Dr. Tenpenny
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Lower gas prices predicted in 2024:

Think about it!
This is an election year and dems are terrified they are going to lose ( to a large extent because of Bidenomics)

What better tactic for the thugs in charge than to increase oil production & lower fuel costs!

Don’t be fooled because this is nothing more than a political ploy & you know that they know that we know this is exposing them for the con artists they really are! #ClimateChange is a massive money laundering scam on We The People that is going to collapse like a house of cards 🃏♣️♦️❤️♠️


#GasPrices #CancelClimateChange
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Dr.T’s Health Tip of the week:

9 Way to Supercharge Your Life

Flush toxins out of the body so you can reset your metabolism, experience better energy and improve mental clarity. Super Green Juice has organic chlorella, organic spirulina and other leafy greens rich in chlorophyll to help detox the body.
No detox is complete without supporting liver health. The organic herbs cilantro, parsley, dandelion leaf, milk thistle and turmeric root give essential support for your body’s number one detox organ.
Tired of being tired? Fight back against the numbing fatigue that is often a byproduct of chronic stress. Combat the effects of stress through adaptogen herbs. These powerful plants strengthen your body’s stress response. 
Click link below to see the full list…

9 Ways to Supercharge Your Life
Save 15% on Super Green Juice with monthly autoship. Plus, get FREE SHIPPING with any order that includes Pure Body Extra! (http://drtdetox.com/)

A green juice a day is one of the most powerful gifts you can give your body. Nutritious fruits & veggies give lasting energy & focus, helps fight against inflammation, & builds immunity. That means a stronger, healthier you. Drink the tastiest green juices that help to transform your health & energy in under 3 minutes.

What’s my secret?

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These 44 organic superfoods are already conveniently prepped in powder form so all you have to do is add a scoop to your beverage of choice!

Use this link to learn
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We used to be concerned about insects finding their way into our food, now that’s the least of our worries since Bill Gates & Klaus Schwab have decided to save the bugs the logistical dilemmas. Instead these guys decided that the insects should BE the food!

Cricket Flour
is not new to this world by any means, but is a relatively new food source for Western cultures. Having spent the entire second year of business school studying the possibilities and value propositions of cricket flour, I can tell you this, it isn’t a matter of “if” cricket flour will permeate Western diets, it is simply a matter of “when.”

I vote for #JohnKerry to go on a hunger strike with all of his creepy friends starting now. If thata's to radical for him then put him on a diet crickets and cockroach milk until his friends declare we have reached #NetZero!
Have I got your attention yet?

#BOTOX #BlackBoxWarning #BioWeapon
I know there's a lot to be said about the notion that "boys will be boys" - much of which often gets wrapped up in negative connotations of excusing away certain behavioral issues, especially as they get older. But behavioral issues aside (just for a second), the truth is boys NEED to be boys.

Like it or not, testosterone affects brain development in boys in many ways - including instilling in them a greater propensity for roughhousing and risky behavior.

And it's these very movements and activities that help develop proprioceptive skills (external body awareness) while stimulating the growth in parts of the brain responsible for executive function, memory, higher learning skills, language, and logic (aka: intelligence).

They also help to instill more confidence, better coordination, better interoceptive processing (internal body awareness), better emotional regulation, a healthier respect for boundaries, fair play, and morality, greater social intelligence, and greater empathy for others.

Knowing this, then, what kinds of outcomes would you expect if we were to start our boys out in life by cutting off the tips of their dicks without any anesthesia...

...then from the age of 4-5, make them leave the comfort and care of their home and their parents to sit inside a cinderblock microwave oven for 7-8 hours a day 5 days a week for 13-14 years, disconnected from their natural environments to teach them all kinds of new concepts and ideas...

...while feeding them foods, treats, rewards, and bribes filled with high fructose corn syrup, excitotoxins, and food colorings - all of which are known to short-circuit a child's brain...

...and injecting them multiple times over the years with tiny bits of mercury and aluminum (which are potent neurotoxins) and bits of foreign human/animal/insect DNA (which we don't have even the slightest clue what the ramifications of that are)...

...all the while restricting the movement of their bodies and silencing their voices...

...and then punishing them, yelling at them, and humiliating them when they don't - or can't?

And if that all wasn't bad enough, then they're given drugs to make them behave. Only these drugs are known to increase violent, aggressive behaviors and homicidal/suicidal ideation.

It sounds abusive and insane, doesn't it?

Do you know one of the best ways to make a dog aggressive? Chain it up, restrict its movements, punish it, humiliate it, and yell at it. I mean, at the very least with dogs we appropriately call it inhumane and cruel.

With boys, we call it educating them.

Aggressive behaviors aside, what do you think happens to boys when their internal/external body awareness is blunted? If they can't discern what's happening in their own bodies, how do you expect them to capably discern what's happening in other people's bodies? Or even care?

Yes, I'm aware there are other ways to learn empathy and boundaries and morality and fair play, but roughhousing and risk-taking - which are literally influenced by hormones at birth - are the only ones that boys tend to get punished for.

And yes, ultimately, this isn't just a boy issue. ALL kids need to have more movement in their daily lives.

Unfortunately, modern-day schooling operates in ways that are so far from how kids are wired that it's absurd. Kids NEED to move their bodies A LOT. They NEED to be loud. They NEED to be silly. This is how they figure out how to use their bodies and their brains so that they can grow and become intelligent, confident, capable adults.

Parents...teachers...administrators...educators...school board members...if you really want to improve test scores, and turn out smarter kids and better students - while reducing behavioral issues, bullying, school shootings, and teacher burnout, there are a lot of things that can be changed for the better.

And you can start by extending the amount of time that kids are given to run and play and move their bodies in meaningful ways every day.

Jason Boyd

“Affliction is God’s workbench of grace.” -Paul David Tripp