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Madame Minister Geneviève Guilbault of Quebec, Canada is in HOT water in the cold city. After repeatedly reminding the puplic of the lockdown restrictions, she admits getting together often with her “retired” parents and inlaws. Aren’t you all still on lockdown? Aren’t you “restricted” to meet and be with people from other households? Seems like that is just for the common folk isn’t it? Rules don’t apply to government employees once again is that correct? Much like Trudeau’s recent vaccation down south. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=102723278565421&id=102690611902021
Seems her actions speak louder than words. She knows it’s all a mascarade but still plays along with the charade.
with the post above I saw this pop up - Remember that video of the WHO back in dec 2019 admitting they don’t have safety studies nor the capacity to do them? One good point to notice though is the word “approved”. Covid 19 shot have NOT been approved. They have been “authorized” under the EUA. Not the same thing. YOU ARE THE TEST. And what exactly IS the FDA’s requirements for approval?
More Canadian political conflicts of interest and fraud in the Convid scheme…”Richard Choi, the husband of Toronto’s top doctor, has been arrested for fraud, extortion, money laundering, and other serious offences in relation to his work at AstraZeneca. He is alleged to have been caught putting illegal “pressure” on his wife to enact strict COVID policies on the people of Toronto. According to police, he used threats of violence and financial ruin to get his wife to comply. It is unclear if Eileen de Villa will face any charges, but Toronto Police have stated it is not off the table” https://www.conservativebeaver.com/2021/03/14/husband-of-torontos-top-doctor-arrested-for-fraud/
Derek Sloan’s petition to Stop the Vaxx Passport: https://www.dereksloan.ca/stopthevaxxport
Forwarded from TAC MEDIA NEWS
Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
Tucker Carlson said: “So we’ve got new hairstyles & maternity flight suits. Pregnant women are going to fight our wars. It’s a mockery of the U.S. Military. While China’s military becomes more masculine as it’s assembled the world’s largest navy, our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, more feminine, whatever feminine means anymore since men and women no longer exist. The bottom line is it’s out of control, and the Pentagon is going along with this.” https://www.ntd.com/marines-say-they-messed-up-after-joining-military-attacks-against-tucker-carlson_581382.html