Die Vryburger Beweging
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Please join us Saturday night at 22:00 SAST for the next episode of our international podcast, the BoerCast. Please share this special episode with as many people as possible as we will be speaking to well-known Australian nationalists Thomas Sewell and Jacob Hersant!

Sluit asseblief Saterdagaand om 22:00 SAST by ons aan vir die volgende episode van ons internasionale potgooi, die BoerCast. Deel asseblief hierdie spesiale episode met soveel mense as moontlik, want ons sal met bekende Australiese nasionaliste Thomas Sewell en Jacob Hersant praat!

Forwarded from Jacob Hersant
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Jews laugh at Whites because we won't stand up for ourselves
"Your descendants are the future of your folk, do your part!"
Artikel / Article: Só breek hulle ons identiteit af (Here's how they break down our identity)

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Die Vryburger Beweging herdenk vandag Jan van Riebeeck dag. Ter nagedagtenis van ons blanke voorvaders wat beskawing na Suid-Afrika gebring het, sal ons vanaand op Facebook 'n publieke vergadering hê. Kom luister gerus saam en deel die skakel met vriende en familie:


Sien julle daar, ons sal wen!
Please join us tomorrow night at 19:00 SAST for the next episode of our international podcast, the BoerCast. Please share this episode far and wide!

Sluit asseblief môreaand om 19:00 SAST by ons aan vir die volgende episode van ons internasionale potgooi, die BoerCast. Deel asseblief hierdie episode wyd en syd!

Johannes Agenbach - Boereryk!
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All political parties work for the establishment - Do no longer be fooled white man, they will stab you in the back the first chance they get in order to please their elite financial donors and the non-white majority for whose interests they need to cater in order to stay in power. The only solution is white cooperation outside the mainstream political establishment!
Media is too big
As we stand on the brink of yet another election to determine which circus party will govern the dysfunctional, multi-racial "rainbow nation", we as a movement stay true to our values and refuse to partake in the very system that has led to the oppression of our people. In this torch march, now an annual tradition of our movement, we firmly show our outright rejection of this satanic globalist system and all the degeneracy that comes with it. We see this rejection as the first step towards true freedom. We will actively continue doing everything in our power to build a future exclusively for like-minded White people and form a power block that operates separately from the hostile system that so many people still place their hope in today.