Dr. Tenpenny
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Warrior for the preservation of human DNA
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Dr. Tenpenny
What do you guys know or have to say about ‘Dark Sky’ communities? Sounds quite intriguing! https://www.darksky.org/our-work/conservation/idsp/communities/
im a bit confused by the purpose of this. is the point to make these landmarks where the sky can be viewed in perfect conditions?
Forwarded from Dr. Tenpenny
Amazing that the Animal Rights Activists like #Peta & the #WorldWildlifeFund are all silent!

They tug at our heartstrings 💔 for donations & then use your money 💰 to support #AnimalTorture & the wiping out of entire species like the #HorseShoeCrab (one of the oldest on earth)🌍

Forwarded from Dr. Tenpenny
What species will PHARMA target next?
We’ve gone after
Cows, Chimps, ferrets, dogs, pigs, mice, rats, bats, hamsters, sheep, 17 million minks, rabbits, horseshoe crabs & who knows what’s next? All the while, almost all of the HYPOCRITE animal rights non profits & vegetarian groups just keep their mouths shut unless it’s to promote the COVID injections.

Waiting to see someone wearing a PETA or WWF hat or shirt with a sticker on it that says #FullyVaccinated 🥲‼️

Forwarded from Dr. Tenpenny
Could it be the Horseshoe crab blood?
Judge Delivers Major Blow to Biden Administration in Social Media Censorship Case
Federal Judge in Missouri v. Biden makes historic ruling by partially granting injunction. FEDERAL AGENCIES are prohibited from working with Twitter, FB and other social media sites for the purpose of censoring/controlling content. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.lawd.189520/gov.uscourts.lawd.189520.294.0.pdf
Time for a happy 😃 story!
Hope this puts a smile on your face & a ‘thank you Jesus’ on your lips!

Time to get your tickets and go watch #SoundOfFreedom‼️