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Tomorrow, I’m going to meet the makers of this film, which screened a little over a year ago.

There were dead on it then.

Nobody needs more than is in this film to know they’ve been lied to.

The motivation of the perpetrators is to take everything from you, including your life (if not already, then soon).

I expect mass murder to continue & accelerate, and the remaining H. sapiens, who will require re-naming, will be slaves in a totalitarian, digital matrix.

Please find a way to sit with people you care about who still believe the official story.

It’s literally our last chance. I will advise the filmmakers that unless they’re swift, and punchier, a likely outcome is a film about imminent & permanent loss of freedom issues after digital tyranny has already arrived.

I do not believe it’s possible to throw it off once in place, or evade its controlling tentacles indefinitely.

I continue because the alternative is to give up and wait to the door bell to ring.

Best wishes

Ps: I know there’s a trailer of around 12 minutes for this upcoming film.
If you have a link, please post & either Tim or I will insert it here.

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Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel
The only genuine channel I’ve ever had.
This is a terrific article in what just about classifies as mainstream media, surely?

Two, adequately qualified people have written an article based upon Rancourt et al’s recent review of all causes mortality in several southern hemisphere countries (representing around 10% of the world’s population and c19 jabs).
Key findings:
1. No evidence of benefit anywhere.
2. Obvious increases in all causes mortality in every country in which there’s sufficient mortality data.
3. Several lines of evidence link the injections to multiple kinds of injuries and to deaths.

They conclude we’ve been lied to and we need to stop being cowed & start speaking with one voice. Absolutely agree.


Now, I found a paywall so a friend with access sent me a pdf which I’ve cut up into images.

I strongly encourage anyone who is desperate to get someone to listen to send them this article.

It’s in a well respected magazine (it’s not a medical journal but those regrettably are captured) and references good work by independent researchers in Canada. Obviously their work isn’t in a peer reviewed journal for the same reason one cannot trust the standard medical literature any more.

Best wishes

Ps: my motive for what I’m doing is simple. To prompt a greater proportion of the population to go “Wait a minute, what the dickens is going on here?”
It’s not plausible that those still in the narrative are going to jump down the rabbit holes easily. But throw serious seeds of doubt into their minds absolutely is possible.

If we can get there, then more people will realise that given the extent of lying about health, they should also no longer completely trust official information on other matters. And that’s the chink of light that may prevent total surrender to the forces of darkness, now not far off at all.
Hoy and Zimmerman.pdf
680.6 KB
A Pdf of all 4 images.
I received this indirectly from Inka a few days ago. A U.K. based mutual friend told me that Reiner is, at present, safe and well in prison in Germany.
I do not know what the next steps & timescales are & will continue to try to find out.
As before, any physical mail of postcards you sent will reach him. I remember Dr Simone Gold being held in prison for months in a Florida jail & I wrote snail mail to her then. She later told supporters that such physical manifestations of external support were vital to her physical and especially mental health during incarceration.
Many thanks
This is a little depressing. I thought our high street was a bit ropey in Canterbury, but hanging on in there. I knew the coastal towns have had a very tough time of it all the while I’ve been in the area (shocking to remember it’s since 1995, Britpop era!).
But it’s nothing compared with the decimation of the high street that has happened in recent years.
This enterprise fellow is from the North & used to live & work in London. He was well aware that towns in his area were suffering & wondered how the South, by reputation, affluent, was doing since the nonsense. It’s not good.







Fred Dibnah once said: “Britain, built by men in overalls, ruined by men in suits”. It’s sad. And it’s worse knowing it’s by design.

Best wishes
I may have mentioned that I had been invited to address a sizeable gathering in the German parliament, a couple of weekends ago? A lengthy session arranged by the party of the admirably feisty MEP, Christine Anderson, the AfD. They have something like 82 members of Parliament, mostly in the former East, and 9 MEPs. Not too shabby. I was promised an audience of 90 elected representatives and 200 eager officials, together possessing a veritable alternative network that doesn’t rely on mainstream media for its communication. They realised early that they were never going to get a fair shake by their media, so decided to not try to pretend to be like the other parties and simply represent those with no voice. Admirable stuff. So, persuaded it was worth a shot, I prepared a short talk. I was surprised to find I had the last slot & looking at the people & topics, I thought, wow, I’ve got a chance to really get an impact.

I simplified & focused on the alleged vaccines. How there could never have been sufficient time to have done what was claimed. That even if the narrative was true, virtually nobody would benefit from it because they’re not at risk. That pregnant women have for 60 years never been exposed to new medicines, not even once fully approved.
Then I described rational drug design, and my career using it. The awful conclusion that toxicity was built into these agents. Five discrete mechanisms of toxicity. By the way, our molecular biology experts find an additional handful of mechanisms of harm, to do with nuclear entry, all superfluous to the notional purpose.

