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Forwarded from CSW. 303* The art of BitCoin (@RamonQuesada)
"There was a secondary part of the name Satoshi. Satoshi Sugiyama was
adopted by an American and given the name David Phillips. It comes from
a book, The House of Morgan. David was adopted in both cases. David
Kleiman was adopted, and so was Satoshi. I admired the “characters” in
the book. It reminded me of a more glorious and honourable period in
banking. Not something that we could go back to, but something we could
remember when formulating Bitcoin. Pierpoint Morgan was an interesting
character and one who proved himself through work."

Pag. 9
Satoshi's Vision:
The Art of Bitcoin.
By Craig Wright
August 2019

"In order to fund my work, my partner Dave Kleiman and I sold code that
was used in gaming out of countries such as Costa Rica. David took the
biggest risk. Gambling is not illegal in Australia. But nothing Dave earned
in Panama could be repatriated legally to the USA. On top of that, the
mere issuing of coin was illegal. I wasn’t American, but Dave was, so that was a problem."

Pag. 10
Satoshi's Vision:
The Art of Bitcoin.
By Craig Wright
August 2019

Forwarded from CSW. 303* The art of BitCoin (@RamonQuesada)
"Dave had been storing all the money we used in accounts
attached to Liberty Reserve. It’s not as much of a problem for me as it was for him because gambling laws in the US preclude sports betting in any form whereas it is legal in Australia.

Dave and I worked with law enforcement and others for a long time. Dave took opiates, because his condition left him in constant pain. But more importantly, contacts of his told him about the impending takedown of Liberty Reserve eight weeks before it occurred. He was left with the problem of knowing that if he moved his funds, it would be tracked.
Effectively, to do so would have ended his career."

Pag. 25
Satoshi's Vision:
The Art of Bitcoin.
By Craig Wright
August 2019

15.1 MB
Craig’s niece, River (daughter of Lisa Edwards) about her uncle being Satoshi Nakamoto visiting her house in Australia together with Dave Kleiman (when she was 15)
¿Quién fue Dave Kleiman?
Dave Kleiman nació en el año de 1967 y fue adoptado por una pareja de Palm Beach, Louis y Regina Kleiman. Su madre adoptiva murió pero su padre ya cuenta con 94 años.

Cuando era niño soñaba con dedicarse al mundo de la tecnología y así lo decía a sus amigos de juegos, pero todos coincidían en que su vida estaba rodeada de misterios.

Para 1986, ingresó a las filas de las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos, allí se destacó como técnico en helicópteros. Vuelve a casa cuatro años después y decide trabajar para el Sheriff de Palm Beach, es aquí donde conoce a Patrick Paige, su oficial supervisor y con quien establece una fuerte amistad, que los lleva a establecer su empresa bajo el nombre de “Computer Forensics, LLC”. https://criptotendencia.com/2019/11/01/la-misteriosa-vida-y-muerte-de-dave-kleiman-uno-de-los-genios-que-ayudaron-a-crear-bitcoin/
Forwarded from CSW. 300 Articles (@RamonQuesada)
On Scammers, a redux.
- Craig Wright (Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin.)
- Medium
Nov 4 · 2019

"In 2015, after a year of trying to force us to liquidate companies so that he could get money, after lying to government officials to try and force my companies into liquidation and cause problems he sought to force me into negotiating and settling with him. He tried to force money. He tried to set terms based on the fact that he wanted me to give him more money to keep silent. I’d shared my involvement with creating bitcoin privately with his father and Mr Ira Kleiman, Aka scumbag conman try-hard sought to force my hand. You see, I didn’t want to come out as Satoshi."

Forwarded from CSW. 300 Books (@RamonQuesada)
Overwriting Hard Drive Data: The Great Wiping Controversy

Authors and affiliations
Craig Wright 1.BDO KendallsSydneyAustralia
Dave Kleiman 2.ComputerForensicExaminer.comFloridaUS
Shyaam Sundhar R.S. 3.SymantecUSA


About this paper
Cite this paper as:
Wright C., Kleiman D., Sundhar R.S. S. (2008) Overwriting Hard Drive Data: The Great Wiping Controversy. In: Sekar R., Pujari A.K. (eds) Information Systems Security. ICISS 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5352. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Publisher Name
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
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eBook Packages
Computer Science
Forwarded from 2008 White Paper- WP (@RamonQuesada)
The Parallel History Of Bitcoin. - ALTCOIN MAGAZINE
- Medium
Donald Mulders
Jun 16 · 2019


