Dr. Tenpenny
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New this week in #TheTenpennyReport from guest author
Lee Kessler

'Communication: How to End the Tyranny of the Woke'


For more great publishings from Dr. Tenpenny and her many talented writers; please check out The Tenpenny Report (formerly Vaxxter) for weekly new releases in addition to years worth of timeless archives that Dr. Tenpenny has both written herself and collected from other talented writers in the field. Let us know what you think about this Hidden Treasure and please tell your friends about this valuable resource:
Please share with Family, Friends & anyone else in your circle!

New post in 'The Tenpenny Report' - Investigative Journalist Maryam Henein takes a deep dive into the emerging market of toxic #syntheticmilk. Warning; this story may just make you sick to your stomach! 'Unlabeled And Unregulated: Got (GMO Synthetic) Milk?


#TheTenpennyReport #GMOs
#GotMilk 🍼🥛
Forwarded from Dr. Tenpenny
‘Apoquel: The Dog Miracle Drug With A Dark Side’

- by Dr. Will Falconer Homeopathic Veterinarian


#TheTenpennyReport #DrWillFalconer #PetMeds #petcancer #pethealth #Apoquel
'Missing the Obvious, To Your Pet’s Detriment'
What every pet owner & animal lover needs to understand about the rabies 💉💉


#WillFalconer #PetVaccines #Rabies #HomeopathicVeterinarian #VaccineImmunity #Lifelongimmunity #TheTenpennyReport
New post 🚨 in ‘The Tenpenny Report’
by Dr. Will Falconer Homeopathic Veterinarian

‘Missing the Obvious, To Your Pet’s Detriment’


#TheTenpennyReport #PetHealth #petvaccines #rabiesvaccine #petallergies
Read Investigative Journalist Maryam Henein’s new article in ‘The Tenpenny Report’:

‘The Mexico International Airport Is Poisoning Humans On The Daily’


When was the last time you visited #TheTenpennyReport and browsed through our library of articles by both myself and many of my very talented guest writers?
Each week we release 2 new stories for you to read, comment on and share with your friends & families 👩‍⚕️🩺

Here’s what’s new this week! 👇👇

*’Heart of Darkness: The Denver Airport’


*’Convenient Vs. Inconvenient Truth About Vaccines’


Check out the entire library here:

Dengue Fever: Why Are Simultaneous Outbreaks Occurring Worldwide? Where is this all coming from? Hint; it's not from nature but I'm guessing you already knew that!
Read the latest from our very own Investigative Journalist #MaryamHenein
as she shares her findings on the truth about the origins of the current #DengueFever outbreaks.


Breaking story in #EyeOnTheEvidence reposted from #TheTenpennyReport -

‘April 8, CERN, and the ‘God Particle’

We all recently learned that the large particle accelerator, or Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is set to once again (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13249813/CERN-accelerator-smash-particles-solar-eclipse.html) smash protons together, and they’ve chosen a very special date of April 8 to do so. April 8 of course is the solar eclipse.
We’ve been reporting on CERN since 2022. CERN is the world’s largest and most powerful particle (https://home.cern/science/physics/higgs-boson) collider. It occupies a circular underground tunnel of nearly 17 miles along the Swiss-French border. The collider is buried 574 feet underground (https://www.counterpunch.org/2008/09/13/the-large-hadron-collider-powers-up/) and was started back up in April 2022 after a three-year break. For more background, read Maryam Henein’s two part article on CERN
Continue reading this breaking story here on my Substack 👇


OR Here👇


#TenpennyReport #Vaxxter #CERN #Eclipse #GodParticle
Curious about all of the recent #Measles propaganda that the MSM has recently been pushing?

Who remember #Samoa?

You do know the old saying ‘History usually repeats itself’ right? Well it’s just as important to remember as ‘Follow The Money Trail’ -


#Samoa #MeaslesVaccine
Remember the "Proximal Origins" paper?
The one backed by Fauci?
The one that was cited as
THE proof that coronavirus originated in a bat in a Wuhan food market instead of in a bioweapons lab? Guess what?

That paper was A SCAM, and here is the sordid proof behind it.

Guest author/Investigative Journalist #MaryamHenein has written an amazing 3-part article with all the details.

Definitely worth a read:

‘The Proximal Origin Of A Cover Up’

Part 1: https://vaxxter.com/the-proximal-origin-of-a-cover-up-part-1/

Part 2: https://vaxxter.com/the-proximal-origin-of-a-cover-up-part-2/

Part 3: https://vaxxter.com/the-proximal-origin-of-a-cover-up-part-3/

#ProximalOrigin #TheTenpennyReport #TheTenpennyFiles #CovidOrigin #WuhanLab #WetMarket #FauciLiedMillionsDied
U.S. Government Needs $25 Million For Child and Adult Vaccine Injuries


Please share with Family, Friends & anyone else in your circle!

New post in 'The Tenpenny Report' - Investigative Journalist Maryam Henein takes a deep dive into the emerging market of toxic #syntheticmilk. Warning; this story may just make you sick to your stomach! 'Unlabeled And Unregulated: Got (GMO Synthetic) Milk?


#TheTenpennyReport #GMOs #MaryamHenein
#GotMilk 🍼🥛
Please share with Family, Friends & anyone else in your circle!

post in 'The Tenpenny Report' - Investigative Journalist Maryam Henein takes a deep dive into the emerging market of toxic #syntheticmilk. Warning; this story may just make you sick to your stomach! 'Unlabeled And Unregulated: Got (GMO Synthetic) Milk?


#TheTenpennyReport #GMOs #MaryamHenein
#FoodSupply #FakeFood
#GotMilk 🍼🥛

*Topics included in this article include:
Conspiracy Theories, CulperSpy Ring, George Washington, Military Intelligence, Q Posts, the Socratic Method & others


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#TheTenpennyReport?  Share this article with your friends. Get more of Dr. Tenpenny’s voice of reason on her website.
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As Hurricane #Beryl takes a turn toward Texas, are people in #Galveston sweating bullets? They should be, because they have a #biolab in their backyard. That’s right. The Galveston National Laboratory (GNL), the largest #level4biolab in the world located on an academic campus, is right on the Texas Gulf Coast. Let’s hope their biocontainment is top notch and storm ready.

We wrote about this biolab a while back in The Tenpenny Report.

Read it here:

GNL is our July Biolab of the Month, a feature we started in June 2024 to highlight nefarious biolabs around the world.
ICYMI in June, read about the lab deep in the heart of #Montana:

Bill Gates won't be the only evil elitist thinking of new ways to feed us food-like material. #Syntheticmilk has been in the works for quite some time. Read guest author Maryam Henein's article in ‘The Tenpenny Report’ here:


#milk #FoodSupply #TheTenpennyReport
The invention is 🥁-
The Cow!
It’s hard to believe it has already been a year since we first wrote about plant-based and cell-cultivated meats. We looked into what Bill Gates was up to and then asked ‘Why’ is he always involved in things like this? 🧐
Then we told the story of the Italian senate pushing back against lab-engineered pepperoni and prosciutto.

A year later and we thought it was time for an update from Tenpenny Report authors, Jon Fleetwood and Fed Up Texas Chick.

Read our update here:


#TheTenpennyReport #Vaxxter #BillGates #FakeFood #FoodSupply #FakeMeat
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Health tip on how to fight fatigue

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