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May 30, 2024 - Critically Thinking with Dr. T & Dr. P - Episode 192 is ready for on demand viewing on Rumble!

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The demise of the Astra Zeneca Jab
- Another one bites the dust.


#EyeOnTheEvidence is a reader supported Substack penned by Dr. Tenpenny. Please consider supporting her work by becoming a free or paid subscriber.

A new JAMA published study says you may be able to have your second screening in 15 years instead of 10, that is if your first screening #colonoscopy was polyp free and you have no family history of colon cancer. It’s promising news from Epoch Times Health: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/about-that-10-year-follow-up-colonoscopy-5656067

Learn more about #colonoscopies in my e-book, available from my website


and from Amazon:

America is in trouble - when your first amendment rights disappear, so do you….
We know times are tough, especially financially. We understand that dollars have to be spread thin these days to pay for everything you need. My team has to pay the bills, too, so we get it!
Please understand that it takes money to broadcast my podcasts; issue my newsletter, and run everything else we do on a daily basis.
My team and I put out this information for you and we really do try to offer as much free content as we can.
We really do, and we hope it helps you.
One great example is coming up June 15.

I am hosting a LIVE Q&A featuring #zeolite expert Dr. Lee.
The webinar is free but we are requiring users to register.

It’s important to understand that Not all zeolites are created equal. There is a reason why I did many hours of research before deciding on both using and sharing Touchstone’s zeolite products as my go-to detox formula.
Come on in and learn the actual science behind the only zeolite I will ever use or recommend.

Get your concerns addressed by Dr. Lee himself on this special FREE event on June 15th!

Register here

#PBX #Touchstone #DrLee #DetoxSpray #ZeoliteWebinar
Forwarded from VeronicaMRRT
I'll pass on the kiester probe, I want to keep my many miles of colon perforation and jabbed free, my dear Watson!🔥😂 Everything about allopathic medicine is purely poking, prodding, cutting, jabbing, and swallowing petrochemicals, why is that? How can this be good for the human body? Natural medicine requires no physical or chemical damage to the body or mind, so which one did God intend? If you eat from God's organic garden, would you have any polyps or cancer? No, we don't need a hose job🤡(ouch) like so many other unnecessary, harmful but profitable procedures!🔥👹🤯🤡😂🙏
“For decades those people who have had power have purposely set out to create a culture that has led to mental and emotional instability.

Why have suicides burgeoned amongst the young since lockdown? Why do the media and our politicians cultivate divisiveness?

The key kernel that has been denied, discouraged, and even deprived from us is knowing that how we feel, what we say, how we think, what we do are controlled by “Choice”! Our choice! 

How often have you said “I can’t go to XYZ”, or “I should (or shouldn’t) do such and such”? “I’m not ALLOWED to say or do -this or that?

Once you became an adult you never HAD TO listen, obey, or do anything UNLESS you CHOSE. There was no outside influence, no force beyond your control, ever. You were and always are your sole decision maker.  

People who have chosen not to think for themselves, to only believe others, whether in positions of authority, science or the media, do not take personal and psychological responsibility. They live in a universe of blame and rejection of personal responsibility.”

- Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

You always possess the ability to CHOOSE. Always!
If you’ve ever had a healthcare provider dismiss your symptoms and say they were due to stress or "in your head", you're not alone. Shortly after tennis champion Serena Williams gave birth, she started having trouble breathing. She worried it might be a blood clot, and asked for treatment, only to have a nurse tell her that her pain meds were making her "talk crazy.” Serena did have a clot.

This is a great article on this phenomenon called medical gaslighting!

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World Terrorist Organization Chair Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declaring war on anti vaxxers.

This guy is a clown 🤡

Stand Strong, without fear
"As in the days of Noah" was predicted long ago’

post in DR. SHERRI TENPENNY’s faith based weekly Substack
JUN 02, 2024

2 Timothy 3:1 - 9 (ISV)


Climate vaccine developer #ArkeaBio has raised $26.5 million in Series A funding, the company announced last week. ArkeaBio aims to fight climate change by vaccinating livestock.
A vaccine being developed by the company is designed to prevent animals from releasing methane emissions. Once vaccinated with the AkreaBio shot, an animal’s immune system is supposed to create antibodies that will target methane-producing microbes.
The Boston-based startup secured its first major investment in late 2022 from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, an investment fund founded by billionaire Bill Gates.
“Our vaccination-based approach allows for much-needed decarbonization of global meat and dairy products across multiple geographies, supporting greater sustainability in agriculture,” the company explains on its website.
