Dr. Tenpenny
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In case you missed the White House announcement, Biden has declared a national transgender day - This is an abomination in Gods sight.

But we can take comfort in Holy Scriptures that we are all just passing through this temporary earthly existence & one day the only thing that will matter before God is what we did when we heard the call of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Remember Jesus words in John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

This passage from Peter also reminds us that this world is not our true home & also how we are to respond to the sinful desires that we are confronted with 👇

“Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us,” (1 Peter 2:11-12).
Grab Your Spot NOW for our upcoming ‘5 DOCS BOOT CAMP’ 2024!

Starts April 4th...

The "5 Docs Boot Camp" features your favorite docs, from #CriticallyThinkingwiththe5Docs
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Dr. Carrie Madej.
This Spring Boot Camp includes 5 WEEKS of new and exclusive content from each of the 5 Docs. The leaders you've come to love and trust weight in on some of the most important topics going on in the world today. 
Each Thursday starting April 4th, one of the 5 Docs (accompanied by one or more of the other Docs) will be giving a LIVE presentation! (All live sessions will be recorded for your viewing convenience so you never have to miss anything.)

Each Week's topic will cover what's happened, how it was done, what's going on now and where we go from here:
Week One: The Scientific Method & Brain Development

Week Two: Censorship & Freedom
Week Three: Food & Agriculture
Week Four: Disease: Narrative vs Reality
Week Five: Religion & Spiritual Truths
Bonus Webinar: Connecting the dots, Discussing Solutions & Live Q&A
As a bonus, the bootcamp wraps up with a 4 HOUR LIVE WEBINAR discussion with all of the doctors to connect the dots and discuss solutions. Then, the webinar opens up for an exclusive Q&A session with, you, the students.

At the conclusion of this #BootCamp, you will feel confident, educated, articulate and empowered to implement your new learned skills, immediately.
#5DocsBootCamp STARTS April 4th, 2024,
so register NOW to secure your place!

Hochul doing her part to destroy what little morality is left in New York City.

The landmarks that are to be lit up include One World Trade Center, the Kosciuszko Bridge, The H. Carl McCall SUNY Building, the State Education Building, the Empire State Plaza, Niagra Falls, and others.

Forwarded from Sheepknow
I sometimes believe people would never become Christian's and to my shame I kind of write them off and I don't even think to pray for them. The man above would not be on my prayer list. So wrong. Yes, this sin is an abomination to God and so grievous.

The Secret thoughts of an Unlikely Convert" by Rosario Butterfield I  strongly recommend.

A But God story for Rosario.
Rosario Butterfield was was once a tenured professor of English who identified as a lesbian. She was a strong  influencer, activist  and she advanced the causes of the lgbtq community until her conversion to Christ in 1999.

Her conversion story is quite unique. My pastor and another pastor I just heard  quote her in the best of ways.  You will fall in love with this beautiful Christian and may even be convicted like me, to walk differently and think differently about people who seem beyond the gospel.
Reality TV contestant from Big Brother & TV Presenter Lisa Jeynes has lost all feeling in her legs, now has brain lesions and has been housebound for 18 months since the Astra Zeneca Jab.

Her health has been declining rapidly and is desperate for help and answers, little support has been provided from doctors. She’s in excruciating pain daily’

Lisa wants her voice heard, this is an EXCLUSIVE.

Dr Tenpenny’s new book, ‘Walking With God, part 1,’ has been released in time for Easter. You can download the PDF now, or wait for the print version that will be available in a few weeks! You will love simply reading it over and over again. This book is a beautiful compilation of many of Dr Tenpenny’s prior gospel centered substacks she has written here over the past three years.

Own your copy today!

Are you planning on joining me for #ThisWeekWithDrT for a new episode with my guest Brett Miller?

Brett is the founder and CEO of Galileyo Inc.