The conclusion is that we are under intense attack. That we can repel these evil people by sufficient of us simply refusing to comply with the campaign of fear. The economy may be decimated in whatever is coming but that we can recover as free individuals.

After I’d finished, there was a strange noise. It was the usual polite applause, but a roar that simply didn’t stop. I switched camera view on my screen. The whole place was on its feet. They were clapping like mad. It went on for an embarrassing 2-3 minutes.

Gratified, I mumbled thanks for the opportunity to speak to them and ended the link.

I learned yesterday that dissenting voices in AfD had decided my opinions were too extreme and they’ve excised my presentation from the link to the session, which I understand has now been made public.

It’s very depressing and frustrating to find I’m being censored by what I thought was our own side.

I don’t think I’m going to get a copy of my own speech, either.

If you know anyone connected to whatever is going on there, we’d love to hear a perspective from the inside.

Best wishes

Ps: someone alleged that there had been a problem with the sound. I don’t believe that for a moment.
We’re familiar with the methods used to terrify & brainwash the public since the era of “covid” began. However, it’s sobering & useful for orientation to see it laid out clearly. This well-written article, one of three by the same author, is one of the best I’ve seen.

Dated July 2022, I recommend a coffee / tea time read through.

Best wishes

FYI as mentioned earlier today.

On the plus side of the ledger, many people have contacted me and sought out similar talks, which I’ve been able to furnish.


This is a remarkable video. Please ignore the first few minutes. JJ Couey has an elaborate opening sequence.
But he addresses THE elephant in the room: why don’t the freedom fighters argue with or accept Denis Rancourt’s detailed epidemiological analyses which show THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC?
Therefore, there was no new cause of illness and death, therefore covid is invented and SARS-CoV-2 isn’t circulating (or is silent).
Therefore nobody needs vaccines against it.
Therefore no one should accept the inevitable risk of harms that come with being injected with intentionally harmful substances.
Why are so desperately few of us saying this?
I’m censored and mad as hell.
Where is Christine Anderson’s anger that her party organised a symposium and my testimony was deleted?
WHO may be scary.
But I’m much more frightened of the introduction of mandatory digital ID.
I’m much more fearful of withdrawal of cash & imposition of CBDC.
If we allow the distorted narrative (that “there was a novel lethal pathogen so they needed to do something”) to remain unchallenged, it is the end.
Best wishes
I have to say it. I actually feel huge affection & respect for this man, Sucharit.
He & I first spoke around year-end 2020.
After exchanging a few formalities, each of us wished to learn the opinion of the other about what was happening.
It was both distressing and uplifting to find that both of us had arrived at the same conclusion.
That a false pandemic had been invented and that the objective was totalitarian takeover of the world (or at least The West) accompanied by depopulation through coerced or even mandated, damaging injections.
Sucharit always behaves with such grace & sincerity and these qualities are accompanied by deep knowledge of fields directly relating to the crime scene.

I take a view on the final part, bacterial DNA contamination, that differs from Sucharit’s view.

If I understood him correctly, he is saying “accept no mRNA-based injected product unless you are certain that bacterial plasmid DNA, used in manufacturing, has been removed”.

I would go a step further. No mass market product at all using the mRNA based technology, period. It is not necessary to have the additional ingredient of bacterial, plasmid DNA in order that the injections be toxic. They’re toxic by design, even if they solely contain mRNA encoding a non-self (ie foreign) protein as genetic payload.

I agree & acknowledge that toxicity is augmented, potentially greatly, by the bacterial, plasmid DNA.

But I wish to state very clearly that NO amount of “clean-up” of DNA from these products could even potentially make them “safe & effective”.

I speculate that Sucharit chose, as his ending, a pathway or argument that, for a brief window of time, doctors & politicians can tell their stakeholders, be they their patients or their constituents, that they were deceived by big pharma and the medicines regulatory agencies. “How could they have known?!”

Because that isn’t really true. These products would still travel all over the body, aided by those lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulations. They would still have triggered autoimmunity, because the gene causes expression of a foreign & obviously non-self protein. The product would still be toxic as a result of the LNP formulation in itself. They would still be expected to have adverse effects upon reproduction, because LNP-formulated agents accumulate in the ovaries.

I do think most of these points were clearly made by Sucharit, earlier in his talk.

I will try to find out from him whether he was attempting to lower the barrier to mea culpa admissions from doctors and politicians, who we are desperate to hear saying “We screwed up, but we were lied to by the drug companies and regulators”.

I respect his right to act according to his instincts and judgements. I could live with that, though I’d be uncomfortable operating like this. Why?

Because I worry that the demand & rallying cry might not be, as it must be, “Remove all these gene-based, so-called vaccines from the market & permit no new, mass market products using this technology to be approved or authorised under emergency conditions” and instead become “Remove these products, at least temporarily, from the mass market, because they’re contaminated with bacterial DNA” (impliedly creating an obvious path forward for the perpetrators, to “clean up” the product, removing the offending bacterial DNA, before announcing once again that: “These products are safe and effective”.

