Dr. Tenpenny
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https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X22008210? July 30, 2022 - Artificial intelligence and clinical data suggest the T cell-mediated SARS-CoV-2 nonstructural protein intranasal vaccines for global COVID-19 immunity 'Additionally, CD4 + and CD8+ T cell responses were more significant in severe COVID-19 patients which could be related to the differentiation. However, as stated before the differentiation and malfunction of the T cells cannot be considered a major trait but more due to other background pathologies.In summary, based on the given evidence from several clinical and in silico studies, intranasal nonstructural SARS-CoV-2 protein mRNA vaccines have potential to provide global immunity against COVID-19.
What else is our corrupt DS government trying to hide?
They've been stonewalling a FOIA request since April regarding Fauci's wife, who also works for the NIH. Isn't that nepotism at best? His wife is Dr. Christine Grady chief of the NIH Bioethics group (you simply can't make this stuff up). OpenTheBooks wants transparency about her job title, her contracts, and financial disclosures. Just hand over the info, lady!
#ChristineGrady #Fauci
Forwarded from The Authority (The Authority)
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Look at this garbage put out by the HHS trying to convince Parents to vaccinate their infants.

I am so incredibly sick and tired of this propaganda.

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Apparently the China is now building the world largest weather-modification program to cover area larger than India, and they still call us the tin hat brigade.

I will tell you for a fact that the USA has been working on weather modification since at least the 1960s, if not earlier. You can bet this system is well ahead of what they have been telling us.

If you can do this, you can do the reverse. You can create drought conditions. You can raise the temperature of the earth. You can set fire to it.

You can create 'climate change.'

Get it yet?

Much love,


Join @awakenedspecies
Forwarded from Azazel News (Abraham Lincoln)
“Cue ze Solar Gravitational Lens”

In a recent TikTok video, the World Economic Forum suggested using a “raft” of “space bubbles” about “the size of Brazil” to blot out the sun.

Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Media is too big
More Lethal Than Abortion Pills: Horrifying Miscarriage Rates With the COVID Injection

In January of 2021, the New England Journal of Medicine came out with an article that stated that pregnant women who got the shot did not have a higher rate of spontaneous miscarriage. However, when you look at the data, they lumped women in their third trimester into the first-trimester group and assessed whether or not they had a first-trimester spontaneous miscarriage. When you take that cohort out, the rate of miscarriage was 82%, right in line with findings from the Pfizer documents.

Dr. Elizabeth Mumper: "For a first-trimester woman to get this injection, they have more of a chance of having a miscarriage or stillbirth than if they were to actually take an abortifacient."


@VigilantFox | Rumble | Full Video
This is how you know you are living in an upside down world-

1) Ivermectin: won the Nobel Prize in human medicine in 2015; is safer than Tylenol (associated with 1/7th the number of deaths that Tylenol is associated with); has been given safely 3.7 Billion times around the world; has decades of safe use; has over 70 studies showing its effective use in Covid-19.

And yet, it is demonized by many politicians, by the CDC, by the FDA, and by all of corporate media. It is so “unsafe” in their view that they are taking steps that are unprecedented: revoking the licenses of many doctors who have prescribed this safe, FDA-approved medication. They call it “horse paste” and the FDA literally tweeted out to people to stop taking it because they’re not horses. And this, despite the fact that it has literally CURED a HUMAN disease (river blindness) and won the Nobel Prize for that. It eliminated a terrible human disease. And the FDA has the audacity to claim it is an animal medicine.

2) Paxlovid: Pfizer’s newest Covid drug. Can cause liver and kidney damage. One of the components (ritonavir) has a black box warning. It leads to a bizarre “rebound Covid” (never heard of before Paxlovid). It’s so new that it is not even FDA-approved. Only available under EUA because it hasn’t been through standard safety testing. But the claim is that the Covid pandemic is so serious that we have to be willing to try everything (Hmmm … If that logic applies to Paxlovid—a new & untested medication—why doesn’t it apply to ivermectin, an FDA-approved medication with decades of safe use?). And now the FDA is allowing pharmacists to prescribe and administer Paxlovid to patients? This is unprecedented. Not even doctors can prescribe and dispense a medication. That’s why we have the division between doctors and pharmacists. That’s why doctors can’t just increase profitability by doing the job of a pharmacist in-house. And yet, now your CVS pharmacist is going to be able to do the job of a doctor in-house at his pharmacy? Is the pharmacist going to be required to take a full History & Physical and make sure that you don’t take medications that interact with Paxlovid? Is he going to be required to know your full medical history so that he doesn’t prescribe and administer it to patients in whom it is contraindicated? And all this for an EUA medication? We’re going turn upside down the entire practice of medicine (allowing pharmacists to play doctor) all for an ineffective (or, at least, inadequately effective) medicine that hasn’t even been FDA-approved?

Did I wake up in the Twilight Zone?

Yes I understand they want to make money. What I don’t get is the blatant disregard for human health in a field where that is our only concern!