Dr. Tenpenny
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In case you have not yet seen my new The Tenpenny File TV show with Dr. T, here is my latest episode. I hope you will tune in and share everywhere. We are depending on all of you to get this information out there since Tech Giants are censoring Truth and Free Speech. https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/frequently-asked-questions-about-covid-vaccine
Facebook is so concerned about their members that they have an important message for you!
Last week Joe Rogan did an “emergency podcast” with evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein, Ph.D. and critical care specialist Dr. Pierre Kory on how they are being censored by YouTube for discussing the benefits of using ivermectin to treat COVID.

Weinstein, host of the DarkHorse Podcast, told Rogan that YouTube “demonetized” his channels, removed some of his videos and issued warnings for content that mentioned ivermectin, labeling it “spam” and “deceptive medical information.” https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/joe-rogan-bret-weinstein-dr-pierre-kory-youtube-censorship-ivermectin-covid-treatment/
Sen. Ron Johnson holds press conference to give a voice to “shot” injuries when the mainstream media won’t https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C&v=1255039138288343&ref=watch_permalink
What’s really happening to your mind as the globalists are implementing their plan of
one world government domination?

Who is it that’s a slave😳
(Photo shared from
David Icke)
For all of you guys rushing to move to Florida - here’s some Hurricane Trivia news …..

Elsa is the EARLIEST fifth named storm on RECORD - , pushing this season ahead of the pace set by the record-breaking 2020 hurricane season. The first hurricane of the season typically isn't seen until AUGUST 10, with the AVERAGE date of a FIRST tropical storm falling on JULY 9th.