Other than this wrinkle, to which I may be overreacting (though I don’t think I am), Sucharit’s talks & mine, on the “vaccines” specifically, are more or less identical, with two exceptions.

Sucharit is an old-school lecturer, of the type by whom I hugely enjoyed being taught at university. He knows much about the deeper details of immunology and molecular biology than I do & it shows in his verbal presentation as well as his nicely done visual materials.
What he isn’t is a career drug hunter & empirically oriented scientist, with deep knowledge and experience of application of molecular design principles to create potentially effective new medical treatments, also using toxicological methods to minimise the risk of unacceptable unintended effects in humans.

Perhaps this is why I say, confidently, that these products were carefully designed to cause injuries, including deaths, and therefore, the appalling clinical profile of harms and deaths was INTENTIONAL.

Nobody in authority wants to hear that. Accordingly, the perpetrators are going out of their way to make it difficult for me to be heard.

David Martin’s presentations, I think, either explicitly say “These harms are deliberate” or it is implied, with the implication being so marked that you couldn’t miss it. Yet he confuses me by speaking about gain-of-function studies and even talking about “the virus” (please correct me if I’m wrong).

Sasha Latypova does say the toxicity is entirely deliberate and that the pandemic preamble is all fictional.

But there’s something else that might have triggered the German parliamentary group to have excised (censored) my recent presentation.

I recall without any doubt referencing the work of Denis Rancourt & colleagues, showing that there never was a pandemic.
Now, I know longer believe respiratory viruses as described exist as agents of pathology, the main evidence for this belief being the repeated, unsuccessful demonstration of clinical contagion (transmission from a person with florid symptoms to healthy people without symptoms, which ought to be trivially easy, if the narrative is true).

We here hold back & forth discussions on this issue. I do respect the position of what I term the absolutists. Some have said that all we, in what is often called “The truth community”, have to do is state clearly that these beasts do not exist and the narrative would collapse. I have to tell you that this presupposition has not been my experience at all. Other than those who have already reached that conclusion, a sizeable proportion, even of close allies, are not persuaded. I cannot force them to be convinced. If those who are already convinced that we’re in the midst of a massive crime scene involving spree killings, baulk at the statement, there are no such things as viruses, if I ignore that feedback, all that happens is that I’m subject to attacks by both sides, resulting in censorship by almost everyone. The net result is not only that fewer people hear what I think is my unique selling point (that the injections are intentionally harmful), but that nobody qualified to say this with a reasonable expectation that they’ll be believed, says it. That’s an intolerable state of affairs. That’s why I go about the topic the way I do, imperfect though it is.

Best wishes,
Forwarded from MitteldeutschlandTV
Media is too big
2nd Corona Symposion at the German Bundestag 11. - 12.11.2023 (Lecture by Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi)

A factual look at the mix-up in vaccination trials and charges rolled out to an unsuspecting public. Dr Bhakdi casts a precise spotlight on the damaging effects after its administration to billions of people worldwide.  Whether medical professionals, authorities, or people who have had no contact with the topics so far should pay close attention.

Video in better Quality:

👉Joska Ramelow

🎤Sucharit Bhakdi
👉Joska Ramelow

The sole content and presentation of material represents the personal  view of the speaker and does not necessarily represent the view of @MitteldeutschlandTV
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Everybody can express their opinion freely here. Nobody gets censored for any point of view.

If your opinion is that certain areas of discussion should not be allowed - for example - whether there was a pandemic - you are perfectly allowed to express that point of view.

Nobody will ever be silenced or banned for expressing their point of view.

Expect others to challenge you though. This is their right. If your point of view is challenged in this way this is not censorship of your point of view.

Mike has received a few complaints that I am being heavy handed.

I want all to express their point of view and converse freely in a spirit of friendly cooperation in this struggle to save the children.

It is not your right to call for the shutting down of discussion around central important issues like whether the pandemic was fake and then claim heavy handedness when this call for suppression is challenged.

Thank you.
You probably remember one of the earliest global lies, the one that says refrigerants are destroying the ozone layer and are potent “greenhouse gases”.

I’d just been awarded my PhD and joined Wellcome Research Labs. My new boss explained that he thought this was very hubristic, was unsound science and was dangerous, because non-flammable refrigerants were to be replaced by more hazardous options. Our interest arose from the demand that even asthma inhalers had to delete CFCs, which were the “moving parts” of a group of highly effective medicines. Medical aerosols got a longer lead time but did eventually make the change.

Once it is appreciated that our governments lie to us, all the time & everything, I recommend that you default to not believing any proclamations at all. Why would you believe them? They’re proven liars.

I no longer buy the “humans are destroying the ozone layer” fear-based narrative.

These people were merely testing to what extent they could get the world to do things at the level above the nation.

In 2020, it became clear why they’d want to understand this phenomenon.

Best wishes