"Dave Kleiman (*28) became a law enforcement officer after his service in the US Army. Later he worked in computer forensics expert. (*29) If you look up his credentials and certifications in this field, they are very impressive. The list of accomplishments is long! Dave (*30) could also be found on the Cryptography mailing list, but he clearly had different ideas (*31) than the Cypherpunks as we can see from his public performances. (*32)"

If you look into their works you’ll see that Craig and Dave definitely didn’t fit in with most of the other people on the cypherpunk list. They were definitely not hackers, they were anti-hackers. Because most will not believe any of it I’ll provide some of their proof-of-work available for all the see."

28 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2682943

29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn6q0dGrHRY

30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ForkipJu05c

31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEVVpK4hL4g

32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkN4Qr4uz4w
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From dave at davekleiman.com Tue Jan 20 19:18:39 2009
From: dave at davekleiman.com (Dave Kleiman)
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 19:18:39 -0500
Subject: [heise online UK] Secure deletion: a single overwrite will do it
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0901202201210.4359@pl2.zayda.com>
References: <49745164.4050003@secorvo.de> <Pine.LNX.4.64.0901202201210.4359@pl2.zayda.com>
Message-ID: <00f201c97b5d$d13f4790$73bdd6b0$@com>

On Mon, 19 Jan 2009, Stefan Kelm wrote:
> ...it has to be overwritten completely, sector
> by sector. Although this takes time, it costs nothing: the dd command in
> any Linux distribution will do the job perfectly.

Note quite perfectly, and not nearly as fast as the built-in option (see below).

On Mon, 20 Jan 2009, Jason wrote:
>I agree in general, although you still have to watch out for "reserve tracks"
>(search on this page)....."All hard disks have reserved sectors, which are used automatically by the
>drive logic if there is a defect in the media.":

Yes the main areas you are referring to are known as the P-List (Primary Defects List ? manufacture defect info that does not change) G-List (Grown Defects Lists ? sector relocation table). You can only access the P-List with special commands and tools.

However, you can wipe the G-List are if you do it outside of an OS (or a tool that can access the system area), since the OS knows nothing of these sectors. The easiest (possible the best because of speed) way to accomplish this in modern ATA hard drives (2001 forward) is with the built-in Secure Erase program. Conveniently placed there for us by Recording Research (CMRR) headed by Gordon Hughes, Associate Director of CMRR, USSD on the Secure Erase Initiative.

""At the ANSI T-13 Committee meeting in 2004, Gordon described the differences between block erase as described in government document DoD2550 and Secure Erase. Unlike block level erase Secure Erase also overwrites reassigned blocks and can be up to eight times faster (per CMRR tests).
In addition the enhanced SE command qualifies for Federal Government secret data classification erasure.""

You can download a DOS-based utility HDDerase that securely erases all data on ATA hard disk drives via the internal secure erase command. http://cmrr.ucsd.edu/people/Hughes/SecureErase.shtml

And yes, I am the same Dave Kleiman from the paper.
-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Wright [mailto:cwright@bdosyd.com.au]
Sent: 23 February 2006 21:10
To: dave kleiman; Darren W Miller
Cc: Al Sutton; defendingthenet
Subject: RE: Why Easy To Use Software Is Putting You At Risk


Dave stated; "Craig.. And be gentle Craig will pick apart opinions and bring back \
factual information without batting an eye."

True and I am always open to being proved wrong. The thing is that I have to be \
PROVED Wrong. Opinion and anecdotal evidence is not proof. Validated points and \
correctly collected statistical data are.

RE: Forensic/Cyber Crime Investigator
From: "Craig Wright" <cwright () bdosyd com au>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:43:08 +1100

Hi Dave,

It is true that there are cases/incidents that go to court (even virus infections). These are statistically the
anecdotal case is just the exception. In fact if 1% of all corporate (even excluding personal incidents) incidents
involving virus incidents alone where to go to court, the court system would fold.
fw-wiz] HTML Emails and Firewall Security

dave kleiman dave@netmedic.net
Sun Aug 3 10:47:03 2003
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You could always utilize the NOHTML.DLL in any Outlook client =

Dave Kleiman