Dr David Martin
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👀 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD on How the U.S. Government Turned Their 'Psychological Manipulation' Tools Inward Against the American Public

"There was a key paper, peer-reviewed and published, that demonstrated that Google by just manipulating the information that a viewer sees...could swing an election by twenty points...And the way they do it is by controlling what you hear, what you think, what you feel, what you are allowed to discuss...It was decided that that capability...was now going to be necessary to be deployed domestically, and in particular there arose a specific example that was going to be necessary to use this technology...the uneasiness of individuals and parents to accept vaccines for their children."

*From the 2/23/2024 International Crisis Summit-5 (ICS-5) in Washington DC

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While I'm not a fan of marches or protests, I am a fan of public education and bringing attention to the terrorism & RICO crimes of @ GoHeels UNC-Chapel Hill. Show up on the 9th and be informed!

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Back to the Future with Dr. David Martin, PostScript Interview with John Petersen
Make sure you get to Yuba City!
March 23rd
How about joining us in SOUTH CAROLINA in April? We'd love to see you.

10 U.S.C. 1107(f) | Human Experimentation | US. Armed Forces and 'clinical trial testing'.
Did the Secretary of Defense mandate a toxic exposure risk activity, bypassing informed consent for our military personnel? History echoes with ethical breaches, from the Nuremberg trials holding perpetrators of human experimentation accountable to the Geneva Conventions establishing rules for humane treatment. Yet, just like in the past, are we disregarding these principles? Join the conversation between Tommy and David to explore this critical issue.

Here's just a partial excerpt: "Those rules lasted a grand total of three years. Because, in 1950 we decided to break those rules. And we decided, specially the Allies decided, to create a series of Biological weapons programs where they were going to start human experimentation again. And, human experimentation then, was conveniently done on incarcerated people, people in the military, all sorts of clinical trials, that weren't clinical trials because in the US law, for example, the President has the power, unilaterally ability to wave informed consent on active-duty military. So, guess what we can do? Their guinea pigs.

10 U.S.C. 1107(f), the President is granted the authority to waive the informed consent requirement for the administration of an investigational drug to a member of the Armed Forces in connection with their participation in a particular military operation. This can be done upon a written determination by the President that obtaining consent is not feasible, contrary to the best interests of the member, or not in the interests of national security." https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=federal+food+drug+cosmetic+21+usc+chapter+1&f=treesort&num=332

Episode 8 Silenced with Tommy Robinson - Dr David Martin:

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On December 19, 2017 the NIH lifted the funding pause on Gain of Function research. Here is Dr. Anthony Fauci in January, 2018 discussing why he thinks this is a good thing.

Fauci has since denied funding Gain of Function Covid research in Wuhan and the US, which has been proven to be a complete lie.

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Hospitals murdered COVID patients.

The more they killed, the more money they made.

Aside from ventilators, the death protocol of choice was Fauci’s pet drug Remdesivir.

“Remdesivir is so lethal it got nicknamed ‘Run Death Is Near’ after it started killing thousands of Covid patients in the hospital,” wrote @ StellaPaulNY in a previous report.

“The experts claimed that Remdesivir would stop Covid; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs.”

Dr. David Martin says:

“Remdesivir was too unethical to put into Ebola clinical trials in Africa because it had a 53% kill rate published in medical journals. Ebola doesn’t have a 53% kill rate, but it was chosen in April and May of 2020 to be the drug of choice to treat COVID? This drug was too unethical to use in an African clinical trial because it was k*lling 53% of the people that it was given to. And we had Anthony Fauci [and] Deborah Birx sitting next to the president going, ‘We need to use Remdesivir,’ despite the fact that the World Health Organization said it was unethical to use it.”


They’re just mocking you at this point.
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"I will never forget this one nurse who took pity on me in the hospital when I asked her if I could see my husband who was down the hall on the same Covid unit as myself.

She said she would ask the hospital administer if she could wheel me to his room to see him.

She came back with tears in her eyes and said that the answer was no.

I never got to see my husband who was only a few feet away from me before he died.

This is what they did to us all in the name of health!"

-Dr. Dawn Michael

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Could “long COVID” actually be long vax?

Yes, according to Dr. @ PierreKory.

In Dr. Kory’s clinical observations, “the vast majority are long vax.”

“If you look at my practice, maybe 1200 patients: 70% are long vax, not long COVID, meaning all of their issues, the syndrome, started after the vaccine, not COVID.”

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Dr. David Martin exposes how—shortly after its inception—the WHO was declared a "criminal racketeering organisation" under U.S. antitrust laws.

"Since 1953, it has been exclusively a vaccine promoting enterprise, for the benefit of the people who have a commercial interest in vaccines... As long as the financial interest that dictates what product is going to be promoted is the one making the declaration of the pandemic, we have no possibility for accountability."

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World Health Organisation whistleblower, Dr. David Bell: The WHO is being used as a tool, by people who want to take over the world.

"The WHO is significantly funded by private interests. Its second-largest funder is a private organisation that has significant pharma investments. Clearly, there's a conflict of interest... In a democratic society, you would not let that organisation have any power over your people. It would be completely irrational to do that."

"It's completely illogical to go down the path we are going at the moment, where we give more power to this organisation to control our own health policy."

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This blood was taken from a vaccinated patient.

After three minutes, it clotted and became like this.

It usually takes 30 minutes for blood to clot in an SST tube, not 3 minutes.

If you actually listened to the CDC and followed their guidelines, You’d be on your 9th Covid shot right now.

Just think about that.