Dr. Tenpenny
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Warrior for the preservation of human DNA
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CLONAID WEBSITE: Clonaid is the world's leading provider of reproductive human cloning services.
Eve, the first cloned baby, was born Dec. 26, 2002, thanks to our team of highly skilled scientists. Since then, we’ve been able to help a number of patients have their own children through our cloning technology.
Clonaid can help you:
• If you’re sterile and have lost hope of having the child you dream of.
• If you’re homosexual and deeply desire a child who would carry your own genes.
• If you’ve just lost – or are about to lose – a beloved family member and would like to see an identical twin of that person begin a new life.
• If you’re HIV+ and want to have a child that would be your genetic twin – without infecting either the baby or your partner with the virus.
• If you simply want to be cloned, whatever your reasons may be.
Website: http://www.clonaid.com
Hospitals are the new death wards.
Pneumonitis (noo-moe-NIE-tis) is a general term that refers to inflammation of lung tissue. Technically, pneumonia is a type of #pneumonitis because the infection causes inflammation. Pneumonitis, however, is usually used by doctors to refer to noninfectious causes of lung inflammation.
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Woe to the #RINOs who went along with this and any of the Republicans who caved under pressure..... shame on them. Back door deals are now out in the open. Remember when God promised Abraham in Genesis 18 that He would spare the cities if He could find a certain number of good men?
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17

Where are
you searching for #Liberty ?
True liberty is found in Christ Alone✝️
Alex Jones, Owen Shroyer, and constitutional attorney Robert Barnes premiere Episode 1 of the COVIDLAND Mini Series. Share this link to spread the word about this groundbreaking event! https://www.infowars.com/posts/world-premiere-of-covidland-the-lockdown-documentary-watch-live/ #Covidland