Dr. Tenpenny
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Warrior for the preservation of human DNA
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#Pfizer is awaiting approval on their new #RSVvaccine for women in their 6th & 7th month of #pregnancy

Before you even ask —-yes amazingly there will be many ‘moms to be’ jumping to the front of the line to get pumped up 💉💉 full of this disgusting & dangerous concoction 🧙‍♀️☠️😳

Just read that #Pfizer is charging $120 bucks a shot (unless the patient is on Medicaid/Medicare.)
So basically anybody dumb enough to consent to this will actually have to pay 💸💸 for a DX of myocarditis, turbo cancer, infertility …… or otherwise significantly shorten their life😢.

https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/12/new-covid-vaccines-cdc-advisors-recommend-pfizer-and-moderna-shots.html #moderna #covidshots
Injecting Evil – Cruel Beyond Comprehension
Published on November 30, 2023
This is a picture of President Kennedy after being told of the torturing and assassination of the charismatic Congolese Prime Minister Patrice #Lumumba who was brutally murdered just three days before JFK’s inauguration. Imagine what he would have felt after hearing that millions have been murdered with #Pfizer and #Moderna genetic vaccines.


Brought to you by #Pfizer since 2012.
Hot 🔥🔥 off the press in the ‘Tenpenny Report’

#Pfizer is Suing #Poland Over Unwanted COVID Vaccines


Brought to you by #Pfizer since 2012.

Pfizer and Lady Gaga sinking deeper and deeper into the bowels of hell!
Someone please explain to me how anyone other than satan’s minions could even consider standing behind anything that #AlbertBourla & #Pfizer had a hand in creating?


#pharmakeia #Gaga #Nurtec
Teens are dying at the hands of #Pfizer & yet the shot stays on the market and Albert #Bourla continues to line his pockets as he expands his empire


#diedsuddenly #cardiacarrest #Covidshot #vaccinegenocide
From the mouth of one of the Head Vaccine Criminals; #AlbertBourla.
Hear it for yourself!

#mRNAvaccine #Pfizer #Bourla
Disturbing revelations from citizen scientists suggest #Pfizer and #Moderna COVID vaccines contain significant #DNAcontamination and concerns for #oncogenesis (cancer).
Despite this, health authorities downplay the risks.

Watch the 3 minute clip here👇

Famous gorilla “Little Joe” has died suddenly from a heart attack in the Saint Louis Zoo.
#LittleJoe was fully vaccinated 💉💉💉 against COVID 19 with an experimental COVID-19 shot compliments of #Zoetis - a Company that got its start as a subsidiary of #Pfizer.


🚨BREAKING: Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer for "misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine."💉

The announcement alleges #Pfizer mislead Kansans on vaccine risks, such as with pregnant women and myocarditis, and that Pfizer claimed the vaccines protected against COVID variants when data showed differently.
And additionally that Pfizer claimed their vaccines prevented COVID transmission, but the company later admitted they never did the proper studies to back up that claim, the statement says.

The release also alleges that "Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of COVID-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal government’s vaccine development program, Operation Warp Speed, to avoid government oversight."

Kansas AG Kris Kobach said in the announcement, “Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth."
