Dr. Tenpenny
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Warrior for the preservation of human DNA
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Fauci said Friday that businesses and schools across the country will issue a “flood” of vaccine mandates as soon as the FDA issues full approval for the COVID-19 vaccine likely in early September!

How are you making you’re voice heard?
It’s time to get a whole lot more active & serious in this endeavor!
We are fighting #DemonicForces who want to send the common folks to an early grave!
Please do everything possible to be more active & support the freedom movement.
These bastards hate you & they haven’t played fair since the very beginning- they’re not going to reverse their position on these jabs because it would ruin their plans for full & final implementation of #Agenda2030 & a #OneWorldGovernment

Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
DeSantis responds to Biden’s “Governor Who” comment:

“I’m not surprised that Biden doesn’t remember me. I guess the question is what else has he forgotten? Biden’s forgotten about the crisis at our southern border.”🇺🇸💯🙏🏽🔻

“The specific and significant COVID‐19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.”

The international Journal of Clinical Practice published this paper that shares additional findings on:
#InformedConsent & #AntidependentEnhancements.
Very disturbing findings 🔻

Why are hundreds of thousands of people asking for permission for bodily autonomy & the right to breathe?
Don’t they realize that when they are playing the role of a servant to their master that defeat is certain?
The government is neither your boss or master.
Think about it, 🧐
every time you acquiesce to these bullies, they become more powerful.
End it now!


#WeAreMoreThan12 🔻
Great speach by Reiner Fuellmich


No one has more thoroughly investigated everything about the criminal covid enterprise than Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his team. Dr. Fuellmich is a lawyer licensed in both Germany and the USA. Previously, he has defeated multiple giant corporations, while defending us common people. He is arguably the world's greatest class action lawsuit experts in history. His German Corona Investigative Committee has been diligently analyzing more than 110 experts' testimonies since July 2020.

There is no speculation or "conspiracy theory" behind this brief powerful summation. He reveals the 0.14% mortality rate; the fake pandemic based on the fraudulent PCR "test" which has been used to justify the abuse and deadly experimental injection campaign; the suppressed effective treatments; and ~500,000 deaths by injection in the USA alone in just 6 months.

Dr. Fuellmich exposes some of the murderers: big pharma, Bill Gates, the Chinese communist dictators, corrupted politicians, bureaucrats, and NGO's, under global corporate control.

He describes the scamdemic's real goals, which are not our health, but rather: destroying regional economies to force us into their global corporate economy; shifting the entire world's wealth into their pockets; and killing off human beings (population reduction).
Last night I hosted a panel of highly esteemed medical professionals & attorneys regarding #Covid related mandates. We did this to help you better understand the crisis that we face with #CovidJab mandates that are certain to become more widespread when the FDA gives full approval in September if not sooner.
As grim as that all sounds, you need to know that there is still hope. We want you to know what we are all both individually & collectively doing on behalf of humanity!
I hope you find great value in watching this but please always remember to share! #LoveIsntLoveUntilYouGiveItAway
-DrT 💕
Dr. Tenpenny pinned «Last night I hosted a panel of highly esteemed medical professionals & attorneys regarding #Covid related mandates. We did this to help you better understand the crisis that we face with #CovidJab mandates that are certain to become more widespread when the…»
Translated to english: Passports are for visiting other countries, not for being a stranger in your OWN COUNTRY. #Quebec Canada looking at implementing an innoculation passport for “luxury” access such as restaurants, bars and gyms. They are insane
Perhaps the CDC needs to invest in a #Dictionary? None of the #CovidJabs accomplish either of these actions🥲
#Immunize #Inoculate
Oh & BTW, they aren’t #vaccines by any stretch of the imagination‼️

#WeAreMoreThan12 💙♦️🙌🏽