Doctors For Covid Ethics Channel
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We are doctors and scientists from 30 countries, seeking to uphold medical ethics, patient safety and human rights in response to COVID-19.
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Watch the edited replay of D4CE 5th Symposium:
Laundering with Immunity – The Control Framework
by Corey Lynn

Corey Lynn starts her talk (1:40) with the history of the International Organizations Immunities Act. Her talk includes:
1. The International Organizations Immunities Act. is the key mechanism to allow international organizations to run both above and outside the law.
2. Many more treaties and headquarters agreements that grant specific organizations similar immunities, for example, Gates-founded Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (Gavi) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).
3. The immunity of Big Pharm from lawsuits for vaccine damage.
Watch edited replay of D4CE 5th Symposium: Overriding Sovereignty with International Treaties and Organizations, Catherine Austin Fitts with Carolyn Betts, MBA JD

Carolyn first discusses (1:00) the book by Adam Lebor: Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World (PublicAffairs, 2013). According to Catherine, the real goal of these bankers who created BIS was to create a global bank that has “sovereign immunity” and can not “be prosecuted and questioned.”
The two then discuss the following issues:
1. The BIS has extended its sovereign immunity to protect its member banks during the financial crisis and from prosecution. The New York Fed and HSBC are cited as examples (3:15).
2. The $21 trillion that have gone “missing” from the US government (6:20). Catherine speculates that the only way that the US government could balance the books in the face of this enormous theft is by lowering the life expectancy of the population.
3. Additional agencies and companies have been granted exemption from liability or even sovereign immunity status, particularly in healthcare.
Carolyn Betts believes that the lawsuits against COVID-19 measures may be “the way to educate people nationally and internationally about what's been going on and what's been leading up to where we are today.” Catherine Austin Fitts adds, “I dare any international organization to march into court and say that their sovereign immunity gives them the power to implement mass atrocity and murder worldwide.” Carolyn agrees: “I just don't see how you can say there's sovereign immunity for murder.”

Watch the video here:
Media is too big
"It's hard for most people to fathom that the government could be doing something that is systematically poisoning us."
—- Catherine Austin Fitts
Watch the full video here:
“This book is a must-read for those interested in the political and financial risks posed by our entry into international trade agreements and treaties and governance by international institutional rules and decisions that may or may not be in acccordance with the U.S. Constitution and other duly-adopted U.S. laws, regulations, and court decisions. “
“In creating an institution free from the pesky problems posed by the elected officials of sovereign governments, however, the central bankers created a Frankenstein that now needs to be dismantled.”

Read the book review written by Carolyn Betts on Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World (PublicAffairs, 2013) at the Solari Report
Watch edited replay: Intent to Harm - Evidence of Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the pharma manufacturers, US Department of Defense (DOD), US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) by Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova.

COVID “vaccines” are weapons – according to secretive yet official policies of the US government. This video is a must-watch.
Sasha summarizes the state of the evidence on COVID vaccines: they are toxic by design, they lack safety and efficacy. Manufacturing standards are lousy, and policy malignant. These observations raise the questions:
1. Why has there been no remedial action by the regulators or the courts?
Sasha’s answer is startling: regulators and courts have not taken action, because the COVID vaccines are not merely covered by Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), but are also classified as “military countermeasures.”
2.What's the Structure, and Who Decides?
According to Sasha, the National Security Council (NSC) is in charge of the COVID Policy. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) leads the federal pandemic response. The HHS mainly plays an information and propaganda role, “pretending that they are doing something over which they don't have the authority.
3. Who is REALLY developing and manufacturing these injections?
Sasha asserts that NSC, DOD, and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) are in charge, not the Pharma companies.
She concludes with some hard-hitting statements:
"BARDA also was very proud of being able to accelerate the clinical development by breaking the law."
“BARDA alone took over the entire pharmaceutical industry in the United States.”
"COVID-19 Injections are weapons intended to harm."

Watch the Sasha's presentation here:
Watch Edited replay of D4CE 5th Symposium:
Session II Panel Discussion
Philipp Kruse, Dr Renate Holzeisen, Dr Ros Jones MD joined Ray L. Flores to discuss their perspectives on the legal landscapes in their respective jurisdictions.

Dr. Renate Holzeisen described a ruling in Italy that upheld the constitutionality of Italy’s vaccine mandates based on ‘science.’ She considered the decision “a huge scandal,” given that COVID vaccines do not prevent contagiousness, which negates the scientific rationale for vaccine mandates in the first place.

Dr Ros Jones MD described procedural and cultural barriers to legally challenging vaccination of children in the UK. The court did not evaluate the quality of scientific evidence behind official decisions, as long as “experts” had been consulted. Both Ray Flores and Phillip Kruse shared similar experiences in the US and Switzerland.

