Dr. Tenpenny
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Warrior for the preservation of human DNA
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Read Investigative Journalist Maryam Henein’s new article in ‘The Tenpenny Report’:

‘The Mexico International Airport Is Poisoning Humans On The Daily’


🚨Just 1 more day to qualify for #EarlyRegistration on our upcoming ‘5 Docs Boot Camp’
(Normal rate applies effective March 4th)


The countdown is on for 5 Docs Boot Camp!
Use code ‘earlybird50’ by March 3rd for $50 off.

Premium podcast members and alums, keep an eye on your inbox this weekend for an exclusive code!

Remember, choose the right code when you register – no refunds or price adjustments once your purchase is complete.

Let’s gear up for an empowering start on April 4th!

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Wonder what ‘event’ forced their hand in even acknowledging what they call #rare?

Also notice how they use the word #probably! LIARS!!

You know it’s way worse than anything they admit publicly!


CDC Monitoring Rare Neurologic Events After #RSV Vaccination
TRAIN DERAILMENT: A train derailed in Pennsylvania early Saturday morning, sending several cars onto a riverbed and even one into the water.

Read more: https://bit.ly/3V25fTc
Since the start of 2024, by far the questions and concerns surrounding the current & future state of our food supply have pretty much surpassed all
of the other health issues we are all facing.
A lot of the conversations are centering around understanding the intricacies of food processing & labeling rules from the 4 types of organic classifications to the Grassfed, Free Range & Pasture Raised labels.
Accordingly, I’ve dedicated this weeks’ edition of
#EyeOnTheEvidence to this very important topic.

If you’re enjoying my weekly Substacks, please prayerfully consider becoming a free or paid subscriber now!


#FoodSupply #GMOs #USDA #OrganicLabelling #Beef #Pork #Poultry #Eggs
Forwarded from Sherri Tenpenny
What’s striking about Covid is that every step was designed to inflict maximum harm

• Splicing HIV into a coronavirus
• Blocking access to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
• Removing NAC from the shelves.
• No early treatment.
• Respirators that kill 90% of patients.
• Seeding nursing homes with Covid+ patients.
• Blanket “Do Not Resuscitate” orders for the disabled.
• “15 days to flatten the curve” that slowed the rate of natural immunity.
• Closing schools for two years.
• Masks that reduce oxygen.
• Shutting down gyms to reduce exercise.
• Keeping liquor stores open while closing the churches that host AA meetings.
• Closing hiking trails, beaches, and parks thus preventing people from getting vitamin D.
• Remdesivir and Paxlovid that are expensive, useless, and deadly.
• Launching the most toxic and deadly vaccines in history on a new platform that will never work.
• Billions of dollars spent on propaganda to convince people to accept every step of this nefarious plan.
• Firings, censorship, and blacklisting of critical thinkers.

Covid is a world war, launched by the ruling class, against humanity.

Toby Rogers
New post in #OnWalkingWithGod - 'One Weird Trick to Getting All Your Prayers Answered the Way You Want'
Learn Jesus's secret to getting God to give you what you want.

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