Demo-Termine & Kontakte, Gleichgesinnte treffen - Demokalender, Spaziergänge, Mahnwachen, Meditation *Rücktritt Bundesregierung!
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🔊 Wir Demokraten wollen miteinander in Kontakt bleiben @DemotermineChat und uns im Bedarfsfall möglichst schnell austauschen, Beweise in Wort, Bild und Ton sichern, damit sie nicht unterschlagen werden können @LivestreamsFuerDich!

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Stand up for YOUR right to protest.

What’s your cause? Animal rights, disability rights, women’s rights, medical freedom etc etc - this is the time to UNITE

These are weekday events because these are the days when the Lords will be voting whether to keep original clauses OR to keep new amendments from being added.

We could have some big wins which the House of Commons couldn’t overturn on some like the Serious Disruption Orders and Stop and Search without Suspicion.

For those that are in a position to feel free to CAMP for the week.

You can find FLAME TORCHES here - - to keep us going until after dark.

All forms of protest welcome, be inventive, is now the time to push yourself out of your comfort zone?

If we lose the right to protest, we LOSE.

Join us to MAKE A STAND and #UniteForFreedom

Raus auf die Straßen @Demotermine!
👉 Übersicht / Overview 👈
Are you ready for TODAY??

When a Bill follows due process there are many advisory bodies that work to ensure that the Bill delivers what it’s meant to, check for flaws and assess the wider impacts.
The Joint Committee on Human Rights offered some commentary to the Government on the parts of the

PCSC Bill saying that words like “unease” and “annoyance” were too vague and could therefore result in Human Rights Violations.
Now instead of the Government taking this on board and using it to amend the Bill their response was “WE REJECT THIS ENTIRELY”.
They have been told that this Bill will cause Human Rights violations and they will not listen and are ploughing on. This is why it is SO important that we get out there to raise our voices and protest in whichever way we deem fit so that they can’t ignore us.
They don’t want us to cause NOISE or DISRUPTION - so what should we do?
Parliament Square - 1pm - #Wed0812 #Mon1312 #Wed1512 Dec
#UniteForFreedom #AllCauses #ResistThePoliceState #PolicingBill

#GB #London