efficacy of Western hypnotherapy.

🇺🇸 Hope LoveJoy | THE ARC: 6 Keys to Transformation

Hope LoveJoy is a father and grandfather, who not only survived 15 years of drug addiction as well as a lifetime of abuse and PTSD, to become a 5-time business owner and educator, but also someone who will do whatever it takes to make sure all children across this planet have a future where they will be free. THE ARC is one of the many Free Keys that has the potential of healing anyone who uses it and thereby healing the world.

🇪🇺 Prof Dr Dana F Flavin | Reversing Cancer

Dr Flavin has studied 58 semesters with 4 disciplines in Medicine and Science. She was the former top FDA Toxicology Advisor. She is a Biochemist, Pharmacologist, and Physician. Her accomplishments include curing EBV hepatosplenomegaly in 24-48 hours, reversing AIDS in 2 months, reversing autoimmune diseases in 4 weeks, and reversing stage IV cancers of the lung, colon, skin, thyroid, and breast.

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