Dr. Lynn Fynn’s Science Enlightenment Channel & Stuff
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Evidence based analysis of mainstream scientific inaccuracies- Not medical advice
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Molnupiravir is Remdesivir 2.0

In Trial 2, Molnupiravir increased the relative risk of hospitalization or death by almost 33%. One person died in each of the arms, Molnupiravir and placebo.

DO NOT accept his drug as neither safe nor effective! Tomorrow is the day they may actually assign an EUA for this mutagenic, toxic drug.

Forwarded from Dr. Simon
Ten signs why this isn't a real pandemic

1. In times of a pandemic, it is commonplace to reassure the public. This is because panic and despair cause adverse effects on human health and cognitive capacities as excessive stress increases cortisol and blood sugar levels (https://bit.ly/3p8s068). This has been known for decades, yet media and politicians keep the public in fear and anxiety.

2. Recently, a whistleblower published that the data that led to the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine admission were manipulated and did not meet scientific standards (https://bit.ly/3E54bCE). As a result, instead of questioning the vaccine, boosters are becoming mandatory in many countries.

3. Children, adolescents, and healthy adults have little or no risks of becoming seriously ill from Covid. Nevertheless, there is significant political and social pressure for healthy people to take an experimental drug to "protect others" (see next point). Those who reject to protect themselves and others often run the risk to lose their jobs. Some countries even discuss detention for non-cooperating people (https://bit.ly/31aMfbc).

4. For decades, vaccines have been communicated as a means of self-protection. This year, the vaccines have been enforced on everybody to "protect yourself and others", even though the transmission potential of vaccinated and unvaccinated people is similar (https://bit.ly/3G1roWC).

5. The peer-review process of the critical publication about the Covid PCR tests took one day max (https://bit.ly/3FSOY7W). The corresponding author, Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten, is also a member of the journal's editorial board, where the paper was published. Skipping a peer-review process is no minor offence and can be considered scientific fraud.

6. A study from 1919 by Wilfried Kellogg about the efficacy of mask-wearing during the Spanish Influenza stated that "many instances were observed among hospital attendants where apparently the mask was no protection to the wearers" (https://bit.ly/3I240ds). It was further considered that the mask may have "an unhygienic influence when extended to the entire working day of the individual". This old knowledge was confirmed in a recent review paper on the potential adverse effects of wearing masks (https://bit.ly/3cX1ya7). The authors concluded that wearing masks poses severe health risks while not reducing transmission significantly. Gagging the public with ineffective masks exclusively seems to be a political reason to break down resistance.

7. The general life expectancy is the same as the average age of death of people who die with or due to Covid. During the Spanish Influenza pandemic, the average age of death of infected people was 28 years, whereas the life expectancy at that time was 56 years.

8. Dissidents are publicly discredited as "terrorists" and "tyrants" (https://bit.ly/3D6tdjx). Both the rights to bodily integrity and the inviolability of human dignity no longer apply for unvaccinated individuals.

9. Sunlight, physical exercises, social interaction, gut health, and exposure to pathogens are essential for a functioning immune system. During the lockdowns, governments closed gyms and sports clubs, prohibited social interactions, and imposed curfews. Fast food delivery services have significantly benefited from this situation.

10. Many scientists and experts in immunology, epidemiology, virology, vitamin D, etc., are currently being banned from social media. Mainly Facebook and Twitter ban and restrict accounts of dissidents randomly. YouTube censors videos that oppose the official narrative. Restriction of freedom of expression would not happen in an open society.

I removed the l Breast cancer screening data-
I’ll wait for a paper to post. They will not be able to cover up this type of frequency change.
We WILL see a marked increase in cancers as a result of the vaccine. Mechanistically, the trillions of spike mRNA programs our cells to produce cause P53 tumor suppressor gene binding and BRCA binding by the S2 (TMPRSS2) subunit. CD147 binding also signals tumor production. Downregulation of toll-like receptors (TLR’s) 3 and 4. Interferon gamma downregulation by spike. CD4/CD8 dysregulation. DNA repair mechanism inhibition by spike- just to start!
All contribute to cancer. I cannot see this ending well.
Need some levity - meme-break!
I will say this until the day I die!
Dr. Peter Duesberg is one of the most brilliant scientists that lives. Tony Fauci screwed him every way to Sunday.

He not only withheld all funding to the one scientist that could be the center of cancer cures, but he smeared his perfect name.

Yes, Fauci who only fulfilled a year of residency and is scientifically anemic, took down his superiors- such as Mullis, Rasnick, Duesberg et al.

He literally murdered Science in 1984. This is why I center so much of my channel on that time. Understanding that HIV is not the cause of AIDS, and that he started “Woke” science back then, will help you all understand why we are where we are now. It’s important to know it’s origins in order to understand that it’s a fight scientists have been fighting his entire tenure. He was INSTALLED in his position. He pledged to do what was necessary to destroy Western science.

Jamie does a nice job in short flicks for those with attention deficits or in need of instant gratification. I post the full documentaries so people can get an idea of what it was like for incredible scientists truly researching for good. That all changed.

If you cannot watch the videos I posted starting with HIV=AIDS, please st least watch this.

For those that missed it- I wrote in the FORBES post:
“I will be removing this post until I can prove that this was not photoshopped. Apologies”

I’m really sorry you missed that. I will leave this here so you can see it forever. Cool? Now let’s move on!

UPDATE- Archives:



I personally support and confirm Jamie’s facts, scientific inferences and chronology of this video.


Magic Johnson is alive and healthy today. 30 days after his diagnosis. Around the same time as Freddie’s second positive test. Why was his outcome so different? HE DID NOT TAKE AZT and
HIV IS NOT the causative agent of AIDS.

Please comment and share! There are only 300 in the entire country. Time running out.

Never in history have face masks mitigated a respiratory virus from spread. Never. It is only dangerous, particularly in community use.

This is 100% a optics/virtue signaling tool of control.

Resist covering the mouth you were born with in order to breath!

Anyone have the diagnosis code for winter Vagina handy? 🙄🤡

They are normalizing vaccine adverse events and brainwashing people! First it was because of Climate Change, now it’s the winter!

No, it’s programming all of the cells in your body to make trillions of pathogenic spike proteins, of which are found 5 moths after injection. Add on the boosters and you will literally have spike proteins in your body indefinitely! Who needs DNA alteration when it’s always there.

Crime on Humanity- 2.0
Forwarded from Chief Nerd
Chris Cuomo’s text messages with brother Andrew Cuomo’s aide, Melissa DeRosa, can be found here starting on page #268


We are up to 16,000 MD’s and PhD’s that signed our Declaration. We are United in the main 3 points.

1) NO vaccinating children for COVID- all risk and no statistical benefit whatsoever.

2) Natural Immunity is lasting, robust, and cannot be ignored.

3) Let Drs. Practice medicine and write off label to treat patients as we always have without coercion or threat.

It’s not hard people. Common sense and ethical science and medicine!

Forwarded from Dr. Thomas Binder, MD

This paper discusses the recent study by Bansal et al. on the detection of spike protein in persons vaccinated with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. The most significant finding is that spike protein is found on exosomes, that is, cell-derived vesicles, for at least four months after the second injection. This surprisingly long persistence raises the prospect of sustained inflammation within and damage to organs which express the spike protein.