Dr. Tenpenny
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HRC not looking so good. This was streamed today.
The liberal media does not have the power to determine who is elected to lead the nation.
CALGARY: The Justice Centre has called on Alberta Premier Jason Kenney to disregard a November 9 letter from doctors who are urging further violations of Charter freedoms to move, travel, associate, assemble and worship.

The November 9, 2020 letter, signed by Dr. Noel Gibney, Dr. Darren Markland and other doctors, speaks of a growth in “cases” but fails to mention the relevant fact that COVID-19 deaths peaked in April and May, after which they declined sharply and have remained low.

“Alberta Health Services data is very clear about the fact that there is no ‘second wave’ of COVID-19 deaths; ignoring this data constitutes fearmongering,” stated lawyer and Justice Centre president John Carpay. https://www.jccf.ca/premier-kenney-urged-to-ignore-fearmongering-doctors-who-call-for-further-charter-violations/
The Vaccine Manufacturing Cabal has a lot of dirty disgusting secrets they would rather you not know about! That’s not Ok by me & it shouldn’t be Ok by you either! Here’s one of many examples of Abuse that I’ll be sharing with you in the coming days & weeks! #VaccineNightmares #AnimalAbuse #AnimalCruelty #UnethicalMedicine #PharmaFreaks #VaccinesKill Where is #PETA & the #HumaneSociety & why are they silent now?

#CommieCuomo making serious threats to the citizens of NewYork!
After viewing the results of the Presidential Polls there, I can’t help but think that the majority of New Yorkers are getting exactly what they asked for. As far as the ones who voted for #Liberty on November 3rd, - now is probably a good time to get the heck out of the Empire State!

Listen live NOW as I speak with Bob Franz 1420AM http://player.listenlive.co/56631
As I address DeWine’s false narrative!
We have done everything we could to wake the masses. Now it's time to work with those awake to save the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfSKt0InzGc&feature=emb_logo
The Ontario Medical Association has been clearly bought or bribed, contradicting what ACTUAL doctors in Ontario would state. The OMA is making a blanket statement by Dr. Samantha Hill, President of the OMA, “Doctors are worried. It is clear the new tiered framework is not enough to control the virus, which is spreading among more and more people.” OMA further states “Ontario’s doctors strongly recommend stopping all non-essential services including all public events to gain control of the spread while strengthening public health measures…We can’t have a healthy economy without healthy people.” - What does the OMA define as healthy people? Is it defined by faulty PCR test results of COVID and that’s it? No sane doctor with patient first concern would make such a statement as the OMA has. Doctors stand up NOW. Adhere to your oath “first do no harm”. Lockdowns are harmful and do NOT SAVE LIVES. https://www.oma.org/section/news-&-events/ontario-doctors-advise-premier-ford-to-increase-restrictions-in-new-covid-framework?type=news_items
Instead of asking questions about why bears are coming into residential neighborhoods more often, the technocrats waste money, and further abuse animals by leaving them nowhere to go! This is disgusting