“I think parents are listening… For the five to 11 [age group], just seven percent [in the UK] have had two doses. So I think the parents are voting with their feet,” according to Dr. Jones

Renate Holzeisen concluded by stressing that as public opinion changes in this way, judges and prosecutors are more willing to do their job. Ray Flores agreed, adding “the courts follow culture.
Watch the full discussion here:
Watch the edited replay of D4CE 5th Symposium:
A Series on the Suppression of Doctors and Scientists During the COVID Crisis

In this video, Dr. Thomas Binder from Switzerland and Dr. Ryan Cole from the US, recounted how they were persecuted during the COVID crisis.
On the evening of Easter Saturday in 2020, Dr. Binder was "brutally arrested" by a 60-strong "hardcore anti-terrorism unit with machine guns." Upon finding no basis for arrest, the Swiss anti-terrorism unit called in a medical examiner, who issued the concocted diagnosis of 'corona insanity' and placed Dr. Binder in a padded cell for 36 hours.

Next, Dr. Ryan Cole described his experiences of ill-treatment by the mainstream media, insurance companies, and various medical boards.
Taylor Hudak concluded that we are witnessing "the weaponization of psychology and mental health to demonize dissenting voices."
Watch the edited replay of D4CE 5th Symposium:
Doctor Hunting and Fighting Back

In this video, Dr. Meryl Nass discussed how totalitarian control of the medical profession was achieved and gave an overview of the legal proceedings in the US and laid out the strategies to fight back, as "hundreds or thousands of doctors have been investigated or lost their licenses." She encouraged doctors to familiarise themselves with the First Amendment of the US Constitution, the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
During the panel discussion, Dr. Liz Evans joined Taylor Hudak and Dr. Meryl Nass in discussing the dangers of weaponizing terms such as 'disinformation' and 'misinformation' to suppress scientific debates.
"Don't wait for the court to make the decision," concluded Dr. Nass

Dr. Evans added that the emerging laws criminalizing doctors' speech would prevent doctors from abiding by their codes of ethics. She stressed that medical ethics existed to protect patients and that medicine without ethics was unsafe for us all.

Watch the video here:
Watch the edited replay of D4CE 5th Symposium
The Psychology of Covid-19 Atrocities
This video summarizes the Unlimited Hangout article, Covid-19: Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?, analyzing the abuses enacted under COVID-19 through the lens of the psychology of mass atrocity. It stresses the dangers of demonising active bystanders as 'conspiracy theorists', and the importance of holding atrocity's instigators to account.

Watch the video here:
Watch edited replay of D4CE 5th Symposium
Guideposts Towards a Future of Our Own Making - Wolfgang Wodarg

Polly Tommey of CHD.TV opened the session by introducing Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a medical doctor, former politician, and expert on public health and pandemics, who spoke about the foundations of democracy, the mechanisms of its erosion, and core principles for rebuilding democratic governance once again.
Dr. Wodarg shared a formula for resilient democracies centered around transparency as a function of societal size and complexity. Transparency, he stressed, is the critical ingredient for safeguarding democracy and we were witnessing “almost everything institutionally corrupted.”
Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr. Meryl Nass joined Polly Tommey and Dr. Wodarg to discuss his presentation. Catherine Austin Fitts encouraged viewers to realize that the things we do, and the actions we take, are much more powerful than many people realize. In “everything you think and everything you do,” she said, “say no to darkness and yes to light.”
Watch the video here:
D4CE 5th Symposium: Closing Remarks by Michael Palmer MD and Catherine Austin Fitts
Michael Palmer, MD, rounded off the symposium with a message to doctors, nurses, patients, and lawyers.

Finally, Catherine Austin Fitts read Vermont Royster's In Hoc Anno Domini (In This Year of Our Lord), written for the Wall Street Journal in 1949 at Christmas, as the world recovered from a devastating war. The book describes Saul of Tarsus' conversion and emancipation from a world in bondage, with a message to stand fast in liberty, render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and "be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."

"For one to be free all will be free. This means you. Choose freedom, so that tyranny cannot and will not stand. May your light arise and break through the darkness today, and throughout the New Year and all of 2023. "
D4CE 5th Symposium: Introduction by Taylor Hudak
Journalist Taylor Hudak MA opened the symposium by noting that as we approach the end of 2022, “it is clear that we are at a critical point in our fight for freedom, bodily autonomy and human rights.”

Doctors for Covid Ethics’ documentation of evidence that mRNA vaccines are causing vascular and organ damage has gone viral, she said, “which demonstrates the manifest shift in the public discourse” underway. It is a shift that has inspired the motto for this our fifth symposium: In the Midst of Darkness Light Prevails.

Watch Taylor Hudak' s Video
Watch the videos of D4CE's previous symposiums here:
A state Supreme Court judge ruled on Friday that the Commissioner of Health for New York State, Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Department of Health overstepped their authority when mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for healthcare workers, a vaccine not included in the state public health law.
Judge Gerard Neri sided with Medical Professionals for Informed Consent, a group of medical workers who filed on October 20, 2022. The judge wrote in the ruling that the mandate is "null, void."
Professor Mark Skidmore's representative survey of COVID vaccination decisions and experiences has finally been published in the peer-reviewed journal BMC Infectious Diseases. Skidmore concludes from his analysis that, even as of December 2021, almost 300,000 deaths had occurred in connection with the vaccination.