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We are doctors and scientists from 30 countries, seeking to uphold medical ethics, patient safety and human rights in response to COVID-19.
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Watch Dr Chandler's presentation to know what he has found out by studying the Pfitzer mRNA vaccine reports.
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In this video, Prof. Mark Skidmore speaks on "the missing money"—literally tens of trillions worth of transactions carried out by the US government but which it can't or refuses to account for.
Mark Skidmore and Catherine Austin Fitts have been at the forefront of investigating and documenting this gigantic theft of public money.
For more information, visit
This link contains a wealth of information that Catherine and the Solari team collected over many years.
This link will take you to the third article Dr. Skidmore co-authored with Laurence Kotlikoff for his Forbes column. The article also includes the links to their two previous articles.
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Dr. Michael Nehls is a physician and molecular biologist from Germany. In his new book, The Indoctrinated Brain, he argues that gene-based COVID vaccines are weapons targeting brain function, particularly the formation and retention of new memories. He further claims these brain-damaging influences are intended to amplify the subversive effect of propaganda and psychological warfare, for example, against viruses, climate changes and more.
Please find out more about Dr. Michael Nehls' work and his new book from his website:
You may also follow him at
Moreover, Ulrike Granögger from the Solari Report has interviewed him, which you can find at
or watch the free full-length video on YouTube
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Children, Suicide And Deaths Of Despair From Lockdowns
In this video, Jason Kowelyshyn speaks about the effects which the "lockdown" measures during the early COVID period had on the mental health of children and adolescents.
Jason Kowelyshyn authored a well-researched memorandum on this topic, which you can access here:
Take Action Canada (2021) Deaths of Despair -- Child suicide evidence package
♦️PUBLIKATION der STRAFANZEIGE gegen SWISSMEDIC vom 7. Feb. 2024 (Strafanzeige 2.0)♦️

Dank einem super Team und dank ausgezeichneter Unterstützung zahlreicher Experten aus der ganzen Welt ist es gelungen, die Evidenz der Strafanzeige vom Juli 2022 gegen SWISSMEDIC umfassend zu aktualisieren und die zahlreichen Rechtsverstösse der Schweizer Zulassungsbehörde SWISSMEDIC noch präziser und noch umfassender aufzuarbeiten als bisher.

Die Evidenzlage hat sich im Vergleich zur Erstfassung in sämtlichen Bereichen drastisch bestätigt. Die Zulassungen der mRNA-basierten COVID-19 „Impfungen“ hätten längstens widerrufen werden sollen.

Zum Schutz der Schweizer Bevölkerung mache ich die Früchte unserer über 2-Jahre dauernden harten Teamarbeit erneut für die Welt verfügbar.

Dieser Skandal SWISSMEDIC hat historische Ausmasse und ist von so grosser Tragweite, dass er zwingend auch von der Politik aufgearbeitet werden muss - nicht nur von der Staatsanwaltschaft.

Ich danke allen, die mich und mein Team bei dieser aufreibenden und kräfteraubenden Arbeit seit Ende 2021 unterstützt haben, insbesondere:
* Lic. iur. Jürg Vollenweider (ehem. leitender Staatsanwalt)
* Dr. Michael Palmer (Canada)
* Prof. Dr. Konstantin Beck (Uni Luzern/CH)
* Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bahkdi (Kiel/D)
* Prof. Arne Burkhardt (sel.)
* Sämtlichen Professoren und Experten der 7 Argumente;
* Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Sönnichsen (UK)
* Prof. DDr. Martin Haditsch (Ö)
* Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Hockertz (CH)
* DDr. Renate Holzeisen, RA (It)
* Dr. iur. Brigitte Röhrig, RA (D)

Mein ganz besonderer Dank geht an Dr. iur. Markus Zollinger, RA und an dipl. pharm. (ETH) Kati Schepis.

Hier der Link zur Medienmitteilung 2.0 und zu allen relevanten Dokumenten:
Media is too big
Dr. David Bell, physician and epidemiologist, recently gave a talk to the D4CE on the question:

How solid is the data underlying the "pandemic preparedness" agenda?

David has comprehensive expertise in both clinical medicine and public health (see short bio below). In this talk, David dissects the WHO's claims that the world is facing a wave of ever-more frequent, dangerous and costly outbreaks, and that their "pandemic preparedness" agenda is the appropriate answer. He takes the viewer through several key papers which are used by the WHO to prop up its case. He shows the WHO's claims to have no basis in fact. Instead, the WHO starts with flawed research and further twists it into outright misinformation.
Dr Bell's comprehensive report on the topic:
Bell, D. et al. (2024) Rational Policy over Panic: Re-evaluating Pandemic Risk within the Global Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Agenda

Bio: David Bell is a clinical and public health physician with a PhD in population health and background in internal medicine, modelling and epidemiology of infectious disease. He has worked in global health and biotech for the past 20 years. Previously, he was Director of the Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund in the USA, Programme Head for Malaria and Acute Febrile Disease at FIND in Geneva, and worked in infectious diseases and coordinated malaria diagnostics strategy at the World Health Organization. He currently consults in biotech and international public health, and is a senior scholar of the Brownstone Institute, and consults for the REPPPARE project on pandemic risk at the University of Leeds.
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