Haven’t heard of it yet? Let’s change that on Monday morning at 9 edt.
Here’s a brief look into our guest and his new company that we’re really excited about!
Galileyo Inc is a fast growing censor free information platform, providing influencer content and real time data to global cell and satellite device users. Partnering with front line reporters, journalists and influencers, Galileyo is dedicated to bringing user’s the latest in free speech communications.
Brett was born and raised in PA & began his survival career as a HS lifeguard during the summers & A Wilderness Emergency Search Team Member in the Winters. After graduation Brett joined the Marine Corps & served on active duty for 9 years.
During his Marine tenure, Brett served as a Fire Team & Mortar Team Leader as well as a Radio Operator in an Infantry Battalion. During this time he mastered small arms & close quarter combat, along with radio encryption & field communications. After his discharge in 2004 he moved to LA to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.
During this time Brett created & patented several products, sold multiple projects and managed his own consulting CO in entertainment & alternative industries. After 18 yrs Brett shifted his focus to God, family and the future of America, sending him on a path of readiness, alternative communications & general preparedness.

On this show, you’ll learn about his new emergency preparedness company that specializes in survival skills & critical alternative communications during turbulent times.

We sure hope you’ll join us for quite an interesting show!

Watch This Week with Dr.T on Clouthub
Monday 4/1/24 at 9am edt here:


Here’s your step-by-step guide to growing these delicious tubers in just about any container!

1️⃣ Container Choice: First things first, choose a container that’s at least 18 inches deep and has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Pots, buckets, grow bags, or repurposed containers will do the trick!

2️⃣ Soil Prep: Sweet potatoes thrive in loose, well-draining soil. Mix garden soil with plenty of compost or organic matter to boost fertility and ensure good drainage. Aim for a pH level between 5.8 to 6.2 for optimal growth.

3️⃣ Get Slips: Now, let’s talk sweet potato slips. You can either visit a local nursery to purchase healthy slips or use organic store-bought sweet potatoes. Look for ones that are free from sprout inhibitors and have a few eyes or sprouts.

4️⃣ Planting: With your container ready and soil prepared, it’s time to plant those sweet potato slips. Fill your container with the soil mixture, leaving a few inches of space at the top. Plant the slips horizontally in the soil, burying them about 3-4 inches deep. Make sure to space them out evenly to allow room for growth.

5️⃣ Care Routine: Sweet potatoes love consistent moisture and plenty of sunlight. Water your plants regularly, making sure the soil stays evenly moist but not waterlogged. Place your container in a sunny spot where the plants can soak up at least 6-8 hours of sunlight each day. Additionally, sweet potatoes are heavy feeders, so consider fertilizing every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer or organic alternatives like compost tea.

6️⃣ Train Vines: As your sweet potato plants grow, they’ll produce sprawling vines that can take up quite a bit of space. To maximize your container’s space and promote airflow, gently guide the vines outward. You can use trellises or let them cascade over the edges of the container.

7️⃣ Harvest Time: After about 3-4 months of growing, your sweet potatoes will be ready for harvest. Carefully dig around the base of the plant to unearth the tubers. Handle them gently to avoid bruising or damaging the skin. Once harvested, allow your sweet potatoes to cure in a warm, dry place for about a week before storing them.
BREAKING: Investigators are indicating that may take 2 years to uncover details regarding the Key Bridge incident

An elite Coast Guard unit is examining 13 Centers for Disease Control containers aboard the vessel, marked with the label "Hazardous Materials."

Forwarded from BioClandestine (BioClandestine)
The Left’s assault on Christianity is not an accident.

They are trying to strip us of our culture, because they intend to establish a new one.

A strong People with strong beliefs, are much harder to enslave than those who are broken and directionless.

They have a vision for the future in which they are the “Gods”, which requires that they get rid of the current ones. They are trying to break our souls, because they want us to be hopeless, poor, sick, uneducated, and thus dependent on The Party.

The world they want requires deleting the world that exists.

Make no mistake, we are in a spiritual war, and losing is not an option.
Barge crashes into Oklahoma bridge on Saturday. The bridge over the Arkansas River reopened several hours after the incident after engineers inspected the infrastructure and determined it was safe, according to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
Do whatever it takes to be a part of this event!

This is THE place to be starting April 4th!

Live stream started
Live stream finished (1 hour)