Dr. Tenpenny
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A cursory review of the 5 cultural norms that have been affected the most, tells me that the WEF must be having a huge celebration at our expense! Destroying human connections may very well turn out to be Klaus Schwab & BIll Gates greatest achievements! https://theoutdoorwear.com/5-things-we-will-never-do-again-after-the-pandemic/
Forwarded from Maryann Gebauer Channel
Ronald W. Babb Sr.

57 Years old, USA

Husband, father and grandfather Ronald Babb passed away unexpectedly on April 19, 2021. He has received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine on April 12, 2021.

#JohnsonAndJohnson #Death #Cardiac #USA #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS

May he Rest In Peace ❤️


The FDA wasn't interested in banning NAC for use without a prescription until they realized it could potentially help with COVID19. Amazon was first to pull it off of their inventory! https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/05/15/nac-banned.aspx
Forwarded from Henna Maria
We stood outside the Ministry of Health in Madrid today, with the banner ”without debate, there is no science.” Doctors, fire fighters, parents, teachers, nurses, artists and activists all gathered to deliver a unanimous message: ”end coerced medical experiments and respect the Nuremberg code.”

It was incredible to see the Ministry of Health flaunting a huge billboard with the ”UN Agenda 2030” stamp right above the entrance. I see that this manufactured crisis is a springboard to manifest the UN Angenda in our societies. There is an old saying, that the best lie is always wrapped in truth, like nectar to cover up the taste of the poison. Same way, this UN agenda is sold to us as a path to justice, equality and sustainability - but their definition of these terms is sadly completely inverted.

Is it just to lock every citizen of the world into a system of digital identity? Is it equality to mandate medical interventions (like the cv injection) to the entire population of the Earth? Is it sustainability to push ”smart cities” and create such legistlation that will make it extremely difficult to own private land, live in Nature and grow your own food?

Today in our rally I gave a speech about the direction to which our societies are forcefully directed, under the guise of this pandemic. The ”new normality” means exactly as it says - new set of norms - ’norms’ meaning collectively established guidelines for our society. It is important for us to pay extremely close attention to the public narrative, as they reveal everything in their words. This was not a ”temporary mission”, but a permanent change.

Just like after the terrorist threats from 20 years ago, all of the new norms that were sold to us as a necessary measure of safety for international air travel stayed. Endless piles of money are not invested to build temporary measures like the ”health passport”, but to bring forth the foundations of an all new society. A society which none of had any say in.

The lie we accept today will become a reality for our children tomorrow. If there ever was a time to stand up and take action, it is now.
Fauci wants ALL school aged children to remain masked for AT LEAST the end of the current school year & will be issuing guidance for the fall semester within a few weeks!

Are parents REALLY going to comply if the CDC says to keep them masked for another year?

what does it take to “confirm a link” to vaccines? STUPID DOCTORS